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We need to stop Kagome from using explosives. Too loud, it'll attract attention.

Weapons and taijutsu only, attack one team while accusing them of betraying us to make the other team hesitate for a second while they process that. Then turn on the other team.

Make it quick and hide the bodies, then get back to the mission.
If we go that way we just store the bodies instead. But I'd prefer diplomacy first.
Speaking of explosives attracting attention...

Sure, I've been meaning to do this for a while.

Note: Seals that branch off from other seals don't need the previous seals to be researched first, but doing do makes the requirements less severe mechanically.

  • Storage Seal [DONE]
    • Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA PMYF_V1 [DONE]
    • Timed-Storing Storage Seal
      • Matter-Eater Seal
        • Siberian Seal
    • Increased-Volume Storage Seal
    • Multiple-Item Storage Seal
      • PMYF_V2 (Additional Requirement: Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal)
    • Ranged-Dispensing Storage Seals
    • Ranged-Storing Storage Seals
    • Linked Cargo-Transferring Storage Seals
    • Storage Seal Where Time Passes in Storage (possible requirement for PMYF_V2)
    • Kinetic-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA Gun Seal
      • Sentry Turret Seal
    • Macerator Seal (No Stress Limiter) [DONE]
      • Macerator Seal (Amplified Stress)
        • Macerator Seal (Scalable Stress)
        • Fabricator Seal
    • Stressless Storage Seal
      • Pokeball Seal (Additional Requirement: Animal Training Seal)
    • Matter Increaser Seal
    • Material-Selective Storage Seals (other than the types listed elsewhere)
    • Fluid/Powder Area-Dispensing Storage Seal (Dispenses contents uniformly over a defined area)
    • Fluid Storage outside of containers
      • Storage of Wakahisa-Water without loss of chakra
    • Kagome's Implosion Seal
      • Extinguishing Seal (stores all fire in a massive radius)
      • Anti-Seal Seal (stores all chakra-ink in radius except for itself, deleting all other seals)
      • Instant Crater Seal (stores all earth in radius)
      • Air-Cannon Reactive Armour Seals
      • Reverse Rocket Seal
      • Mummification Seal
      • People-Eater Seal
      • Poison Removal Seal
      • Light-Storing Seal
        • Laser Cannon Seal
  • Explosion Seal [DONE]
    • Silent Explosion Seal
    • Invisible Explosion Seal
      • Stealth Explosion Seal (Additional Requirement: Silent Explosion Seal)
    • Bombification Seal (makes all objects in radius that match a specified criteria explode)
    • 2D Circular Planar Explosion Seal
    • Non-Thermal Explosion Seal
    • Shaped Explosion Seal
      • Explosive Reactive Armour Seals
    • Ray-Gun Seal
    • Explosive Mine Seal
  • Seal of Grand Fireball
  • Seal of EM
    • Seal of Shaped EM
  • Summoning Seal Analysis
    • Hiraishin
      • Automatic Teleport-Dodge Seal
      • Remote-Subject Teleport Seal
        • Telefrag Seal
        • Mass Teleport-Evacuation Seals
    • Time Travel Seal
    • Time Dilation Seal
    • Nullify Spacetime Manipulation Seal
    • Seal of Kamui
    • Webway Seals
    • GPS Seal
    • Clock Seal
    • Vista Seal
  • Casino Chakra-Detection Seals
    • Chakrameter Seal (detects amount of chakra, not just presence)
    • Chakra Analysis Seal (detects features of present chakra: yin, yang, elements)
      • Detailed Chakra Analysis Seal (detects more precise information about present chakra, allowing understanding of what that chakra might be doing in terms of jutsu or seals)
    • Chakra-Sensor Seals AKA Extrasensory Seals
    • Warning Light Seal
    • Sound-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Speaker Seal
        • Mosquito Seal (pumps out unpleasant headache-inducing noise as a non-lethal deterrent)
        • Hypersound Seal
          • Sonic Cannon Seal
        • Microphone Seal
          • Noise-Cancelling Seal
            • Shaped-Area Noise-Cancelling Seal
      • Sonar Seal
    • Light-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Flashbang Seal (Additional Requirement: Sound-Output Seals)
      • Laser Gun Seal
      • Monitor Seal
        • Digital Camera Seal
          • Silent Video Camera Seal
            • Video Camera Seal (Additional Requirement: Microphone Seal)
      • Radar Seal
  • Seal of MEW
  • Seal of Henge
  • Seal of Earth Clone
    • Seal of Tiny Earth Clones
      • Seal of Nanoclones
  • State Seals
    • Logic Seals
      • Computer Seal (Additional Requirements: Speaker Seal, Monitor Seal, some kind of input)
        • Internet Seals
  • Force Wall Seal
    • Force Wall projected from a single Seal
    • Single-Direction Permeable Force Wall Seal
    • Selectively Permeable Force Wall Seals
    • One-Way Mirror Force Wall Seal
    • Force Shuriken-Extension Seal
    • Force Kunai-Extension Seal
    • Curved Force Wall Seal
      • Spherial Force Field Seal
      • Dome Force Field Seal
    • Force Cage Seal
    • Opaque Force Wall Seal
      • Force Hut Seal
        • Programmable Force-Architecture Seal (Additional Requirement: Computer Seal)
        • Force Tower Seal
          • Force Citadel Seal
    • Blood Loss Prevention Seal (Additional Requirement: Single Diagnostic "Detect Wounds" Seal)
    • Razorwire Seals
    • Force Buckler Seal
      • Force Tower-Shield Seal
      • Skintight Forcefield Seal
  • Five-Seal Barrier
    • Kinetic Resistence Seal (F-SB without the four extra seals)
    • One-Seal Barrier (F-SB without the four extra seals, locks position relative to the Earth)
      • Mobile One-Seal Barrier (O-SB that locks position relative to the target itself, allowing indestructibility without immobility)
  • Tripwire Seal
    • Civilian-Usable Storage Seal (two tripwires run over the surface of the paper, tripping them activates their functions, one stores, the other unstores) (Additional Requirement: Storage Seal)
  • Single Diagnostic Seal (monitors a single biological function) (Additional Requirement: Any Output Seal)
    • Multiple Diagnostic Seal (combination of multiple SDSs)
      • Lie-Detector Seal
      • Rengeneration Seal
      • Monogenic Mutation Seals
        • Polygenic Mutation Seals
    • Auto-Dispel Seal (Requires: Single Diagnostic "Detect Foreign Chakra" Seal)
  • Seals that can maintain their charge by drawing from supplies of Wakahisa water
  • Beacon Seals
  • Automatic Seal Reactivation
  • Flesh Maintainance Seal (required component for putting seals on flesh)
  • Seal Self-Repair (alternative component for putting seals on flesh)
  • Seal Error-Checker (scans a seal blank for known errors) (Required: any output)
  • Altered Gravity Seal
    • Anti Deva Path Seal
    • Black Hole Seal (plz no)
      • Gravitational Time Dilation Seal
      • Wormhole Seal
      • Gravitational Space Warping Seal
        • Gravitational Warp-Drive Seal
  • Seal of Light-Weight Rock Technique
  • Seals of Pangolin-Element Techniques
  • Seals of Composite Element Techniques
    • Seal of Ice Element Freeze Ray
    • Seal of Ice Element Ice-Cube Dispenser (makes ice cubes from real ice, like MEW makes walls from real stone)
    • Seal of Dust Element
    • Seals of Mokuton Anti-Bijuu Techniques (Additional Requirement: ACL Microorganism Generation Seal)
  • Chakra Draining Seal
    • Chakra Battery Seal
  • Artficial Chakra Lifeform (ACL) Microorganism Generation Seal
    • ACL Plant Generation Seal
      • ACL Minor Demon Generation Seal
        • ACL Demon Generation Seal
  • Seal Neural Interfacing
    • Sensory HUD Seal
    • Animal Training Seal
    • Unadaptive Genjutsu Seals
      • Sensory Deprivation Seal
      • Pain Seal
      • Imbalance Seal
      • Knockout Seal
      • Shinigami Seal
      • Paralysis Seal
      • Empathy Seal
    • Retrograde Amnesia Seal
    • Anterograde Amnesia Seal
    • Suggestibility Seal
    • Linked Genjutsu Vector Seals (when the user and victim are both in range of/in contact with the appropriate seal, the user can cast genjutsu on the victim without needing to see their eyes)
  • Poor Man's 64 Palms
    • Area Chakra-Disabling Seal
  • Stun Seal
    • Poor Man's Chidori
  • Seal of Lightning Boost
  • Seals of Elemental Construct Generation
  • Seal of Invisibility (physically bends light around the subject, not genjutsu based)
  • Linked Chakra-Transmission Seals
  • Force Generation Seal
    • Gyroscope Seal
    • Cannon Seal
    • Mass Driver Seal
  • Proximity Motion Detection Seal
    • Projectile-Storing Storage Seal (Additional Requirement: Ranged-Storing Storage Seals)
  • Intoxication Seals (different seals for intoxication with different drugs)
    • AoE Intoxication Seal
      • Time-Delayed AoE Intoxication Seal
  • Edo Tensei (how am I only just adding this now?!)
  • Chakra Rebalancer Seal
  • Chakra-Construct Dispulsion Seal
  • Silence Seal (cancels sonic waves through the air in radius)
  • Nadir Seal (Seals or negates a large amount of energy within radius, regardless of what form that energy takes. Induces massive Slowing/Darkening/Chilling/Quietening effect.)
  • Zenith Seal (Massively amplifies all types of energy in its radius. Movement gets faster, light gets brighter, sounds get louder, temperature gets hotter.)
  • Arbitrary Timer Trigger Seal
  • Trigger Multiplexer Seal
  • Arbitrary Detection Seal (Scans radius for a thing, gives output if it finds that thing.)
    • Arbitrary Detection Trigger Seal (Scans radius for a thing, triggers connected seal if it finds that thing.)
  • Voice Command Trigger Seal (Listens for a command word, activates connected seal if it hears that word.)
  • Trigger-Blocker Seal (Connects to the connection between a trigger and another seal. While Trigger-Blocker is activated, it will prevent the trigger from activating the other seal.)
  • Seal-Blocker Seal (Connects to another seal. While Seal-Blocker is activated, it prevents the other seal from activating.)
  • Power Weapon Seal (Coats weapon in raiton, katon, and/or futon chakra while seal is running, allowing it to imitate a chakra-blade.)
  • Paired Relative-Kinematics Seals (Seals that attract/repel/reorient each other/themselves relative to each other.)
  • Magnet Seal
    • North Monopole Seal
    • South Monopole Seal
For the record, I don't think we should do any Stealth missions period following this arc until our Stealth is up to snuff. It's consistently our weakness (multiplied by the fact that EVERYONE has to roll well or we're screwed regardless).
For the record, I don't think we should do any Stealth missions period following this arc until our Stealth is up to snuff. It's consistently our weakness (multiplied by the fact that EVERYONE has to roll well or we're screwed regardless).
Oh yeah, wasn't stealth supposed to be lowest party member versus highest enemy?
Oh yeah, wasn't stealth supposed to be lowest party member versus highest enemy?

Yeah, this wildly changes the dynamics of stealth. It becomes a nearly useless skill very quickly as the number of team members grows.


We've also got Noodle, and I fully expect the polities of Hot Pot and Steam to pop up at some point.
Speaking of explosives attracting attention...

Could you add a multiple use explosive seal? A directional explosive that can be triggered multiple times. A non directed explosion would just shred the seal. It should also be a requirement for a reactive armor seal, otherwise there's be of limited use and create obvious weak spots.
"If we were spies, we would be looking at military and economic targets, not ways out of town. We are missing-nin, but we really don't want to mess up your lovely town, which not talking things over may put at risk."
"If we were spies, we would be looking at military and economic targets, not ways out of town. We are missing-nin, but we really don't want to mess up your lovely town, which not talking things over may put at risk."
Step between Kagome and them while talking, make a subtle handsign to tell him you'll substitute if you think things are going south and THEN he can blow them up.

e: Ooh, better still, compliment both of their clans while subtly dissing the Irie. This way, we can enamor ourselves to them and give them a new target for their vitriol.
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So many options to parse through, so little time. Mapping out the town was a big mistake, and it's threatening to fubar our whole mission. I can't see an easy way out of this one, so we need to find a way to lose the least.

First off, we cannot allow ourselves to be linked to Inoue. She has an absolutely incredible angle of getting the mayor on our side, and we can't risk jeopardizing that. Right now, they think they got the whole team, and we have to let them continue thinking that. I still have absolutely no idea what the hell anyone on our team is planning because we've never talked about it in text, so I don't know what Inoue is trying to accomplish with the Mayor's help (if she's actually trying to accomplish a goal instead of just following Hazou's plan). If the Mayor can spike Arikada's favored narcotic, that might be worth it.

Secondly, if we're going with the Diplomacy route, then the missing nin thing has to come out. Say that we're missing nin in town to relax, are currently planning escape routes because we're not total morons, and in the area to check out the rumors of Rice Clans hiring missing nin. The fact that there are ninja from two different clans here is either a curse or a blessing. If there was one, we could tempt them with the opportunity to recruit without the other two clans getting their hands on us. Because there's two, we might be able to make them more cautious to act hostile and drive us to the other clan. All of this is going to depend on how unified these town ninja are, and how willing they are to act on clan interests against their rivals. I'm doubtful at their chances of survival if we fight, and we can bring that fact up if they get uppity. So for this to work, we need to convince them that we are independent missing-nin and not village ninja on a sabotage mission.

If we all get the hell out of town, it'll be hard to sneak back in since they'd be on alert, but Inoue could potentially complete this on her own. But let's not push that onto her.


One end of the street contained four ninja in red. The other contained three in blue. He'd let the team be cornered. He'd let the team be cornered.

"Your hunch was right, Minori," one of the ninja in red said. "Looks like waiting has netted us the entire team.

"So," he looked Kagome in the eye, "you've been wandering around town noting points of strategic importance, haven't you, my dear little spies. I thought it was just a coincidence at first, but then you were so blatant about it that even the Hinago over there," he gestured contemptuously, "weren't blind enough to miss you."

"Is barking all you can do, Irie dog?" a woman in blue snapped. "This is our territory, and the spies are our prisoners. We don't need your help, so why don't you slink off to whatever kennel you came from?"

Alright, on further examination, they are still very competitive against eachother. Playing them off eachother might be relatively simple.
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@ChronOblivion There's TWO ninja clans in front of us, but there are THREE ninja clans with presence in the city. What do you think of our odds of playing the two against the third, by claiming Arikada's supposed to be hired by said third? Or just claim that Arikada's supposed to meet her employer here?
@ChronOblivion There's TWO ninja clans in front of us, but there are THREE ninja clans with presence in the city. What do you think of our odds of playing the two against the third, by claiming Arikada's supposed to be hired by said third? Or just claim that Arikada's supposed to meet her employer here?

I'm aware of that. I initially thought it might be difficult to get them to work with eachother to spite the third, but claiming we have actual intel of Arikada being hired by the third could work. They may be inclined to let us carry out the assassination. On the other hand, Arikada is meeting someone here before being brought into the fold, so there is someone in this town with one of the clans who is waiting for her. If one of these clans is the actual one trying to hire her, and they are either aware of it themselves or will report this to the person in town who does, we're hosed and the mission is revealed. Things become difficult.
You know... Nobby is pretty perfectly suited to keep someone alive even if they damned well should be dead. Medical techniques, intense chakra control and ability to infuse folks with chakra, water techniques (to manipulate blood)... Given time, he could probably preserve someone who would otherwise be dead.
Pinging you @Muer'ci in case you want to get in on the plan making. We could use something like another roki debut plan.
Thank you for thinking of me, but I won't be joining in on the planning for a variety of reasons, most of them sad and boring RL stuff.

Wish y'all luck tho.

And this is lousy advice, I know, but if the party is going to default to sneaking and talking as plan A/B they really ought to have stats to match.
@eaglejarl @Velorien iirc you guys were still hashing out mechanics for Akane's style a while back - how is it going to be implemented if we wind up in combat this update?

Jesus, this thread is a lot less busy than it usually is in a crisis. We're gonna have our work cut out for us tonight.
Yeah, through we've got some solid discussion of th options at least
(On my end it's been three midterms/projects in a row this week keeping me from participating as much :()
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@eaglejarl @Velorien iirc you guys were still hashing out mechanics for Akane's style a while back - how is it going to be implemented if we wind up in combat this update?


Yeah, through we've got some solid discussion of th options at least
(On my end it's been three midterms/projects in a row this week keeping me from participating as much :()
I'm currently suffering from a UTI and fever, so I'm not going to be much good, either.
[X] Bullshit like you've never bullshit before.
-[X] "Took you guys long enough."
--[X] We figured this was the fastest way to get the local ninja to us. it doubling as infogathering was just killing too birds with one stone.
--[X] We want to talk with reps of all 3 ninja clans, since we have information that says one of them is about to get a massive advantage over the others.

At this point either they erupt into violence, or they have to hear us out.

We should at least try before giving up. Having few Lore Update votes is no biggie for dodging the Armageddon Initiative, but we should keep working on a plan with the intent to vote it in just as before. This quest is not going to get anywhere if we just keep voting Lore Updates for every other update.

In the spirit of getting shit done, let us take a look at the 'murder everything' -option.

Team Collateral Damage

I think I'll just quote myself here:
Now, what is it exactly that our party members can do?
  1. Hazou
    • Wounded -2 Dice
    • Highest Combat Dice (melee): 17-19* (+4 boost) *(Depends on whether Roki also gets the -2 dice on top of the penalty on Taijutsu)
    • Can make walls
      • Range 78 meters
      • 6 CP = ~10.5 meters of 90 cm tall, 30 cm thick wall
      • 100 CP = ~168 meters of 90 cm tall, 30 cm thick wall
    • 1 weak clone, not much use beyond triggering seals
  2. Keiko
    • Not wounded
    • Highes combat dice (ranged): 20 (+5 boost)
    • Ranged payloads
      • Explosives
      • Huge rocks inside PMYF
      • Paralytics inside Macerator
    • Zephyr for pre-combat tricks
    • Panchipaama the Pangolin, good for protecting stuff
    • Pandaa the Pangolin, good for the morale
  3. Noburi
    • Wounded -1 Dice
    • Highest combat dice (melee): 14 (+5 boost)
    • Chakra detection and drain in water or inside a mist
    • Syrup Trap to lower enemy TacMov
    • 3 Water Clones max
  4. Akane
    • Wounded -1 Dice
    • Highest combat dice (melee): 14 (+4 boost)
    • Can punch explosions
    • Firefly jutsu if something needs to be set on fire outside combat
  5. Mari
    • Wounded -1 Dice
    • Highest combat dice (melee): 18-21??? (+ boost)
    • Good enough genjutsu to take out a jounin
    • Wind Wall to buff/debuff projectiles
    • More Clones than Nobby
    • At least minor electricity jutsu
  6. Kagome
    • Not wounded
    • Highest combat dice (melee): 15? (+4 boost)
    • Can shit explosions
    • Can probably transform into a dragon if required

Team Irie + Hinago

Only numbers we have on them are their Awareness rolls '795' and '684'. For those numbers, we are looking at something like Awareness 16 and 14 respectively.

This is just me making an educated guess, but both teams probably have at least one person who can roll 15 non-boosted combat dice, possibly more. Worst case scenario is that they are all equally skilled, best case scenario only one of them is. Lets look at mass combat for both cases.

Simplified combat with no fancy jutsu or explosions.

Team Collateral Damage

Hazou: 13 + 4 roki + 4 boost + 12 MC = 33
Keiko: 20 + 5 boost + 12 MC = 37
Noburi: 14 + 5 boost + 12 MC = 31
Akane: 14 + 4 boost + 12 MC = 30
Kagome: 15 + 4 boost + 12 MC = 31

Mass Combat Bonus: 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 12

Team Irie + Hinago

Irie 1: 15 + 4 boost + 9 = 28
Irie 2: 10 + 3 boost + 9 = 22
Irie 3: 10 + 3 boost + 9 = 22
Irie 4: 10 + 3 boost + 9 = 22
Hinago 1: 15 + 4 boost + 9 = 28
Hinago 2: 10 + 3 boost + 9 = 22
Hinago 3: 10 + 3 boost + 9 = 22

Mass Combat Bonus: 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 9

Result: 37 vs 28


This scenario would be a complete win for us, everyone on our team would roll higher than the best of the enemy team.

Team Collateral Damage

Hazou: 13 + 4 roki + 4 boost + 12 MC = 33
Keiko: 20 + 5 boost + 12 MC = 37
Noburi: 14 + 5 boost + 12 MC = 31
Akane: 14 + 4 boost + 12 MC = 30
Kagome: 15 + 4 boost + 12 MC = 31

Mass Combat Bonus: 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 12

Team Irie + Hinago

Irie 1: 15 + 4 boost + 14 MC = 33

...times seven...

Mass Combat Bonus: 2 * 7 = 14

Result: 37 vs 33


Not so big win anymore, and three of us would roll less than the best of the enemy.

All of that was without the use of explosives or jutsu. Explosives ignore mass combat rules, meaning if Keiko gets the time to draw an explosive kunai we will definitely win. Letting Kagome open up will buy Keiko that time, and it might even end the fight there by taking out most of the enemies.

The problem is, they might also have explosives or comparable stuff, or maybe both teams actually have a jounin (or someone like Keiko) in them. The Irie have four people but the Hinago only three, now what are the chances that missing Hinago has high combat dice and is preparing a deadly AoE in case things go wrong.

The fact is, they got to pick when and where the fight starts. They must have something up their sleeve that gives them the confidence to confront us and possibly start a massive ninja fight in the middle of the town.
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