The explosive rune just opens a hole in the Out to get energy, then release it all at once. In theory, all we would have to do is have the rune store that energy, like adding water to make a water balloon. At least I hope.

Surely it's worth a prep day to gauge the difficulty of bypassing the 30s timer for runes, right?
It's worth it, but it's almost certainly not going to work. Also, storing Out energy seems either very noticeable or very dangerous or both.

Worth a shot, but manage expectations on the result.
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It's worth it, but it's almost certainly not going to work. Also, storing Out energy seems either very noticeable or very dangerous or both.

Worth a shot, but manage expectations on the result.
I'm...I'm less focused on making an explosive rune that can be quickly activated, and more focused on the proof-of-concept that runes in general can be quickly activated with some addditional work.

Though yes, we should be ready to move in case it goes badly, or it attracts Unwanted Attention.
I'm...I'm less focused on making an explosive rune that can be quickly activated, and more focused on the proof-of-concept that runes in general can be quickly activated with some addditional work.

Though yes, we should be ready to move in case it goes badly, or it attracts Unwanted Attention.
May I suggest a slight change?
Chakra-activated runic mine
An explosive rune that, once fully activated, goes off instantly if a large chakra source enters the zone.

Pressure-trigger is going to be a nightmare to actually trigger in practice. I get that it's proof of concept, but I'd like to get a useful rune out of it if possible, and the chakra-trigger version would be an incredible powerful (essie-killer!) trap to add to our toolbox

Similarly, consider updating to my spec for the Force Dome, that specifies a dome big enough to cover leaf.
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May I suggest a slight change?

Pressure-trigger is going to be a nightmare to actually trigger in practice. I get that it's proof of concept, but I'd like to get a useful rune out of it if possible, and the chakra-trigger version would be an incredible powerful (essie-killer!) trap to add to our toolbox
A reasonable point, though I would argue that chakra-based activation (touch) might be a better trigger than an arbitrary chakra amount activating the rune. Might change to that instead.
May I suggest a slight change?

Pressure-trigger is going to be a nightmare to actually trigger in practice. I get that it's proof of concept, but I'd like to get a useful rune out of it if possible, and the chakra-trigger version would be an incredible powerful (essie-killer!) trap to add to our toolbox

Similarly, consider updating to my spec for the Force Dome, that specifies a dome big enough to cover leaf.
Yeah I recommend doing some sort of proximity-based trigger, like what I suggested for this mine.
You want to steal Neji's first kiss from Noburi and/or Yuno?

Edit: Actually, if Noburi is in the running, so is Kei, for similar reasons. What an interesting life Neji lives.
Absolutely. Now excuse me as I try to figure out how many characters exist for whom I can make tenuous romantic links to Orochimaru via the Spider marriage. Technically we're first in line to inherit the Monkey scroll...
Signal-boosting The Pocket-Space Rune. Features:
  • Plausibly within Hazou's capabilities, given how easy space-manipulation seems to be.
  • A way to set up nearly-undetectable ambushes:
    • Load a bunch of ninja or summons into it.
    • Lure the Akatsuki near its location.
    • Leave a Toad summon with the group inside.
    • Once we (and by "we", I mean a Hyuuga four miles away and one mile up looking at the location through a runic telescope) see that the Akatsuki are near, Noburi dispels the Toad summon.
    • This is the signal: the group inside de-activates the rune, and suddenly the Akatsuki get 30 copies of Tsunade, Orochimaru, Naruto, and associated Summons to the face, with no warning at all.
  • A way to set up nearly-undetectable traps:
    • Load a bunch of runes or seals into it, plus a clone.
    • Same setup with the Toad summon: once Noburi dispels it, the clone deactivates the pocket-space rune, and all manner of AoE runic destruction is applied to the Akatsuki at point-blank range.
    • Could then be followed up with the ambushgroup spring out to finish off the survivors.
      • After all, the pocket-space rune would also function as a shield: it would prevent ~all of the energy from our AoE detonations from reaching the people sitting in one of them!
  • A way to focus lasers, and basically transform any big explosion into a focused beam of destruction.
    • The rune warps the space such that all directions originating from within it have to go through the "bottleneck": if you pick an arbitrary point within the pocket, and move in any direction from it in a straight line, you'll inevitably reach the bottleneck.
    • Which means it turns any omnidirectional-effect rune into a directional-effect rune!
  • A modification of it could serve to foil Itachi's precognition, as per this post. If he only sees the future of what he's looking at, then a pocket-space rune suddenly transporting him into the pocket and then setting off an explosive in there would surprise him!
Where is this creativity and initiative during the non-research plan cycles?
You're right...

[X] Action Plan: A Moment with Snowflake Under the Starlit Sky
Word Count: ???
Desired Update Duration: Unknown
  • During a recovery day, spend time with Snowflake in a Skytower, under nighttime sky.
    • Discuss:
      • Stress of the mission, concerns about research deadlines, and rusting skills.
      • Missing Leaf/our family. We're glad that she's here, with us.
      • How we're glad to know her and be known by her.
        • She's important to us, and deserves to hear that more. After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more, even if they "already know." We don't want to take anyone for granted.
          • (NB: "Notice the friggin flags, Snowflake! Kiss the poor, stupid boy! Make a move, Sage-dammit!" -ROTP)
  • Sanity check with Kei
    • Send some orders back to Mari to have the clan begin purchasing several small buildings or plots of land around the city. Spin it as some economics wumbo jumbo, but make it inconspicuous.
    • Tell Naruto we can probably defend Leaf from aerial bombardment with a new rune design and are still working on other gamechangers. Advise him to begin reinforcing the ground beneath Leaf immediately
    • Ask him if Sasuke would be willing to test the limits of the Sharingan's future sight
  • Research
    • SSA Track 1: Finish Force Blades
    • SSA Track 2: Finish CATEARS
    • All other tracks on prep days, Prep days TBD
    • Ask Kagome to start working on Jiraiya's Instant Darkness Dome Seal
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Hey boss, we did this one already.

Perhaps I'm being a dumbass, but its already established that Hazou can cook up great quality telescope lenses with Earthshaping, right?

Why are we not just doing the same thing to make a bigass lens and 5SB-ing it in place with some wire and Skytowers or something? This feels like a very mundane extension of a problem we already have solved with a skill we have on hand.
Perhaps I'm being a dumbass, but its already established that Hazou can cook up great quality telescope lenses with Earthshaping, right?

Why are we not just doing the same thing to make a bigass lens and 5SB-ing it in place with some wire and Skytowers or something? This feels like a very mundane extension of a problem we already have solved with a skill we have on hand.
No, this is a good question. The answer is that a lens made out of real quartz would be too large and too heavy to collect enough sunlight to get the power we need. Quartz is heavy and fragile, it wouldn't be able to support its own weight.
  • During a recovery day, spend time with Snowflake in a Skytower, under nighttime sky.
    • Discuss:
      • Stress of the mission, concerns about research deadlines, and rusting skills.
      • Missing Leaf/our family. We're glad that she's here, with us, and how we're glad to know her and be known by her.
      • She's important to us, and deserves to know that. After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more, even if they "know." We don't want to take anyone for granted.
Mmmm this is kinda tempting. I don't think I have the word count for it. Next plan is for EJ anyway, save it for Vel.
Quartz is heavy and fragile, it wouldn't be able to support its own weight.
Gotcha. This isn't my jam, but would diamond be a workable substitute? I dont recall if we can manipulate it with ES if we have an amount available, but assuming we can, and can just dredge up a few metric tons from a diamond mine...?
Gotcha. This isn't my jam, but would diamond be a workable substitute? I dont recall if we can manipulate it with ES if we have an amount available, but assuming we can, and can just dredge up a few metric tons from a diamond mine...?
Nothing is light enough really, the largest physical mirrors in the world are less than 10m across. we might be able to use something like a metal foil on carbon fiber backing in a segmented array. But I don't think Hazou knows enough optics to get this correct. Better stick to chakra constructs.
If we're not doing combat we probably don't need to buy FP, also you want to sanity check our date with Snow with Kei first? Let the girl be surprised for once.
Too true, Hazou-the-character doesn't know it's a date.

[X] Action Plan: A Moment with Snowflake Under the Starlit Sky
Word Count: ???
Desired Update Duration: Unknown
  • During a recovery day, spend time with Snowflake in a Skytower, under nighttime sky.
    • Discuss:
      • Stress of the mission, concerns about research deadlines, and rusting skills.
      • Missing Leaf/our family. We're glad that she's here, with us, and how we're glad to know her and be known by her.
      • She's important to us, and deserves to know that. After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more, even if they "know." We don't want to take anyone for granted.
  • Sanity check with Kei
    • Send some orders back to Mari to have the clan begin purchasing several small buildings or plots of land around the city. Spin it as some economics wumbo jumbo, but make it inconspicuous.
    • Tell Naruto we can probably defend Leaf from aerial bombardment with a new rune design and are still working on other gamechangers. Advise him to begin reinforcing the ground beneath Leaf immediately
    • Ask him if Sasuke would be willing to test the limits of the Sharingan's future sight
  • Research
    • SSA Track 1: Finish Force Blades
    • SSA Track 2: Finish CATEARS
    • All other tracks on prep days, Prep days TBD
    • Ask Kagome to start working on Jiraiya's Instant Darkness Dome Seal