Sure, I've been meaning to do this for a while.
- Storage Seal [DONE]
- Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA PMYF_V1 [DONE]
- Timed-Storing Storage Seal
- Matter-Eater Seal
- Siberian Seal
- Increased-Volume Storage Seal
- Multiple-Item Storage Seal
- PMYF_V2 (Additional Requirement: Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal)
- Ranged-Dispensing Storage Seals
- Ranged-Storing Storage Seals
- Linked Cargo-Transferring Storage Seals
- Kinetic-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA Gun Seal
- Sentry Turret Seal
- Macerator Seal (No Stress Limiter) [DONE]
- Macerator Seal (Amplified Stress)
- Macerator Seal (Scalable Stress)
- Fabricator Seal
- Stressless Storage Seal
- Pokeball Seal (Additional Requirement: Animal Training Seal)
- Matter Increaser Seal
- Material-Selective Storage Seals (other than the types listed elsewhere)
- Fluid/Powder Area-Dispensing Storage Seal (Dispenses contents uniformly over a defined area)
- Fluid Storage outside of containers
- Storage of Wakahisa-Water without loss of chakra
- Kagome's Implosion Seal
- Anti-Seal Seal (stores all chakra-ink in radius except for itself, deleting all other seals)
- Air-Cannon Reactive Armour Seals
- Reverse Rocket Seal
- Mummification Seal
- People-Eater Seal
- Poison Removal Seal
- Light-Storing Seal
- Laser Cannon Seal
- Explosion Seal [DONE]
- Non-Thermal Explosion Seal
- Shaped Explosion Seal
- Explosive Reactive Armour Seals
- Ray-Gun Seal
- Explosive Mine Seal
- Seal of Grand Fireball
- Seal of EM
- Seal of Shaped EM
- Summoning Seal Analysis
- Hiraishin
- Automatic Teleport-Dodge Seal
- Remote-Subject Teleport Seal
- Telefrag Seal
- Mass Teleport-Evacuation Seals
- Time Travel Seal
- Time Dilation Seal
- Nullify Spacetime Manipulation Seal
- Seal of Kamui
- Webway Seals
- GPS Seal
- Clock Seal
- Vista Seal
- Casino Chakra-Detection Seals
- Chakra-Sensor Seals AKA Extrasensory Seals
- Warning Light Seal
- Sound-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
- Speaker Seal
- Mosquito Seal (pumps out unpleasant headache-inducing noise as a non-lethal deterrent)
- Hypersound Seal
- Sonic Cannon Seal
- Microphone Seal
- Noise-Cancelling Seal
- Shaped-Area Noise-Cancelling Seal
- Sonar Seal
- Light-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
- Flashbang Seal (Additional Requirement: Sound-Output Seals)
- Laser Gun Seal
- Monitor Seal
- Digital Camera Seal
- Silent Video Camera Seal
- Video Camera Seal (Additional Requirement: Microphone Seal)
- Radar Seal
- Seal of MEW
- Seal of Henge
- Seal of Earth Clone
- Seal of Tiny Earth Clones
- Seal of Nanoclones
- State Seals
- Logic Seals
- Computer Seal (Additional Requirements: Speaker Seal, Monitor Seal, some kind of input)
- Internet Seals
- Force Wall Seal
- Force Wall projected from a single Seal
- Single-Direction Permeable Force Wall Seal
- Selectively Permeable Force Wall Seals
- One-Way Mirror Force Wall Seal
- Force Shuriken-Extension Seal
- Force Kunai-Extension Seal
- Force Cage Seal
- Opaque Force Wall Seal
- Force Hut Seal
- Programmable Force-Architecture Seal (Additional Requirement: Computer Seal)
- Force Tower Seal
- Force Citadel Seal
- Blood Loss Prevention Seal (Additional Requirement: Single Diagnostic "Detect Wounds" Seal)
- Razorwire Seals
- Force Buckler Seal
- Force Tower-Shield Seal
- Skintight Forcefield Seal
- Five-Seal Barrier
- Kinetic Resistence Seal (F-SB without the four extra seals, only partially decreases movement and damage instead of eliminating them)
- One-Seal Barrier (F-SB without the four extra seals, locks position relative to the Earth)
- Mobile One-Seal Barrier (O-SB that locks position relative to the target itself, allowing indestructibility without immobility)
- Tripwire Seal
- Civilian-Usable Storage Seal (two tripwires run over the surface of the paper, tripping them activates their functions, one stores, the other unstores) (Additional Requirement: Storage Seal)
- Single Diagnostic Seal (monitors a single biological function) (Additional Requirement: Any Output Seal)
- Multiple Diagnostic Seal (combination of multiple SDSs)
- Lie-Detector Seal
- Rengeneration Seal
- Monogenic Mutation Seals
- Polygenic Mutation Seals
- Auto-Dispel Seal (Requires: Single Diagnostic "Detect Foreign Chakra" Seal)
- Sealing Modularity
- Seals that can maintain their charge by drawing from supplies of Wakahisa water
- Beacon Seals
- Automatic Seal Reactivation
- Flesh Maintainance Seal (required component for putting seals on flesh)
- Seal Self-Repair (alternative component for putting seals on flesh)
- Seal Error-Checker (scans a seal blank for known errors) (Required: any output)
- Altered Gravity Seal
- Anti Deva Path Seal
- Black Hole Seal (plz no)
- Gravitational Time Dilation Seal
- Wormhole Seal
- Gravitational Space Warping Seal
- Gravitational Warp-Drive Seal
- Seal of Light-Weight Rock Technique
- Seals of Pangolin-Element Techniques
- Seals of Composite Element Techniques
- Seal of Ice Element Freeze Ray
- Seal of Ice Element Ice-Cube Dispenser (makes ice cubes from real ice, like MEW makes walls from real stone)
- Seal of Dust Element
- Seals of Mokuton Anti-Bijuu Techniques (Additional Requirement: ACL Microorganism Generation Seal)
- Chakra Draining Seal
- Chakra Battery Seal
- Artficial Chakra Lifeform (ACL) Microorganism Generation Seal
- ACL Plant Generation Seal
- ACL Minor Demon Generation Seal
- ACL Demon Generation Seal
- Seal Neural Interfacing
- Sensory HUD Seal
- Animal Training Seal
- Unadaptive Genjutsu Seals
- Sensory Deprivation Seal
- Pain Seal
- Imbalance Seal
- Knockout Seal
- Shinigami Seal
- Paralysis Seal
- Empathy Seal
- Retrograde Amnesia Seal
- Anterograde Amnesia Seal
- Suggestibility Seal
- Linked Genjutsu Vector Seals (when the user and victim are both in range of/in contact with the appropriate seal, the user can cast genjutsu on the victim without needing to see their eyes)
- Poor Man's 64 Palms
- Area Chakra-Disabling Seal
- Stun Seal
- Poor Man's Chidori
- Seal of Lightning Boost
- Seals of Elemental Construct Generation
- Seal of Invisibility (physically bends light around the subject, not genjutsu based)
- Linked Chakra-Transmission Seals
- Force Generation Seal
- Gyroscope Seal
- Cannon Seal
- Mass Driver Seal
- Proximity Motion Detection Seal
- Projectile-Storing Storage Seal (Additional Requirement: Ranged-Storing Storage Seals)
- Intoxication Seals (different seals for intoxication with different drugs)
- AoE Intoxication Seal
- Time-Delayed AoE Intoxication Seal
- Edo Tensei (how am I only just adding this now?!)
- Chakra Rebalancer Seal
- Chakra-Construct Dispulsion Seal
- Silence Seal (cancels sonic waves through the air in radius)
- Nadir Seal (Seals or negates a large amount of energy within radius, regardless of what form that energy takes. Induces massive Slowing/Darkening/Chilling/Quietening effect.)