
Sure, I've been meaning to do this for a while.

  • Storage Seal [DONE]
    • Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA PMYF_V1 [DONE]
    • Timed-Storing Storage Seal
      • Matter-Eater Seal
        • Siberian Seal
    • Increased-Volume Storage Seal
    • Multiple-Item Storage Seal
      • PMYF_V2 (Additional Requirement: Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal)
    • Ranged-Dispensing Storage Seals
    • Ranged-Storing Storage Seals
    • Linked Cargo-Transferring Storage Seals
    • Kinetic-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA Gun Seal
      • Sentry Turret Seal
    • Macerator Seal (No Stress Limiter) [DONE]
      • Macerator Seal (Amplified Stress)
        • Macerator Seal (Scalable Stress)
        • Fabricator Seal
    • Stressless Storage Seal
      • Pokeball Seal (Additional Requirement: Animal Training Seal)
    • Matter Increaser Seal
    • Material-Selective Storage Seals (other than the types listed elsewhere)
    • Fluid/Powder Area-Dispensing Storage Seal (Dispenses contents uniformly over a defined area)
    • Fluid Storage outside of containers
      • Storage of Wakahisa-Water without loss of chakra
    • Kagome's Implosion Seal
      • Anti-Seal Seal (stores all chakra-ink in radius except for itself, deleting all other seals)
      • Air-Cannon Reactive Armour Seals
      • Reverse Rocket Seal
      • Mummification Seal
      • People-Eater Seal
      • Poison Removal Seal
      • Light-Storing Seal
        • Laser Cannon Seal
  • Explosion Seal [DONE]
    • Non-Thermal Explosion Seal
    • Shaped Explosion Seal
      • Explosive Reactive Armour Seals
    • Ray-Gun Seal
    • Explosive Mine Seal
  • Seal of Grand Fireball
  • Seal of EM
    • Seal of Shaped EM
  • Summoning Seal Analysis
    • Hiraishin
      • Automatic Teleport-Dodge Seal
      • Remote-Subject Teleport Seal
        • Telefrag Seal
        • Mass Teleport-Evacuation Seals
    • Time Travel Seal
    • Time Dilation Seal
    • Nullify Spacetime Manipulation Seal
    • Seal of Kamui
    • Webway Seals
    • GPS Seal
    • Clock Seal
    • Vista Seal
  • Casino Chakra-Detection Seals
    • Chakra-Sensor Seals AKA Extrasensory Seals
    • Warning Light Seal
    • Sound-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Speaker Seal
        • Mosquito Seal (pumps out unpleasant headache-inducing noise as a non-lethal deterrent)
        • Hypersound Seal
          • Sonic Cannon Seal
        • Microphone Seal
          • Noise-Cancelling Seal
            • Shaped-Area Noise-Cancelling Seal
      • Sonar Seal
    • Light-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
      • Flashbang Seal (Additional Requirement: Sound-Output Seals)
      • Laser Gun Seal
      • Monitor Seal
        • Digital Camera Seal
          • Silent Video Camera Seal
            • Video Camera Seal (Additional Requirement: Microphone Seal)
      • Radar Seal
  • Seal of MEW
  • Seal of Henge
  • Seal of Earth Clone
    • Seal of Tiny Earth Clones
      • Seal of Nanoclones
  • State Seals
    • Logic Seals
      • Computer Seal (Additional Requirements: Speaker Seal, Monitor Seal, some kind of input)
        • Internet Seals
  • Force Wall Seal
    • Force Wall projected from a single Seal
    • Single-Direction Permeable Force Wall Seal
    • Selectively Permeable Force Wall Seals
    • One-Way Mirror Force Wall Seal
    • Force Shuriken-Extension Seal
    • Force Kunai-Extension Seal
    • Force Cage Seal
    • Opaque Force Wall Seal
      • Force Hut Seal
        • Programmable Force-Architecture Seal (Additional Requirement: Computer Seal)
        • Force Tower Seal
          • Force Citadel Seal
    • Blood Loss Prevention Seal (Additional Requirement: Single Diagnostic "Detect Wounds" Seal)
    • Razorwire Seals
    • Force Buckler Seal
      • Force Tower-Shield Seal
      • Skintight Forcefield Seal
  • Five-Seal Barrier
    • Kinetic Resistence Seal (F-SB without the four extra seals, only partially decreases movement and damage instead of eliminating them)
    • One-Seal Barrier (F-SB without the four extra seals, locks position relative to the Earth)
      • Mobile One-Seal Barrier (O-SB that locks position relative to the target itself, allowing indestructibility without immobility)
  • Tripwire Seal
    • Civilian-Usable Storage Seal (two tripwires run over the surface of the paper, tripping them activates their functions, one stores, the other unstores) (Additional Requirement: Storage Seal)
  • Single Diagnostic Seal (monitors a single biological function) (Additional Requirement: Any Output Seal)
    • Multiple Diagnostic Seal (combination of multiple SDSs)
      • Lie-Detector Seal
      • Rengeneration Seal
      • Monogenic Mutation Seals
        • Polygenic Mutation Seals
    • Auto-Dispel Seal (Requires: Single Diagnostic "Detect Foreign Chakra" Seal)
  • Sealing Modularity
  • Seals that can maintain their charge by drawing from supplies of Wakahisa water
  • Beacon Seals
  • Automatic Seal Reactivation
  • Flesh Maintainance Seal (required component for putting seals on flesh)
  • Seal Self-Repair (alternative component for putting seals on flesh)
  • Seal Error-Checker (scans a seal blank for known errors) (Required: any output)
  • Altered Gravity Seal
    • Anti Deva Path Seal
    • Black Hole Seal (plz no)
      • Gravitational Time Dilation Seal
      • Wormhole Seal
      • Gravitational Space Warping Seal
        • Gravitational Warp-Drive Seal
  • Seal of Light-Weight Rock Technique
  • Seals of Pangolin-Element Techniques
  • Seals of Composite Element Techniques
    • Seal of Ice Element Freeze Ray
    • Seal of Ice Element Ice-Cube Dispenser (makes ice cubes from real ice, like MEW makes walls from real stone)
    • Seal of Dust Element
    • Seals of Mokuton Anti-Bijuu Techniques (Additional Requirement: ACL Microorganism Generation Seal)
  • Chakra Draining Seal
    • Chakra Battery Seal
  • Artficial Chakra Lifeform (ACL) Microorganism Generation Seal
    • ACL Plant Generation Seal
      • ACL Minor Demon Generation Seal
        • ACL Demon Generation Seal
  • Seal Neural Interfacing
    • Sensory HUD Seal
    • Animal Training Seal
    • Unadaptive Genjutsu Seals
      • Sensory Deprivation Seal
      • Pain Seal
      • Imbalance Seal
      • Knockout Seal
      • Shinigami Seal
      • Paralysis Seal
      • Empathy Seal
    • Retrograde Amnesia Seal
    • Anterograde Amnesia Seal
    • Suggestibility Seal
    • Linked Genjutsu Vector Seals (when the user and victim are both in range of/in contact with the appropriate seal, the user can cast genjutsu on the victim without needing to see their eyes)
  • Poor Man's 64 Palms
    • Area Chakra-Disabling Seal
  • Stun Seal
    • Poor Man's Chidori
  • Seal of Lightning Boost
  • Seals of Elemental Construct Generation
  • Seal of Invisibility (physically bends light around the subject, not genjutsu based)
  • Linked Chakra-Transmission Seals
  • Force Generation Seal
    • Gyroscope Seal
    • Cannon Seal
    • Mass Driver Seal
  • Proximity Motion Detection Seal
    • Projectile-Storing Storage Seal (Additional Requirement: Ranged-Storing Storage Seals)
  • Intoxication Seals (different seals for intoxication with different drugs)
    • AoE Intoxication Seal
      • Time-Delayed AoE Intoxication Seal
  • Edo Tensei (how am I only just adding this now?!)
  • Chakra Rebalancer Seal
  • Chakra-Construct Dispulsion Seal
  • Silence Seal (cancels sonic waves through the air in radius)
  • Nadir Seal (Seals or negates a large amount of energy within radius, regardless of what form that energy takes. Induces massive Slowing/Darkening/Chilling/Quietening effect.)
I think I'm being paranoid right now.

Did anyone get this really freaky vibe from Inoue-sensei this chapter? Like, her whole interaction with Keiko seemed like she was mentally steeling herself to abandon her student.

Abandoning Keiko in what sense?

Well, that might be our end goal...

EDIT: Also, it might be time for us to start doing some research into Quantum field theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia IRL. Any physicists around here? Because I'm pretty sure that a lot of quantum physicists think that subatomic particles are similar to how chakra was described here.

One should be careful about mixing quantum theory mumbo jumbo mystical nonsense.

Anyway, sealing everyone's chakra is an absolute drastic last measure.

What we could look into is rebalancing chakra so that civilians have more access.
All chakra is connected and it doesn't have dimensions so measurements of length are meaningless. So what makes the chakra in one spacial location stay in that spacial location? Something must tell it that this is where it is. The Hiraishin takes stuff from over here and moves it over there. All chakra is connected and length is meaningless, so here is the same as there. That's how the substitution technique works, here is there so there is here. Is that how the Hiraishin works? A technique that tells chakra that your location is the seal's location, so you are where the seal is and since distance doesn't exist you didn't move but you're there.
One wonder if the creation of chakra was the single most fucked up thing that the Sage did to humanity(is chakra a global thing? Does it extend beyond the Elemental Nations)
I talked to @Velorien about how we could buff up Akane's style without making it overwhelming, and this is one option that we came up with:

Akane's offense bonus is 2*(Strength) and her defense bonus is (2*Stamina). Note that the bonus is derived from the number of dice, not the roll on those dice. Akane currently has 15 Taijutsu, 6 Strength, and 6 Stamina. Were she fighting a jounin with 23 dice (number chosen somewhat randomly), that would make her combat look like this:

((15d100 - 23d00) / (15 + 23) ^0.65) + 12 => Akane's offense
((15d100 - 23d00) / (15 + 23) ^0.65) - 12 => Akane's defense

I'm busy with writing the update and Velorien is busy being exhausted from his travels. Would @HyperCatnip or any other mathematically inclined reader be willing to analyze the proposed formula? I'd like to know how it changes her win/lose potential against opponents of (12, 15, 18, and 25) dice, as well as how it will scale as she goes up. If it's either under- or overwhelming then we'd appreciate an alternate suggestion on how to buff it without being unreasonable.
Here's an Octave function to calculate the probability of winning, getting a class A loss or better, and getting class B loss or better:
function [win, classAloss, classBloss] = combatProbability(playerDice,opponentDice,bonus)
  scale = (playerDice + opponentDice) .^.65;
  mean = (opponentDice - playerDice) ./ scale * 50.5 - bonus;
  dev = sqrt((playerDice + opponentDice) * 833.25) ./ scale;
  win = normcdf(0,mean,dev) * 100;
  classAloss = normcdf(20,mean,dev) * 100;
  classBloss = normcdf(50,mean,dev) * 100;
The win probabilities were:
12 dice: 84.37645 (without bonus) -> 95.4639 (with)
15 dice: 50 -> 75.5659
18 dice: 18.04569 -> 41.6347
25 dice: 0.28362 -> 2.0516
I'm just imagining Hazou sitting there with all of these random thoughts on coding running through his head like, "Uh-huh, you guys do your thing. I'm gonna be over here panicking about my apprentice almost killing herself."

I don't imagine him hearing that we're thinking about playing a game. It doesn't breach the fourth wall.

But he will hear a lot of "abstract thoughts" that the voices are making trying to nail down Akane's growth potential and doing battle simulations. These are thoughts he doesn't understand quite yet.
I think I'm being paranoid right now.

Did anyone get this really freaky vibe from Inoue-sensei this chapter? Like, her whole interaction with Keiko seemed like she was mentally steeling herself to abandon her student.
Rereading the update, the "that's one thing taken care of" line did seem kind of off to me, but on the whole I think this is just Mari reverting to her Mist jounin practices due to the extended stress.

Maybe the universe actually had eaten Hazou's brain and replaced it with a giant ball of lint and hair.
All thread posters are confirmed to be a ball of lint and hair :D
Rereading the update, the "that's one thing taken care of" line did seem kind of off to me, but on the whole I think this is just Mari reverting to her Mist jounin practices due to the extended stress.
....So basically fake our (everyone minus Keiko) deaths via explosion and run off to Iron?

I mean, that's literally what she did in Hidden Swamp...
Note: based on the discussion above I realized that I had mentally had one thing in mind when I wrote Mari's speech but I left out a key phrase. Update modified to add that phrase:

"Don't spend more than a day on it, and I promise we'll talk when you come back."

And before anyone objects: yes, everyone including Mari knows that it may take longer than a day and Keiko will have to come back empty-handed.
Note: based on the discussion above I realized that I had mentally had one thing in mind when I wrote Mari's speech but I left out a key phrase. Update modified to add that phrase:

"Don't spend more than a day on it, and I promise we'll talk when you come back."

And before anyone objects: yes, everyone including Mari knows that it may take longer than a day and Keiko will have to come back empty-handed.
Also should this be taken as confirmation that time runs in parallel on the human and summon paths?
Sarutobi Hillary vs. Shimura Trump

From the moment he announced his campaign for Hokage, now-likely Shimura nominee Shimura Trump has made clear his opposition to immigrants illegally in the country.

"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists," Trump said of undocumented Sand immigrants while announcing his candidacy last June. "We're gonna keep 'em out by building a wall, and we're gonna make Sand pay for it."

I think you should add Kagome's comments where applicable. Not the full text, but maybe summarize like:
K- doable
K - impossible
K - exciting, possible, difficult

That way the information is there in the tech tree instead of people having to go look back at the update. While Kagome declaring something impossible doesn't necessarily make it so, it certainly means it would be even harder than things he has declared "difficult" and voters can judge required level of effort accordingly.
Well, that might be our end goal...

EDIT: Also, it might be time for us to start doing some research into Quantum field theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia IRL. Any physicists around here? Because I'm pretty sure that a lot of quantum physicists think that subatomic particles are similar to how chakra was described here.

I'd say probably not (there aren't too many useful similarities and you don't need to teach yourself quantum chromodynamics... shudder)? I'm not sure in what way subatomic particles and chakra would be the same.

Two stabs at an answer anyways:
First: I know there's some theories that were popularized a while ago about there only being a single one of each subatomic particles bouncing around through space and time, but if I remember right there's no real proof of that and it'd require a huge mathematical improbability that we have no way of testing.

Second: If you just mean field theories in general, where superposition is a thing and you can kind of think of everything as one blob of stuff, which all interacts with all other stuff, then yeah, there's similarity. Though I'd suggest researching electrodynamics rather than quantum electrodynamics (or any other quantum field theory) because they both are field theories (so have the relevant similarity to chakra) but one is way easier to think about. And doesn't require horrendous amounts of math.

TLDR: what do you mean? But probs no.

Disclaimer: technically I'm a homeless person living in the woods with just a B.S. in physics. Not a Quantum Field Theorist (though my particle physics prof was)
Just to follow up on the numbers for Akane's style, it looks like it would take 3 points each for strength and stamina to get a slightly better boost than one point of taijutsu.
Inoue-sensei's face, normally mobile and expressive, was utterly still as she studied Akane. "Your stupidity has slowed the team in hostile territory," she said calmly. "You have significantly reduced your combat ability at a time when we are being hunted by not one but two enemy ninja teams. That endangers the rest of us, since if we are attacked you will not be able to fight beside us and we will have to worry about protecting you. I'm sure you thought you were being 'youthful', but this was a thoughtless and selfish thing to do. I expect better. Acknowledge your understanding."

Huh, this reads like some people's "I'm too drained for emotions right now" mode.

Every single member of the team turned and stared at Hazou.

This is appropriate. :>

Cooking was not among them.

Hazou chopped a slab of the slightly-scorched congee out of his bowl and beat it into submission with his teeth before letting his stomach and intestines try their luck. Before assaying the second slab he smiled weakly at his teacher. "Thank you, sensei," he said. "This is good."

The fucking hell?

How the fuck do you fuck up congee?

Congee is literally boiling rice till it falls apart. Even if you don't spice at all it's edible, even if it's not tasty. It never becomes slab-like.

The only vaguely possible way to do this is to put in so little water that almost all of it boils away, then leave it over the heat while ignoring the smoke.

Just get the genin cook next time, please.

"No such thing as good seals to research," Kagome said. "They'll mess you up. Sooner or later, everyone makes a mistake and then bam! Self-replicating crystals that suck all the water out of you and leave you a frozen husk. Or the ground melts into toxic sludge and swallows you up before turning back into solid ground so you're entombed forever. Or—"

We really need to have a talk with Kagome about seals being tools, and how to do an actual cost benefit analysis. One with numbers.

"Modular sealing?" Kagome said, in much the same tone that one might say 'bright orange camouflage?' "Sealing doesn't work that way. Chakra isn't that bright. You can't just take bits of one seal and plug them into bits of another. That would be like drawing the seal wrong in the first place. And you can't just make up a seal, you need to research it carefully. If you tried just plugging things together you could try to make a storage seal and end up making something that threw yellow acid everywhere."

Aww. :(

Mind you, this is also kinda ludicrous given how tripwire seals are described (both later in this chapter and in earlier episodes). They're a modular trigger component that can be used with explosive seals or seals of other types.

In the worst case we design the modules (basically just entire seals) to create and detect electricity and just connect them with literal wires ...

"No!" Kagome snapped. "No trying to deliberately reproduce things that were disasters in the first place!"

Kagome, I don't think you understand how science works ...

The Force Wall was projected from one tag to another; what would it even mean to construct a wall between two non-existent seals? Still, the top and bottom weren't physically constrained...of course that was because they automatically stopped at the point where the chakra that composed the surface of the wall was smooth and in balance, which happened when it was of equal size on perpendicular axes around the center. Still...maybe you could use that principle to your advantage? Have a single seal, push chakra out in one direction and let the 'stretchiness' take care of expanding it in the other directions? You'd end up with something off balance and unstable which could easily explode into tiny shards of invisible chakra that would turn you into mulch.

Huh, we can work with this.

Need to experiment though. @Radvic, how good is your calculus of variations? I'm pretty rusty.

Multiple items in one storage seal and pop them out one at a time? Hm. Need to have a connection between them to pull them in all at once, and then how would you dispense them one by one? No time inside a storage seal, so you couldn't have a connection that expired while it was inside. Hm. Maybe if the whole group had a series of chakra-based connections, set to expire a few seconds apart? You seal the whole group, unseal the whole thing and the first connection expires, then you immediately reseal everything that's still connected. Maybe. Not sure, might just be impossible.

Nope, drop chakra connections entirely.

Find a block of ice, position all your weapons so that they're not touching each other but all touching the ice.

Set the seal up so it'll store the entire block of ice and the connected objects. First item that will be unstored is the block of ice as well as any contiguous block of non-ice with a less than some volume or density. From then on, each unstore will grab the contiguous block of non-ice that is closest to the origin, breaking ties by using the angles needed to navigate to that block from the origin. (Need r, θ, and φ as part of the ordering relation so that no two blobs can be equal)

Or use some other material that's relatively homogenous and easily available. Maybe, red granite?

Chakra doesn't have dimensions, and it's all connected. That's why the Sage gave it to everything in the first place—so that we'd all be connected. You start pulling on chakra, where does it stop? What if it grabs your chakra as well as whatever you're trying to drain? What if it ends up trying to seal all the chakra in the world? Plus, you need to contain it. It's fine to seal a specific amount of chakra that's bounded by something, like if you put chakra ink in a scroll. It's fine to infuse a lot of chakra into the seal in order to let it do something. You're talking about pulling an unspecified amount of chakra out of something that might or might not have that much. How would you build your containment if you didn't know how much you needed to confine?


Chakra might be connected, but elements of chakra (whether it's a field or particles or something else) do have a position in space, an elemental type, and probably other stuff besides. Otherwise chakra wouldn't do anything, it'd have to exist in the same quantities doing the same thing everywhere.

Imagine if real world physics has a field whose magnitude determines the charge on an electron, but it's value is -1 everywhere and never changes. Thinking of it as a field becomes useless, it's better to just say that there's universal law for "electrons have a charge of -1".

Just tell it to only seal chakra of a certain type in a certain radius around the seal, or of a certain nature, or whatever other property it has. Not to mention the other seals we've used have rudimentary blob detection. Just make a seal that says "store all chakra that's both connected to the blob the seal is attached to and within 2 meters of the seal."

As for containment, why do we even need containment? Burn it off as light or heat or sound. Don't bother storing it, just convert it to something useless or painful.

Did it get a no-from-QMs or a no-from-Kagome? Those're two very different things, although either way, given that, we shouldn't try it until we're at least of Kagome's level in sealing.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien: I'd really like to know the answer to the above. Especially given how tripwire seals already act modular ...

If it's the latter, I vote we take all of Kagome's pronouncements with more salt than we already do.

Edit: I'll drop the modular sealing talk after this post unless one of our QMs brings it up again, but I have one last thing to add.

You cannot have an internally consistent world where all three of the following are true:
  1. Sealing exists as some form of physics, which is independent of intention and the other usual physics invariants. I.e. The same chakra ink drawings produce the same results no matter who drew them and there is no complex intelligence controlling sealing. These can be random, but in that case you're always rolling from identical tables with identical seals.
    1. If this is true and we can expect identical seals to work identically no matter when they're used, where they're used, and who uses them, then sealing has repeatability, like any good experiment.
    2. If this wasn't true to an extent where it's noticeable, then sealing would be basically useless. Each seal would have to be customized to take into account where, when, and how you used it. We know sealing sweat shops exist, and those wouldn't work if this were the case. Therefore this must be true. (or the god of chakra bullshit is trolling us ... but I'd hope the fact that this is rational fiction contraindicates that)
  2. Unrelated seals in close proximity do not interfere. E.g we can place infused and activated seals (like a 5SB and a force wall) in close proximity without causing weird sealing failures.
    1. If this is true, we can have seals close to each other and acting in close proximity to each other without issue. This means that seals have a level of independence, allowing us to treat them as separate elements in a system without breaking into the black box.
    2. This has to be true because otherwise we wouldn't have been able to set up force walls and explosive tags next to each other without causing these effects. They'd have failed.
  3. Modular sealing isn't possible.
    1. All you need for modular sealing is repeatability and independence. If you have both of those you have all you need to build seals modularly.
    2. Even if using chakra as a communication medium is difficult, then you can just use some non-chakra medium. Have one seal produce light at a location, another read the light at a location, and voila data transfer without a chakra based communications medium. Literally everything physics can do other than chakra is an option here.
    3. It might be difficult, but there's no way it's harder than trying to build things as a single seal. At least for someone with Iron Nerve. It's probably less space/chakra/ink efficient though.
I'm happy to accept that all three are true at once for this quest and run with it, but if that's the case then it's almost certainly a flaw in your worldbuilding.

Edit 2: Also, for the record. I was profoundly annoyed by how Kagome reacted to the proposal itself. It's plausible that modular written seals are infeasible for most people, but the idea that sealing doesn't require modular thinking is just short of insane.

You can have systems where the output product doesn't look modular at all, but humans are literally incapable of creating non-trivial systems without modular thinking.

We can only hold so many things in our head at once. We use modular design to allow us to trust that parts of the system we're not currently thinking about will do their job while we focus on the design for something.

This is true of literally every engineering discipline and every other field where people have to reason about complex systems besides. To have us accept that MfD!Humans can design non-trivial seals without modularity even in the design/planning phase is to ask us to accept that baseline MfD!humans have minds that work in fundamentally different ways to our own, yet somehow, magically, act well within norms for everything else they do.
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Hazous first rule of sealing. Any failure that is consistently reproducible isn't a failure. It is succeeding in an unexpected way.

Kagomes first rule of sealing. Never do anything approved by Hazous list.
Kagomes first rule of sealing addendum. EVER.

Oh also its my time to propose a seal. The doomsday seal.
Create a chakra draining seal link it to tripwire seals for remote activation and deactivation.
E: Oh also the Poor Mans Kusanagi. Use a force wall seal that projects in one direction as a sword.
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One wonder if the creation of chakra was the single most fucked up thing that the Sage did to humanity(is chakra a global thing? Does it extend beyond the Elemental Nations)
Some might argue that the creation of the Tailed Beasts is a strong competitor in this field.

Of course, we can neither confirm nor deny that the Sage actually created them in the MfDverse (or chakra for that matter), nor are we making a formal statement about how dangerous the Tailed Beasts may or may not be here.
Need to experiment though. @Radvic, how good is your calculus of variations? I'm pretty rusty.
Haven't done explicit calculations in a couple years, but could definitely work out solutions given time and a sufficiently large white board (or paper), they generally aren't too hard. That said, if what Kagome said is true and we're willing to compromise on the "all based off one seal" it should be fairly easy to create any 2D object in 3D space, even without calculus, so long as there's seals at the edges and it's possible for the seals to create a "resistance" in space with respect to chakra. Otherwise the shape of the force surface is left to random chance. Mentions of it being 'stretchy' and possible to explode make me think different areas in the world have different chakra resistances, which has all sorts of interesting implications (and applications should we find a way to create artificial chakra resistance) - especially re: chakra suppression fields.
@eaglejarl, @Velorien, my analysis of modified Youthful Fist: 6 levels of Youthful Fist are roughly equal to 2.5 levels of Taijutsu (1 level of Youthful Fist equals 0.4 Taijutsu levels).

The plot is below.

Considering that Youthful Fist doesn't actually increase chances of victory, I'd say it's still somewhat weak.