Can we carry a capsule with body armour in it? After the Final Flash, Cell hit Vegeta so hard in the back that it knocked the Super Saiyan out of him when he hit the ground but his armour wasn't even cracked, so it's durable enough to have at least some protection even at our approximate power level.
On that same note, can we carry sunglasses around? Solar Flare is a bitch when used against you and sunglasses stop it dead in its tracks.
What does increasing Ki Projections/Talents as a whole do? Just provide bonuses to training the skills under them?
If we were to fight two people who were each half as powerful as us at once, would it be more efficient to use Multiform so that we can use Duelling instead of Crowd Fighting?
Goku learned a kind of battle precognition in Korin Tower that didn't rely on ki or sorcery. Any chance we could do the same, except we use our exceptional ki sense/control to boost its potency?