Voting is open
Finally, I have gone through the Relationships list for some much-needed updates (I can't believe I forgot to add Dazarel to the Enemies section).
Jaffur Vegeta [Friendly]: Few things are certain with Jaffur. He holds his thoughts and feelings close, and trusts almost nobody. Still, it would seem that your use of the Genki Dama left a deep and profound impression on him, and something has shifted in his demeanor towards you. Already your shared station gave the two of you a rapport you share with nobody else, but he clearly sees you in a different light now. You don't know what to call it, but it is certainly at least friendship.


Clan Vegeta [Friendly?]: You have not taken the pulse of the other half of Saiyan Society in any depth. From secondhand information and rumor, you understand that they think extremely highly of you, but little of the details. You need more information.

I am unsure whether I want to know or not. On one hand, more information is good since it could avoid embarrasing situations later on. On th other hand, being more popular than most vegetan leaders might be an issue.

I have favored the ostrich aproach so far but since we don't know many people who are in contact with the Vegetan populace (since Senzu are in hiding and Yammar is either an hermit or in secret meetings with House Heads that fear him depending on what day is it) I am not sure how we would find out...

No, wait, I am an idiot. Papata Fren is a Vegetan, we could ask her.
Dazarel [Serious]: In your eyes, you offered Dazarel mercy after he made a serious effort of murdering your planet. In his eyes, you humiliated him and confined him to the body of a child, imposing your rules on him. He acknowledges you as his superior, and thus obeys you, but, "uneasy rests the yoke, on a resentful neck." For now, he is a resource, but only by force. He makes no secret of the fact that as soon as he is no longer bound, whatever accord you have reached is over. Until then, he cooperates as little as possible.

We might have a few issues with our reforming Dazz plan. I think.
It wasn't the first time, was my point. I was, in any event, joking.
Well yes, of course, but I find that my enjoyment of jokes is almost always enriched by choosing to adopt the role of the straight man, dontchaknow. :D
And yes, as always. If ever you are in doubt, we have a Rules Screen.
Since we just changed our approach to some significant chunks of the quest, if there was ever a time for you to change your mind about approval voting and forget to update the front page accordingly, it'd be now... ;)

Why does it fail if someone tells someone the trick?
Who would have told us that, Goku? He doesn't know. Gohan? Probably knows (from King Kai if nothing else) but hasn't had time to tell us since we learned the trick.
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I had assumed it was because you had to understand it to an instinctive level and telling you what you have to feel would bias you to search for what you think it would feel like while trying to learn it.
Why does it fail if someone tells someone the trick?
Broadly, this:
I had assumed it was because you had to understand it to an instinctive level and telling you what you have to feel would bias you to search for what you think it would feel like while trying to learn it.
You have to know that it's true, you can't simply be informed of it. Once you're informed of it, though, then anytime you approach the revelation on your own, your mind keeps linking it back to the explanation. You have to completely forget that first explanation if you're to have a hope.

Worth noting: it's not inconceivable that it actually is possible to straight-up tell somebody. You're working with a sample size of three, after all. It's just that sample size is, on this point, in unanimous, fervent accord.
Seeing as I am no longer updating them and they were hideously out of date, I saw no further need for them.

Having them available to refer to was... pretty nice, actually. And frankly, we may well kind of need to have a reasonably clear idea of what some of our closest allies are and are not capable of, in the future.

Can we try to work out some kind of arrangement on this? I mean, I for one would be willing enough to maintain sheets that simply index what we know or have been told in-character about characters' status.
[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good asJaffur, they all have other things to do.
--[X] Ki Refinement, assuming he's still okay with others learning it now the fate of Garenhuld isn't in the balance.
-[X] Offer to start the (incredibly) finicky process of teaching him the Genki Dama.
[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.

Having them available to refer to was... pretty nice, actually. And frankly, we may well kind of need to have a reasonably clear idea of what some of our closest allies are and are not capable of, in the future.

Can we try to work out some kind of arrangement on this? I mean, I for one would be willing enough to maintain sheets that simply index what we know or have been told in-character about characters' status.
I mean, I did announce this:
Finally, with my other commitments it's too much work for me to keep full character sheets for non-PC characters up to date, and I'm officially announcing that I'm no longer going to try to keep them current. I may in fact delete them at some point.
At the time nobody objected, and I thought you all were fine with it.

Still, if somebody wishes to set up character sheets, they may and I'll throw them threadmarks. That being said, I'm not going to vouch for the accuracy of these sheets; as quoted above, I don't have the time to vet them. These character sheets take time to format.

So, in brief, I'll offer support for a player-based resource, but not sponsor it.
Started moving my omake and fan art indexes to threadmarks. Canon omakes are under, "Sidestory,", fan art is under, "Media." Will be adding compliant and non-canon omakes to, "Apocrypha," later on; the process is mildly tedious and there are a lot of them.
You announced multiple rather earthshaking changes to the quest's ongoing rules all at the same time; that one got lost in the shuffle associated with the perceived need to draw up a list of everything Kakara foresees ever caring about.
Wanted to get them all finished at once rather than dragging them out and lengthening the disruption. *shrug* In any event, the sheets haven't been updated for almost a year aside from tracking the humans' power levels. Their worth as a resource by now was limited.

But anyhow: yes, players may make their own sheets if they desire and have the time.
[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] You might as well start down the path of getting Jaffur wrapped around your finger to be your friend. It'll probably be for the best if you can talk him down from doing stupid things after all.
[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good as Jaffur, they all have other things to do.
--[X] Ki Refinement, assuming he's still okay with others learning it now the fate of Garenhuld isn't in the balance.
-[X] Offer to start the (incredibly) finicky process of teaching him the Genki Dama.
[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.
Player-Generated Character Sheet: Maya Webley
Okay, this is a skeleton and very much a work in progress, but here's the beginnings of a character sheet for Maya!

Expect edits.

( @PoptartProdigy , I could port in a modified version of the Dispatches from Maya Quest traits and reputations if you like based on my own discretion, or I could just leave those areas entirely blank for now. Which do you prefer?)

Maya Webley
Maya Webley is a human native of Garenhuld. She is also quite possibly the most powerful natural ki mutant in the history of the human species. With a shy demeanor and an extraordinarily curious mind (especially by Garenhulder standards), Maya has spent years training in Exile ki manipulation techniques under the eye of 'Karen Marsden,' who she now knows to be Kakara Goku...

[OOC: And upon whom she has an extremely obvious crush that Kakara just happens to be oblivious to, so far at least.]
Maya holds no titles.
While Maya's confidence has perhaps improved somewhat over the past few years, she remains largely socially phobic and avoids leadership roles like the plague. It is fair to assume that her Willpower modifier is... not of the highest, except under extraordinary circumstances.

On one occasion, you have seen her succeed in a willpower push during combat. Her power level spiked by roughly a factor of two... was when she powered up to demolish the alien scout that had just knocked you unconscious during the battle at the school.
Power Level
A short time before the battle with Dazarel, Maya's resting power level surpassed two million. It's been a few months since then, so she's probably passed that benchmark by an unspecified margin.
While you'd struggle to put specifics on it, you can't imagine someone reaching Maya's psychological state without having some kind of defeats in her past.
Garenhuld culture isn't very kind to people with overactive imaginations. It's earned her a reputation.

"Strongest Girl Alive":
To everyone on the planet not clued in to the Exiles and their Masquerade, Maya Webley is the strongest ki user on Garenhuld. Maya herself knows that there are thousands of Exiles with power levels five or more times greater than herself, and that there are a handful of 'royals' among the Exiles who have monstrous, ultra-powerful forms that surpass her own abilities by several orders of magnitude... One of whom just happens to be Kakara Goku, formerly known as her best friend 'Karen,' who waited for about three years to tell her this. It is unclear how she is processing all this, though she seems not to be too upset with Kakara[/spoiler]

Maya's been a curious girl for as long as you can remember. She likes to ask questions, she likes exciting answers, and learning new things is thrilling to her. By Garenhulder standards, this may actually be stranger than her ki powers.

Maya dreams about space travel and magic, and strange technologies no one on Garenhuld has ever heard of. On practical-minded Garenhuld, this makes her kind of unpopular.

In the past three years or so, Maya has learned from you that aliens are real (and walk among us), that magic is real, and that her best friend is a magical alien (disguised as a mild-mannered normal schoolgirl). You suspect that this has somewhat... altered... her thoughts on the subject of the way she feels when other Garenhulders question some of her greater flights of fancy.

Maya is, and has always been, something of a wallflower. Okay, a lot of one.

While talking to people is one of the easiest things in the world for you, as easy as flying, Maya clearly finds it tremendously difficult and embarrassing. Over the years, you have realized that it takes her an overwhelming effort of will to get through situations that you might not even realize ARE situations.

Maya's stutter is both a cause and an effect of her shyness. She can only speak with perfect clarity during virtually stress-free situations, and enough stress causes her to become totally incoherent very quickly.

Ki Autodidact [FOUNDATIONAL?]:
When Maya was six years old, her ki powers awoke and she defeated a bear with her bare hands. While it hasn't done much for her social skills or confidence, knowing that she can perform amazing physical feats with ki does have an affect on her.

Super-Secret Identity:
After how her parents reacted when she was six, Maya internalized the lesson that she couldn't tell anyone about her powers.
Superseded by 'Secret Identity'

Secret Identity:
Maya contrived to reveal her powers to you, learning that you were a ki user in the process. You told her that there were many ki users on Garenhuld (but not, at the time, about the Masquerade). However, for quite a while, she insisted that you NOT tell anyone else about her abilities, and she only accepted grudgingly that you would have to inform your father.
Superseded by 'Not So Secret Identity'

Not So Secret Identity:
After the battle at the school, Maya Webley's reputation as the "strongest" ki user on Garenhuld is very, very out. In effect, while she hasn't done much with it, she has a reputation as the strongest 'superhero' on Garenhuld. Indeed, the Exiles are deliberately underplaying their own powers and taking advantage of Maya's nature as a powerful ki mutant to set precedent for them using their own ki abilities while in Masqued form.And she knows this, now that she knows about the Masquerade. On reflection, this has to be frightening for her.
Ki Mutant: Maya has an extraordinary natural ability to use ki, for a human. With no training for a period of a few years, and indeed no certainty that there were any others like her in the world, she reached a power level of approximately one thousand- unremarkable by your standards, but rare for an untrained little girl of any species, even a saiyan. In the two to three years you've been training her, her power level has skyrocketed at rates that would be respectable even by saiyan standards.

Aside from this... beyond the abilities normal to all ki users of any species, Maya has no special abilities that you know of.

Communication: Maya... struggles with this, and not just because of the stammer that disrupts her speech whenever she is less than fully calm.

(Other Noncombat Skills: Probably Existent but Unknown)
Overall Skill: ???
Overall Skill: Talented. Maya began learning martial arts with you (masqued) and the other Misfits even before you started training her in ki use, and for that matter

Dueling [???]:
Crowd Fighting [???]:
Team Fighting [???]:
Ki Manipulation
Overall Skill: ???. Maya can fire basic blasts, but you haven't taught her any of the special weaponized ki projection techniques (?)

Ki Talents
Overall Skill: ???

Ki Sense [???]: You have taught Maya to sense ki, though she is nowhere near your own Exceptional level.
Flight [???]: Maya can definitely fly with reasonable competence.
Ki Control: ???
Telepathy: ???
Telekinesis: ???

Maya has not begun formal training in any ki-fighting style that you know of. Since you'd have been the one to teach her such a style, and you didn't begin learning Tien Style until a year ago, this is unsurprising.


Karen Marsden Kakara Goku [Strong]: Maya has long been Kakara's best friend. In the wake of the battle with Dazarel, Maya has now secured a place as the first human not a spouse of an Exile to be made aware of the Exile people's secrets- namely, that Kakara is an alien princess who has for years been using a magical Masque to disguise herself as the human 'Karen Marsden' that Maya thought she knew. Maya accepted this revelation, its timing, and Kakara herself.

Sophie Schultz [???]: Sophie, in effect, founded the Misfits, who are for all intents and purposes Maya's only friends. Maya owes Sophie a great deal for that.

Jennifer Birch [???]: Jenny is outspoken to the point of insane bluntness, but is dedicated to her friends, and that includes Maya.

Gemina Kostos [???]: Gemma was the fourth Misfit to join the group, about a week before 'Karen' did. Most assuredly the smart one, she is affectionately resigned to a life of dragging the rest of the Misfits through their studies, even if she has to take her eyes off her books to do it. Maya seems to be comfortable depending on her.

Jaron Somerlad [???]: Maya is unaware (?) of Jaron's nature as Face for Jaffur Vegeta's seal. She knows Jaron as the only human who can match her power level- though the scale on which she evaluates power levels has been massively, ridiculously upset by the revelation of Kakara's true nature and power.

[Maya's family hopefully belongs on this list?]

(Possibly 'Brandon Marsden,' Kakara's father?)

If Maya has any special sentimental keepsakes or other such belongings that are of unusual value to her, you don't know about them.

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IIRC, among Maya's victories was defeating the strongest of the scouts, showing everyone what happens when you mess with Karen when Maya is around. She also had a victory from revealing her superpowers to us and becoming the apprentice of (unbeknown to her) one of the strongest ki users in the galaxy. Jaron I think had a victory from helping us beat the leader of the scouts.

While it wasn't on Maya's original character sheet, failing to convince her parents (and everyone else) that she had superpowers as a child might count as a defeat.
Okay, I'll think of putting those in later. I've put in about as much time as I plan to right this minute.

I've edited in a somewhat trimmed down version of the Traits/Reputations, that doesn't comment on mechanical effects unknown to us OOC, and that doesn't comment on Maya's crush on Kakara which is super obvious OOC but unknown IC.
Sayian hair does not grow except between transformations. Still really nice chapter.
[] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.

If we choice this kakara going to cut his hair right i mean no mirror in their?

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good as Jaffur, they all have other things to do.
--[X] Ki Refinement, assuming he's still okay with others learning it now the fate of Garenhuld isn't in the balance.
-[X] Offer to start the (incredibly) finicky process of teaching him the Genki Dama.
[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.
Last edited:
[x] Leave in fairly short order.
-[x] Go visit Dazarel. You need to follow up on your decisions and make nice with him.

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 1033 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 25819-25848]
##### NetTally 1.9.8

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good as Jaffur, they all have other things to do.
--[X] Ki Refinement, assuming he's still okay with others learning it now the fate of Garenhuld isn't in the balance.
-[X] Offer to start the (incredibly) finicky process of teaching him the Genki Dama.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] You might as well start down the path of getting Jaffur to be your friend. It'll probably be for the best if you can talk him down from doing stupid things after all.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good asJaffur, they all have other things to do.
--[X] Ki Refinement, assuming he's still okay with others learning it now the fate of Garenhuld isn't in the balance.
-[X] Offer to start the (incredibly) finicky process of teaching him the Genki Dama.
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Leave in fairly short order.
-[x]train multiform
-[x]ask Grandma to train you in mind delve.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Hang around for a bit.
-[x] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good as Jaffur, they all have other things to do.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Leave in fairly short order.
-[x] Go visit Dazarel. You need to follow up on your decisions and make nice with him.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 10

Oh, ten voters, boo. Y'all are boring!

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.

I hope you like the winner, because the vote is now closed!

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 1033 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 25819-25848]
##### NetTally 1.9.8

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good as Jaffur, they all have other things to do.
--[X] Ki Refinement, assuming he's still okay with others learning it now the fate of Garenhuld isn't in the balance.
-[X] Offer to start the (incredibly) finicky process of teaching him the Genki Dama.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] You might as well start down the path of getting Jaffur to be your friend. It'll probably be for the best if you can talk him down from doing stupid things after all.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good asJaffur, they all have other things to do.
--[X] Ki Refinement, assuming he's still okay with others learning it now the fate of Garenhuld isn't in the balance.
-[X] Offer to start the (incredibly) finicky process of teaching him the Genki Dama.
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Leave in fairly short order.
-[x]train multiform
-[x]ask Grandma to train you in mind delve.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Hang around for a bit.
-[x] Suggest some training. While there are probably some people as good as Jaffur, they all have other things to do.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Leave in fairly short order.
-[x] Go visit Dazarel. You need to follow up on your decisions and make nice with him.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 10

Oh, ten voters, boo. Y'all are boring!

[X] Hang around for a bit.
-[X] Nag him more about personal presentation, the state of his hair sets your teeth on edge.

I hope you like the winner, because the vote is now closed!
I recommend not having a moratorium for votes that aren't that important. In my case, what I did was read the update, see the moratorium, leave the thread, and then forget about voting.
Voting is open