Voting is open
I have a question! What are we supposed to tell the Senju that they don't know about? They should already know about the Dragon and the Genki Dama and the invaders:

I mean, they were mentioned in saiyan radio this update and they still get that.

Approval voting on something that seemed like a good idea, but really Jaffur is the best one to do.
No, I meant that I can't think about anything relevant to tell them that they can't learn by the radio. Is it supposed to be a social call to tellthem how was the fight or is there something we are supposed to tell them about that I can't recall?

On to another thought, Jaron is a bit mad with us so hanging out might be an option.
No, I meant that I can't think about anything relevant to tell them that they can't learn by the radio. Is it supposed to be a social call to tellthem how was the fight or is there something we are supposed to

There's a big difference between learning something second-hand from a generalized source, and learning something first hand from the person who was actually there.

There are plenty of things that we MIGHT not have told the general public. Things like how Daz has incredible psychic powers that are now totally sealed away, we promise. Things like just how close we actually came to defeat until we literally re-invented the trump card to end all trump cards. Things like how, oh by the way, there are other freakin' saiyans out there in the universe.

And then there's the things we DEFINITELY didn't tell the general public. Like how Dazzie-poo got an unfettered look inside our head early in the fight, and how we can't guarantee that he didn't make away with any secrets, such as the location of the senzu's secret clubhouse. And while I personally don't think he did, it would be utterly imprudent to not at least warn them that it IS a possibility.
[X][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.
[X][JOB] No, really, Sight training. Sensei's unavailable, but you've been getting visions pretty reliably lately, if rarely and with great effort.
-[X][JOB] Pastsight, What really happened in the Vegeta household the night Lord Vegeta was sealed.
[X][GOALS] Yes
-[X][GOALS] Heal the rift between the clans
There's a big difference between learning something second-hand from a generalized source, and learning something first hand from the person who was actually there.

There are plenty of things that we MIGHT not have told the general public. Things like how Daz has incredible psychic powers that are now totally sealed away, we promise. Things like just how close we actually came to defeat until we literally re-invented the trump card to end all trump cards. Things like how, oh by the way, there are other freakin' saiyans out there in the universe.

And then there's the things we DEFINITELY didn't tell the general public. Like how Dazzie-poo got an unfettered look inside our head early in the fight, and how we can't guarantee that he didn't make away with any secrets, such as the location of the senzu's secret clubhouse. And while I personally don't think he did, it would be utterly imprudent to not at least warn them that it IS a possibility.
There is absolutely nothing they can do with any of that information though. At the absolute most they could... evacuate their castle? They have nowhere to go, and there's no way all of them are capable of hiding their ki well enough to make it to another location even if one existed.
[X][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.
[X][JOB] No, really, Sight training. Sensei's unavailable, but you've been getting visions pretty reliably lately, if rarely and with great effort.
-[X][JOB] Pastsight, What really happened in the Vegeta household the night Lord Vegeta was sealed.
[X][GOALS] Yes
-[X][GOALS] Heal the rift between the clans
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 1030 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 25742-25781]
##### NetTally 1.9.8

Task: JOB

[X][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.
No. of Votes: 12

[X][JOB] No, really, Sight training. Sensei's unavailable, but you've been getting visions pretty reliably lately, if rarely and with great effort.
-[X][JOB] Pastsight, What really happened in the Vegeta household the night Lord Vegeta was sealed.
No. of Votes: 6

[X][JOB] Go catch up the Senzus on what the kais just happened.
No. of Votes: 5

[X][JOB] Talk to one (or more) of your friends!
- [X] Maya and the rest of the misfits
No. of Votes: 1

[X][JOB] Train Multiform/Research Perfect Multiform
No. of Votes: 1


[X][GOALS] No.
No. of Votes: 9

[X][GOALS] Yes
-[X][GOALS] Heal the rift between the clans
No. of Votes: 3

[X][GOALS] Yes.
-[X][GOALS] Integrate/assimilate the aliens into your society.
-[X][GOALS]Develop your understanding of ki to the greatest possible level.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][GOALS] Yes
-[X][GOALS] Ensure the peaceful coexistence of Garunholder and Exile.
-[X][GOALS] Heal the rift between the clans
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 16

Awful thin around here, but very well. Vote closed. Your winners:

[X][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.
[X][GOALS] No.
Do we actually knowwhere the Senzus are, or is that information kept out of our heads by the same terrifying memetic witchery Dandelor uses on everyone else? We know how to contact them and be led to them, but do we know how to find them ourselves?

There is absolutely nothing they can do with any of that information though. At the absolute most they could... evacuate their castle? They have nowhere to go, and there's no way all of them are capable of hiding their ki well enough to make it to another location even if one existed.
It would nevertheless be courteous to shout a warning? For all we know they do, in fact, have an auxiliary location where they could evacuate a few clan members and continue the plan in some other way.

If nothing else, they have a spaceship. :p
Eh, they should be fine. Dazz has his powers sealed so our seers should be able to see if anything endangers the conspiracy in his end.
They may foresee the event and be unable to prevent it without giving away the conspiracy, though.

Then again, we've always been assuming that Dazarel doesn't know truly dangerous secrets, having either been in too much of a hurry to dig them out of our mind, or not understood their significance well enough to go looking for them. After all, he was planning to kill us in short order, and destroy our world immediately afterwards. After which any obscure political secrets of ours that he knew would be irrelevant.
@PoptartProdigy Have the Exiles made any progress on understanding how to use the scout's ship? I hope we can renew our scouting expeditions soon.

It'd be nice to travel say, 3 months towards galactic center, get familiar with someone, and then be able to IT back and forth.

We have great ki sense, I bet we can detect familiar people from really far away.
Completely different subject but could we use the Sight to boost command training? Use it to get a vision of Tamar's strategy (which should be done regardless), device a counter measure, get a vision to see how it would work against the invaders and repeat process to test new theories?
Completely different subject but could we use the Sight to boost command training? Use it to get a vision of Tamar's strategy (which should be done regardless), device a counter measure, get a vision to see how it would work against the invaders and repeat process to test new theories?

That sounds like a good way to get a headache.

And some valuable Command training...
@PoptartProdigy Have the Exiles made any progress on understanding how to use the scout's ship? I hope we can renew our scouting expeditions soon.

It'd be nice to travel say, 3 months towards galactic center,
Random Exile: Actually, Scion, that's a very insightful question, and once the invasion is done we have plans to-
get familiar with someone
-haha no we speak to nobody and murder anyone who sees us the hell is wrong with you

That would roughly be the Exile viewpoint on the topic.
Completely different subject but could we use the Sight to boost command training? Use it to get a vision of Tamar's strategy (which should be done regardless), device a counter measure, get a vision to see how it would work against the invaders and repeat process to test new theories?
You have nothing like the endurance needed to carry out that set of visions, and the other seers have nothing like the time.
-haha no we speak to nobody and murder anyone who sees us the hell is wrong with you

Instant Transmission doesn't mean we have to speak to anyone or be seen by anyone, just that we are familiar enough with them to recognize their ki.

So we could just stalk someone from hiding for a while. Consider it a training exercise. And knowing that if we fail and get spotted our target will die? That'll just motivate Kakara to learn really, really fast.
Random Exile: Actually, Scion, that's a very insightful question, and once the invasion is done we have plans to-

-haha no we speak to nobody and murder anyone who sees us the hell is wrong with you

That would roughly be the Exile viewpoint on the topic.

Well, so much for a space mission until we can convince people on this one. Although honestly, a reconaissance carried out on those terms isn't really going to work, we won't learn anything if we're not willing to 'risk' contact with outsiders who survive being contacted.

You have nothing like the endurance needed to carry out that set of visions, and the other seers have nothing like the time.
Translation: yes, it could be done, but not by us. Maybe some day.
Instant Transmission doesn't mean we have to speak to anyone or be seen by anyone, just that we are familiar enough with them to recognize their ki.

So we could just stalk someone from hiding for a while. Consider it a training exercise. And knowing that if we fail and get spotted our target will die? That'll just motivate Kakara to learn really, really fast.
The issue is that nobody wants to risk that. Before the Yardrats, nobody would have imagined that outright teleportation was possible. Who knows what strange abilities some aliens have? The ability to hear well beyond your own abilities and flee faster than you could follow is hardly beyond imagining.

The scouting is done by slow and careful exploration, pushing out a bit at a time only once sensors indicate that the way ahead is clear of anybody. In this manner, the scouts approach civilized space, and eavesdrop on news broadcasts once they find a suitable hidden location.

The Exiles are very much a people defined by their historical trauma. Their entire culture is built around preventing it from recurring.
Yeah, well. If we take the aliens as refugees, good luck explaining to them why we are so paranoid about people finding us without giving away that we had contact with the wider galaxy before.
Yeah, we should start thinking about how to deal with that. Kakara isn't going to stand for 'just kill 'em all,' and it sounds like that's going to be the overwhelmingly popular solution among the Exiles...
Yeah, we should start thinking about how to deal with that. Kakara isn't going to stand for 'just kill 'em all,' and it sounds like that's going to be the overwhelmingly popular solution among the Exiles...

Hmmm....Have we considered killing them all?


Well, we could try killing them all.


Well, we've tried all the Exiles standard tactics, and nothing's worked! We'd need something really off the wall!
I had thought that given the Garenhulder fear of the unknown the aliens could handle any space trade the planet did since the fact it was inhabited is out of the bag but if the masquerade is against even that... I mean, we could sell it as us not trusting them not to go looking for reinforcements or the like but it would still be hard to sell total incommunication.
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