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Well, that prophecy seems to suggest that sending Basoon our energy might be more difficult than expected. I assume that 'Energy Field bigger than your head.' is the reason why. Kakara being significantly stronger than Basson probably causes the same issue as 'eating' a Spirit Bomb, if in miniature, is what I'm getting at. So we should probably check to make sure we can actually send him the energy properly some time soon.
[ ] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.

Thing about prophecy is that the devil is usually in the details. There is stuff we might miss that could be perfectly obvious to Bassoon.
No, just feeling sad and dramatic after seeing Poptart's RP character sheet, followed by those Visions.
My RP character is me lifting and exploring the character of one of my IRL friends who had roughly exactly as shitty a childhood as his RP version, once you correct for him not being a saiyan and living all of his life on earth.

So, on the one hand, good, but on the other, I am sorry.
[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.
My RP character is me lifting and exploring the character of one of my IRL friends who had roughly exactly as shitty a childhood as his RP version, once you correct for him not being a saiyan and living all of his life on earth.

So, on the one hand, good, but on the other, I am sorry.
It was actually the last thing he'd learned - I didn't see the backstory.
[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.
[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.

I want to try scrying on the Talts with Pastsight to see what all they tried with it. And if they never investigated modulating the regular/ascended/ultimate forms to see if they could find a hybrid, to do so.
Everything they tried, with as I recall dozens of super-saiyans, got them literally taken apart by two FPSSJs. One of whom was a ten year old boy.

This is not worthy of investigation. If we do scry on the events of the Talt Rebellion, we'd do better to concentrate on how it impacted Yammar and Vegeta personally, than to see if the losing side came up with any brilliant techniques that somehow failed to save them from getting their asses kicked.

...? We haven't even tried, and you're already giving up?
More like he's shaken by how ugly things can get.

Unless disclosure is what causes all this to happen...

Things be weird and we don't know the whole context.
Prophecy, haa...
Does Kakara see future, or create it?
Well, the prophecy can reasonably be interpreted EITHER as instructions for how to avert disaster, OR as a condition for the disaster. Either is, I suppose, possible. But I'd rather navigate making full use of our Sight as best we can, rather than deliberately handicap ourselves by trying to avoid a specific outcome when we don't know whether our actions will cause or avert it.

Toru got a God transformation? That has... implications. Or he did some trick to switch to artificial ki, which is still a big deal. We might want to See 'the last point that Toru had normal ki' or something like that if we can manage it.
Sneaky. Good thinking.
[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.
Stop: Don't mind me, just doing a thing.
we interrupt this vote for a quick announcement I feel like everyone that participates should understand that there are times where you will more than likely be discontent with the overall results or course of action chosen by the majority. And that's perfectly fine; we don't expect everyone to not express some form of saltiness from time to time.

But when that saltiness turns into frequent attacks against the QM, constant disruptions of the thread, and the cultivation of an overall antagonistic relationship between the QM and multiple other participants, well, that's where I have to put my foot down.

So! With that in mind, @gamer50018 has been removed from the thread until further notice. As for everyone else, please make the attempt to stay cordial with each other and the QM. I get that things will get heated at times, but there's always a better alternative to lashing out at others when you're frustrated.
I'm surprised that we've been trusting Bassoon so much. All we know about him is that he's fighting a war. He might be a terrible person on the wrong side!

I would love to hear about his meeting before we tell him anything.

[X] Wait to hear what his meeting was about.
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[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.
I'm surprised that we've been trusting Bassoon so much. All we know about him is that he's fighting a war. He might be a terrible person on the wrong side!
Namekians are, historically, a pretty ethical bunch unless they are literally evil opposites expelled by wise Namekian sages trying to purify themselves. And Bassoon is apparently willing to risk his life to deliver, like, entertainment products to the population of a besieged- and unpopular- world. We've been inside his head for a long time and it seems a decent place; I imagine the inside of, say, Dandeer's head would be a lot spikier and weirder and more non-Euclidean... Hm. What's the equivalent of a non-Euclidean mindspace? Non-Freudian? Come to think of it, Namekians would be VERY non-Freudian. :p


I think we can trust him.
Oh good, New Namek has dragon balls. Someone knows how to make dragon balls from dragons.
We have one of those, right? We were looking for a better way to contain it and make it useful, right?
[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.
[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.
Oh good, New Namek has dragon balls. Someone knows how to make dragon balls from dragons.
We have one of those, right? We were looking for a better way to contain it and make it useful, right?
What could go wrong?

[X] Explain everything, no matter how trivial. Something of this You want him to give you a full second opinion. Anything could be related.
I wish I had a better sense of how long we are going to stay here, since that should vary pretty dramatically. Still, the 'desperate Sight learning' is probably what we should be doing in any case, and I suspect that pretty minimal investments of time should reap large dividends.
I wonder if we can get a mage to create some sort of connection to them so that we can communicate with them or find them in the future. Not sure how large the defensive force is, but it's probably worth checking out if they have any exotic talents that might help with our goals.
Also, A quick calc for the shade power level got me 375 million / 20 = 18.75 million, which is less than Bassoon's 20 million. Why did we think that we are stronger?
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I guess the super Sayian and or Oozaru power level since we can still do all our transformations
So, does training Sight get us any significant Combat Precog progress, or do we actually need to be in combat to train that?
[X] Explain your visions relating to New Namek, in case he has information that lets him interpret them differently.

I don't want to get into the habit of being too forthcoming. And we hardly know this guy. No reason to tell him about everything we ever See.
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