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It is reasonable to suppose that the clone going to inform Lord Berra would use the fastest available method for reaching him.
I think he means IT towards the other prisoners to more quickly protect them.
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I'm curious/worried as to how they think they'd get away with this, especially since they compounded the issue by attacking the only active Scion.

I mean, best case they're just a group of like-minded guards deciding to enact some "justice" without thinking of the consequences. Really bad, but still.

Worst case, they're under orders from Dandeer, who managed to get an appropiate "ruling" and "order" from her husband, in which case this is about to get very messy.
[X] Emergency Multiform
-[X] Perform a Willpower Push to allow you use Multiform again.
--[X] If successful, have one depart the prison as swiftly as possible. Call Dad in and let him know what's going on.
-[X] Ping. With your ki sense, you're pretty sure this'll let you sense almost anybody in this prison, suppressing or not, but if there are other attackers, they'll know for certain that you're onto them, if powering up didn't do it already.
-[X] Rush to the other prisoners. You're not letting these people die, whatever the reason. If you weren't willing to kill them in a battle, you're not willing to let somebody do it in cold blood.
--[X] IT to them and raise PL up to 15 million.
-[X] Guards don't just vanish without the people in charge noticing, and the staff areas are a good place from which to control a prison. Head there to see if you can find the person behind this, or a way to initiate a lockdown.
I maintain that Maya's growth is due to her being a Paladin of an as-yet-unknown deity. Perhaps a Human who achieved Divine Ki long ago on their own merit?
I maintain that Maya's growth is due to her being a Paladin of an as-yet-unknown deity. Perhaps a Human who achieved Divine Ki long ago on their own merit?
Maintain? Could you please qoute @KnightDisciple ?
Also, Ki mutancy is on the character sheet, so I find alternative interpretations to be slightly suspicious.
Unfounded conjecture: Garenhulders almost always develop divine ki before regular ki, and there is a secret society of them panicking now that Ki is public knowledge.
Is there a Garenhulder magic, psi or seer tradition?
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Maintain? Could you please qoute @KnightDisciple ?
Also, Ki mutancy is on the character sheet, so I find alternative interpretations to be slightly suspicious.
Unfounded conjecture: Garenhulders almost always develop divine ki before regular ki, and there is a secret society of them panicking now that Ki is public knowledge.
Is there a Garenhulder magic or psi tradition?
*Sighs* It's a humorous and somewhat facetious theory I've occasionally put forth. It's not directly supported by @PoptartProdigy 's writing. Though I feel like it's never been disproven, either. I like to hold tightly to the idea.
I think he means IT towards the other prisoners to more quickly protect them.
It seems likely that Kakara would use the fastest available method to do that, too?

Poptart doesn't seem to play this according to "lol, you forgot you had powers!" mode. Aside from options that could present an opportunity cost later if we overuse them in the short term (e.g. Multiform), Kakara generally uses whatever powers and tactics at her disposal that an intelligent person with her level of knowledge would think most effective.
What we know so far about what's going on:
  • They wanted the prisoners for some unknown purpose.
    • Alternative: we were spotted on the way in, and we're the target.
  • They are unable or unwilling to do this through legal channels, and know it.
    • Probably not Dandeer.
  • They were expecting opposition, probably Saiyan.
    • If we aren't the target, some of the guards are still loyal.
  • They were willing to try sleep-gassing us as a first resort.
    • They believe, reasonably or otherwise, that we couldn't be talked into standing aside.
    • Whatever they need the prisoners for is urgent enough that they couldn't wait until after we'd left.
    • Whatever they're trying is illegal enough for adding "attacking the Scion" to be not much worse.
    • Whatever conflict we stumbled into is still non-lethal.
What we know so far about what's going on

Alternative: we were spotted on the way in, and we're the target.
Counter-point: We haven't been here that long; how did they put together such a smooth operation to neutralize the guards this fast?

Whatever conflict we stumbled into is still non-lethal.
At least, nonlethal for saiyan royalty they cannot afford to get caught trying to kill...

Also, Vote Closed.

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 795 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 19874-19992]
##### NetTally 1.9.8

[X] Emergency Multiform
-[X] Perform a Willpower Push to allow you use Multiform again.
--[X] If successful, have one depart the prison as swiftly as possible. Call Dad in and let him know what's going on.
-[X] Ping. With your ki sense, you're pretty sure this'll let you sense almost anybody in this prison, suppressing or not, but if there are other attackers, they'll know for certain that you're onto them, if powering up didn't do it already.
-[X] Rush to the other prisoners. You're not letting these people die, whatever the reason. If you weren't willing to kill them in a battle, you're not willing to let somebody do it in cold blood.
--[X] IT to them and raise PL up to 15 million.
-[X] Guards don't just vanish without the people in charge noticing, and the staff areas are a good place from which to control a prison. Head there to see if you can find the person behind this, or a way to initiate a lockdown.
No. of Votes: 13

[X] Quick acting x3
-[X] Attempt to willpower through your current lack of multiform and send a clone to inform Dad of what's going on
-[X] Rush to the other prisoners. You're not letting these people die, whatever the reason. If you weren't willing to kill them in a battle, you're not willing to let somebody do it in cold blood.
-[X] If you sense anyone powering up go to double their level, but preferably deal with them before they finish powering up.
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Quick acting
-[X] Rush to the other prisoners. You're not letting these people die, whatever the reason. If you weren't willing to kill them in a battle, you're not willing to let somebody do it in cold blood.
-[X] If you sense anyone powering up go to double their level, but preferably deal with them before they finish powering up.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Quick acting more details
-[X] Rush to the other prisoners. You're not letting these people die, whatever the reason. If you weren't willing to kill them in a battle, you're not willing to let somebody do it in cold blood.
--[x]IT right to the other prisoners.
-[X] If you sense anyone powering up go to double their level, but preferably deal withthem before they finish powering up.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Even Quicker Acting
-[X] Power up to 15 Million PL (5% of her Masqued PL of 300 Million) since Kakara's Ki Control allows her to do so without letting savvy aliens in on it.
-[X] Rush to the other prisoners. You're not letting these people die, whatever the reason. If you weren't willing to kill them in a battle, you're not willing to let somebody do it in cold blood.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] All of the Above
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 26

*contented sigh*

Now those numbers, I like. :D Always remember, lasses and lads: more votes give your QM warm fuzzies.

Plan Emergency Multiform is the winner! Your update will arrive tomorrow.
They could have equipped themselves with a diverse arsenal of weapons intended for a wealth of contingencies. "Knocking out someone we don't actually want dead" can easily be one of those contingencies.
Or it could be the obvious answer that they brought sleeping gas because they a) didn't want to kill tge saiyan guards and b) it neutralizes them before they can fight back or leave to warn everyone or identify them via ki signature. There is a difference between having beef with the aliens and being willing to kill your own people to get to them.
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