Ki signatures are radiated ki.
Interesting. I wonder if the Saiyan Zenkai and the apparently-both-Saiyan-and-Majinn Copy Technique abilities are based on reading and mimicking the ki that hits them?
Except zenkai also
almost certainly works if the damage is from a non-ki source. An insight into the mechanics of Machine Sense, perhaps.
Ki signatures being radiation also suggests a cheap-and-dirty approach to ki stealth - just aim all the radiation in one direction, and point it outside the galactic plane. Might need to be a spell, but it'd seem a lot easier than having to contain
Things I'm fairly sure of:
*Ki 'clumps' when collected coherently, such as in someone's body. There is a standard level of clumping for any given concentration of ki. 'Larger' clumps travel further before they stop being detectable. (I'm going to refer to clumps as 'motes' from now on, on aesthetic grounds.)
*Despite using particle terms, I'm not certain ki is
made of particles. It may be made of fields. (Not being made of particles does not necissitate infinite divisibility, although it may imply infinite granularity above minimum size.)
*Conventional power evaluation is based on 'mote size'. Actual energy output is probably a function of ki-per-volume-per-second.
*Ki is inflected, carrying information related to the originator - such as emotional state and identity - along with physical characteristics like heat and elasticity. Ki control can manipulate some or all of these characteristics.
*Some ki characteristics can prevent compressed motes from condensing; selfhood structures within a Genki Dama are one of these, Overdrive and Refinement mechanics are another.
*Ki is usually
not generated as fast as the user can spend it. Instead, a large fraction of a person's supply is stored somehow. Dazarel's feeding technique increases his tank size disproportionally to his regen rate and maximum throughput.
*Since power level is historically reliable, size of ki-mote has traditionally scaled with every nonmechanical method of increasing available force. The exceptions must thus be
extremely unusual somehow.
*Non-weaponized ki radiation is basically never harmful, at least at known saturation levels. The simple explanation is that it's just not harmful, period. The complicated alternative is that how
much ki gets released doesn't really change, how far away it stays coherent/moving/recognizable
does, and the maximum detectable range given nondecaying coherence has never been found. (And indeed may be longer than the longest axis of the universe.)
*Oozaru's exceptional strength and durability is basically a factor of constant x1.5 Overdrive, their storage tank is at least that much bigger to compensate, and their base speed is actually one-third rather than one-half.
*'Tank size' is fairly consistent. 'Nozzle size' is
extremely consistent. (I'm not sure if it's directly proportional to body mass, or if body enhancement just gets more efficient at larger sizes. The latter does seem more likely to me, however.)
*Refinement is a matter of imposing
universal compression on your ki, pushing it into a smaller space
without letting it link up like normal. I suspect the stealth was a happy side effect of wanting the ki compressed without changing its' self-repulsion factor, so it would be a technique Jaffur could apply to everything.
*Overdrive is a matter of
loosening ki, making it flow faster. This also,
quite incidentally, lets it exist at higher pressures without condensing into larger motes.
*Ki radiation is actually instantaneous, making 'velocity' senses impossible, and historically making saturation senses unnecessary, since metadata like mote size and originating-creature-or-ki-construct were enough for all purposes.
Questions for
*Was Kakara safely donating Super Saiyan levels of ki to Fennella a matter of doing it slowly enough, of aligning the ki with healing/empowerment, or something else?
To ki sense, is there a material difference between being hit with a low-power ki wave and the incidental radiation of a high-power collection of ki?
*Likewise, how does one distinguish between distant powerful ki signatures and nearby weak ones? Is it a matter of source-size?
*Did Kakara's Spirit Saiyan experiments manage to test donating half her ki to Bassoon before absorbing it again?
*If two people mix their ki into one (non-Spirit-Bomb) blast, does it read as one signature worth the sum of their donated ki, or as two, worth the ki they each donated?
*Do bigger people seem to have a significant advantage in beam struggles, given the same PL? (I am not referring to Oozaru here.)
*Does an Overdriven Kamehameha read at the power level it hits at?
*Have Bassoon or Dazarel ever heard of a species with exceptional endurance for their power level? (Exceptional either way, good or bad.)
*Does the way ki degrades over distance make it hard to distinguish a nearby weak signature from a distant powerful one?
--If not, is it because of a spiritual inflection difference (like how you can read emotional states from ki signatures, apparently distinct from reading bodily tells)?
*Does Oozaru have more endurance than base form, even accounting for power level and durability differences?
*Is ki's detectable radius directly proportional to its' power level?
Research Projects:
*Does ki have a
maximum density, beyond which it's not merely impractical-at-one's-level to condense further, but impossible even with help?
*What happens when you try to split ki that's already at minimum density?
*Kaio-Ken involves forcing the body to generate larger motes. Willpower pushes do much the same thing, but with the spirit. What's the shoki - mind ki - equivalent?
*Refinement makes ki look more liquid. Overdrive makes it look like
plasma. What happens if you make it solid? And is there another gas state, or is the default 'flame' shape all there is for that?
*It seems like it should be possible to invert Overdrive, making one read at the same power level but spending much less energy. How? And what does it look like?
*Is ki generation fundamentally proportionate to tank size, or is there a third part one can target?
-Dazarel sleeps a really long time between worlds, which might be a matter of his tank size vastly outstripping his power generation. Does he sleep more than a dragon of his strength normally would?
-If tank size doesn't have to be proportionate to generation capacity, can Perfect Multiform be made more efficient by boosting power generation without boosting tank size?
Open questions, which I don't expect answers for soon:
*Is ki
generated by ki-producers, or
tapped from somewhere?
*How is ki stored?
*Is ki actually particulate?
*Where does ki come from, anyway? Do creatures actually spin it from nothing, or is there a plane they gather it from, or what?
*How does mechanical energy factor in?
*How does Zenō's anti-universe ability factor in?
Not sure where to put this:
When Overdrive was introduced, Tabe's ki
felt 'thin and stretched' - which did take a Ki Sense check to detect. But
when Kakara fought Jaffur that first time, his Ki Refinement wasn't described as weird to ki sense. Granted, the reading that from Tabe required a Ki Sense check, and it
might have just been a case of reading Tabe's stamina/physical condition from his ki signature, rather than an aspect of his ki itself. But this is a lot of what I'm basing my 'ki tank' theory on, and it's kind of weird. Also, it suggests that Refinement and Overdrive aren't fundamentally inversions of each other, even if they're related processes.
...So I've just spent most of yesterday and part of the day before working on this writeup. It's 1215 words, after editing in another basic physics question I'd forgotten. Does this get me an omake bonus?