Experimenting with the genki dama is...trying.
For one thing, you need to cram it into the very limited manifestation time you have; your bond with Bassoon is not yet deep enough to support that. You're very sequestered, in his mindscape; knowing that everything is intrinsically connected doesn't help when there are very real -- if metaphysical -- barriers between you and the outside world. You can only do it when you're out of Bassoon's head -- in fact, when you're out of of the katchin domes the Dragon Clan makes for you, if you want to experiment with more than an extremely small selection of the people on New Namek. Still, you manage to set aside a couple of days to experiment.
And then, perceptions boosted as much as your power allows, you whip through possibilities.
You'd had high hopes for ki refinement, but it turns out that it doesn't do that much for you when you use the genki dama, or even when you go spirit saiyan. For a heartbeat, you can almost feel it catch, almost feel it transmute that titanic well of strength into something more...but it doesn't take. All it does is improve your personal contribution to the technique, which isn't nothing, but isn't exactly what you'd hoped for, either. You feel like there might be potential here, but...as it stands, it's not working. Something about how you approach the genki dama may need to change in order to get that working.
Then, however, you turn your attention to the real meat of your experimentation -- testing out your other forms and seeing if a multiform, especially a transformed one, can contribute to the genki dama.
And it turns out that they cannot.
Base saiyan, masqued saiyan, ape saiyan, super saiyan -- none of them can contribute. The instant it hits the technique, their power merges back into your own as a unified whole. It might be different if you had perfect multiform, but your present proof-of-concept technique, while a drastic improvement on your first, still doesn't give you enough time to test this, and besides...something about it feels less tractable than ki refinement's failure did. You couldn't articulate it, but you feel like this one might be running up against more metaphysical limitations. Like you can only count once towards the genki dama. You're not entirely sure how or why that would work, or even if there's a way around it...but you have a feeling, and it feels fairly convincing, as these go.
The genki dama is highly resistant to leveraging in this sort of manner, although Kakara feels that qualitative boosts like ki refinement may not be intrinsically unattainable -- they simply are now. She believes that the key to integrating these sorts of boosts may lie in greater mastery of the genki dama itself. She is, at present, extremely skeptical of the viability of multiform boosting the technique's power, although she's not willing to say for certain that it can't work.