Voting is open
[ ][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.
[ ][JOB] No, really, Sight training. Sensei's unavailable, but you've been getting visions pretty reliably lately, if rarely and with great effort.
-[ ][JOB] Specify type of vision sought and subject matter (i.e., "Presentsight, Tamar's status").
[ ][JOB] Talk to one (or more) of your friends!
[ ][JOB] Go catch up the Senzus on what the kais just happened.
[ ][JOB] Go train.
-[ ][JOB] How, where, and what (write it in)?
[ ][JOB] Write-in (this vote's pretty broad, folks. What kind of update do you most want to see, and what event chains do you feel like starting? Write it down and I'll serve it up).
Tempted to go for the vision regarding the night of Vegeta's Sealing - it would be nice (and save time) if we could do this before seeing Jaffur.

As I above noted, the prior vote melted a bit and I decided to scrap it. We instead will be filling in priorities as we go.


There is one thing I do want to establish before we really get into things. What are Kakara's absolute top priorities?

These are not merely important goals. These are the goals and struggles that define Kakara. A critical priority like this is the sort of thing that, once failed, haunts the PC's thoughts to their grave -- and, given Dragon Ball cosmology, quite some time beyond. By default, thanks to, "A Cause," you have, "Undo the Sealing," as a Critical Goal. In addition, thanks to the trait's new, revised text, you cannot actually abort this goal.

But do you have any others of a similar magnitude?

[ ][GOALS] Yes.
-[ ][GOALS] Write them in,
-[ ][GOALS] item-by-item.
[ ][GOALS] No.
Hmmmm. Defeating the Enemy, researching some/all our ideas of ki techniques etc. and reforming Saiyan views on violence/killing come to mind, but both seem... a step or two below that? As in, things we'd like to do - and in the long run, maybe make some moves towards them - but not character-defining goals that would crush us to not succeed outright in?

With the end of the Action Points system, I've revised the text of the numerous entries that included notes on Action Points. This included me adding in new effects to compensate for the loss in value, so I encourage you to look over your character sheet to see which of those traits, abilities, and skills have shifted.
I appreciate you doing this, though I'm not sure the replacements are as good as the extra AP - but shifting systems always requires some changes, and I'm glad that we got anything at all. Not sure we would have prioritised Multiform quite so much, but oh well - it's a sunk cost, and Perfect Multiform is pretty close now.

Don't know if you can actually fail a goal like that well you are still alive.
We have an explicit afterlife to be miserable about our failures in.
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[]Bring about the state of affairs that the Exiles don't need to fear the Enemy.
This might be a bit out there since we never discussed it but it does seem like something Kakara would like to do:

[] Heal the animosity between the clans caused by the sundering

As in, between our people, not between our families.
This might be a bit out there since we never discussed it but it does seem like something Kakara would like to do:

[] Heal the animosity between the clans caused by the sundering

As in, between our people, not between our families.
Oooh I like that! :)

Maybe more generally, "heal the animosity between the clans."

We're in a good position to accomplish it and it would be in character for the gentle little girl still inside Kakara's spirit to want it.

Don't know if you can actually fail a goal like that well you are still alive.
If she's an old woman whose strength is starting to decline, she might reasonably conclude that she has failed.

The key point is, we should pick things that are going to define Kakara's life the way the Sealing is shaping up to define her childhood and early adolescence, to the point where it would be fair for her to define her life as a success if she accomplishes those goals and a failure if she doesn't. Or just, y'know, not pick anything right now, which is a reasonable option.

@PoptartProdigy , will we get a chance to revisit this list of GOAL choices every few years, as Kakara's life situation and events around her change? It would seem reasonable that we would.
[]goal:Find a productive use for high power ki besides fighting.

[]Goal: Integrate/assimilate the aliens into our society
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1) Reforming saiyan society to be less oriented around beatdowns, either in terms of the power structure or in terms of the mindset of the people.
That seems sort of vauge. How about

[][goal] make it so that there is a non combat profession among your people of equal or greater prestige than being a awesome tornament fighter.

That seems like something actionable.

Possible candidates for things that Kakara Really Cares About.

1) Reforming saiyan society to be less oriented around beatdowns, either in terms of the power structure or in terms of the mindset of the people.
2) Learning how to defeat the Enemy or laying groundwork for his defeat, while still avoiding detection by him.
3) Making (covert?) contact with the outside galaxy to see if there are other saiyans alive out there as Dazarel implied.
4) Recapturing lost technology, uplifting the Garenhulders, or other SCIENCE! oriented goals.

Personally, I think that dealing with the Garenhoulder fallout of asking for their spiritual energy, contacting them telepathically and basically acting like a Christ figure should be above a lot of those. As a short term goal if nothing else.

That seems sort of vauge. How about

[][goal] make it so that there is a non combat profession among your people of equal or greater prestige than being a awesome tornament fighter.

That seems like something actionable.

I know Kakara is a pacifist and all but....would this necessarily be a good thing? The focus I mean, not the vote. Seers, mages and such are already non combat professions that have a vast amount of respect and prestige. Hell, growing sensu beans would make that one clan prestigious all on it's own even if they didn't have any fighters worth talking about.

It's, well, basically one of the last inherently Saiyan vestiges that we have left, our love of combat. If we, as Saiyans, don't appreciate combat, well...are we really proud of being Saiyans? If we reject the bad in this case we might also end up rejecting the good of our heritage.

Now, I'll be the first to parrot that Culture doesn't have any intrinsic value. But that's not necessarily the same as saying that it would be good if Kakara didn't value it.
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I'm seeing a lot of suggestions for general goals, but I've only seen a few that I would consider worthy to be in the same level as the Sealing.

Actually, we should probably clear that up. @PoptartProdigy this vote is for any goals we have that we consider (or rather, we say Kakara should consider) nearly as important* as unsealing Jaffur, right? Not voting something here doesn't make it something Kakara doesn't see as something she wants to do, but just not a goal on that level. Also, if we do vote something here, will we be able to remove it without penalties after time has passed or will there always be penalties for removing goals on this level?

*If not equally important
I'm seeing a lot of suggestions for general goals, but I've only seen a few that I would consider worthy to be in the same level as the Sealing.

Actually, we should probably clear that up. @PoptartProdigy this vote is for any goals we have that we consider (or rather, we say Kakara should consider) nearly as important* as unsealing Jaffur, right? Not voting something here doesn't make it something Kakara doesn't see as something she wants to do, but just not a goal on that level. Also, if we do vote something here, will we be able to remove it without penalties after time has passed or will there always be penalties for removing goals on this level?

*If not equally important
These are for your absolute top priorities, yes:
These are not merely important goals. These are the goals and struggles that define Kakara. A critical priority like this is the sort of thing that, once failed, haunts the PC's thoughts to their grave -- and, given Dragon Ball cosmology, quite some time beyond.
Penalties for removing critical goals depend entirely on the circumstances under which Kakara removes the goals.
These are for your absolute top priorities, yes:

Penalties for removing critical goals depend entirely on the circumstances under which Kakara removes the goals.
So should they be things that have a definite end state? Getting rid of the sealing has a clear end. Changing our people's culture does not.
Well, if we're reasonably confident of being able to achieve the goal to a standard that Kakara could feel comfortable with in her old age, I'd think that would do. Something like "heal the rift between Gokun and Vegetan" may be open-ended, but it's well defined and historians could reasonably assess whether or not she'd accomplished it.
[X][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.

[X][GOALS] Yes.
-[X][GOALS] Integrate/assimilate the aliens into your society.

I want that tech and we need a way to deal with them besides killing them all.
So should they be things that have a definite end state? Getting rid of the sealing has a clear end. Changing our people's culture does not.
Oh, no. No need for that at all. These aren't video game quests; clearing out one's log book is not the object here. These are Kakara's targets. Failing has consequences, as does success, but their presence or absence on the list, and the manner in which they transition between those two states, is more about Kakara than about whether or not she objectively succeeded or failed.
[X][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.

[X][GOALS] Yes.
-[X][GOALS] Integrate/assimilate the aliens into your society.
-[X][GOALS]Develop your understanding of ki to the greatest possible level.
[] Make Saiyan society less prone to killing and hurting people.

Because in any half-way decent society, what Yammar did would be completely unacceptable, you don't get evil tyrants like Oni, and killing your rivals in honour duels doesn't happen.
[] Make Saiyan society less prone to killing and hurting people.

Because in any half-way decent society, what Yammar did would be completely unacceptable, you don't get evil tyrants like Oni, and killing your rivals in honour duels doesn't happen.
I think many half decent societies actually have stiff punishments for when people attempt to violently overthrow the government. Every kid he killed was a super saiyan so they were all part of it.
[X][JOB] "Sight training." Jaffur's been sitting for a week, and he has to be getting antsy. Time to get this off The List.
[X][JOB] Go catch up the Senzus on what the kais just happened.
[X][GOALS] No.

To be utterly honest, I don't think we should hard-code anything else to our core personality just yet. As has been said, there is the chance to do this organically over time... jumping into this right now without causal impetus seems a bit too hasty for me.
Voting is open