If we are fucking with Doom next turn, I would like for it to not just be with Kitsune. In theory, we could devote our next Martial, Diplomacy and Intrigue actions against Doom since we don't particularly have anything on fire at the moment, and we have some decent heroes for the job. An all in assault out of nowhere after this lukewarm conflict could actually put us fairly ahead.
Discredit Doom by publicizing some of his more grave crimes against Toons with one Diplo action plus whatever other PR weapons we can use with the other, like the fact that he caused the attack on his own police department. Get both Intrigue actions to sabotage him, Kitsune on more direct methods and Russ on organizing an allied front in the city, hopefully made from a Toon core with the intent of expanding to sympathizers. Bolster this front by organizing a direct black-ops raid on Cogs facilities with Khan, and hope this new organization can capitalize. It's also possible the Stewardship action to develop new vehicles could also help with this by damaging Cloverleaf stock, but that's a reach.
I think we could actually do some quite serious damage to Doom next turn, which is to our advantage. If we just keep trading as we were before this that's good for us since we will lose much sooner than us. Most likely, it would force him into desperation; which while it could make him more dangerous, also makes him much more vulnerable and prone to failure. So I think it should be a legitimate priority next turn.