You know, while its great that we KNOW this is coming, I'm also scared shitless that a Intrigue 56 Toon Villain who understands how the normal world works and is able and willing to tie it into knots with the Toon Force backing him is coming looking for a Worthy Challenge.
Hey. You know who's a worthy challenge, intrigue-wise? Toffee. Yeah.

Also, the Blot's stats are insane. Now picture him, Russ, and Wile, working together in a Quest against Toffee.

Mr. Russ, may I introduce you to El Pollo Loco." The Blot said in an oily voice. "Perhaps you might remember him from Chanticleer?"

"…that film was never made."

"Indeed." The rooster replies in an accent so Spanish a guitar spontaneously plays a Latin riff. "As such, I needed to find other forms of employment."
Why is this line so scary? It just vibes like one of those movie brags:
-"This is the Secret Weapon of King McGuffin I."
-"Impossible! It was destroyed!"
-"No. It was only thought to be destroyed. And now it is mine."

I know it's just a swordsfowl, but it reads like a Doomsday weapon!

🎭🎬 THE PHANTOM BLOT has been added to your DoofQuest Hero Cards!

Damn, those stats tho.

Guys, I just had a realization. We can direct the Blot. If we make targets that he simply can't resist, we'll be able to set things up to at least try to mitigate his eventual attempts. Some of our biggest projects would be like a beacon to him. Dino Entertainment.

Also, we can at least take Russ with us next turn too. Past that, we need to consider which entities Blot would be willing to work with us against. For the advancement of his own evil plots of course.
Like, say, Toffee? Seriously, just offer the Blot the opportunity to be part of an interdimensional heist. See if he can possibly deny.

We need to find Mickey since he was The Blot original nemesis.
Why you gotta do our boy Russ so dirty? Let him have fun!

Also, to the plan makers out there, I would like to propose a plot: After we take Russ to the auction, I'd like for his free turn before Blot likely comes to town be dedicated to:
Leaking to Doom details on the Corn Deal.

Rationale goes something like this:
1) Doof is openly pro-toon.
2) Doof spoke to a probable-toon businesslizard, now identified as "Toffee", at the Sands Gala.
(Doom: "Yup. With a name like that, it's definitely a toon)
3) The lizard then reached out to Doof to offer a very good corn deal.
4) Doof spoke to a select few people at the Sands, and has been seen trying to foster good relationships with them (Xanatos, Janus Lee) in public.
5) Conclusion: Toffee is a toon, an ally of Doofenschmirtz, and an enemy to Doom.

Y'know, since both Russ and Phantom Blot are gonna be busy, I figure we could give Doom something to spend his newly freed-up actions on.
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Tobe's gonna be so jealous though.

We may have to give him a chance to pursue his own find-a-nemesis action just out of pity.
Ooor, Tobe can see this as Sweet Justification that his choice to follow Doof is the right and proper way to get a new Nemesis.

I mean, look at Phantom Blot. He's an absolute monster of a Nemesis, and Russ got him from a mission given to him by Doof.
So we're debating paying off the man who has a stated interest in plotting directly against us, not so that he won't plot against us, but so that his plots against us will be things that align with our employees' preferences and philosophies, in order to increase employee morale and make sure "enemy" movements against us remain under control.

This really is Disney Shadowrun.
Actually I was more just basing this off of Doof being very pro-Nemesis and also his whole "Muahaha I have made you expendable ... therefore you get more vacation days" style of not-caring-about-governing.

As far as I can tell, Doof would actively enjoy 90% of what Blot would get up to. Including the challenge of trying to rig up hallway traps that would actually catch slow down Blot.
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Considering that Blot announced that he was moving to Doofania because that's where Russ lived I'd be very surprised if Doom didn't put it together

And yet Doom knows nothing about Agent Russ, only his name and where he is currently residing.

If Doom looks into things through Government channels he would see that Agent Russ has worked and still is working with the government for many years, and is currently reporting on the things that we do, while acting as one of our intrigue heroes.

If he looks into things from Doof's side of things, he will learn that Agent Russ is working for us under orders from the feds on occasion since he still is doing governemnt work, and does so due to his loyalty to the governement.

So unless old Hawky boy gets really lucky and somehow manages to squeak something out from someone in the inner circle he will think that Agent Russ is just another of the One of our weird governement lackies like that weird animal agency he has under his foot in the first few months.
Seriously, it happens like... once a week or so. We experience some medium-sized setback and you spend like two pages talking about how unfair it is that we have to deal with this problem.

You may enjoy this quest, but the feedback you give whenever something bad happens in-game makes it sound like you're on the edge of rage-quitting every time things don't go as well as you think we deserve. It's kind of exhausting to deal with.
I'm sorry and I'll try to reign it in for seemingly minor things like P&F failing their roll but for pretty major things like this I'm going to do things like this

Partially because I do think at least some of my complains are valid but also because venting about this stuff let's me get it off my chest and allows me to calm down and get back to actually contributing far quicker than if I just stewed in my negative feelings
And yet Doom knows nothing about Agent Russ, only his name and where he is currently residing.

If Doom looks into things through Government channels he would see that Agent Russ has worked and still is working with the government for many years, and is currently reporting on the things that we do, while acting as one of our intrigue heroes.

If he looks into things from Doof's side of things, he will learn that Agent Russ is working for us under orders from the feds on occasion since he still is doing governemnt work, and does so due to his loyalty to the governement.

So unless old Hawky boy gets really lucky and somehow manages to squeak something out from someone in the inner circle he will think that Agent Russ is just another of the One of our weird governement lackies like that weird animal agency he has under his foot in the first few months.
Okay but literally all Doom needs to know is that Russ has some connection to us, which aren't exactly hard dots to connect at this point
Nemeses are recurring foes that will continually try to face your Hero Units in some form of combat. They will occasionally interfere with actions you send their foes on, giving a penalty to the National Action heroes are performing, beginning their own assault, or inserting themselves into a quest their foe is on.
Yes Mr. Toffee, you can definitely hire me for an assist in your evil plans. I'm the world's greatest villain, after all. What are you talking about, do you really think I'd betray you?
...Well, inspiration struck for an omake, but it fell apart at the chorus. That's annoying.

When You Have Yourself A Nemesis.

It is several weeks after Agent Russ's report, and that look of glee Heinz Doofenshmirtz has had on his face all week shows no signs of abating.

He is going to put on a musical number.

Gilt-edged invitations to the guests of honor have been sent, a theater has been booked, elaborate contraptions constructed, a backing chorus secured...

And here come the guests of honor now!

From one side of the twin aisles, Agent Russ.

From the other, The Phantom Blot.

The lights dim on the audience, and come up on Heinz Doofenshmirtz Himself, center stage.

"Good evening, captive audience!"

The theater's seats' armrests ker-chunk into rollercoaster restraining bars.

"We are here on the one month anniversary of my good friend and local government spook Agent Russ finding himself a new foe."

"I thought it fitting, to take a moment, and put on an informative show."

Major Francis Monogram presses a single key on the piano for a tone.

"And a one, two, three, go"

"There's a time in life / When the time is right / To start thwarting yourself a foe -

Well, there's rules to that / In the Golden Age / As I sure hope you know -

But certain things, / I think you'll find / the manuals don't sho~o~ow..."

"I'll take some time / from Greevil crimes / To tell you what I know!"

The piano rolls back in again, in a jaunty tune, and machinery in the stage whirrs to life, depicting relevant scenarios through a unique bit of shadowy pantomime playing against physical objects.

"When you have yourself a nemesis, a bright shiny new foe,
...Well, inspiration struck for an omake, but it fell apart at the chorus. That's annoying.

When You Have Yourself A Nemesis.

It is several weeks after Agent Russ's report, and that look of glee Heinz Doofenshmirtz has had on his face all week shows no signs of abating.

He is going to put on a musical number.

Gilt-edged invitations to the guests of honor have been sent, a theater has been booked, elaborate contraptions constructed, a backing chorus secured...

And here come the guests of honor now!

From one side of the twin aisles, Agent Russ.

From the other, The Phantom Blot.

The lights dim on the audience, and come up on Heinz Doofenshmirtz Himself, center stage.

"Good evening, captive audience!"

The theater's seats' armrests ker-chunk into rollercoaster restraining bars.

"We are here on the one month anniversary of my good friend and local government spook Agent Russ finding himself a new foe."

"I thought it fitting, to take a moment, and put on an informative show."

Major Francis Monogram presses a single key on the piano for a tone.

"And a one, two, three, go"

"There's a time in life / When the time is right / To start thwarting yourself a foe -

Well, there's rules to that / In the Golden Age / As I sure hope you know -

But certain things, / I think you'll find / the manuals don't sho~o~ow..."

"I'll take some time / from Greevil crimes / To tell you what I know!"

The piano rolls back in again, in a jaunty tune, and machinery in the stage whirrs to life, depicting relevant scenarios through a unique bit of shadowy pantomime playing against physical objects.

"When you have yourself a nemesis, a bright shiny new foe,

Feels like it needs a catchy chorus, although lots of lines could be that if you repeat them enough.
I have mixed reactions wihth the phantom blot here. he is....Very evil, but he is not interested on us... He just want to be Russ nemesis...

I feel like another king just moved in.... and he is not interested in playing the game. Just his game. Blot game.
Yes Mr. Toffee, you can definitely hire me for an assist in your evil plans. I'm the world's greatest villain, after all. What are you talking about, do you really think I'd betray you?
We must arrange a dinner date to introduce ourselves to our subordinates' nemesis (and possibly discuss plans to take down Doom) as soon as possible.

*Sniff* Our boy Russ is all grown up now.

I can totally see Doof setting up and getting along with Blot discussing thefiner points of trap making.
Someone on the discord mentioned that now we have a proper nemesis (inquinator was a tutorial nemesis basically) we should really Decentralize the Norm-bots next turn to make full use of this delay we have before he actually starts doing nemesis things.

It was also revealed that the Phantom Blot is basically able to use the toonforce to learn skills instantaneously, so he might be able to learn how to hack or could simply hire someone that could hack our norm-bot grid which would be especially damaging if they are centralized.

I would prefer having Lizzy or maybe Drake on this as I really want this to succeed, and they are probably the two best picks for the narrative (as narrative of who is assigned affects the results) and with Lizzy having the experience with ant-bot deployment and a good martial score/strategy, could potentially design the decentralized clusters to be more effective from a military standpoint than a scientist's standpoint.

(In the same way Genghis might be better at determining where to place laser weapons to be effective militarily, while von Drake might be better at designing and building the weapons themselves)
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Just something I wanted to note, because I found it amusing when I heard it a couple years ago, when The Phantom Blot appeared in the original Ducktales cartoon, he claimed that he would become greater than "Doctor Doom or Darth Vader." Both of whom are now technically owned by Disney.