@Made in Heaven Is hiring The Commodore a permanent hit in income or a one-turn thing?
Income is an abstraction of the amount of liquid funds you have on hand, so spending it will be permanent... but there are always opportunities to earn more. Essentially you're giving the Commodore a chunk of cash to do a job for you, and you can't get that cash back. It would be the Commodore's.
So, planmakers: Heroes haven't been updated yet. Janna needs another couple points in loyalty, Lizzy still has one diplomacy, etc.
[ ] Reorganize your PMC

DC 170

Your PMC has grown ever since you first established it, with those troops from Mendel-Gruman, some actual Mongols, and whatever other recruits offered to sign up. You need to reorganize it into some distinct divisions to prevent confusion and even get some more things done!

(Reward: Second Martial action unlocked per turn)

[ ] Form a Coven

DC 120

At some point, it might be a good idea to create some sort of organized structure to your various spellslingers. As is, you're doing things pretty bespoke. Throw together a coven, or a circle, or a bogwarts, or whatever you call an organized group of mages.

Reward: Second Occult action unlocked, Court Wizard council position unlocked
Seems like these won't be happening any time soon, unfortunately. Some back of the envelope math says that even with Khan and Janna respectively, there's just a 10% chance of success
Still not worth it. They're very Monkey Paw-ish, the little sh*ts
Look, I don't think you could summon Bill unless you knew exactly what you were doing to get his attention. You'd probably being down a generic fire & brimstone asshole with a pointy stick before calling Bill Cipher into your basement. Or you critfail, but Janna's your best Occult her and I doubt she could fuck up that hard.
Look, I don't think you could summon Bill unless you knew exactly what you were doing to get his attention. You'll probably get a generic fire & brimstone asshole with a pointy stick before calling Bill Cipher into your basement. Or you critfail, but Janna's your best Occult her and I doubt she could fuck up that hard.
Okay, that's a fair point and I've moved on past Bill. Still though, very mistrustful of demons. They always want something. Plus, it would probably be a better idea to set up a magical defense system first before summoning something that may or may not be friendly
[ ] Upgrade AI
DC 315

After seeing what Syndrome managed at Vegas, and the contents of the Palladium Chip, you have come to the conclusion... that you know way less about AI than you think you do. Seriously, even with the breakthroughs you've made in the field, Sinatron was running laps around your best work. Norm may be a real swell guy, but there's no chance he could ever pull off something like that. It's possible you could still make some sort of advance in AI, but until you sort through everything you gained from the Sands gala, you've got no idea.

(Reward: Research Adaptive Anti-Cape AI and Robot Doppelganger AI to lower the DC)
I think the bolded shouldn't be here anymore, cause we did it.

[ ] Upgrade AI
DC 325

After seeing what Syndrome managed at Vegas, and the contents of the Palladium Chip, you have come to the conclusion... that you know way less about AI than you think you do. Seriously, even with the breakthroughs you've made in the field, Sinatron was running laps around your best work. Norm may be a real swell guy, but there's no chance he could ever pull off something like that. It's possible you could still make some sort of advance in AI, but until you sort through everything you gained from the Sands gala, you've got no idea.

(Reward: Research Adaptive Anti-Cape AI and Robot Doppelganger AI to lower the DC)

and did the DC really only go down by 10 points? WOW.

Maybe we should not wait on contemplating Norm and CJ until we get this, cause holy crap!
[ ] Recruit new talent

Dr. Heinz has a lot of contacts that he hasn't followed up on. Take the liberty of following through on a few of them and hire some new talent. (Recruit one random hero from the rolodex if a number greater than 50 is rolled.)

... this is probably one of the best Personal Actions any of our heroes has. It's literally a 50% to recruit a free hero unit. If we don't need to have Mirage do anything this turn, I suggest she do this.

[ ] Hang out with Janna

It almost feels natural to talk to a person.

This is a give. It helps Janna's mental state, and may allow us to out off having Technor psychoanalyze her for at least one turn.
We do? I thought we were taking Janna to the auction. It seems a bit preemptive to go all-in on Kitsune without knowing more about her.
The common consensus seems to be Doof troop+highest occult, which is pretty flexible when were already bringing janna.
Totally agree with it being to soon for kitsune tho, I'd prefer to bring tobe so he can have a date with his 'wife' jing-jing
Plan Woweed:
[ ] Outfit PMC with Energy Weapons (Lizzie)
[ ] Reach Out to Shego (Vanessa)
[ ] Campaign Against the SRA (Goofy)
[ ] Develop a new Social Media platform (Phineas and Ferb)
[ ] Rebrand Insuricare (Hego)
[ ] Investigate the Middleton Drug RIng (Mirage)
[ ] Subvert Hawk (Russ)
[ ] Large Herbivore Domestication (Jumba)
[ ] Research Robo-Doppelganger AI (Von Drake)
[ ] Dance Magic (Dennis, because it'd be hilarious)
Lovemuffin: Buy out Lee Industries
Hire the Commodore to look into Toffee.
Doof: Read the Spellbook, Summon Uncle, Tinker with Inators
Monogram: Reorganize OWCA
Coyote: Look through ACME Records
Technor: Psychoanalyze Stanley
Khan, Janna, Max, and Tobe: Xanadu. Genghis, take the Ruby Wings.
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[ ] Hopper Food Group - Fast food conglomerate with multiple smaller restaurants under their North American banner.
DC 95

[ ] Lee Industries - Performance vehicle designer and manufacturer. Their name is associated with lucrative contracts, sports sponsorships, and the odd foray into medical sciences.
DC 55

[ ] WyndComm Enterprises - Civilian aeronautics company that constructs and launches satellites for commercial use. Has worked on contracts with government and private space programs in years prior.
DC 80
Someone can tell me of which show this are?
[ ] Study Dance Magic

DC 120 (Must assign hero unit, DC heavily modified by the relevant unit's capability for Dance)

So, apparently there's some sort of artifact in Feldrake's stash that relates to Dance Magic. You are uncertain of the value of Dance Magic, but far be it from you to question the value of a good musical number.
I swear to God, I just resigned myself that we were never gonna hire Juniper, and then this option comes out....Guys, pretty please? I know, the SRA option is more important right now, but maybe for the next turn.
*looks at the DC for the Coven. Starts bawling* SO. DAMN. CLOSE! We were this close to finally unlocking the Council. A single action left altogether. And it's literally a 10% shot to make it at all, if you add in the XP. I just... ugh...
Very fun fact. But our three most loyal hero's of right now, are Vanessa (of course) at 50, Janna also at 50 (damn girl, tied with our daughter in terms of loyalty) . . . And lastly, Wile E. Coyote at 55. Bruh.

Sorry I doubt this really matters to anyone but I found it funny enough it was worth mentioning.
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Very fun fact. But our three most loyal hero's of right now, are Vanessa (of course) at 50, Janna also at 50 (damn girl, tied with our daughter in terms of loyalty. . . And lastly, Wile E. Coyote at 55. Bruh.

Sorry I doubt this really matters to anyone but I found it funny enough it was worth mentioning.
I mean...We did help him achieve his literal one and only goal in existing.
Very fun fact. But our three most loyal hero's of right now, are Vanessa (of course) at 50, Janna also at 50 (damn girl, tied with our daughter in terms of loyalty. . . And lastly, Wile E. Coyote at 55. Bruh.

Sorry I doubt this really matters to anyone but I found it funny enough it was worth mentioning.

And that's not even Janna's loyalty. We got more from Cleave Apart, so it'll be even higher. Unlikely to get over the 75 threshold for even bigger bonuses, but still nice to have.
Wouldn't summoning Tom be a good thing, mostly? He seems like a nice enough guy, and while I don't know his current relationship statuses with Star (broken up, dating again, broken up again?) or Marco (Rivals? Best friends?) but I don't think he wants to actively hurt Star or anything.

Nah all demons are bad. its like playing russian rulette with 0 chance to winning