We did, when we unlocked the PMC.

Already edited that bit before you posted. The confusion came from original descriptions. Which called it 'revealed' in the update where we got the PMC where spy networks called unlock.

[ ] Establish a Formal Spy Network:

DC 115

It occurs to you that you now have several sneaky people willing to do your bidding, and even more sneaky stuff that needs done. It may be time to establish a formal network of informants, agents, and contacts rather than just asking Russ every time a bit of skullduggery needs done.

(Reward: Unlocks a second intrigue action per turn and unlocks the Spymaster position.)

However the update with the results
[ ] Establish a formal spy network
DC 105 (Reduced by XP)
Personal Attention Reroll:69+14+28+4=119
Marginal Success

Setting up a spy ring is one of the most unbelievably exhausting things you've ever done. You and Mirage both put in overtime to find informants, vet spies, develop dead drops, and make use of isolated cells. Even with all her experience, you're pretty sure it wouldn't have been pulled off without you making sure every available resource was pushed onto the project. Nonetheless, your secret agent men are set up, and they answer to no one but you.

Second Intrigue Action unlocked!

Spymaster position revealed!

It's called reveal. So I'm assuming reveal/unlock are the same thing.

Having thrown what little remained of that awful 'Kernelumper' idea you had straight into the recycle bin, you set about creating an AI that won't trigger horrible nightmare flashbacks every time you look at it. The process is long, arduous, and you can't really remember much of it afterwards, but you push yourself to keep going. You really feel like you might be onto something here, something that pulls together Kronos adaptability, Funtelligence conversational skills, and your own personal flair into an AI that can actually make decisions.

Gigabrain Doof nightmare, if we ever get it advanced enough our AI start creating sub-AI's, the security module is Kernelump.


"Yes, yes it is. Anyway, as I was saying, the dark wizard Malifishmertz was sadly defeated by the great knight… Carl? That's a terrible name."

"Can the knight's name be 'Norm'?"

You blink. "Wait. Why do you want that?"


"Oh, all right," you concede, continuing to absentmindedly type. "The noble knight Norm, sure."

Okay, hilarious, also adorable.
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The best thing is that when Dr. D announces that he programmed a sapient AI in his sleep, literally the only person to be shocked will be Russ. It's all too much tech for Khan, so he doesn't know how impossible it should be, Janna has read sci-fi so she's probably only surprised it took so long, Vanessa's been around him long enough so she knows what shenanigans he tends to get into, this is just something the GalFed has to some degree, everywhere, so she's not all that impressive to Jumba, etc.
The best thing is that when Dr. D announces that he programmed a sapient AI in his sleep, literally the only person to be shocked will be Russ. It's all too much tech for Khan, so he doesn't know how impossible it should be, Janna has read sci-fi so she's probably only surprised it took so long, Vanessa's been around him long enough so she knows what shenanigans he tends to get into, this is just something the GalFed has to some degree, everywhere, so she's not all that impressive to Jumba, etc.
Small correction, it's not actually fully sapient yet. It still can't pass the Turing test.
Toffee is waging a war over multiple dimensions. 99% of his attention is towards dominating the universe that isn't Earth. He's going to be patient and probably work to develop a new method of expanding his influence before making any decisions relating whether to retaliate against us.
It's hard to really engage with this without a source on Toffee doing essentially nothing on Earth, especially when that flies in the face of the fact the Toffee literally just tried to work with us, an earth-based King.

And we know Toffee keeps things low-key. His one failure at modernizing industry in the NMEIZ came up in the Rumor Mill because the corruption charges actually registered on the national stage, but he clearly completed the action since then since he had Earth-based industries to make his offer to us with and we didn't hear about that in the Rumor Mill at all. Because it was quiet. Subtle.

That's what I'm concerned about. I really don't see Toffee pulling a Doom-style speech about how we're so focused on uplifting cricket-kind that we refused to feed the poor citizens of America with some proper corn, but I can see him, for example, offering the corn himself. And marketing it as better than crickets.

Because it literally is.

And that would eat into the PR gains we, the cricket man, have made as the new breadbasket of America. At no point did Toffee take obvious action against us, but he still managed to arrange circumstances such that our support base is lessened, because that's literally what Toffee does.

Now, at this point I'm going to step back and make it clear that I don't think we need to panic over Toffee. Toffee may not do anything at all this turn, and maybe not even next turn, and even if he does I'm sure we'll be able to recover. The cricket man shall rise again.

But if we have to choose between shoring up our PR before it can come under assault, and not doing that... especially when not doing that also puts off the war against ENCOM, and we really have no idea how well or poorly that's going...

I'd rather just...

Do the thing...?

Do PR and ENCOM with Social Media, do Malifishmertz with Acme Delivery, and do Occult with Xanadu. If we don't have to sacrifice the initiative, why should we just because we'll survive the process?
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[ ] Do some introspection about Norm
Your feelings on Norm are more complicated than you thought. Is he your son? Are you comfortable with that? How are you supposed to be treating him? Is he even really sentient? You've given him a lot of upgrades over the years, but you never remember instructing him to call you father.
Should we talk to Norm the turn after Janna and the auction? I say he earned it after all this time.
He did taint the Wand with his influence already so he could do similar things with the corn to make them addictive and/or more suspectable for his influence via magic or slow magic acting poison.
I believe that was less Toffee tainting the wand so much as him tainting the Realm of Magic using the fact that the wand is a direct conduit to it.
Having thrown what little remained of that awful 'Kernelumper' idea you had straight into the recycle bin, you set about creating an AI that won't trigger horrible nightmare flashbacks every time you look at it.
I iz much happines. Kernelumper got a cameo :p

Anyhow, that was an interesting way of tying in the "Princess" idea. Certainly a plausible enough explanation.
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Do PR and ENCOM with Social Media, do Malifishmertz with Acme Delivery, and do Occult with Xanadu. If we don't have to sacrifice the initiative, why should we just because we'll survive the process?
I never suggested that Toffee would simply not do anything on Earth. I'm saying that I don't think he will retaliate in the way that you think. I don't really think that Social Media will be effective enough as a counter-PR tool as you think. ENCOM doesn't work by social media. It works by controlling nearly every computer in the world. Toffee's attacks also won't be focused on social media. I do believe that we should do social media, but not by putting off Chicken Itza.
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That's what I'm concerned about. I really don't see Toffee pulling a Doom-style speech about how we're so focused on uplifting cricket-kind that we refused to feed the poor citizens of America with some proper corn, but I can see him, for example, offering the corn himself. And marketing it as better than crickets.

Because it literally is.
That's quitter talk! We'll make crickets the new American staple food, dammit!
"What offer of corn? Where? This agent of yours, did he walk in through the front doors? Did he schedule an appointment? Do my staff remember him arriving?"

There are disadvantages to sending messages via magic men in snappy suits who arrive at your office door without passing the Hall of Traps and without scheduling a meeting...

Unless I'm misinterpreting the way that meeting went down.

Yeah, just going "uh, so, I have traps around my building that I disable for legit visitors? And they were never tripped or deactivated when you say they were?" would... well it would bring up the traps but I feel like those should be known by now.

But if we don't have Donald, who will tell us if a place looks like a good spot to find some ingredients?


...fuck, that's his secret, isn't it. He's bottled up because he's not telling us about ingredients, or Lucky Emblems.
Now we need the dragon

Dinosaurs are dragons.
this is just something the GalFed has to some degree, everywhere, so she's not all that impressive to Jumba, etc.

If anything Jumba would commenserate with us.

"Oh, yes, designed while half asleep. I have done that too. Very strange results, you know - I will have to tell you about Experiment 085 one day, I think."
I won't stop you from trying. Good luck!

(From my own experiences, you'll need it.)

... yay! Forward, onto the breach!

Though, I will split them up into chunks. As it will take a ton of time, I don't want to accidentally delete the list when it's halfway done. Anywho, first off, Touchstone Pictures stuff that isn't Who Framed Rogger Rabit:

Three young boys are trained by their grandfather in the art of Ninjutsu!

Samuel Douglas Jr./"Rocky": The leader of the brothers, Rocky is certainly a tough opponent, even amongst his brothers. Just don't break his glasses.
- He's shares some traits with Leonardo from TMNT.

Jeffrey Douglas/"Colt": The fastest and most hot headed of the three, and can preform ferts of agility that most others couldn't most other couldn't.
- He shares some traits with Raphael from TMNT.

Michael Douglas/"Tum-Tum": The "glutton" of the team, while Micheal may not be as good as his brothers when it comes to fighting. But, that doesn't stop him from kicking you right in a... very sensitive area if he gets the chance.

Mori Tanaka/Shintaro: A skilled Ninja master, you don't want to make this guy made. Though, even if you do make him mad, he won't try to kill you as, "I teach ninja, not murder".
- He's like a Splinter from TMNT. Or, well, the slightly more goofy ones.

Samuel Douglas: FBI agent and later director, Samuel doesn't exactly agree with his father-in-law on many things. Like training his sons to be Ninjas themselves.

Andrew Martin: ... I really doubt he'll appear, as the movie, while it certainly far past WWII, is far too... different from the rest of the series in Gridlock. While there is a megacorp in the movie... it's the fact Andrew is a full on human-like/completely human AI, and, as already stated in the quest, true AI, before Sinatron, were not a thing. Still, I feel like I should mention him.

Ernest P. Worrell: So... fun fact, Sunstone actually made the first four Ernest movies. Mostly mentioning him as a joke, and the fact that I like the movies and the actor. Still, Ernest, even if he's not very... bright, would certainly mix well with everyone else Doof has recruited, as well as Doof himself.

... also, if ya want to take "Ernest Scared Stupid" into account, Ernest's... dimness is actually caused by a curse that was casted on his family.

Peter Vincent(Remake): A Vegas Showman who's parents were killed by a vampire when he was still a child.

Peter Vincent(Original): The host of a horror show ala Elvira, Mistress of Darkness. He never really believed in the mythical and the Occult before he met Charley Brewster.

Charley Brewster(Remake): A geek who eventually becomes a monster hunter and saves his town from a vampire.

Charley Brewster(Original): A young teen who thought his neighbor was a vampire... and, it turns out he was right. With no one else to turn to, Charley eventually ran off to get help from his favorite celebrity, Peter Vincent.

Adrian Monk: A famed dective, after his wife was killed in a car bombing Monk a... mental breakdown. He's better now... but he's still searching for the person responsible. Of course, most his free time is taken up solving cases that the local police force can't. As Monk has solved multiple cases while distracted, it's easy to see why they'd want him back.

Also: Ooo! Great update!
That's quitter talk! We'll make crickets the new American staple food, dammit!
Of course if we can't get the texture right (vertebrate meat snobs feh) we can always use the things as fish food in aquaculture. Becuase one of the largest problems with fish farms is that the fish people prefer eat other fish. But here we have a easily expandable source of protein to stuff the things stupid.
That's what I'm concerned about. I really don't see Toffee pulling a Doom-style speech about how we're so focused on uplifting cricket-kind that we refused to feed the poor citizens of America with some proper corn, but I can see him, for example, offering the corn himself. And marketing it as better than crickets.

Because it literally is.

That's quitter talk! We'll make crickets the new American staple food, dammit!

Counterpoint the both of you.
[ ] Research Dino Domestication

DC 90

Before you can really manage to get use out of dinosaurs, you need to establish a basic means of getting them to follow orders and, you know, not eat their handlers. A combination of intensive behavioral study and careful genetic modification should do the trick, at least for the smaller ones.

Reward: Dinosaur Farming action unlocked, Dinosaur Entertainment action unlocked, Domesticate Large Herbivores action unlocked, Dinosaur Cavalry action unlocked, Environmental Adaptations action unlocked[/SPOILER]

If you don't think a stegosaurus steak and velociraptor drumsticks is going to sell like hotcakes I don't know what to tell you.