Aspiring Encyclopedia
You cited his doing 1% of his total activities on Earth as your evidence that he wouldn't retaliate. I responded to your claim, and your prior claims that Toffee retaliating against us would necessitate him looking "silly". Do you have further arguments?I never suggested that Toffee would simply not do anything on Earth. I'm saying that I don't think he will retaliate. I don't really think that Social Media will be effective enough as a counter-PR tool as you think. ENCOM doesn't work by social media. It works by controlling nearly every computer in the world. Toffee's attacks also won't be focused on social media. I do believe that we should do social media, but not by putting off Chicken Itza.
As for your latter points, I am aware that Toffee will not attack us based on our social media platform or lack thereof. The point is that the social media action does this:
Which gives us good PR, which offsets bad PR. I expect Doom and Toffee, at some point in the near future, to reduce our PR, by cutting into our good PR, or inflicting bad PR upon us.(Reward: New source of income, general public opinion boost, increased technological edge, possible actions unlocked)
So I want to stock up on more good PR, to ensure we don't run into the PR negatives.
Also, I'm aware of what ENCOM does. But since the Doofbook servers will almost surely be running of Doof-based hardware and software, making Doofbook directly reduces the percent of cyberspace under ENCOM's sway. Since they're about to increase that percentage with their new OS, I see value in this.
Yeah, I'm just crossing my fingers we'll be able to stick L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. on that one, because our Stewardship and Learning slots are pretty tied up for the immediate future.If you don't think a stegosaurus steak and velociraptor drumsticks is going to tell like hotcakes I don't know what to tell you.