I never suggested that Toffee would simply not do anything on Earth. I'm saying that I don't think he will retaliate. I don't really think that Social Media will be effective enough as a counter-PR tool as you think. ENCOM doesn't work by social media. It works by controlling nearly every computer in the world. Toffee's attacks also won't be focused on social media. I do believe that we should do social media, but not by putting off Chicken Itza.
You cited his doing 1% of his total activities on Earth as your evidence that he wouldn't retaliate. I responded to your claim, and your prior claims that Toffee retaliating against us would necessitate him looking "silly". Do you have further arguments?

As for your latter points, I am aware that Toffee will not attack us based on our social media platform or lack thereof. The point is that the social media action does this:
(Reward: New source of income, general public opinion boost, increased technological edge, possible actions unlocked)
Which gives us good PR, which offsets bad PR. I expect Doom and Toffee, at some point in the near future, to reduce our PR, by cutting into our good PR, or inflicting bad PR upon us.

So I want to stock up on more good PR, to ensure we don't run into the PR negatives.

Also, I'm aware of what ENCOM does. But since the Doofbook servers will almost surely be running of Doof-based hardware and software, making Doofbook directly reduces the percent of cyberspace under ENCOM's sway. Since they're about to increase that percentage with their new OS, I see value in this.

If you don't think a stegosaurus steak and velociraptor drumsticks is going to tell like hotcakes I don't know what to tell you.
Yeah, I'm just crossing my fingers we'll be able to stick L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. on that one, because our Stewardship and Learning slots are pretty tied up for the immediate future.
In all seriousness, though -

"Does this mean you accept me as a son now?"

"I told you, I'm thinking about it."

"It's been ten months, sir!" Norm replied with his usual neutral enthusiasm.

Norm makes a point. It has been ten months. Maybe it's time we stop waiting on things to be mechanically ideal and do some soul-searching that isn't tied up in programming.
You cited his doing 1% of his total activities on Earth as your evidence that he wouldn't retaliate. I responded to your claim, and your prior claims that Toffee retaliating against us would necessitate him looking "silly". Do you have further arguments?
At the same time I pointed out how he would bide his time and wait for another vector of expanding his influence.

He's going to be patient and probably work to develop a new method of expanding his influence before making any decisions relating whether to retaliate against us.
See this part? It was the second sentence and quite important in interpreting what I was saying.

The thing is, Excavating Chicken Izta is more important than waging a war with ENCOM. We don't even know that the MCP exists yet. Social media can be done the turn after this coming turn. Excavating Izta is also likely to give Felldrake a boost, which would be useful for when we eventually do Xanadu.

If Toffee did decide to say that we rejected free* corn next turn, a little social media won't fix it.
Now I really want Toffee to roll a natural 1 on trying to market his corn as a competitor to crickets.

"But this is corn. You're eating crickets."

"What did you fucking say about crickets?"

"I'm a literal monster and I think that eating crickets is gross!"

"You're a what?"


Smash cut to Doom being very confused at a news report of an equally-confused looking Toffee, assaulted by news microphones.
Decided to look up who 085 was, and while he didn't make a formal appearance in the series, Leroy and Stitch did give him the name "Screwup," which answered all of my questions anyways. :rofl2:

I'm sure one of the onscreen ones was probably mentioned as being made while in a fugue, buuuut alternatively make a dumb joke and not do the research.
"I'm a literal monster and I think that eating crickets is gross!"

"You're a what?"


Smash cut to Doom being very confused at a news report of an equally-confused looking Toffee, assaulted by news microphones.
The viewers hear an extended roar approaching before Gantu rugby tackles him off screen. (Toffee not Doom)
Alternatively, Mina hears on a TV or Radio or something and this scene happens. (Just replace Commie with Monster)
Dinosaurs are dragons.
Nah, don't forget this is a mixed universe with magic. Some of those old bones that cultures found probably were literal dragon bones rather than just dinosaurs. Dragons exist here after all.

HERESY! I demand the next A.I. be dubbed "Earl Grey" to match your "Princess Java" or else I shall amass my superior army of tea-drinkers to fight back that muddy filth you call a nectar! :V
The viewers hear an extended roar approaching before Gantu rugby tackles him off screen. (Toffee not Doom)
Considering the secrecy of the villain's scheme, the societal fear of humans, and the CDA, I bet the monsters that aren't part of the scheme (most of them) suspect that things are normal in their society, but seeing Toffee admit to being a monster may trigger alerts as they think their veil was broken.
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At the same time I pointed out how he would bide his time and wait for another vector of expanding his influence.

See this part? It was the second sentence and quite important in interpreting what I was saying.
Another vector... like supplanting us as breadbasket of America through corn-based marketing?

My argument is that Toffee may do something soon, and preemptive defenses would be beneficial. Because we're not an easy variable to manipulate anymore, because our refusal to be his sucker makes us a threat, because we got the same Star fortune cookie that heralded Toffee's arrival as a villain in the series immediately after we turned him down, because his play for influence through the food supply best works with our support or with our own efforts stifled.

Your argument is that Toffee will do nothing soon. Like, that language - you "pointed out how he would bide his time" - does not suggest the possibility of being wrong.

So what is your argument that your take is right? I want to be prepared, by stocking up on good PR, because I think maybe Toffee and definitely Doom will be taking PR actions against us soon. If you wish to prioritize things differently, neato. If you want to claim the efforts are unnecessary, I'd prefer something better than the assertion that he'll look into alternative ways of expanding his influence first when we know nothing about what ways he already has. Besides the memetic Mewni corn supply, which we're an obstacle to him exploiting.

The thing is, Excavating Chicken Izta is more important than waging a war with ENCOM. We don't even know that the MCP exists yet. Social media can be done the turn after this coming turn. Excavating Izta is also likely to give Felldrake a boost, which would be useful for when we eventually do Xanadu.

If Toffee did decide to say that we rejected free* corn next turn, a little social media won't fix it.
Fortunately, I'm not proposing simply dumping the Chicken Itza plotline to the curb - I'm proposing we do the Xanadu quest now while doing Chicken Itza next turn.

Also, our knowledge of the MCP has little effect on its existence, or the fact that the expansion of Doof-based hardware and software impedes it.

And "a little social media won't fix it" - sure? A little social media will not make the bad man go away.

But it will give us good PR, which will offset some bad PR. Including from Doom, who, as I have mentioned, is also attacking us through PR.

So that's what I want. Progress the Occult side of things with Xanadu, progress the PR war and stymie ENCOM's expansion with Social Media (preferably Hego-branded for extra Super-based PR), and progress Malifishmirtz with Acme Delivery.

No, it won't solve all of our problems forever.

No, the alternatives won't kill us.

But it allows us to make progress along every front.
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It still can't pass the Turing test.

Fun trivia junk - due to his desire to be a "normal" teen, Max is probably our hero unit least likely to pass the turning test.

The current goal of people submitting A.I. to things like the Loebner Prize isn't to make something sentient, but something that can trick an expert into thinking it is through around 10 minuets of chat room conversation. And with Max's mindset of "please don't think I'm weird" would likely prevent him from branching out into discussions that robots can achieve already.

Almost everyone else would pass with the strategy used by the A.I. PARRY*: being so expletive insane that no one would think a person could have map out its logic.

*yes I know
Yes. Yes he is

Meanwhile Perry the Artificial Intelligence Platypus fails the turning test immediately.

Judge: How's it going?

Perry the A.I. Platypus: Gyururururururu
You had me until this. Still not up for running another quest in-universe.
Don't suppose I could sell you on the idea of banging out Janna and Khan's magical adventure? Because if we do Chicken Itza this turn and then Xanadu next turn, we'll have the auction the turn after that, which means two quests in two turns again, if you want to space them out.

If not, well, running Xanadu this turn as a substitute for Chicken Itza is a key part of my plan. Wouldn't really work without that, because I don't want to delay that battle either.

Should we bring Tobe with Khan Xanadu quest? They are supposed to be from that area right?
Khan provides local knowledge too, though admittedly out of date. And amusingly enough, Janna renders Tobe mostly redundant for the purposes of the quest, statwise. Taking both wouldn't be that helpful unless you made one of them the quest leader, which.


It would be fun, certainly.
Another vector... like supplanting us as breadbasket of America through corn-based marketing?
Yes. But that won't be dealt with by creating a social media network. Like, not at all. In any way. Attacking Doof will not expand Toffee's influence, offering something other than crickets is more than enough. He needs to ration his actions carefully. There really isn't a reason for Toffee to think that Doof has the ability to appreciably expand his food options. Doof has not chosen to in well over a year, and I do not believe this area is really suited towards farming.

The thing is, for this coming up turn, PR is simply a bonus. It would be nice to increase our PR, but we need Occult more. Chicken Itza has a greater chance of raising our Occult if taken first. We can take a PR hit, Occult deficiencies is something that can't be allowed to stay for long. Moves against ENCOM is something which could probably be used for the turn after this turn, or after that.