The greasy vulture rubbed his hands together gleefully as he overlooked his latest creation. That idiot Doofenshmirtz may have been successful in crushing crime these past few months, but nothing would stop him from stopping the flow of progress! Things were definitely harder for Inquinator with organized crime being driven out of town. He was forced to hole up with the lowest caliber of thugs he could imagine. One of them was unable to tie his shoes, and the other was still drinking from a sippy cup even at age thirty-four. Those two C-list supervillains were pretty easily handled by the pharmacist, but he had neglected to pick up every piece of debris! "Feh heh heh heh! Beware, Doofenshmirtz, for you are about to face… THE TRASH OF THE TITANS!"
It was an early day in March when you first saw your shabby self-declared nemesis hanging outside of your corporate HQ. Since you didn't want to dignify his presence with a response, you sent a security guard to apprehend the fiend… but then trash started to flow through the streets of the city! Pieces of refuse picked themselves up from every trash can, jumped out of every storm drain, and ripped themselves from people's hands before they hit the recycling bin! They all amalgamated around the villainous Toon to form a sixty-foot golem created from trash that began to bellow death threats.
Your jaw dropped open.
Then the golem set itself ablaze.