We can recruit him. The option was explained as him always being temporary for so long as we try to make him "go clean" and that he would likely end up leaving from low loyalty and going back to being a pollution-based villain if we forced him to stop being a polluter.
So pretty much like Shego's squad of disposable capes for the Gala. Pointing him somewhere that isn't our area and watch the trainwreck dumpster fire unfolds.
Just send him to the BL wasteland so he can punch out Auto.

Would that be very bad for the passengers of the Axiom? Yes. Yes it would. BUT. We can loot them afterwards! And I'm sure WALL-E could slap him down if it gets to nasty. Have you PLAYED his videogame?! Kids got moves.
Here are the quotes I was thinking of. It's not quite the same as the WoG I was thinking of, but it is close to it since weredrago got the character put in here and said how to portray him in the first place.
Much like his ethos about making waste, Inquinator's loyalty is unsustainable in the long term. Take him to the curb.
I read a few issues involving his character, brought up the idea of MiH using him in his campaign, brought up the idea of using him as the first nemesis in DoofQuest, wrote the omake introducing him to the DQ story, and came up with the ideas for most of his activities up to his point.

Call it a hunch. You can prove me wrong with some outside the box thinking in trying to recruit him, but the guy really hates green power.
Just send him to the BL wasteland so he can punch out Auto.

Would that be very bad for the passengers of the Axiom? Yes. Yes it would. BUT. We can loot them afterwards! And I'm sure WALL-E could slap him down if it gets to nasty. Have you PLAYED his videogame?! Kids got moves.
Then he will just come back with the BnL wasteland made into a trash Kaiju for round three. Very bad idea.
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Then he will just come back with the BnL wasteland made into a Kaiju for round three. Very bad idea.

Foolish, foolish, FOOLISH villains always make the same mistake.

They put all their eggs into one basket, most often, a kaiju. BUT! What a kaiju gains in pure power, it lacks in the ability to dodge! So you can throw everything at a kaiju when it over commits and it will fall over. Never invoke David vs Goliath unless you want to go the way of King Kong.

BUT THIS IS NOT EVEN THE BEST PART OF MY GENIUS PLAN. For you see, if the Inquinator gathers all the trash in one spot, we can deal with it all at once! His obsession with filth WILL BE THE DOWNFALL OF IT'S GREATEST BASTION.

A fitting end for our FOOLISH first nemesis.
Can we do some kind of action that gains us access to his tech?

I'm not even sure what he would have but turning trash into mobile golems we could control would make doing BnL stuff easier and make cleaning it up easier as well since we could march the trash straight to a recycling center.
Can we do some kind of action that gains us access to his tech?

I'm not even sure what he would have but turning trash into mobile golems we could control would make doing BnL stuff easier and make cleaning it up easier as well since we could march the trash straight to a recycling center.

We could use the trash to destroy the trash.
Its not really tech I think, but more like Worm's Tinkers ie slapdash stuff turned functional through dimensional fuckery (Toon Force/Toon Logic in this case).

Do we have a reason to think that?

Cause being a toon doesn't mean you can't be a brilliant scientist with actual science, we just hired a toon who might be one of the two greatest scientists on the plan, and "supervillain creates amazing tech from nothing" is sort of typical for the setting, see Insect girl we just recruited and her Roman fanboy ex-rival.
Question, I get that anthro animals and toons are separate things, but what is donald? If we using the ducktales continuity does that mean hes some sort of toon animal hybrid? cause the people from ducksburg are not toons, but goofy is a toon, is mickey a toon? If donald is not a toon how did he survive all the toon shenanigans he got up to back in the day with goofy?
Do we have a reason to think that?

Cause being a toon doesn't mean you can't be a brilliant scientist with actual science, we just hired a toon who might be one of the two greatest scientists on the plan, and "supervillain creates amazing tech from nothing" is sort of typical for the setting, see Insect girl we just recruited and her Roman fanboy ex-rival.
I believe it was this part:
The greasy vulture rubbed his hands together gleefully as he overlooked his latest creation. That idiot Doofenshmirtz may have been successful in crushing crime these past few months, but nothing would stop him from stopping the flow of progress! Things were definitely harder for Inquinator with organized crime being driven out of town. He was forced to hole up with the lowest caliber of thugs he could imagine. One of them was unable to tie his shoes, and the other was still drinking from a sippy cup even at age thirty-four. Those two C-list supervillains were pretty easily handled by the pharmacist, but he had neglected to pick up every piece of debris! "Feh heh heh heh! Beware, Doofenshmirtz, for you are about to face… THE TRASH OF THE TITANS!"


It was an early day in March when you first saw your shabby self-declared nemesis hanging outside of your corporate HQ. Since you didn't want to dignify his presence with a response, you sent a security guard to apprehend the fiend… but then trash started to flow through the streets of the city! Pieces of refuse picked themselves up from every trash can, jumped out of every storm drain, and ripped themselves from people's hands before they hit the recycling bin! They all amalgamated around the villainous Toon to form a sixty-foot golem created from trash that began to bellow death threats.

Your jaw dropped open.

Then the golem set itself ablaze.
that had people speculating whether or not he had some kind of Toon superpowers related to it or not, but that was purely speculation. His wiki page lists his control over garbage as "powers and abilities" after something called Ultraheroes, but I'm not familiar enough with Disney comics to know if that is the right iteration and whether that is legitimately a genetic thing.
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I'm just... not going to touch that, I've seen what happened to people who apparently argue with anybody who's a higher rank then them and I do not want to join them
Edit: also what @PyrrosWarrior pointed out, which I tried to find but failed.
Here is the link to the wiki page I referenced



Inquinator is a villain obsessed with dirt. Inquinator's real name is Percival McCandid, of noble origins; his mother had a phobia for dirt and kept the house continuously clean, also trying not to get her son dirty, so she would not allow Percival to cuddle his favorite plush bear because it...
So something I'm curious about, Doof's introspection action is effected by our understanding of AI but does that mean we'd need to actually take the Doppleganger AI action for the highest chance of it succeeding or is the fact that he knows it's possible and he's not far off it enough?
Question, I get that anthro animals and toons are separate things, but what is donald? If we using the ducktales continuity does that mean hes some sort of toon animal hybrid? cause the people from ducksburg are not toons, but goofy is a toon, is mickey a toon? If donald is not a toon how did he survive all the toon shenanigans he got up to back in the day with goofy?
Short answer: We don't know, don't think about it to hard.

Long answer: Ducks have generally been described as "toon adjacent", stuck somewhere between the toon and anthropomorphic animal categories, not quite fitting into either. This effect can be easily seen on Ludivine von Drake's character sheet. You'll notice that her Martial stat mentions her "toonish resiliency", yet she lacks other toon indicators such as Funny Farm or Joking Around/Rubberhose. So who knows, really? We haven't got a definitive answer besides ducks are ducks.

You mean Republican Propaganda meant to undermine the good PR the democrats had from the New Deal?

While I appreciate the historical factoid, please don't. Politics has an awful track record of derailing threads or otherwise inciting arguments. There's a reason that one of the rules, if perhaps unspoken, is to not bring up politics outside it's own dedicated area. Like, I'm willing to extend the benefit of the doubt and presume that you were just commenting on the origin of a specific phrase, and if so then no hard feelings or anything. But if I'm wrong, uh, please don't.
So something I'm curious about, Doof's introspection action is effected by our understanding of AI but does that mean we'd need to actually take the Doppleganger AI action for the highest chance of it succeeding or is the fact that he knows it's possible and he's not far off it enough?
It likely relates to the fact that he, like most of the world in this current timeline, isn't used to thinking of A.I.'s as having personhood. I believe one quote on the setting from before specifically referred to the idea that characters like "Technor" and other robotic creatures are seen as the exception to the rule rather than the standard. A greater understanding of A.I. would also bring about an understanding that a sufficiently advanced A.I. isn't really any conceptually different from a human, and therefore be more likely to accept Norm as his "son" rather than just as a creation with annoying programming.
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It likely relates to the fact that he, like most of the world in this current timeline, isn't used to thinking of A.I.'s as having personhood. I believe one quote on the setting from before specifically referred to the idea that characters like "Technor" and other robotic creatures as seen as the exception to the rule rather than the standard. A greater understanding of A.I. would also bring about an understanding that a sufficiently advanced A.I. isn't really any conceptually different from a human, and therefore be more likely to accept Norm as his "son" rather than just as a creation with annoying programming.
I get that part, I just mean does he need an in depth understanding of how that works or is it enough that he understands that AI like Sinatron and Technor are functionally indistinguishable from a human and he's not far off from being able to do the same with Norm?
I get that part, I just mean does he need an in depth understanding of how that works or is it enough that he understands that AI like Sinatron and Technor are functionally indistinguishable from a human and he's not far off from being able to do the same with Norm?
Its the "Sinatron and Technor are exceptions" bit. Also remember that Norm isnt designed to be a sentient AI. This is where I assume the "need" to understand the Doppelganger AI stems from, to ease Doof's acceptance that maybe, possibly, by unintended accident, he could have by random chance made Norm as a sentient AI.