@Made in Heaven

Does Lizzy's trait regarding quests mean that all Martial and Diplomacy rolls on the quest are (respectively) boosted and penalized, even if Lizzy isn't one of the people contributing stats to the die roll? That is, if we sent, say, Goofy, Technor, and Lizzy on a quest, and Goofy+Technor were rolling Diplomacy, would Lizzy's presence confer an automatic -5?

I admit to having trouble seeing the difference of what is ABA and what isn´t...so again, not my topic
ABA, or "applied behavior analysis," is, essentially, conditioning children to "behave themselves."

This is not actually helpful from an educational or psychiatric standpoint. It suppresses a lot of the tools a child uses to self-regulate and cope with low-level stress (such as stimming, twitching, tapping pencils and so on). Importantly, it utterly fails to even begin to care how the child feels or what their circumstances are. It is entirely concerned with suppressing the 'weird' behaviors that a neurodivergent child exhibits so that others around them will not be discomfited.

This has NOTHING to do with, for example, the accommodations you make for a child with ADHD or autism when you actually want them to learn anything.

Those are completely different. You do not concern yourself with superficialities of the child's behavior unless they are actively interfering with another child's education. You concern yourself with providing graphic organizers. With structuring lessons and activities in ways they will be able to more naturally self-regulate their way through. With deliberate cues to help the child remember things they have forgotten to do or overlooked. With attention to the classroom environment to minimize things that might distract them. With empathy for when they are uncomfortable or on teetering on their last legs.

You do. Shit. Properly.

ABA is irrelevant to the task of teaching a child with ADHD any goddamn thing of real value, be that thing solving equations (my specialty) or high sorcery (what Star needs).
One thing to look out for though is now Toffee has a way to hit our reputation something fierce. We made a good deal of our good name in solving the food issue in our states. That bought us a lot of goodwill with the people. But now we have rejected a deal that would bring said people not only a lot more food, but higher quality food. He puts that out there and it would be trivial to twist our Good Samaritan image into one of a despot rejecting a deal that only has benifits to the people under our care to keep them reliant on us.

Considering Doon has also successfully hit our reputation and is still gunning for us enough to do so again we should probably do some actions to boost public approval next turn. It is a lot easier being a dictator when the people actualy like you.
"What offer of corn? Where? This agent of yours, did he walk in through the front doors? Did he schedule an appointment? Do my staff remember him arriving?"

There are disadvantages to sending messages via magic men in snappy suits who arrive at your office door without passing the Hall of Traps and without scheduling a meeting...

Unless I'm misinterpreting the way that meeting went down.
"What offer of corn? Where? This agent of yours, did he walk in through the front doors? Did he schedule an appointment? Do my staff remember him arriving?"

There are disadvantages to sending messages via magic men in snappy suits who arrive at your office door without passing the Hall of Traps and without scheduling a meeting...

Unless I'm misinterpreting the way that meeting went down.
I'm honestly surprised that he didn't get caught in any traps we made for someone teleporting in.
"What offer of corn? Where? This agent of yours, did he walk in through the front doors? Did he schedule an appointment? Do my staff remember him arriving?"

There are disadvantages to sending messages via magic men in snappy suits who arrive at your office door without passing the Hall of Traps and without scheduling a meeting...

Unless I'm misinterpreting the way that meeting went down.
Like I said in a earlier responce he can simply announce his offer publicly. We will still need to decline. Or just not respond. Either way it is still us publicly not taking his deal.
Like I said in a earlier responce he can simply announce his offer publicly. We will still need to decline. Or just not respond. Either way it is still us publicly not taking his deal.
So why don't he do it in the first place to make it harder for us to refuse barring Janna and instead using a private channel? Is possible he has something to hide that prevents him from doing that?
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So, I think I've discovered the truth of what Donald's been doing this entire time.

If when we find him he's singing this song I vote we just leave him and go home.
Dig a tunnel north then west to zootopia's outskirts begin smuggling out pred anthros to continue our theme of helping the opressed

Alternatively we make a batch of rabbit synth(idk what the doppleganger bots were called) and set up a spy network
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So what does everyone want to do after we deal with the resistance? I'm thinking we should either upgrade the normbots or equip our pmc with energy weapons. Also is there a way to get two martial actions or are we just stuck with the one per turn?
I'd say just upgrade the original Norm first, WIle E. should be able to do it pretty easily and it means that when we unlock more upgrades for him the DC won't be ludicrously high
As much as I like Tobe joining us, I have to question why Pucca is qualified for Gridlocked. I thought that show took place way back in the day?
I've been thinking about Xanatos's upcoming invite to the auction. We've got two turns left, if I understand correctly, May/June and July/August, before the October surprise. We need 63 more points on Study Notes to get our occult score, which should be doable, according to anydice we've got an 81% chance of getting there, assuming we spend the next two turns actually reading our spellbook, and obviously a 37% chance to get it May/June. However, what heroes to bring? We'd likely want a good Intrigue and Diplomacy stat coming with, as this isn't just a neighborly action by Xanatos, obviously and as the Goofy contacting Xanatos page pointed out, but also a contacting situation, and given that it seems to be a regular thing, there are good odds that other Occult wielders present, who we could contact to later recruit, hopefully. Personally, I'd recommend bringing Mirage, as this sort of event she'd likely be quite good at, but we've got any number of good intrigue or diplomacy heroes, depending on what we want to flaunt. Our definitely real government connections, with Russ? Our family ties for mister Family Man Xanatos, with Vanessa? Our... I'm not sure what image bringing Wile E or Technor would present, but it's an option? However, the other important stat to bring to the magic auction is Occult, obviously, and that presents a bigger issue.

It's kind of funny, because right now we have two occult units, and both of them have good intrigue and martial, but poor stewardship and learning, and importantly for here diplomacy, in their statlines. Now, Xanatos doesn't seem the type to be overly offended by eccentricities, as it were, but bringing Miss Terminally Sarcastic to a social gathering might just rub some people the wrong way, and the Ninja Squad is hardly better. Better than nothing, surely, but not great. However, there's an even more important reason not to bring Janna, and even more so Star should she be recruited in the next two turns: What if an agent for Toffee is there? Giving him any in isn't a good idea. While Jumong's Occult is less than half of Janna's, when you count in Felldrake and loyalty, it's a lot safer an option. However, there is one final option, beyond just getting lucky and finding a good occult unit, and that's Malifishmertz.

My read on Xanatos's reaction on us showing up with the ghost of our magical Gruncle is basically him being not too shocked, he's seen stranger, and Malifishmertz himself seemed relatively reasonable. And while I understand it's at least vaguely the plan to do ACME Express Delivery May/June, and then Castle Doofhawk July/August, I'm wondering if the personal action [ ] Summon Malifishmertz would work here. Text says only for a brief conversation, but if we don't get Gruncle over in castle-wise by September/October, even a brief summoning mid-gathering to get an expert opinion on what's offered would probably be quite valuable.

Also, I kind of want to see Xanatos's reaction to the actual reason we wanted to transport a castle overseas.
Even if ACME Instant Delivary and Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania go to plan, we will still have we'll have to do something else to recruit Malifishmirtz. Whether that is a National or Personal Action, or perhaps a subvote, only Made in Heaven knows.
Thanks to this thread I've spent hours watching Pucca. Tobe et al are definitely Toons.
I'm sorry for your loss... of time that could have been spent elsewhere! :^D

As much as I like Tobe joining us, I have to question why Pucca is qualified for Gridlocked. I thought that show took place way back in the day?
That isn't the case. The show is contemporary but takes place in a small village. Several episodes showcase modern and advanced technology, such as when Tobe buys or acquires a new wacky machine to use against his arch-nemesis. It's within the proper time frame, but actually using anything from it is GM/QM choice.

In other news, I've challenged myself and started work on a new omake with no intelligible dialogue! I hope you're excited for that.
For the auction, assuming Doof is the quest leader, bringing the Doof Troop will provide us with the following bonuses:

Martial (Combat): 52
Martial (Non-Combat): 22
Diplomacy: 24(+10 for teens)
Stewardship: 19
Intrigue: 30
Learning: 28
Occult: 32(+5 for research)

Including Doof's contribution as quest leader, that gives us:

Martial (Combat): 72
Martial (Non-Combat): 42
Diplomacy: 42(+10 for teens)
Stewardship: 43
Intrigue: 44
Learning: 66
Occult: 32+DoofOccult(+5 for research)

So in terms of raw stats, I feel like we've gotta take the Doof Troop, especially since it's an Occult auction and they've got between a 22 and 27 point Occult lead on Tobe.

And as for Toffee, I think people are expecting some level of hostilities to open up soonish anyway, so publicly associating with one of Star's friend three turns from now shouldn't do much to accelerate things. And if he took a swing at us there, which I find unlikely, that 72 combat bonus and 66 intrigue would do a pretty good job keeping us safe, on top of Xanatos' doubtless impeccable security. (We could even maybe pack the dragon's breath thing for an extra +10 to a Martial roll if we were feeling paranoid).

And that does still leave us with an open slot if we want to bring someone for fluff purposes or to send a message. Ludivine, maybe, if we want to introduce her to the magical side of science? Hego, just mess with the anti-super narrative in the most confusing way possible? Russ, if we can somehow free him from Intrigue Hell, to show off our relationship with the government? We've got some options, there.
I wonder what Xanatos would think of meeting Genghis Khan.

He'd probably muse philosophically and express respect while being quietly smarter... but then that's a bit like saying that he'd breathe and have a blink reflex, I guess. :p