I've been thinking about Xanatos's upcoming invite to the auction. We've got two turns left, if I understand correctly, May/June and July/August, before the October surprise. We need 63 more points on Study Notes to get our occult score, which should be doable, according to
anydice we've got an 81% chance of getting there, assuming we spend the next two turns actually reading our spellbook, and obviously a 37% chance to get it May/June. However, what heroes to bring? We'd likely want a good Intrigue and Diplomacy stat coming with, as this isn't just a neighborly action by Xanatos, obviously and as the Goofy contacting Xanatos page pointed out, but also a contacting situation, and given that it seems to be a regular thing, there are good odds that other Occult wielders present, who we could contact to later recruit, hopefully. Personally, I'd recommend bringing Mirage, as this sort of event she'd likely be quite good at, but we've got any number of good intrigue or diplomacy heroes, depending on what we want to flaunt. Our definitely real government connections, with Russ? Our family ties for mister Family Man Xanatos, with Vanessa? Our... I'm not sure what image bringing Wile E or Technor would present, but it's an option? However, the other important stat to bring to the magic auction is Occult, obviously, and that presents a bigger issue.
It's kind of funny, because right now we have two occult units, and both of them have good intrigue and martial, but poor stewardship and learning, and importantly for here diplomacy, in their statlines. Now, Xanatos doesn't seem the type to be overly offended by eccentricities, as it were, but bringing Miss Terminally Sarcastic to a social gathering might just rub some people the wrong way, and the Ninja Squad is hardly better. Better than nothing, surely, but not great. However, there's an even more important reason not to bring Janna, and even more so Star should she be recruited in the next two turns: What if an agent for Toffee is there? Giving him any in isn't a good idea. While Jumong's Occult is less than half of Janna's, when you count in Felldrake and loyalty, it's a lot safer an option. However, there is one final option, beyond just getting lucky and finding a good occult unit, and that's Malifishmertz.
My read on Xanatos's reaction on us showing up with the ghost of our magical Gruncle is basically him being not too shocked, he's seen stranger, and Malifishmertz himself seemed relatively reasonable. And while I understand it's at least vaguely the plan to do ACME Express Delivery May/June, and then Castle Doofhawk July/August, I'm wondering if the personal action [ ] Summon Malifishmertz would work here. Text says only for a brief conversation, but if we don't get Gruncle over in castle-wise by September/October, even a brief summoning mid-gathering to get an expert opinion on what's offered would probably be quite valuable.
Also, I kind of want to see Xanatos's reaction to the actual reason we wanted to transport a castle overseas.