I mean, a critical failure in alchemy research might just mean "someone hilariously turns a bunch of gold into lead and gets sick and is out of action next turn" or something like that.

But I can see why we'd hesitate to find out.

We have toons. This is what they are there for. Stick em far enough away from HQ that the explosion doesn't bother us and let's see what happens. Heck, Coyote already had one advantageous mystical experience from ingesting chemicals he shouldn't have. Why not go for two?
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No it's not about Martial, but about traits. The resistance had the DC of 5 so Doof alone would get a Critical Success out of the resistance. There is a mechanic where the Heroes we sent on the actions affect the overall results just like how when we sent Coyote to Upgrade Norm, Norm get's ACME trait even though it wasn't in the list of rewards.

The Resistance is teenagers and the In Crowd trait is a trait to communicate better with teenagers. Max who had the trait could get some information out of the resistance or even have them outright join us instead of Dennis who at most could only beat them black and blue.
We have toons. This is what they are there for. Stick em far enough away from HQ that the explosion doesn't bother us and let's see what happens. Heck, Coyote already had one advantageous mystical experience from ingesting chemicals he shouldn't have. Why not go for two?
The Plan that Simon is talking about has Coyote working on ACME Express Delivery, which we need to move Castle Doofhawk.. I don't think I can pry any of the toons away from their actions.

No it's not about Martial, but about traits. The resistance had the DC of 5 so Doof alone would get a Critical Success out of the resistance. There is a mechanic where the Heroes we sent on the actions affect the overall results just like how when we sent Coyote to Upgrade Norm, Norm get's ACME trait even though it wasn't in the list of rewards.

The Resistance is teenagers and the In Crowd trait is a trait to communicate better with teenagers. Max who had the trait could get some information out of the resistance or even have them outright join us instead of Dennis who at most could only beat them black and blue.
What the hell makes you think that Dennis, a toon who holds no desire to hurt people would use violence to talk the Resistance out of resisting???

Besides, we need Max to bond with Goof. That could increase both of their Loyalty. Probably only Max's, which would be good given Chicken Itza. Goofy has that secret we need to know.

Martial: 8 (Dennis has inborn toon resiliency and is very tough to damage, but he has the killer instinct of a wet paper towel.)
This does not include the Kung Fool, but Dennis's instincts won't change. Why would his first choice be violence when dealing with rowdy teens of all people?

Edit: Retracted aggressive posting.
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@Made in Heaven does the intrigue of our hero unit affect the dc of tracing an attack back to us?
A couple different things affect the tracing of the attack back to you. The nature of the attack, the hero who did it, the intrigue of your opponent, and how well the attack went. If you short-sheet Doom's bed he's probably not going to care all that much about figuring out who did this dastardly deed.

Speaking of the Zaibatsu territory, are anime characters around there?
Yes, they exist, but it's only going to be in the background and they won't be relevant for the quest.

Apparently Disney owns Power Rangers, does that mean we need to look at the Moon with a great deal more fear/suspicion? I like the idea of going to war with Zedd/Rita to conquer the Moon, and it theoretically wouldn't alter the balance of power... but considering their whole thing is summon giant monsters to wreck havoc, I don't see it being a practical sort of power in this universe.

Ah well, maybe they'll be an event or something.
Nope, no Power Rangers in Gridlocked.

Can we just not do an action in a category? Is that allowed?
Yes, you can avoid doing an action if you don't want to.

We have toons. This is what they are there for.
The Toon's traits protect them from the consequences of a critical failure, they don't remove that consequence entirely. So while another unit might blow themselves up and be caught in the hospital for the next two turns, a Toon would be good to go for the next turn... but there will still be consequences of that critical failure.

1.Martial: If we upgrade our PMC to dinosaur lasers, and our Normbots, this isn't immposible. The downside is needing upgraded forces and PR, to that end, we'd probably need a few things.
--a. Casus Belli- Best way I can think is to provoke open warfare between Doom and the other King, then move in to "Restore Order". Ideally keeping the conquest under a assumed name.
--b. Non-interference. We need friendly or suborned enough relationships with the high tech players that they won't interfere.
--c. PR in the invasion. Doom's bots won't the only people opposing us, slaughtering civilians, or even cops, is baaaaaad PR. We'd want to research ZPM to have a way to peacefully subdue.
--d. We probably will want to use Hego for some photo ops, as the "Hero saving the city" with Goofy as the "Good Toon" helping him. Play on that nostalgia.
I usually don't like to comment on plans because I don't want to influence things too much, but direct military action is a very very bad idea. It'll piss off basically every sane King and the government too, and definitely make things much harder for you in the future. What is direct military action? Basically, it's going past the point of plausible deniability. Sending a few capes over to smash up the place is fine. Sending your black ops team to blow up one of his factories is fine, if risky. Marching an army of Normbots and mongol hoards down Main Street is going to cause huge problems. The government's willing to look the other way on what you do in your territory (for now, at least, since you've proven to be a pretty level-headed guy), but it won't go over so well when you 'invade' another city.
The Resistance is teenagers and the In Crowd trait is a trait to communicate better with teenagers. Max who had the trait could get some information out of the resistance or even have them outright join us instead of Dennis who at most could only beat them black and blue.
In Crowd only applies to Diplomacy rolls, so Max couldn't use it for this anyway. The description of the action mentions that you're going to give them a stern talking-to, but you might want to be prepared for violence since they are a pack of irate hooligans.
Its not about violence, but relating to teens.
Strange, that's not what the person I was responding to said.

The Resistance is teenagers and the In Crowd trait is a trait to communicate better with teenagers. Max who had the trait could get some information out of the resistance or even have them outright join us instead of Dennis who at most could only beat them black and blue.
Doesn't that last part indicate violence? I may be bad at using krfar's calc sheet but I hope I am not illiterate!
What the hell makes you think that Dennis, a toon who holds no desire to hurt people would use violence to talk the Resistance out of resisting???

Besides, we need Max to bond with Goof. That could increase both of their Loyalty. Probably only Max's, which would be good given Chicken Itza. Goofy has that secret we need to know.
Alright I could have worded it out better, Dennis wouldn't beat them black and blue, but consider this. Between a rational Toon with a good Diplo who is also at the same age and a Toon who is going to throw a sandwhich at the first oppurtunity, who would you rather sent for a non violent talking?
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Alright I could have writen it better, Dennis wouldn't beat them black and blue, but consider this. Between a rational Toon with a good Diplo who is also at the same age and a Toon who is going to throw a sandwhich at the first oppurtunity, who would you rather sent for a non violent talking?
Stop stripping the context away. We need to deal with Goofy's secrets and having Max Bond with Dad is the best way to manage that without having to pull Goofy away from his actions. Not to mention it is further damage control for Chicken Itza. People also want to send Max to Xanadu, which I am not certain on but if/when the Quest chooses to do that I would rather have more buffer.

The only way that Dennis will mess this up is if we roll a one. If we do roll a one Max would probably get beat up or something, Dennis would be able to fight them off.
Stop stripping the context away. We need to deal with Goofy's secrets and having Max Bond with Dad is the best way to manage that without having to pull Goofy away from his actions. Not to mention it is further damage control for Chicken Itza. People also want to send Max to Xanadu, which I am not certain on but if/when the Quest chooses to do that I would rather have more buffer.

The only way that Dennis will mess this up is if we roll a one. If we do roll a one Max would probably get beat up or something, Dennis would be able to fight them off.
You're operating under a massive assumption that having Max hang out with Goofy will somehow boost him a full ten points of loyalty. Also, the people that want to send Max to Xanadu are a minority. I'm only speaking for myself, but I don't want to deal with more quests until we've actually put out the fires growing on our borders, or at least gotten them banked and a bit more manageable.
Stop stripping the context away. We need to deal with Goofy's secrets and having Max Bond with Dad is the best way to manage that without having to pull Goofy away from his actions. Not to mention it is further damage control for Chicken Itza. People also want to send Max to Xanadu, which I am not certain on but if/when the Quest chooses to do that I would rather have more buffer.

The only way that Dennis will mess this up is if we roll a one. If we do roll a one Max would probably get beat up or something, Dennis would be able to fight them off.
Stripping the context? The reason I debating this is because I consider Max to be the best choice in dealing with the resistance for maximun rewards. Also Nat 1 is fail of all fail. Not even Temujin could stay safe with Nat 1, both Dennis and Max is also Toons so they will not be harmed more than what happened to him in Chicken Itza. The DC is also 5 while Max is 8, he is stronger than the resistance even alone.

As for Goofy the person above me had already answered the reason for my worries. I rather have Goofy take three personal action to finish his degree and at the final one have Max bond with him as that is the best chance of having his loyalty go up to 50 without repeating actions over and over.
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You're operating under a massive assumption that having Max hang out with Goofy will somehow boost him a full ten points of loyalty. Also, the people that want to send Max to Xanadu are a minority. I'm only speaking for myself, but I don't want to deal with more quests until we've actually put out the fires growing on our borders, or at least gotten them banked and a bit more manageable.
No I'm not. I'm just saying that it is the best chance to boost Goofy at least a little loyalty. Do not put words in my mouth. Regardless, getting Max a booster in loyalty can only be a good idea. Dennis will not mess it up. Made in Heaven has already commented on this.

In Crowd only applies to Diplomacy rolls, so Max couldn't use it for this anyway. The description of the action mentions that you're going to give them a stern talking-to, but you might want to be prepared for violence since they are a pack of irate hooligans.
Gee, I wonder who might be a good idea. A child friendly character who is ready for violence just in case. Hmm. Any guesses?

We do need to do Xanadu so we can get more Occult knowledge. I'd rather not do quests because of how long they take, but We Need More Occult.

Stripping the context? The reason I debating this is because I consider Max to be the best choice in dealing with the resistance for maximun rewards. Also Nat 1 is fail of all fail. Not even Temujin could stay safe with Nat 1, both Dennis and Max is also Toons so they will not be harmed more than what happened to him in Chicken Itza. The DC is also 5 while Max is 8, he is stronger than the resistance even alone.

As for Goofy the person above me had already answered the reason for my worries. I rather have Goofy take three personal action to finish his degree and at the final one have Max bond with him as that is the best chance of having his loyalty go up to 50 without repeating actions over and over.
I want off of Mr. Bone's Wild Ride. A natural one with Genghis Khan would result with him killing the teens and the ensuing public relations disaster. Max getting beaten up would cause him to lose further loyalty. Dennis getting a one would probably have him beat up some of the teens and the rest escaping, raising the DC to deal with them to 20 or something.

Edit: Retracted agressive acts.
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A comment on the types of traps you encountered in Chicken Itza and how they'd apply to others: don't assume that you NEED a Toon to survive them. I'm not going to be a killer QM unless you do something extraordinarily stupid like try to assault the Triangle this early and without any preparation. I just flavored the traps as going that way because it would've been funnier, both in and out of universe. Someone like Mirage or Monogram failing at those checks wouldn't get incinerated, they'd just just take some minor damage. Maybe they'd get singed, maybe they'd dive out of the way in time and twist their ankle in the process, or something else along those lines.

Edit: Toons might be immune to dying from simple traps like that, but it doesn't mean they'd be immune to consequences either. If Coyote hit several flame traps in quick succession, he'd probably end up as a pile of ash with two glaring eyeballs for a while.
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I want off of Mr. Bone's Wild Ride. A natural one with Genghis Khan would result with him killing the teens and the ensuing public relations disaster. Max getting beaten up would cause him to lose further loyalty. Dennis getting a one would probably have him beat up some of the teens and the rest escaping, raising the DC to deal with them to 20 or something.
....and? I only talk about Nat 1 as you seems fixtated on it. This doesn't challenge my reasoning on why sending Max is better than Dennis as it is Nat 1 we are talking about. As in 1 in 100 chance of happening? Second what the hell is Mr. Bone's wild ride?

Dennis at most would make them shut up and have more chance of causing conflict with them due to his Sandwhich throwing tendencies, while Max is much more reasonable and could better relate with them thus the chance of us getting something usefull is better with Max.
Okay, fine, I'm sorry. dropping it. Christ...
I suppose that was overly aggressive and I apologize for that. As you could probably guess from the statement that I bolded and underlined, I was annoyed at you for putting words in my mouth.

....and? I only talk about Nat 1 as you seems fixtated on it. This doesn't challenge my reasoning on why sending Max is better than Dennis as it is Nat 1 we are talking about. 1 in 100 chance of happening? Second what the hell is Mr. Bone's wild ride?

Dennis at most would make them shut up and have more chance of causing conflict with them due to his Sandwhich throwing tendencies, while Max is much more reasonable and could better relate with them thus the chance of us getting something usefull is better with Max.
A Natural One is the only fucking way that Dennis would mess up dealing with the Resistance. The only way. There isn't any other way. Literally every single other roll results in a critical success.

Edit 2: Retracted aggressive posting
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What does it even look like to fail on a nat 1 when you're rolling way above the DC? Like, if there's a dc 30 martial check but Genghis critfails it? Is it just as though he rolled a 10 post bonuses? A comedy of errors?
Addendum: AI Vote
Through many, many sleepless nights, combined with the power of caffeine, mania, and the half-understood notes on Kronos AI you still haven't sorted out, you have managed to do the extremely unlikely and produce a decently functioning AI to administrate your city for you. Being honest with yourself, you have no idea how you did it. Half of the code looks like gibberish to you now that you're reviewing it in a coherent state, and you're terrified that everything will fall apart if you look at it too hard… but progress is progress! All that's left is to make some decisions about how your AI turned out, and you should be good to go!

At present, the AI is not fully sapient and will be unable to pass the Turing test. But that may change in time. It's less personable than Norm for the moment, though it is better than his algorithms when it comes to number-crunching and decision-making. That's what you designed it for, after all. For the moment, it represents a decrease in the penalty of your Bowl of Mints trait. But in the future, depending on the choices you make here and how your AI tech advances, it might become a hero unit itself.

What gender are you going to code your AI as?
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Neutral

What is its personality going to be like? Rather than restrict you to a few arbitrary choices, feel free to write in and get creative, but remember that while it has the potential to grow, it isn't extremely advanced right now.

[ ] Write-In

Your AI has an unknown potential for growth. This could be very good for you, with an ability to learn and change to suit the work it is given. But growth unchecked could end up having the AI specialize in something you don't necessarily want, or even end up being dangerous. Do you want to shackle it to a specific set of functional areas with careful restraints, or do you want to let it grow on its own?

[ ] Shackled
[ ] Unshackled

You also can't help but remember all those movies where AIs go crazy and try to take over the world or something. That's fiction of course, thankfully, but considering the rate at which your crazier Inators tend to work against you, you're not sure you want to run the risk. Then again, it can be difficult to have a professional relationship with someone ready to murder you at a moment's notice. Do you want to install a contingency just in case the worst comes to pass?

[ ] Install a self-destruct button
[ ] Don't install a self-destruct button

What are you going to call the AI?

[ ] Write-In

Oh! Speaking of menaces to society. You should probably do something about that smelly vulture Inquinator.

[ ] Send him to the Animation Cell

You don't like your odds on rehabilitating this Napoleon of filth, but maybe it'd be best to keep him where you can see- if not smell- him.

[ ] Send him to Riker's

You are so sick of this bird. Send him far far far away and never think about him ever again.

There will be a four hour moratorium on voting.
I suppose that was overly aggressive and I apologize for that. As you could probably guess from the statement that I bolded and underlined, I was annoyed at you for putting words in my mouth.


A Natural One is the only fucking way that Dennis would mess up dealing with the Resistance. The only way. There isn't any other way. Literally every single other roll results in a critical success.

I'm afraid of rampant smart AI so let's base our AI on the least rampant AI of all time.
Marvin the Robot from Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy. Glum, sarcastic, intelligent, morose, and loyal. What more could someone ask for in an AI?