We already have Jumba and Lizzie for top tier learning heroes. They roll 81 (101 Alien tech, 111 genetics) and 71 for learning, which is enough to guarentee a pass for quite a few actions, even if it's not quite as good as von drake's 82, so it's not that big a deal to have her on martial for a bit if we want to take an action she's good at.
Huh, I hadn't realized Lizzie had such good Learning. 30 Learning isn't a joke in the least.

I wonder what Jumba would do with Flubber

Don't know if that's true. Made in Heaven just said "I haven't updated loyalty yet though, I'm still going through everything." So I imagine they need updating.
It probably is true. He probably would have done their profile with the Loyalty right off the bat rather than put it off to deal with later. It's probably the other heroes needing Loyalty adjustments.
Huh, I hadn't realized Lizzie had such good Learning. 30 Learning isn't a joke in the least.

I wonder what Jumba would do with Flubber

It probably is true. He probably would have done their profile with the Loyalty right off the bat rather than put it off to deal with later. It's probably the other heroes needing Loyalty adjustments.

NO we are not giving the chaotic madman acess to a chaotic ball of limitless power and thus limitless destructive abilities
It probably is true. He probably would have done their profile with the Loyalty right off the bat rather than put it off to deal with later. It's probably the other heroes needing more Loyalty.

But Ludivine's a toon, right? So she should have Funny Farm, and also the toon traits like Rubberhose. Actually, the trait being missing is interesting, given that her stat block explicitly describes her as "toonish."
Planner/calculator's updated (it's in my sig), but I'll be sleeping now, so if the new turn drops tonight it'll be using outdated loyalty values.

Should only affect things by a few percentage points, but keep it in mind.

(Also, shoutouts to @clockworkchaos for improving the sheet by making the hero trait drop-downs less of an utter mess)
NO we are not giving the chaotic madman acess to a chaotic ball of limitless power and thus limitless destructive abilities
What can I say except you're welcome?

Try dealing with that Bill!

But Ludivine's a toon, right? So she should have Funny Farm, and also the toon traits like Rubberhose. Actually, the trait being missing is interesting, given that her stat block explicitly describes her as "toonish."
Huh. I would have thought that he would have rather give out three complete columns. I think you're right.
But Ludivine's a toon, right? So she should have Funny Farm, and also the toon traits like Rubberhose. Actually, the trait being missing is interesting, given that her stat block explicitly describes her as "toonish."
I think it's been mentioned before that the Duck families are a bit odd with how Toon rules work for them.
Planner/calculator's updated (it's in my sig), but I'll be sleeping now, so if the new turn drops tonight it'll be using outdated loyalty values.

Should only affect things by a few percentage points, but keep it in mind.

(Also, shoutouts to @clockworkchaos for improving the sheet by making the hero trait drop-downs less of an utter mess)

On that note, my plan calculator is no longer being updated, as I'm transferring work to helping improve @kfrar's
But Ludivine's a toon, right? So she should have Funny Farm, and also the toon traits like Rubberhose. Actually, the trait being missing is interesting, given that her stat block explicitly describes her as "toonish."
I think it's been mentioned before that the Duck families are a bit odd with how Toon rules work for them.
MiH will probably shove that in later. These hero updates are still being tweaked.

Duck characters are toons, but see "Don't look at it too hard" for further clarification on the subject.
Interlude: An Ill-Fortuned Star
You mull over the offer in front of you for a long time. It seems… too good to be true. Seth Supplies would handle the corn distribution, delivery, and stocking, and NMI would ensure you got an exceptionally good deal. But… something… strikes you as off. You can't put your finger on it, but…


You'd never seen Janna like that before. You'd never known her to go more than two minutes without making some sort of sarcastic quip, let alone look you in the eye with that stare. You keep glancing at the documents, but the look on her face is all you can see. Finally, you set them to the side. There will be no deal in Doofania today.

You shake your head. You might want to talk to Janna soon about what just happened. As you send the documents through the shredder, you pause. Then, after a moment of hesitation, you take out the black business card, and shred that too.

You wonder if you're doing the right thing. You wonder how this will all turn out. You wonder how it would have turned out, if you had chosen differently…


Elsewhere, Elsewhen, Elsehow

"Oh, hello Janna." You say as you see your oddest intern step through the door. "I suppose you're here to prank me or something, now that I decided to take that business offe-"

You duck as the staff of Lord Feldrake sails unerringly through the air and impales itself in the wall directly behind where your head just was.

[-50 Loyalty]

"I quit."


"This was a mistake. Keep your toy. I'm outta here."

"Hold on a second." The staff above you says unexpectedly. "I'm going with you."

You watch as the staff pulls itself out of the wall and floats back to Janna's glowing hand. The girl can't seem to believe it herself.

The staff tilts in your direction. "This kid has potential, but potential needs some real anger to get it started. Luckily, you just gave her a great reason to be upset!"

"Janna! I don't understand! What did I do?"

Janna closed her eyes, bared her teeth, and sighed.

"The same thing they all do. Fall for it."



You took the cookie from him and cracked it open, reading it aloud.

"A great evil has been unleashed?" you ask. "I'm flattered, guys, really, but--"

"No wait sorry." Jumong said. "Wrong one."

He held out another cookie, this one already opened.

"A great evil has been… Hey wait, this says the same thing!"

"That's weird." Binggure said. He cracked open another cookie. And another.

A great evil has been unleashed

A great evil has been unleashed

A great evil has been unleashed

"Should uuhhh… we be worried about that?" Tobe asked.

Jumong shrugged. "I'm sure it's fine."

Even Later

You've finally prepared for the auction that Xanatos invited you to. The magical community of New York City is pretty quaint, you suppose, even though it's a little hard to navigate. As you settle in, you notice Xanatos, sitting a short distance away from you.

And someone sitting next to him.

With a duck-headed staff.
Like three people, I think, and possibly at least one as a joke.
Pretty sure everyone who actually voted for CORN were joking. This is your prize for consistency!

Hey @weredrago2, you're in charge of the cards, right? I'd like to point out that Tobe's seems to be misaligned, at least on mobile.
He's by his lonesome on that page. You should see only him there, but the alignment is correct.
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Toffee: A single unopened fortune cookie, somewhere in the world, now mysteriously reads "A great evil has been unleashed."

Janna: Every single fortune cookie in the world, open or otherwise, now reads "A great evil has been unleashed."

I know what force of darkness I want on the Doofenschmirtz Evil Incorporated Team!