So.. what are the odds we saw the death of Syndrome here? He doesnt have any powers, and fall of that height is a good chance to kill him.
Also, given how Sinatron and Ms. Deavor colluded to secure her control of Kronos, both of them now have strong incentives to want him dead to tie up the loose end.

Even if he survived the fall, I doubt he survived the aftercare.

This might make it easier to reach out to Shere Khan since he's clearly not against going green, though we very much want to beat him to it
I'd say we should try to collaborate with him- but it's a good thing to put Learning power on when we can.

Should we try to touch base with Shego considering the events surrounding Kronos? It feels like something we should discuss with her.
Maybe yes. Arguably this is a higher priority than outreach to Shere Khan, too. We know that fusion research is a multi-step Learning project with (as I recall) escalating DCs, so Shere Khan is unlikely to be able to get there right away.

Hm. I wonder who his Learning hero is...
I really can't decide how to feel about Evelyn taking over

On the one hand she's far more subtle and manipulative that Syndrome could ever hope to be but on the other she's far more capable of being, somewhat, reasonable and doesn't possess the genocidal hatred of Supers he did, her issue is more with a society that's dependent on them which isn't what the current world is so she may not be quite as crazy

Sinatron working with her does worry me greatly though

Just to be safe we should probably grab Mesmerella and rush improving our Normbots as much as we can
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..... I think I found realistic Doof. Not sure if someone else posted it before though...

Also, I wonder if Chalkzone is a thing here....

EDIT: Just thought we should find a more realistic pic that doesn't look like a toon for our char pic
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Gotta say, I don't think there could've been a better ending to the slapstick dungeon crawl than outsmarting the guardian using Toon logic and then barely escaping the giant boulder/falling stone block trap. Good job everyone, we're really running on narrativium today.
> Evelyn Devour

Well we will definitely need to be worried about Hypnosis now, but not from a possible 'Phantom Blot'. Perhaps we should still get the hypnotist cape on our payroll. Have her set up some sort of mental defences for the Tri State lot.
Annoyingly something we kind of have to do before we can afford to start investigating all these other players is deal with Doom but we don't actually have many ways of doing that, as far as I can tell we only have two

Either dealing with Hawk somehow but I'm not sure how much actual damage that would do to Doom and is very difficult or straight up attacking him which would take up one of our extremely important Martial actions which we so far have no way to increase and already have a laundry list of other shit we have to do if we want to accomplish any of the other options, most of which are aggravatingly high DC

Not to mention that we've got Phantom Blot running around doing god knows what and very possibly smuggling his men into our own city so we'll probably have to spend an action investigating him
> Evelyn Devour

Well we will definitely need to be worried about Hypnosis now, but not from a possible 'Phantom Blot'. Perhaps we should still get the hypnotist cape on our payroll. Have her set up some sort of mental defences for the Tri State lot.
Thankfully Evelyn's method is far more obvious and more easily broken
[ ] Expand operations into northern Texas
DC 90
Decent Success

The Middleton nootropics ring has started to distribute its wares in the northern reaches of Texas through the extensive use of its network of drones. Reports indicate that in addition to the highly addictive nootropic substance, other drugs are being distributed as well, such as an injection that can supercharge or flat-out grant superpowers, even removing limits on previously existing ones, though it comes with a slew of nasty side effects such as power incontinence, mental degradation, or flat-out death.

[ ] Build lots more robots for ???
DC 80
Critical Success

In cities surrounding Middleton, some of them as far out as the Kansas border, robots are becoming an increasingly common sight in abandoned buildings and factories. The oddly Aztec-themed constructs are not hostile unless engaged first, and while they're not much to write home about in combat- some videos online show thugs taking one on with nothing more than a baseball bat- they make up for that in sheer quantity. Whoever is making them clearly prioritizes numbers above all else.

Okay so this is really bugging me. Like, Aztec-themed robots*? Nootropics that can give superpowers. I feel like this should point to someone. Does anyone have any idea who this could be?**

*Possibly actually magic constructs, since the masquerade? Then again the first bots were delivery bots which would be more obviously bots so... probably not.
**Maybe two different ones teaming up?
I wonder if at the magic auction in October if we will find a way to enter the land of the dead. In Coco it was as simple as getting cursed in the right way for Miguel to enter. Plus with Dia de los Mortos being right around the corner then the barrier would be weaker. If we do find a way to enter that world and listen to its stories we would have a great deal of gratitude from its inhabitants.

Even if we have no reason to seek them out if it becomes known in their afterlife that we have ways to speak with the dead then Eddie Valiant and Judy Hops would have interesting things to say. Plus since it would be Halloween and we have Janna as a hero a seance would not be a far off idea.

Authors note: Since it mentioned in the source material that Doom framed Roger for multiple high profile deaths then it is possible Doom killed Eddie then pinned it on Roger. If that is the case than holding a seance for all known heroes to ensure closure could end up with us naming Eddie and Judy alongside Perry and Ron. Hearing the story of what happened straight from the horses mouth by complete accident because we wanted to honor fallen foes sounds EXACTLY like a Doofenshmirtz brand success. It would be hilarious!
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Annoyingly something we kind of have to do before we can afford to start investigating all these other players is deal with Doom but we don't actually have many ways of doing that, as far as I can tell we only have two

Either dealing with Hawk somehow but I'm not sure how much actual damage that would do to Doom and is very difficult or straight up attacking him which would take up one of our extremely important Martial actions which we so far have no way to increase and already have a laundry list of other shit we have to do if we want to accomplish any of the other options, most of which are aggravatingly high DC

Not to mention that we've got Phantom Blot running around doing god knows what and very possibly smuggling his men into our own city so we'll probably have to spend an action investigating him

Thankfully Evelyn's method is far more obvious and more easily broken

Wait on Hawk, research the copy bots, replace Hawk. Having his intrigue hero actively working against him and reporting to us is, ah going to cause a lot of problems.

Also, PB has Doom breathing down his neck, not really sure he's gonna be able to afford actions against us. Unless we start seeing a rise in toon crime, he exists on a much lower priority than a lot of other things. While it is a possibility and one we should be aware of, there is zero evidence for it right now.
Huh, just looked into the phantom blot.... he has a daughter....

Is it bad I totally expect her to be in school with doof's daughter?
Honestly guys? I think the hyper-focus on Doom needs to stop. The railroad is set up, and frankly he's not in a good position right now. Yes he's laid the groundwork for some nastiness, but he's not our immediate concern. The Nootropics ring, and the tide of bots? Those are a serious concern. Highly addictive drugs, and now power-granters that carry the risk of death. Also, with all those bots being disseminated, imagine what could be done is someone has them swarm a single target? Weight of numbers would easily crush any opposition.

We need to get on those people.
Wait on Hawk, research the copy bots, replace Hawk. Having his intrigue hero actively working against him and reporting to us is, ah going to cause a lot of problems.

Also, PB has Doom breathing down his neck, not really sure he's gonna be able to afford actions against us. Unless we start seeing a rise in toon crime, he exists on a much lower priority than a lot of other things. While it is a possibility and one we should be aware of, there is zero evidence for it right now.
nah, have Hawk fed false info while we handle everything else, and then replace him once we have the Dopplegangers up. Tho that leaves what to do with the original hawk....well I know what to do with him but Doof certainly isn't going to do it.
It'd be funny if all Toons reproduce by a literal cartoon stork bringing them a baby :p
I called it! :rofl:

Also, that was a satisfying end to the quest and, I feel, a very rewarding one.

On the Evelyn thing, gotta say that's not what I expected. Congrats to those who called it because that didn't occur to me. Despite my composing that list since you guys were interested, I kinda expected her to stay less public than basically becoming a King overnight. Guess now we can' t start munching on Kronos territory. Maybe it might be time to look in to those robot people to see if we can secure more alliances, along with opening more talks with Shego?

On the other hand... let's just say that Janna Ordonia does not strike me as the kind of person who is super-resistant to the temptations of exceptional power. I could be wrong. Am I wrong?
She definitely is not. Like, she's a creep interested in the occult, but she's not really power-hungry. Short of getting involved in some possession stuff, she's not gonna be tempted like that.
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almost unanimously to declare Evelyn Deavor,
Oh damn time to see About getting the hypnotist on our payroll
How much do you want to bet that they were hypnotized? I think we may have a new king on our hands.
Oh it's almost a sure thing
We can definitely use this as a basis for further collaboration. We're better equipped to make breakthroughs than he is, but he's got the global reach to make it a win. Diplomacy action to reach out to Shere Khan in hopes of collaborating on fusion research when
Like I always say get the tiger on side
Honestly guys? I think the hyper-focus on Doom needs to stop. The railroad is set up, and frankly he's not in a good position right now. Yes he's laid the groundwork for some nastiness, but he's not our immediate concern. The Nootropics ring, and the tide of bots? Those are a serious concern. Highly addictive drugs, and now power-granters that carry the risk of death. Also, with all those bots being disseminated, imagine what could be done is someone has them swarm a single target? Weight of numbers would easily crush any opposition.

We need to get on those people.

The Nootropics ring is Shego's territory. Until we've contacted her and gotten coordination, I'd rather not go in.
Well don't give Felldrake a body or get all his things because that is a classic way to get an evil overlord out that doesn't need you anymore.

As for Screensaver we need to work on anti-mind control. Also should work on power armor for us to give us much needed personal protection

We need to find "Devil Girl" because we need to get into the magic scene because all three magic Kings are bad News. Toffee might kill us all later, Bill will do horrible things to us, and Phobos wants to eat us.

As for Max because he is likely tried of hot weather due to his trip, well we control Utah. Send him to the Ski slopes.
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If we touch base with Shego and find she's planning something can we loan her hero units for the turn?

It would save some of our action economy and get the job done.
The Galactic Federation probably has access to many, many tech trees. Some are probably better than others, some are mutually incompatible and don't play nice with others. Its a goddamn galaxy of races that developed in various degrees of interaction and isolation over obscene timescales and who are about as alien to one another as two species can be.

We're getting a glimpse of some of the massed produced 'good enough' equipment they aren't concerned about.

We need to start trading favors with Shego, ASAP. I wish she'd just manipulated her brother into spying on us as a personal action rather than wasting her big one this turn.
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