I could be wrong. Am I wrong?
Like @clockworkchaos said you are kind of wrong, Janna isn't interested in becoming more powerful or anything like that, she just hates boring stuff and boring people

She likes magic because it's strange and somewhat macabre and gives her new and interesting ways to mess with people, if you offered her unlimited power or world domination she'd probably say something along the lines of "That sounds boring, how can I mess with people if I'm busy ruling the world" and then steal your wallet

It also helps that she's generally savvy enough to understand what she can and can't deal with, Magic staff with a dead evil guy in it that lets her do magic but is completely reliant on her to do anything? She can deal with that in her sleep, giving that same undead sorcerer a powerful new body? No way is she touching that with a ten foot pole

Plus from what I've seen of Felldrake I highly doubt his ability to trick Janna into doing anything she doesn't want to do

It's definitely worth having another Occult expert around to keep an eye on him but as things stand he's completely reliant on us and the worst thing he can do is refuse to help us
Practically overnight, Kronos Corporation has reorganized under a new CEO. In a shocking development, the Kronos Board of Directors voted almost unanimously to declare Evelyn Deavor, previously in charge of the Devtech subdivision recently acquired by Kronos Corp, the new CEO of the technological juggernaut. Insider rumor is that the woman's control of the company has become ironclad with unprecedented speed. With Devtech having formerly been known for pro-cape sentiment, it is possible that Kronos will soon pivot away from its previous anti-super leanings.
Yeah, no. If anything, she's gonna ramp up the bloodshed if she's anything like her Movie-Counterpart.
Kronos Corp
[ ] Unify the Board
DC 100
99+40+30 (???)+10=179
Incredible Success

Practically overnight, Kronos Corporation has reorganized under a new CEO. In a shocking development, the Kronos Board of Directors voted almost unanimously to declare Evelyn Deavor, previously in charge of the Devtech subdivision recently acquired by Kronos Corp, the new CEO of the technological juggernaut. Insider rumor is that the woman's control of the company has become ironclad with unprecedented speed. With Devtech having formerly been known for pro-cape sentiment, it is possible that Kronos will soon pivot away from its previous anti-super leanings.

[ ] Join Evelyn Deavor
DC 150
81+32+40+20 (Syndrome is disliked)+30 (???)=203
Great Success
The Kronos Corporation has finally recovered from the internal strife surrounding Syndrome's sudden disappearance by announcing its new CEO- Evelyn Deavor, formerly of Devtech. She is noted as having brought on Sinatron as an internal affairs advisor. It seems the robot recognized the futility of his current situation without outside aid, and decided to cut a deal. According to reports, the disruption at the Sands was nothing more than a way to develop buzz around the company and make it possible for Syndrome to quietly step down from active leadership while attention was elsewhere. Seeing as how there were no casualties, and that Kronos itself is now playing off the 'declaration for a Free Vegas' as a publicity stunt, there is very little to blame Sinatron for. Legally speaking he's committed no crimes, as the activities of AI are reflected back on their owner, and 'Syndrome' has publicly- if rather twitchily- proclaimed his acceptance of the move.
Well, this is interesting. Shame we're probably not going to poach Winston now.

Re: Syndrome: couldn't have happened to a better guy.
Dawn Bellwether
[ ] Donate to the Judy Hopps Memorial Fund
.... Ah.
Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful: Cheering on someone's death—whether fictional or otherwise—in this sort of manner is inappropriate on this forum.
Looks like Zootopia ended badly. Good thing to because if I have to watch that movie one more time I will commit a warcrime. Fucking nieces man, why not something amazing like Mulan, Pocahontas or Lion King. But nooooo those are old person films this is a kids film now.
So good she's dead, that feels great. At least she contributed more after her death, because at least that will be something.
Looks like Zootopia ended badly. Good thing to because if I have to watch that movie one more time I will commit a warcrime. Fucking nieces man, why not something amazing like Mulan, Pocahontas or Lion King. But not those are old person films this is a kids film now.
So good she's dead, that feels great. At least she contributed more after her death, because at least that will be something.

Make them watch treasure planet, now that's a movie! Also is that in DVV?


Maybe, now that you mention it, it's a good thing that Helldrake's power is currently in the hands of a girl whose overall "motivated to stick to the plan" level is so low that she's the only character on our staff with a 'flake out and do nothing this turn' trait. She's gonna focus on 'cool' and 'my new friends are fun to troll' rather than 'phenomenal cosmic power.'

Xanatos Enterprises
[ ] Send an invite to Doofenshmirtz

You received a letter a couple days ago from Xanatos, inviting you to an 'auction for esoteric crafts' that would be taking place later in the year in October. You might want to set aside some time for that if you're interested in going.
@Made in Heaven
To be clear, is this going to be a quest option like the Sands Heist, or a National Action?

[ ] Investigate Doofenshmirtz
DC 100
Spectacular Success

Greatest Rival Shego seems to have done some digging into affairs concerning you. It's not spying in the industrial sense, she's not digging into corporate secrets or anything, it's more like she just wants to know what the heck is up with you. Due to most of your backstory already being posted online, and dozens upon dozens of posts from your employees concerning your day-to-day affairs, it seems like she was able to assemble a fairly accurate picture of your whole deal, though you're not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Hm. I'm guessing the 30 was the reroll on the exploding crit, and the 22 was Shego's Intrigue? I know we saw her Intrigue at the Sands Heist...

Or, um, is it Shego plus an Intrigue 30 hero unit? I'm not sure; forgot how the rules look.

[ ] Escape The Sands
DC 100
Critical Failure!

Syndrome was caught on film today clearly attempting escape from the Sands Casino. Having healed from his injuries, Syndrome was seen attempting to escape the Sands making use of a cobbled together energy emitter and prototype rockets made in a casino with a box of scraps from his previous outfit. Unfortunately for him, the hastily constructed rocket failed shortly after breaching the Sands roof, sending Syndrome plummeting back to the ground. While what you are now almost completely certain is a 'Syndroid' was wheeled out shortly after to confirm the 'accident' had left him unharmed, there has been no sign of the real Syndrome since. It seems likely he has been taken underground, likely forever. The lord of Kronos has fallen.

Well, maybe Syndrome is dead, and maybe he isn't, but either way Shego is gonna be liking that DoofTube video! :) !

Kronos Corp
[ ] Unify the Board
DC 100
99+40+30 (???)+10=179
Incredible Success

Practically overnight, Kronos Corporation has reorganized under a new CEO. In a shocking development, the Kronos Board of Directors voted almost unanimously to declare Evelyn Deavor, previously in charge of the Devtech subdivision recently acquired by Kronos Corp, the new CEO of the technological juggernaut. Insider rumor is that the woman's control of the company has become ironclad with unprecedented speed. With Devtech having formerly been known for pro-cape sentiment, it is possible that Kronos will soon pivot away from its previous anti-super leanings.
Ehhhhhh possssssible.

Probably not so much, but it may not actively go after them so hard. Anyway, our speculation that Evelyn Deavor would be the one to take over the place is confirmed. She may actually be more of a problem in the long run than Syndrome, come to think of it

[ ] Join Evelyn Deavor
DC 150
81+32+40+20 (Syndrome is disliked)+30 (???)=203
Great Success
The Kronos Corporation has finally recovered from the internal strife surrounding Syndrome's sudden disappearance by announcing its new CEO- Evelyn Deavor, formerly of Devtech. She is noted as having brought on Sinatron as an internal affairs advisor. It seems the robot recognized the futility of his current situation without outside aid, and decided to cut a deal. According to reports, the disruption at the Sands was nothing more than a way to develop buzz around the company and make it possible for Syndrome to quietly step down from active leadership while attention was elsewhere. Seeing as how there were no casualties, and that Kronos itself is now playing off the 'declaration for a Free Vegas' as a publicity stunt, there is very little to blame Sinatron for. Legally speaking he's committed no crimes, as the activities of AI are reflected back on their owner, and 'Syndrome' has publicly- if rather twitchily- proclaimed his acceptance of the move.
OK, now it is way more likely that Syndrome is dead.

They wouldn't have staged that if they weren't fairly confident Syndrome would never be in a position to refute such a claim... And Evelyn plus Mob!Sinatron are more than ruthless enough to finish Syndrome off as preparation to make such a declaration. Gotta wonder where that +30 keeps coming from, though.

[ ] Rob the Philadelphia Mint
DC 100
Spectacular Success
The Philadelphia Mint was robbed of several hundred thousand dollars in antique coins and the die used to cast them by an unknown individual. The suspect, a costumed woman estimated to be in her early twenties with pale skin and white hair, began to sing as soon as SWAT members stormed the building. In a stunning turn of events the troopers stopped trying to detain her and instead helped her to escape not only the building but the city as well. When interviewed, members of the force stated that they didn't know what came over them and simply thought it was 'the right thing to do at the time'.
Oooh, gotta wonder who that is. Probably a super.

[ ] Expand operations into northern Texas
DC 90
Decent Success

The Middleton nootropics ring has started to distribute its wares in the northern reaches of Texas through the extensive use of its network of drones. Reports indicate that in addition to the highly addictive nootropic substance, other drugs are being distributed as well, such as an injection that can supercharge or flat-out grant superpowers, even removing limits on previously existing ones, though it comes with a slew of nasty side effects such as power incontinence, mental degradation, or flat-out death.
I am honestly surprised Shego isn't hammering on this, and is wasting time with a probably-Intrigue action investigating us, unless of course she's the one behind it and saw this as an opportunity to get Hego out of her territory to avoid conflict.

Maaaybe we should investigate.

[ ] Build lots more robots for ???
DC 80
Critical Success

In cities surrounding Middleton, some of them as far out as the Kansas border, robots are becoming an increasingly common sight in abandoned buildings and factories. The oddly Aztec-themed constructs are not hostile unless engaged first, and while they're not much to write home about in combat- some videos online show thugs taking one on with nothing more than a baseball bat- they make up for that in sheer quantity. Whoever is making them clearly prioritizes numbers above all else.
Hmmmm. Aztec-themed. Gotta wonder about that.

Khan Industries
[ ] Research fusion power
DC 100
Decent Success

Khan Industries recently issued a press release detailing how they are moving forward with serious research into the field of nuclear fusion. CEO Shere Khan explained that he was inspired by his fellow industrialists' attempts to 'go green', declaring that his company would be perfectly willing to move with the times and modernize. He assured investors that oil would not be going anywhere as it is still a crucial commodity even when not being used as a fuel source. Preliminary reports suggest that scientists have made the first tenuous steps into unlocking the secrets of the process.
[raises eyebrows]


We can definitely use this as a basis for further collaboration. We're better equipped to make breakthroughs than he is, but he's got the global reach to make it a win. Diplomacy action to reach out to Shere Khan in hopes of collaborating on fusion research when!?

Dawn Bellwether
[ ] Donate to the Judy Hopps Memorial Fund
DC 0
Great Success

Mayor Bellwether of Zootopia publicly donated a significant chunk of her last annual salary to the memorial fund for Judy Hopps, an officer killed in the line of duty by a predator gone feral. The fund is dedicated to protecting more prey animals from the ever-present threat of predators.
Syndrome was seen attempting to escape the Sands making use of a cobbled together energy emitter and prototype rockets made in a casino with a box of scraps from his previous outfit. Unfortunately for him, the hastily constructed rocket failed shortly after breaching the Sands roof, sending Syndrome plummeting back to the ground.
Nice. I appreciate both the brutal comparison and the humiliating failure.
Khan Industries
[ ] Research fusion power
DC 100
Decent Success

Khan Industries recently issued a press release detailing how they are moving forward with serious research into the field of nuclear fusion. CEO Shere Khan explained that he was inspired by his fellow industrialists' attempts to 'go green', declaring that his company would be perfectly willing to move with the times and modernize. He assured investors that oil would not be going anywhere as it is still a crucial commodity even when not being used as a fuel source. Preliminary reports suggest that scientists have made the first tenuous steps into unlocking the secrets of the process.

I'm sure there's something diplomatic to be done here, but honestly this just makes me want to pick Flubber PR Blitz > Flubber Energy. Can't let anyone scoop us on Greevil Energy, you know?

Looks like Zootopia ended badly. Good thing to because if I have to watch that movie one more time I will commit a warcrime. Fucking nieces man, why not something amazing like Mulan, Pocahontas or Lion King. But not those are old person films this is a kids film now.
So good she's dead, that feels great. At least she contributed more after her death, because at least that will be something.
Huh. Just noticed the 'highland kingdom delende est' tag on this quest. I'm not quite sure how it got there. I think 'doomtown delende est' might be more appropriate, but I can't add custom tags.

@Made in Heaven
To be clear, is this going to be a quest option like the Sands Heist, or a National Action?

It'll be a potential quest like the Sands Heist, in the sense that there's going to be some narrative with some votes attached. I can't imagine it would be nearly as long or detailed, though.
How much do you want to bet that they were hypnotized? I think we may have a new king on our hands.
Ahh, yes. That would explain a lot.

Yeah, no. If anything, she's gonna ramp up the bloodshed if she's anything like her Movie-Counterpart.
Ehhhh. Maybe. The thing to remember is, while Ms. Deavor is anti-super, she's not more anti-super than Syndrome.


I'm sure there's something diplomatic to be done here, but honestly this just makes me want to pick Flubber PR Blitz > Flubber Energy. Can't let anyone scoop us on Greevil Energy, you know?
We can join forces. Shere Khan would no doubt be happy to have more top-line scientific expertise on-side.
Kronos Corp
[ ] Unify the Board
DC 100
99+40+30 (???)+10=179
Incredible Success

Practically overnight, Kronos Corporation has reorganized under a new CEO. In a shocking development, the Kronos Board of Directors voted almost unanimously to declare Evelyn Deavor, previously in charge of the Devtech subdivision recently acquired by Kronos Corp, the new CEO of the technological juggernaut. Insider rumor is that the woman's control of the company has become ironclad with unprecedented speed. With Devtech having formerly been known for pro-cape sentiment, it is possible that Kronos will soon pivot away from its previous anti-super leanings.

Oh dear.

[ ] Join Evelyn Deavor
DC 150
81+32+40+20 (Syndrome is disliked)+30 (???)=203
Great Success
The Kronos Corporation has finally recovered from the internal strife surrounding Syndrome's sudden disappearance by announcing its new CEO- Evelyn Deavor, formerly of Devtech. She is noted as having brought on Sinatron as an internal affairs advisor. It seems the robot recognized the futility of his current situation without outside aid, and decided to cut a deal. According to reports, the disruption at the Sands was nothing more than a way to develop buzz around the company and make it possible for Syndrome to quietly step down from active leadership while attention was elsewhere. Seeing as how there were no casualties, and that Kronos itself is now playing off the 'declaration for a Free Vegas' as a publicity stunt, there is very little to blame Sinatron for. Legally speaking he's committed no crimes, as the activities of AI are reflected back on their owner, and 'Syndrome' has publicly- if rather twitchily- proclaimed his acceptance of the move.

Ohhhhhh dear. Evelyn is a lot smarter than Syndrome. As seen from her stats. With Sinatron on her side, she knows it was us, and we work with Shego. We are very, very much going to want Mirage to keep up her contacts and make sure she has the Kronos bonus. Because this just got very dangerous.

Hm. I'm guessing the 30 was the reroll on the exploding crit, and the 22 was Shego's Intrigue? I know we saw her Intrigue at the Sands Heist...

Or, um, is it Shego plus an Intrigue 30 hero unit? I'm not sure; forgot how the rules look.

The later. Crits explode only on a 100 unless you have special things. The 22 is Shego's intrigue(which we say at the gala) and the 30 is her intrigue hero.
Syndrome was caught on film today clearly attempting escape from the Sands Casino. Having healed from his injuries, Syndrome was seen attempting to escape the Sands making use of a cobbled together energy emitter and prototype rockets made in a casino with a box of scraps from his previous outfit. Unfortunately for him, the hastily constructed rocket failed shortly after breaching the Sands roof, sending Syndrome plummeting back to the ground. While what you are now almost completely certain is a 'Syndroid' was wheeled out shortly after to confirm the 'accident' had left him unharmed, there has been no sign of the real Syndrome since. It seems likely he has been taken underground, likely forever. The lord of Kronos has fallen.
So.. what are the odds we saw the death of Syndrome here? He doesnt have any powers, and fall of that height is a good chance to kill him.
Ahh, yes. That would explain a lot.

Ehhhh. Maybe. The thing to remember is, while Ms. Deavor is anti-super, she's not more anti-super than Syndrome.

We can join forces. Shere Khan would no doubt be happy to have more top-line scientific expertise on-side.

It would also make it much easier to handle the disruption of the tech Doof produces since he'll be at least informed on it.
Ahh, yes. That would explain a lot.

Ehhhh. Maybe. The thing to remember is, while Ms. Deavor is anti-super, she's not more anti-super than Syndrome.

We can join forces. Shere Khan would no doubt be happy to have more top-line scientific expertise on-side.

Real talk. Once we are on three research actions a turn, farming out research in exchange for things we are weaker at is a pretty good strat.
Brittany's Tacos in canon Star vs was the site of the well of magic that connects our planet to the Realm of Magic. Considering the shadow war happening there on the other side if something came through that well it would explain the 11 we rolled this turn for random events.
Okay so:
Xanatos Enterprises
[ ] Send an invite to Doofenshmirtz
Pretty good, a chance to further relations with Xanatos and far enough away that we have a lot of time to do other stuff
[ ] Investigate Doofenshmirtz
I'm not particularly concerned about this, we should pursue closer ties with Shego anyway and most of Doof's backstory is public record and useless anyway
[ ] Escape The Sands
On the one hand yay Syndrome is dead! On the other...
[ ] Join Evelyn Deavor
This could be very bad

Evelyn is far more subtle than Syndrome, she has access to mind control tech, Sinatron is nothing to sneeze at and he very well could have a grudge against Doof

However we might be able to pursue better ties with Evelyn than we ever could've with Syndrome and I can't decide if this will make it harder or easier to recruit Winston since his sister running Kronos Corp might make him stay but the fact that she'll probably keep it anti-cape might push him to leave even more
[ ] Rob the Philadelphia Mint
I have no idea who this is
[ ] Expand operations into northern Texas
[ ] Build lots more robots for ???
These are getting worrying but I'm too concerned with Doom to be comfortable investigati them right now
[ ] Research fusion power
This might make it easier to reach out to Shere Khan since he's clearly not against going green, though we very much want to beat him to it
[ ] Cause disturbances in Nevada
I'm not really sure how to feel about this, cautiously optimistic?
[ ] Donate to the Judy Hopps Memorial Fund
That's unfortunate
[ ] Blame Toons for Everything Going Wrong
Glad it's not a success, annoying that it almost was

We need to keep taking steps against him
Britta's Tacos was demolished today in what authorities are calling a 'freak burrito accident'. Police were quick to cordon off the area.
Britta's Tacos has a portal to the Magic dimension underneath it, which could be a problem
We can join forces. Shere Khan would no doubt be happy to have more top-line scientific expertise on-side.
Right, I realize diplomacy would be the pragmatic choice here, and I'm not saying we shouldn't try diplomacy.

But in terms of what I actually want to do, I want to PR Blitz Flubber back into the public's good graces, research Flubber Energy in a single action, obsolete Fusion Power as a concept in one action, and T-Pose all over the oil industrialist who dared to intrude upon our domain.

Not saying I'm going to actually vote to do that.

But I want to.
Evelyn Deavor? *Googles* Huh well thats bad. Still, gunna be busy doing the More Actions Actions this turn, but I'm curious about something.

@Made in Heaven What kind of Energy Generation/Production tech does GalFed/Jumba have access to?
Last edited:
Just noticed ENCOM didn't have an update this turn. Not sure what that means for us but DOOFos should protect us for the foreseeable future.

And on a related note I think Bellwether might be a gateway to digitization technology. Not directly but we would need her permission to look around the ruins of Oakey Oaks.