Notably, they found the hidden passage, at least on that second failure. :p
True though I wonder what might have happened if we'd just succeeded? Presumably with the first passage we'd know where it led and have more information for our choice and for this one we might not have had the fucking bird release Storkules
Does anyone know who Xandra is?
Here's her wiki page
I'm loving this quest. Honestly I'll be perfectly happy if they come back with no reward at all and just the adventure to tell.
Ehh, I'm a lot less salty than I was when things started going to shit but I still wouldn't be happy with this ending up as a huge waste of time and resources

Also I'm kinda starting to get genuinely worried about Max, he legitimately doesn't like the Toon antics his father gets into and if things keep going to shit we could very well be looking at a sizeable Loyalty malus
Also I'm kinda starting to get genuinely worried about Max, he legitimately doesn't like the Toon antics his father gets into and if things keep going to shit we could very well be looking at a sizeable Loyalty malus
He's potentially a teenager still (18 or 19 years old) and he probably didn't get the character development that he did in canon because of villains winning, so potentially this could be something that could help his character growth. Maybe he'll either learn to appreciate adventure, or if he thinks this went poorly, he'll appreciate boring tasks at home instead.
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He's potentially a teenager still (18 or 19 years old) and he probably didn't get the character development that he did in canon because of villains winning, so potentially this could be something that could help his character growth. Maybe he'll either learn to appreciate adventure, or appreciate boring tasks instead.
I doubt it, if this had gone well maybe but so far it's gone how basically every Toon adventure goes and Max clearly isn't about that life
An enjoyable cartoon escapade. It did make me think of a question however. How long exactly have toons been around? The lore post state's that Toons come from animators that care about them. but animation as a thing came around the 1900's and this ancient temple was here long before that. We have also have seen that there are toon bloodlines such as Mcduck and Sheldgoose. It makes me curious where the pre-animation toons came from.
An enjoyable cartoon escapade. It did make me think of a question however. How long exactly have toons been around? The lore post state's that Toons come from animators that care about them. but animation as a thing came around the 1900's and this ancient temple was here long before that. We have also have seen that there are toon bloodlines such as Mcduck and Sheldgoose. It makes me curious where the pre-animation toons came from.
Cave paintings. They'd peel off the walls, hit you with a club, and then laughs were had.

Though really, these aren't only pulling from toons as they were portrayed in Roger Rabbit. These are Disney Comics characters. They fit into a paradigm adjacent to toons, in that they are more "flexible" than humans but are fully-realized beings outside of ink and film. That means blood relatives and family trees.

Try to actively forget the idea that an animator "made" them, because that isn't the whole picture. As per Roger Rabbit, consider instead that toons are actors, functioning as muses and mediums for animators and directors to create sequential art with. Outside of that, the toons have lives of their own with all that entails.
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Honestly all the missions have been so successful so far that I'm okay with one turning into a massive fuckup, as long as it's funny. Which this is.
Cave paintings. They'd peel off the walls, hit you with a club, and then laughs were had.

Though really, these aren't only pulling from toons as they were portrayed in Roger Rabbit. These are Disney Comics characters. They fit into a paradigm adjacent to toons, in that they are more "flexible" than humans but are fully-realized beings outside of ink and film. That means blood relatives and family trees.

Try to actively forget the idea that an animator "made" them, because that isn't the whole picture. As per Roger Rabbit, consider instead that toons are actors, functioning as muses and mediums for animators and directors to create sequential art with. Outside of that, the toons have lives of their own with all that entails.
Makes sense I suppose. I just thought it would have been neat if when Walt Disney started animating cartoons he unintentionally Retconned the universe to insert ancient temples and forgotten treasures into reality. After all what's toons like scrooge Mcduck without a mythical treasure to hunt. But it does make more sense if they were just "toon adjacent" Actors.
Khuhuhu. Well that went Toonsy. This round rolls were acceptable and hillarious. We might also be able to diplo this guy to tell us where Donald is as our team have a pretty good Diplo stats and were all Toons.
Ehh, I'm a lot less salty than I was when things started going to shit but I still wouldn't be happy with this ending up as a huge waste of time and resources
This will be wasting effectively zero resources because we get a free Personal action out of all these characters anyway, and most if not all of them weren't "needed" on a National action.

Also I'm kinda starting to get genuinely worried about Max, he legitimately doesn't like the Toon antics his father gets into and if things keep going to shit we could very well be looking at a sizeable Loyalty malus
That's fair. On the other hand, we picked him to be a designated driver for a bunch of toons, when he himself doesn't... really... think like a toon.

Some day we should send Russ on a quest along with a toon squad.

Khuhuhu. Well that went Toonsy. This round rolls were acceptable and hillarious. We might also be able to diplo this guy to tell us where Donald is as our team have a pretty good Diplo stats and were all Toons.
Problem: Storkules himself may not know where Donald is. I'm not well acquainted with the character, but he seems to have a slightly tenuous relationship with facts.
And, hrm. I'm thinking on the nature of toons. Being creatures of mostly narrativium, I could argue that they are the evolved form of fairytales. In pre-modern days humanity's grasp on reality was all built around the stories we told to one another when night came and the last of the coals from supper began to dim. We may have not been literate or have had any real sense of history or even current events but we had long practice at at least getting the idea across.

Gods and folk heroes are things on the same scale, I suppose. Worship is just one form of recognition and recognition has a power all of its own. Once, perhaps, the Big Bad Wolf stalked the Black Forest. Later, it was Uncle Sam embodying the spirit of the place. At the very start the Egyptians feared pictograms would read themselves into the world and so chose every word with a surgeon's care.

But some things catch the mind better, occupying a weird hyperreality that makes them more memorable than your fellow man. Simplified and distilled, exaggerated, a brightly colored caricature that personifies a thing... though some swing between several personifications. Daffy Duck started as, well, daffy but gradually put on the mantle of the eternally frustrated grasping hand. Scrooge was the monster that comes from pure capitalist greed at its best and worst, then the hard earned lesson that family means more than gold. But change is hard and freewill is often minimal or nonexistent.

Coyote noted the effect of the audience on his degree of success. They always have an audience, even in a closed room.
That's fair. On the other hand, we picked him to be a designated driver for a bunch of toons, when he himself doesn't... really... think like a toon.

Some day we should send Russ on a quest along with a toon squad.

That´s honestly something that both intrigues and concerns me.

(Meta-)Physically speaking, Max IS a Toon - he is both as prone and resistant to Amusing Injuries and Wacky Hijinks as any of them, but behaviour/mentality-wise he seems to be the single-most restrained of them (even Jessica Rabbit with her contradictionary logic how to keep Roger from harm and Doom with his hammy sadism do exhibit Toon-y characteristics despite their generally stoic demeanor). Heck, he seems to be actively Hating/repressing part of who he is - which any psychotherapeut can tell you is BAD for your mental health in the long run, despite it making a certain amount of sense considering a) he is sort of a teen trying to find himself and b) there is a psychopath actively trying to kill Toons like him for being simply who they are. Regardless, after this quest we might wanna have a little chat with him about his fears and stuff.

"Us" meaining Doof (as the resident weird kook who doesn´t really give a shit about other people being a bit weird) and Technor (as an actual shrink he could open up to), mind you. I am not expecting Max to immediately go all out with his Toon-ness, but let´s just say that I know both from the in- and outside how damaging bottling up your issues can be.
That´s honestly something that both intrigues and concerns me.

(Meta-)Physically speaking, Max IS a Toon - he is both as prone and resistant to Amusing Injuries and Wacky Hijinks as any of them, but behaviour/mentality-wise he seems to be the single-most restrained of them (even Jessica Rabbit with her contradictionary logic how to keep Roger from harm and Doom with his hammy sadism do exhibit Toon-y characteristics despite their generally stoic demeanor). Heck, he seems to be actively Hating/repressing part of who he is - which any psychotherapeut can tell you is BAD for your mental health in the long run, despite it making a certain amount of sense considering a) he is sort of a teen trying to find himself and b) there is a psychopath actively trying to kill Toons like him for being simply who they are. Regardless, after this quest we might wanna have a little chat with him about his fears and stuff.

On the other hand, Max seems to have naturally grown into a role even toons need to maximize their comedy- the straight man. The grumbler of a thousand grumbles, the one who perceives nonsense for what it is, the one who will always, always be unfortunate as long as the comedy rolls on. The Zeppo Marx to other toons' Groucho, Chico, and Harpo.

That's why, thematically, Max is the one who's most upset about how uncomfortable trekking through the jungle is. That's why Max was the one who got zapped by the lightning trap, where normally you'd expect it to be Wile E., since he's normally the lightning rod of any situation.

So maybe Max is being toony, and is in touch with his true nature, just in a... toonodivergent role, if you will.

On the other hand, Max seems to have naturally grown into a role even toons need to maximize their comedy- the straight man. The grumbler of a thousand grumbles, the one who perceives nonsense for what it is, the one who will always, always be unfortunate as long as the comedy rolls on. The Zeppo Marx to other toons' Groucho, Chico, and Harpo.

That's why, thematically, Max is the one who's most upset about how uncomfortable trekking through the jungle is. That's why Max was the one who got zapped by the lightning trap, where normally you'd expect it to be Wile E., since he's normally the lightning rod of any situation.

So maybe Max is being toony, and is in touch with his true nature, just in a... toonodivergent role, if you will.

Maybe, but I still prefer to make sure that he doesn´t hate himself for what/who he is and doesn´t genuinely suffer his lot. Again, I know how that one feels and let me tell you - it´s a shitty feeling.

If Max is actually okay-ish with being a Toon and is simply being the Straight Man to most everyone´s Wacky Guy/Gal in the narrative, fine by me. But if he turns out to be repressing himself outta some twisted desire to be "normal" and hurting himself in the process, we have to intervene on his behalf (both Doof as a loving if kooky father not so dissimilar to Goofy himself and Technor as a trained professional who is very serious about bis craft)

If nothing else, it´ll help him cope with being the Straight Man. Max might be a Toon and therefore by default beholden to the laws of narrative, but he is also a person and even aside from that, a Straight Man does need a pick-me-up every now and then after so many put-me-downs.
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It might be worth considering that Max is a second generation Toon, unlike Goofy, Wile E. Roger Rabbit, etc, he wasn't created by an artist to entertain people, he was conceived by two already existing Toons

Which may explain why he has far less innate Toonness that the others
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Just remember how utterly embarrassed (to the point of vivid nightmares) he was of laughing like Goofy. Now, it could just be that he was primarily terrified of turning into his father, as some people are, but it feels like it could be him doing his best to be as un-funny as possible.

And let's face it, Goofy's laugh is pretty silly.
It might be worth considering that Max is a second generation Toon, unlike Goofy, Wile E. Roger Ragbit, etc, he wasn't created by an artist to entertain people, he was conceived by two already existing Toons

Which may explain why he has far less innate Toonness that the others
It'd be funny if all Toons reproduce by a literal cartoon stork bringing them a baby :p
It might be worth considering that Max is a second generation Toon, unlike Goofy, Wile E. Roger Ragbit, etc, he wasn't created by an artist to entertain people, he was conceived by two already existing Toons

Which may explain why he has far less innate Toonness that the others
Remember that the Roger Rabbit narrative isn't entirely descriptive of toons. Ducktales and Darkwing Duck are also canon here, after all. And in Ducktales continuity, it's pretty clear that Donald, Scrooge McDuck, and a lot of the other duck characters are part of multigenerational families with long history.

Some of this may be paradox, but I don't think we should just assume that all second-generation toons are like this.
Earlier in the thread sad endings to scenarios were brought up but I have yet to see speculation on a certain series so allow me to throw my hat into the ring. I believe I may know how and when Shego and Drakken won and what caused Ron to kill himself, or at least not resist Yori and the ninja school faking his death if you want a brighter ending. In the movie So the Drama two very important things happen. The first is that Drakken almost wins and the second is that Ron finally realizes his feelings for Kim. All it would take for the movie to end differently is for Kim to not believe Ron when he tells her about Bueno Nacho and Drakken's plan. By the time Kim figures everything out it is too late and Eric is right there to prevent her from stopping Shego from taking over. At this point Ron is heartbroken because he realizes Kim will never return his feelings and that their bond of trust does not work both ways. In a rare moment of bitterness for him he decides to end it at the scene of the crime if you will. Committing suicide at the very Bueno Nacho where he figured out the scheme of Drakken as the last place he felt any joy. Let Ron's memorial stand as witness to the altar of broken dreams and unrequited love in this dark world where villians won.
It might be worth considering that Max is a second generation Toon, unlike Goofy, Wile E. Roger Ragbit, etc, he wasn't created by an artist to entertain people, he was conceived by two already existing Toons

Which may explain why he has far less innate Toonness that the others

Dunno about that one - it was never stated in-universe that Toons can even procreate on their own and Goof Troop never really referenced Max´ mom. That being said, if one takes certain comments from the people behind "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" as canon, then Max is the result of a one-night-stand between Goofy and JESSICA RABBIT (probably before she married Roger, considering how much she genuinely loves him) of all people - would explain his relatively un-toon behaviour most of the time, though.

But yeah, maybe he was explicitly created in-universe to be Goofys son, which would put a lot of existential strain on his mind.