Okay, gonna shut this down right now. Not only was this an obvious joke, LaughingMad isn't even remembering the phrasing right. Neither the QM, I, or our other occasional showwriter will EVER give plot-critical information over the Doofquest Discord, nor have we ever done so previously. If other people on the Discord want to give setting information about locations, backstory, or Gridlocked as a whole to people participating in Doofquest, that is their prerogative, because it is a server designed for the express purpose of helping people find out more about the DVV setting. But quite frankly that can be more inconvenient to you than it is helpful, since plenty of the stuff in the setting lore can and will be contradicted by any GM who feels like it.
For example, default DVV has Max Goof estranged from his father. That is blatantly not the case here.