Critical Failure
David can fail?
[ ] Steal the Frog-Shaped Object
Oh PA. This will be fun.
Mez notes that she fights in an underground cooking competition from time to time, being one of three champions who swap the belt between them.
Cass is doing fine.
Way to close to vending machines for my liking.
[ ] Lobby to increase corn subsidies
DC 140
Critical Failure!
The spoils of war are spoiled.
So basically, we have 4 options with this ENCOM thing.

1. We buy out Olympia's shares, and sell both to ENCOM (gain a ton of funds, hurt Olympia opinion, Alan pissed, no grid plots)
2. Olympia sells, we Sell (gain some funds, Alan pissed, no grid plots)
3. We buy out Olympia and don't sell to ENCOM (lose funds, Olympia slightly weaker, Alan happy)
4. Olympia Sells, we don't (???)
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Hey quick question, do you guys mind if Mez provides Sycorax with some incidental information about DEI in order to get into Liv's good graces?

...hmmm, would we mind her doing something that´s kinda her job as infiltrator whose official story for "jumping ship from DEI to Sycorax" is "creative differences with Doof and just general dissatisfaction"...

Nope, no worries there - honestly if we were playing as someone more sneaky than friggin Doofenshmirtz, we could use that connection to *plant false intel in their heads* as well.
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US Government
[ ] Look into Negaduck
DC ???
Bare Success

To Be Continued in Interlude: Sandbagging

[ ] Disseminate Anti-Negaduck plans

To Be Continued in Interlude: Sandbagging

Very glad they are looking into negaduck. I know we were going to try and work with the Feds on this but I'll take them doing it on their own.
[ ] Steal the Frog-Shaped Object

To Be Continued in Interlude: Frog-Shaped Interlude
Outcome: Litigate for Bonkers Bobcat action removed. Minor opinion penalty with the Red Car.
Bit of a bummer we didn't want to do this without Russ being there but at least it's done and done successfully.

Maybe we could do some pro toon actions to boost our rep with them?
As an equal partner in the firm, you have the Right of First Refusal to purchase Devtech's shares at fair market value. However, that is still a considerable amount of money you would need to shell out instead of take in, and you would also be depriving Winston of some much needed funds in the process.
Oh, hell...

Can't fault them for wanting to sell but that let's them get control of one of the only computer area they aren't in. And in character we have no reason to fight this.

We need Alan to finish Civilian AI and we need to chat with him. Maybe he will spill the beans on why encom is trouble.

Random Event Roll
16 - The Chaos God

To be continued in Interlude: Red Sun
Bloody hell...

At least our rolls here went well but this is looking like another "Kat starts the invasion" kind of event.
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So let's see. We apparently have a Negaduck interlude involving Negaduck, the US government, and Xanatos. Someone stole the Frobot head and its getting an interlude as well.

Worrying for the former but it should give more info there if nothing else. A Frobot no longer being in Doom's possession is good and we'll presumably see who stole it soon.

Bonkers as an action is gone and we only lost some reputation with the Red Car, not amazing but not the worst thing there.

The moonbase is completed which might tie into the recent prophecy, the Huntsclan is on the rise, and Xanatos is continuing his push into genetics. Shego broke Impervium and made progress on the exclusion zone. We were already curing genetic diseases next turn due to the directors but this further solidifies going on this and pushing at the government to allow us to work on the exclusion zone.

Liv has offered collabs and so we'll have to see the options. She's not trustworthy but one of them might be worthwhile and on something that is not too concerning to give her access to.

Olympia has offered us the chance to buy Syndrome's island but it is stated that it'll be a money pit. Additionally, ENCOM is trying to buy out our OS from us and Olympia. We obviously can't sell it but there's the matter of if we should and can buy out the shares from Winston. It'll stop ENCOM from getting a foothold but will cost a bit and will deprive Olympia of some money,

That is going to be a tricky one to balance with all of the other fund sinks we have like Star through the Dickens, quests, and the franchise wars but we'll have to play it by ear once we know more and see if we need to stop one of the metaphorical plates from spinning.
[ ] Reclaim the Midwest Exclusion Zone
DC 700
60+16+38+25+5+20 (Government Funding)=164
Acceptable Progress

Efforts by Drakktech to reclaim the blighted Midwest have made slow but steady progress, through judicious applications of federal grant money and repurposed supervillain tech. While the endeavor is likely to continue for years, both federal and corporate spokespeople assure a reluctant public that it is worth it.

Outcome: DC reduced by 50.

Not sure if we've had an example of this kind of unattainable DC being chipped at, but if not neat to see the mechanics involved. Maybe we could have been fixing Bueno Nacho all along (not that we should have).

Regarding our purchases, we probably shouldn't buy the neat flying island? I mean, so cool, but it's just going to be wildly expensive for unclear benefits. Maybe there'd be some leads into the Incredibles there, or some old Syndrome tech lost in a cave somewhere?

The Encom thing is basically the Toffee deal but for Alan. We didn't buy the corn, we shouldn't sell the OS.
Well whoever tried to steal the frog shaped object only rolled a 52, and we have no idea how locked down Doom is keeping that thing. If he's still plundering it (evidence for is that he's still keeping it around so he's probably got a use for it) I suspect the DC to be higher than 50. If he's just tossed it in a safety deposit box I guess I could see it being a close failure? Whatever happens I suspect will be... interesting.
--[X] [Learning] Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
DC 150 (CF 1%, CS 9%)
Fallback Martial: DC 110

Doofrassic Park marked an enormous success this week as the popular central US attraction saw the arrival of the famed Tyrannosaurus Rex and other carnivorous beasts of bygone eras. Popularity is, expectedly, through the roof, and biologists are lauding yet another batch of impressive resurrections.
Interesting that we got some exhibits out of it without needing to invest an action. That hadn't been clear in the turn reports, I believe.

--[X] [Learning] Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
DC 150 (CF 1%, CS 9%)
Fallback Martial: DC 110

Jumba had an excellent time in modifying the large carnivores he was given to work with, altering their mood and behaviors to make them far more docile for public viewing. He insisted on adding an 'on switch' in their genetic code so they may be switched back to their usual aggressive tendencies should someone ever want to. You're… probably never going to do that, but it was the only way you could get him to agree to making something more pacifistic.

Option to implement Large Carnivore exhibits unlocked!
Yeah, that's some new information, good to know. So Glomgold can see we're making solid progress.
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The final assembly of the moon base would be a massive step forward in creating humanity's first colony on another world, though some brief concerns were cited when surveys of the site took longer than expected, they were quickly assuaged when the work continued apace.
Ah. This seems slightly ominous.

Your contacts inside Olympia suggest that the company is making efforts to get the island presentable and sell it as soon as possible, even selling at a loss will be more productive in the long run. You could purchase Nomanisan, if you so desire, but it won't be coming with any goodies and Winston has outright warned you that he expects it to be a money pit for you as well, especially if you want to keep it flying.
Wait, am I misunderstanding, or does the island fly? And if so, how? It might not be worth it to buy it just to look at the tech keeping it afloat, but I'd be interested in taking a peek at the undercarriage of that sucker.

The main restriction on the implants right now is the price tag, as well as the willingness for someone to scoop out perfectly functional parts of their own body, leaving the primary market as the fabulously wealthy and incredibly eccentric.
Ah, so we might yet get Doof his titanium arms after all.

Glomgold Enterprises
[ ] Deregulate Livestock
DC 140
Massive Success
Glomgold found a way to profit off all sides of the Food Wars even as he makes them heat up. Makes me think we should get out while the getting is good and ingest in Crop Gene Sequencing instead.

Can't fault them for wanting to sell but that let's them get control of one of the only computer area they aren't in. And in character we have no reason to fight this.
Only IC downside I can think of is that we'd be essentially gift-wrapping them a monopoly on computer systems.
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Well, that's certainly a lot going on and the various actions are heating up and once more it shows the importance of persistence with a path

For the dinosaur path, we have at least two more Stewardship actions before Glomgold makes his off (large carnivore and large herbivore enclosures) but I don't think we have the heroes to take both simultaniously and there are other Stew/corporate action that might need doing (like company retreat)
(though I do wonder if doing both together would give a bonus or a malus)

(I've completely forgotten who Red Car is, though, but it's good they helped Bonker out since it will put our toons in a better mood to not have him mess jokes up)
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You were very surprised to see an offer from ENCOM on your desk this morning, detailing an offer to buy out your share of DaedalOS for… well, there sure were a lot of zeroes on it. You're not all that good with money but you want to say seven or eight of them. Mirage tells you that this is a ludicrously good price, much more than its current market share would suggest… and because of that, she's a little suspicious of it.

Winston has contacted you and announced his intent to sell his shares. He feels no particular connection to the system, doesn't see it as a profitable venture for Olympia, and is in desperate need of money given… recent events.
I wonder if we can counteroff for digitizer tech
For the dinosaur path, we have at least two more Stewardship actions before Glomgold makes his off (large carnivore and large herbivore enclosures) but I don't think we have the heroes to take both simultaniously and there are other Stew/corporate action that might need doing (like company retreat)
(though I do wonder if doing both together would give a bonus or a malus)
We can actually do both at once as a single DC 150 action, if we're willing to spend additional funds. How many additional funds has not yet been revealed. Although the odds for individual success are lower (only 42% instead of 72%), the overall odds are considerably better. The only questions are if we'd need to spend the funds each time, and how many funds.
[ ] Sponsor Pan-State Homeowners Association
A Homeowners Association? Truly, their evil knows no bounds!

Liv has had Mezmerella (or rather, Francisca) assigned to the relatively mundane task of surveying notable Capes and Supers active in the San Fransokyo area. As of yet she's not been told why, but that is a fairly normal thing for a potentially assault-able tech company to want to know about. This luckily means that you also get her report. The following Capes and Supers are known to be active in the SF area.
Hmm. I note a distinct lack of Ham. Does this mean The Hammer has been elsewhere, or just not making waves? I may have to change this, this report is giving me... ideas.

"Please, please, my perps call me Putty. Call me Colgumbo, Mr. Mayor, I'll consider it a personal favor."

"Very well, Colgumbo."

The new commissioner suppressed a shiver.
Hmm. I wonder, has Doom bitten off more than he can chew here? I could see a Columbo character getting chosen as a patsy, then turning out much more competent than expected.

[ ] Suppress Pro-Pedestrian Protests
DC 135
Bare Success

Cloverleaf's recent 'traffic-solving' model was thrown into a new light after a rash of civilian protests in LA, mostly focusing on the facts such as 'the cars never stop at crosswalks ever', and 'property damage from self-driving cars pushing other vehicles out of parking spots'. Judge Doom insists that their so-called 'right of way' is, in fact, wrong, and defying the inexorable march of progress. Cloverleaf has thus far managed to stamp out protests, but as successful as Doom's model is, it is being met with a good deal of unrest.
I see that the natives of Pedestria are restless. Good, good.

[ ] Offer to Buy DaedalOS
DC 0
Ok, Alan, moment of truth. I think you've now officially run out of time.

[ ] Commit Tourism
Well phrased. Truly, tourism is an act as heinous as any crime.

[ ] Do Nothing
DC 0

To be continued in Interlude: Sandbagging
"I'm going to do... nothing!"
Yeah, Negaduck channeling King Bumi is less than reassuring.

Random Event Roll
16 - The Chaos God

To be continued in Interlude: Red Sun
Blood for the blood god!
Skulls for the skull throne!
Corn for the corn flakes!
Fur for the fur coat!
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The Franchise Wars are heating up, so I propose we use our dinosaur meat to its fullest potential and start a themed restaurant ala Rainforest Cafe, but dinosaur themed.

Doofenshmirtz's Prehistoric Cafe

Doofenshmirtz's Jurassic Fork

Doofenshmirtz's Dyno-BITE

I'm not good with names. :V

But what is the protocol for suggesting write-ins, again? I can't find the info. >.>
We could have started working on cooperating with the feds on Negaduck this turn. We put it off to work on Silphium instead. I don't think this was the correct choice.
We could have started working on cooperating with the feds on Negaduck this turn. We put it off to work on Silphium instead. I don't think this was the correct choice.

Dunno about that - Silphium might not have allowed us to dogpile onto ND (which admittedly woulda been nice given the kind of bedfellows we d have made for "Sandbagging"), but it does allow us to handily circumvent Bradfords demands to make inroads into a new market *or else* thanks to its banking of 1 Standing in Healthcare.

I d call it a good-enough trade.
[ ] Commit Tourism
DC 120
Critical Success!

To be continued in Interlude: Red Sun
That damn sheep! She would've blamed us for anything bad like infrastructure breakdown or tornadoes if Rody didn't succeed, didn't she?
And I'm sure we will still get flack from that Red Sun interlude.....

Negaduck having a burn out seems interesting.

Hm.... Should we ask Alan for his opinion on the sale? He is the code guru after all....

It's certainly would be more reasonable than why we refused Toffee, IC at least.

I'm interested in the clolabs with Liv Amara.

That's all, I guess?