I think you underestimate Fred. For one thing, i'm gonna guess he gains some bonus to Cape shenanigans, at least. Kinda like Russ's thing, but with a different classic archtype.I mean, they kind of a package deal in practice? Fred is fun narrative wise but his likely stats would make him closer to a Max or Dennis than anything else. While we have some space in our hero cap to work with post Max leaving the hero pool, we still don't have enough where it is justifiable to solo take Fred. We're at 25/30 currently.
1: Mewni Queen (Occult Unit #1)
2: Occult Unit #2
3: Fred
Where the goal would be to do Gogo + either a Intrigue unit to deal with infiltration glut or a free space for any random hero recruits we might find space for in scenario 1. In scenario 2 it would probably be an Intrigue character plus the floating free space. I don't really see what sort of use Fred would have in the latter group as assuming there is a 3 person minimum for a heroball based on blackops, I don't see who would be a decent third for him in practice.