You appreciate Xanatos making the offer honestly, you do. But you just… don't want to be beholden to him like that. It would feel too much like he was controlling you. You politely tell him no, and then usher him to the exit. You have an important meeting in a few minutes, one you have not told him about. As he leaves, you look over the counter in front of you and pick the screw back up. You look at it and then decide, for whatever reason, that it might as well not go to waste, and use it to tighten up one of the clock hands. Xanatos looks over his shoulder at you drilling it in as he goes.

He smiles.

Honestly, guys?

*This could be a GOOD smile just as likely as it could be a neutral or bad one*

Maybe his *primary* goal was for us to REFUSE the offer and try to grow on our own? Sure, he wouldn´t have minded us accepting either, but maybe he needs us as our "own man" more than he needs us as "a pawn" (again, a fate I do not consider as grisly as many here did)

So yeah, I am pretty relaxed about David Xanatos smiling there, all things considered.
Honestly, guys?

*This could be a GOOD smile just as likely as it could be a neutral or bad one*

Maybe his *primary* goal was for us to REFUSE the offer and try to grow on our own? Sure, he wouldn´t have minded us accepting either, but maybe he needs us as our "own man" more than he needs us as "a pawn" (again, a fate I do not consider as grisly as many here did)

So yeah, I am pretty relaxed about David Xanatos smiling there, all things considered.
… no. We know exactly why he was smiling, Arathnorn basically told us. His primary goal in giving us this offer was to distract us from thoughts of petty revenge. He's smiling because he succeeded.
… no. We know exactly why he was smiling, Arathnorn basically told us. His primary goal in giving us this offer was to distract us from thoughts of petty revenge. He's smiling because he succeeded.´s still not a BAD smile, since it indicates no great malevolent towards us - just getting us off his back (which *most of us* never intended to anyway)
Yeah, it seems Xanatos' real goal here was to just negate potential negatives but we I think we can all ackonwledge that he's fully capable of figuring some way of benefiting additionally from either path; it's just who he is but he isn't hostile so not much point worrying
HAH, little did Xanatos know but the action economy wouldn't allow that anyway!

Yeah, it seems Xanatos' real goal here was to just negate potential negatives but we I think we can all ackonwledge that he's fully capable of figuring some way of benefiting additionally from either path; it's just who he is but he isn't hostile so not much point worrying

And most of us don´t even *want* to oppose him all that much and would prefer "buddying up" with him instead.

So yeah, David:

You can have this "victory" since it doesn´t hurt us one bit^^
HAH, little did Xanatos know but the action economy wouldn't allow that anyway!
To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if Xanay, as, ya know, an actual businessman who dabbles in cartoonish supervillainy and not a cartoon supervillain who was incorporated for tax purposes and then just sorta failed upwards into having one of the largest corporations west of the Mississippi, has some trait like Mirage's Executive Priorities, which allowed her to sacrifice one of her 6 PAs for more Intrigue actions, although the result of said action would take a -10 due to the required repurposing of resources. I wouldn't be surprised if Xanatos had something similar.
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I have figured out a way to win the Franchise Wars!

First we buy out Sycorax to get Poultry Palace, then we create the TRI-RESTAURANT FRANCHISE! By combinging Doc Hoppers, Poultry Palace, and Bueno Nacho, we will crush any and all competitors in the franchise wars!
Say, how likely is it for Toffee to have his fingers in the Restaurants sector and therefore the Franchise Wars as well?

I mean, since he is/was one of the biggest providers of raw food items in the form of his Evil Corn, it would make sense for him to extend the reach of that stuff via corn-based eateries like Mexican dishes (especially after we didn´t take the bait and remained autonomous).

If he´s a particapant in the Wars as well, that would give us a guiltfree target for our own advances, mask our attacks against him as "simply business" and - of course only if we manage to push him out - would allow us some nice synergies between his "consecrated" corn and our "Mexican" Bueno Nacho angle.

Just an idea.
Say, how likely is it for Toffee to have his fingers in the Restaurants sector and therefore the Franchise Wars as well?

I mean, since he is/was one of the biggest providers of raw food items in the form of his Evil Corn, it would make sense for him to extend the reach of that stuff via corn-based eateries like Mexican dishes (especially after we didn´t take the bait and remained autonomous).

If he´s a particapant in the Wars as well, that would give us a guiltfree target for our own advances, mask our attacks against him as "simply business" and - of course only if we manage to push him out - would allow us some nice synergies between his "consecrated" corn and our "Mexican" Bueno Nacho angle.

Just an idea.
Based on rival report and opinion tracker, Toffee is not a part of the Franchise Wars but is profiting heavily from them. Kind of like an arms dealer selling weapons to both sides of a real war.
Based on rival report and opinion tracker, Toffee is not a part of the Franchise Wars but is profiting heavily from them. Kind of like an arms dealer selling weapons to both sides of a real war.

Probably not selling to David though, since our "friend" knows about Toffees real deal as well and would think twice before grabbing "corrupt" corn.

That means that we might wanna try focussing opponents that primarly "fire Toffee ammo" - that way, we would profit from weaking both those opponents and Toffee as well.
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Would he, though? Like, if the corn is cheap, he might still buy it without letting that effect his view of Toffee.

But is if just "cheap corn"?

even if the answer is yes, that does mean somewhat entangling his business with a threat... then again, he might also use that as a way to keep a check on Toffee's Earth-side activites but frankly that's what patsies are for
Yeah no, I don´t think that David would willingly entangle himself with a KNOWN extraplanar threat - especially for some cheap corn.

Pretty sure he´s using the Franchise Wars to further curtail Toffees Earthside dealings.

...Now I wanna (after screeing those Wars thoroughly, of course) talk to him about teaming up in the FWs informally to push Toffee out...