You know, oddly enough, despite her vital performance in the latest quest, it was only after that bombastic presentation (and pushing Mirage down a slide) that I've fully accepted Mez into the family in my heart. Good performance from Gomez too.

Go on Blot, correct the great imbalance.
Xanatos looks over his shoulder at you drilling it in as he goes.

He smiles.
Nope, nope, nope. No thank you.
"Clearly the solution is to put the self destruct buttons-"

"On the live rockets!"
German has different rules on double negatives but Wile E. strikes me as someone who would catch the grammatically incorrect nonexplosion.
You'd be more sympathetic, but you're pretty sure that's one of your traps she used, without asking even! Probably. You never do check that part of your inbox.
Heinz is someone who's fine with seeing +5000 emails in their inbox. Mirage and Janus are not okay with their boss having +5000 unread emails.
"Vice-Masters, associate bosses, some other third thing.
I was expecting him to word it worse. So long as we're paying him we're fine.
"After 37 straight hours of hunting and five separate psychic-pressure nosebleeds, I finally narrowed down the object in all of DEI that best fits the mystery man: these!"
The unimportant sunglasses have been deemed important by my invention which pointed to these unimportant glasses which are important because my invention which I calibrated to find important things found a level of importance in these unimportant sunglasses that can be described as important by following the metric provided by my invention that...
Well, that was the greatest accomplishment in the history of our species, good job everyone. I get the sense the QMs had a lot of fun with this one. Mez, Gomez, and, next time, we're getting BLOT.
So, Blot stole the glasses we were going to use to bring Russ back and kidnapped us. Fortunately, Mez and Mirage are hunting down the Coyote doppelgänger, so we should be back in no time. I just hope Blot helps us pull Russ back…
Blot seems ultimately fine with our people getting involved since Mez managed to sniff out the traitor. He just doesn't think our involvement will change the result from what he wants from this.

Which assumedly is Russ. Blot is a toon, and thus runs on narrative. What's a powerful narrative tool? Especially for a villain? A nemesis. A hero to work against or to work against you.
Blot seems ultimately fine with our people getting involved since Mez managed to sniff out the traitor. He just doesn't think our involvement will change the result from what he wants from this.

Which assumedly is Russ. Blot is a toon, and thus runs on narrative. What's a powerful narrative tool? Especially for a villain? A nemesis. A hero to work against or to work against you.
If anyone could piece back together Russ's existence from around the gaps, it'd be Blot. He's, like, the second-most-skilled Intrigue unit we know of, and the first...Well, we just had a meeting with him. So, yeah, he wants Russ back. Given the title...I'm gonna assume he might place us in some complicated death trap? That is his MO, and that would certainly elect a "so that's what that feels like" reaction from Doof.
"I didn't want to catch you up in the over- complicated death-trap Doofenshmirtz. Irony is a valid Toon plot progression."

Doofenshmirtz admires the death-trap thinking "So that's what it's like. "So can you tell me why your a villain. It always good to explain part of your backstory. And why you doing this."

"As you know I need a nemesis." Phantom Blot goes into a flashback only to find Doofenshmirtz standing next to him.

Doofenshmirtz eyes tear up. With difficulty and emotions of sadness and joy Doofenshmirtz states. "Sometimes Perry the Platypus deliberately got captured or helped when I needed it when I wasn't running an evil plot. So let's crack on."
"I didn't want to catch you up in the over- complicated death-trap Doofenshmirtz. Irony is a valid Toon plot progression."

Doofenshmirtz admires the death-trap thinking "So that's what it's like. "So can you tell me why your a villain. It always good to explain part of your backstory. And why you doing this."

"As you know I need a nemesis." Phantom Blot goes into a flashback only to find Doofenshmirtz standing next to him.

Doofenshmirtz eyes tear up. With difficulty and emotions of sadness and joy Doofenshmirtz states. "Sometimes Perry the Platypus deliberately got captured or helped when I needed it when I wasn't running an evil plot. So let's crack on."
The question is, how does Jumba fucking up with a magic book play into things?

(I will say: I doubt it, but it'd be hilarious if it turns out this is a Deja Vu situation IE the crit-fail just cuts off the action and the rest of the interlude proceeds as normal.)
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"Why, I've tracked down every last spy in DEI, of course! Except for some of the underground ones, they got away, and the hats-" She hisses that last part. Mirage had mentioned she had gotten a lot more jumpy after learning that little tidbit. "-Aaand Xanatos', I think... "
Wait, so does that mean that she got Xanatos' spies, or that she didn't get Xanatos spies? Do we need to do a specific action to look for Xanatos spies?
Wait was it the fake Blot Coyote or the real Coyote we were chatting about traps with?

"Now. It took me some time to rework my normal Divino Dowsing Devices to lock on to other signals. It would have been easier if we had that portal to other dimensions finished-"

"For heaven's sake why ah we still sitting on dat?!?"
I think the narrative is trying to tell us something. And with the Blot interfering, we probably will need it. Speaking of the blot, his ability to make a clone of Coyote and to steal glasses from almost literally under our noses is frightening.
Hahaha! Okay, this was every bit as hilarious as I imagined. It's actually really funny how everyone is okay with Blot having Tier-3'd us until now... because we have a strong hunch that his next actions involve bringing Russ back. Now if another king, like say, Glomgold had T3'd us, that would be another story entirely.

Anyways, looking forward to Part 2!
his ability to make a clone of Coyote

He's not a clone.

Ralph is a distinct separate character.

His gimmick was clocking in to work along with a sheepdog character in a friendly way.

Then he would try to grab some sheep, the sheepdog would stop him, then the dog and a beat up Ralph would clock out and part ways telling each other to have a good night.

Now Ralph also looks pretty much identical to wile but has a red nose instead of black.
...Someone mind giving me the short and skinny what just happened?

Terribly confused now.
Coyote has a lovely chat with Doof.

Ludivine is 'in the doghouse' due to her stunt with Flubber.

Mez rooted out the vast majority of spies in our company, including the only current Tier-3 Spy: Wile E. Coyote. It turns out that the Phantom Blot had sent a doppleganger in the form of Ralph Wolf to masquerade as Coyote and receive free intel from the council. Mirage and Mez give chase as Ralph makes his escape.

Gomez has managed to find a way to get Russ to come back to us, using the agent's glasses as the catalyst. However, Blot interrupts by stealing both the catalyst and Doof. He says that because Mez managed to sniff out his agent, he'll let Doof Inc. watch HIS plan on bringing Russ back to reality.
...Someone mind giving me the short and skinny what just happened?

Terribly confused now.
No problem.

We had a nice chat with Wile...

Coyote has a lovely chat with Doof.

Ludivine is 'in the doghouse' due to her stunt with Flubber.

Mez rooted out the vast majority of spies in our company, including the only current Tier-3 Spy: Wile E. Coyote. It turns out that the Phantom Blot had sent a doppleganger in the form of Ralph Wolf to masquerade as Coyote and receive free intel from the council. Mirage and Mez give chase as Ralph makes his escape.

Gomez has managed to find a way to get Russ to come back to us, using the agent's glasses as the catalyst. However, Blot interrupts by stealing both the catalyst and Doof. He says that because Mez managed to sniff out his agent, he'll let Doof Inc. watch HIS plan on bringing Russ back to reality.

Er... yes that.

You are very fast.
...Someone mind giving me the short and skinny what just happened?

Terribly confused now.

Blot was using Ralph Wolf, a toon largely identical to Coyote, for his infiltration. He just stole Doof and some of our stuff for something, probably involving recovering Russ.

Mirage and Mezmerella may get a miniquest to get back Doof or something like that.
Well, between the chaos, the emotions, the confusion and long-term activities coming to light, of this chapter felt like peak Doofquest energy

You look at it and then decide, for whatever reason, that it might as well not go to waste, and use it to tighten up one of the clock hands. Xanatos looks over his shoulder at you drilling it in as he goes.

He smiles.

... even with the discussion after the interlude, I still have no idea what's up with Xanay

This is followed seconds later by the sound of an Elephant-on-your-Chest-Inator suddenly slamming Coyote into the ground with several tons of force. Then the Twister-Inator, the Limbo-Inator, the Mark-Twain-Inator and the Sunglasses-at-Night-Inator further restrict his movement. Then the Gravity Springboard… you thought you removed that… eight Inators, nine, ten, eleven…

Eventually, after considerable slapstick, Coyote ends up strung up in a massive net hanging over the front door, ironically right next to the punch-clock.

"Bill me for it later, I regret nothing." Mez says, dusting off her hands.

Okay, that's just a great image to think about

"What like, just flip a switch?"

"No no, it's way harder than that."


"Yes, I have to pull a lever."

"Gawrsh." Goofy says.

"He's right. Must be some pretty serious stuff." Ludivine agrees.

Oh damn, a level... hopefully it doesn't need a pulley or lightning

"As I was saying, I was really hoping I'd get the right one with the net."
"We have to stop him." Mirage says urgently.

"Indeed!" Mezmerella pulls the lever, popping open a trapdoor leading to one of your emergency escape slides, and pushes Mirage down it.

Mezmerella fits in brilliantly with the DEI atmosphere; getting petty like that

"Let's put it to a vote." Ludivine says. "All in favor of continuing to allow the minion to properly address his bettas?

She, Malifishmertz and Janus raise their hands.

"What?!" Janus says defensively.

A reminder that this is one of our straight-people

"Wait a moment." Coyote asks from his still slowly rotating net. "It says effects. Plural. But all I see that has been taken would have to be the blackglasses."

"So what-?" Goofy began, only to fall silent as the narrative weight of the second darkness forced him to still. The lights again fail, flicker, and then slowly return.

You aren't there anymore.

That's a really great section; I love the meta

Wait, so does that mean that she got Xanatos' spies, or that she didn't get Xanatos spies? Do we need to do a specific action to look for Xanatos spies?

I'm pretty sure it indicates that she knows Doof was the one giving Xanatos information but had enough tact not to say it there
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Interlude: Find Fantastic, Part I: Clean Slate
That was delightful.
Comedic, yet still sensible and consistent.

Nice bit of bonding with Wile. Likely a loyalty bonus which is always good. Probably also more personal actions for him which… honestly we are unlikely to ever get to and are thus worthless.

Mez is fun. And far more importantly she got rid of the Tier 3 infiltration without costing us a hero unit.

Also it is good to see some inators be used in something at least resembling a useful fashion.

Somewhat confused as to why Mirage is being dragged along on this mini-quest. That said it will probably do her some good to be part of a rescue operation.

Wait, so does that mean that she got Xanatos' spies, or that she didn't get Xanatos spies? Do we need to do a specific action to look for Xanatos spies?
My understanding is that Xanatos does not have any spies. What he does have is regular meetings with Doof and an unassailable intrigue advantage. Doof has learned to not monologue his deepest secrets but Xanatos can still get a whole lot of info out of Doof regardless.