Would we be shelfing Flubber permanently or just temporarily? Like if we ever campaign that it's safe could we open them back up for research?
It would be permanent I think. That's partially why I think entrusting it's safe keeping to Janus could be a good option. He would keep it safe without outright destroying it like someone else would.
You know, I know we've joked about it a bit recently, but I was sincerely considering the idea of putting Alan as the Stewardship councilor? We hired him back in the days when we were still trying to fight ENCOM at computers, and his specialty is one that we've largely placed on the backburner for now.

His Councilor trait is not the most impressive (though maybe having a cyber security expert on the council could unlock an action to increase our base Infiltration DC), but if we want to keep Mr. Moseby free to tackle high DC actions and get Janus back into doing genetics, Alan could handle the chair.

Wasabi's trait would probably make him a better councilor, but both Wasabi and Janus have better things that they could be doing. Alan... Does not.
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[X] Close Ranks. Ludivine's experiment is considerably less public than previously stated. Focus on making sure Ludivine gets out of this and keeping her reputation clear. DEI shoulders some of the burden of guilt here, but Ludivine in appreciation gains +15 Loyalty permanent. Opinion drop still happens but will be recoverable. No collaboration DC increase.
It occurs to me, maybe we should look into targeting Doris's hats with viruses.

We have two computer security specialists (Alan and Mezmerella), one of whom is also familiar with mind control.

I think Alan is the better option, because that way we can either get some progress toward the Life of Alan achievement or toward causing trouble for Doris. (Probably the achievement, because it's Alan)
It occurs to me, maybe we should look into targeting Doris's hats with viruses.

We have two computer security specialists (Alan and Mezmerella), one of whom is also familiar with mind control.

I think Alan is the better option, because that way we can either get some progress toward the Life of Alan achievement or toward causing trouble for Doris. (Probably the achievement, because it's Alan)
Could perhaps be done with an Alan personal, to dismantle and study a helping hat.
No, I wanna see Alan try to do it as a personal.

Don't want his bad luck on a collab.
I don't think QMs will let us make any sort of meaningful progress in defeating Doris on a personal.

To me, Flubber seems like something that would have been much more useful if the quest took a different path. If we didn't Appease the Feds early on and instead actually seceded, the opinion-related negatives of Flubber wouldn't have been nearly as much of a concern. As it stands, though, making use of Flubber closes as many doors as it opens.
The thing about Flubber right now is that this is probably the only opportunity we've had in years to really make it viable. If the DC on Campaigning for Flubber lowered to an achievable degree, we could start trying to change people's minds about it, and then take the actual Flubber actions without a PR hit.

Now, I understand that it would be hard and people are preferring to return to the status quo as soon as possible instead of eating the penalties and going for a moon shot, but if that moon shot did work, it would be a game-changer.
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I don't think QMs will let us make any sort of meaningful progress in defeating Doris on a personal.
I mean, it was a personal to plan a heist, and look at what happened to the Sands Gala.

It's a start. It might give a slight boost or reduce a DC a bit. I never said it would cause Doris to implode. But it's a small step towards progress. Just like how finding Star can be improved with a personal.
Me before Doofquest: "Dice rolls, no matter how they appear, never truly random. But such things as roll results are adjusted by the nature of statistics, not by fate or belief or magic. Ours is a deterministic universe, and a roll has an equivalent chance of showing any side of the die, any time, no matter what has come before or after. No matter the context in which the die is rolled. To believe in such superstition as "luck" or "unluck" is so easy, yet so misguided, that even those who declare themselves atheist will attribute the roll of a die to a higher pow-

Me after Doofquest: "The Alan Dice are real and they want to hurt me, personally."
I'll note that a Write-In quest is going to have a very, very high bar to clear. It's a very significant narrative investment and something we'd need to work on for weeks straight.

Also, we'd like to point out that it is possible to take an action that... really isn't worth it. We'll try to signpost it where possible, but it is definitely possible to pick a write-in that simply... doesn't do much. For example 'go to the bot fights in San Fransokyo' is... really more of a Personal action, and the likely benefit of a good roll on that would be contacts in the area or a narrative event, not an amount of money enough to impress Doof or anything like that.
I'll note that a Write-In quest is going to have a very, very high bar to clear. It's a very significant narrative investment and something we'd need to work on for weeks straight.

Also, we'd like to point out that it is possible to take an action that... really isn't worth it. We'll try to signpost it where possible, but it is definitely possible to pick a write-in that simply... doesn't do much. For example 'go to the bot fights in San Fransokyo' is... really more of a Personal action, and the likely benefit of a good roll on that would be contacts in the area or a narrative event, not an amount of money enough to impress Doof or anything like that.
That's fair. I wanted it mostly for the contacts / narrative potential than the actual money that the gambling would win.

If it's more of a personal, I think sending Gomez could be interesting.
Why do you think sending Gomez to San Fransokyo could be interesting?

Assuming Gomez would even want to go to bot fights without anybody there to tell him what to do, that is.
I just think it would be? My opinion. Also you changed what 'it' would be to a much more generic "Sending Gomez to San Fransokyo" which seems like very convenient wording for your "point".
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I just think it would be? My opinion. Also you changed what 'it' would be to a more generic "Sending Gomez to San Fransokyo" which seems like very convenient wording for your "point".
My apologies, then. I was trying to ask you what you thought could be interesting for Gomez to do in San Fransokyo. If it was the bot fights, the rampant cape scene, Wendy, the weird cult, or something else.

You have to admit, if I came out and said "I think it could be interesting to send Jumba to Zootopia as a Personal", you would ask "why do you think so?".
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My apologies, then. I was trying to ask you what you thought could be interesting about Gomez in San Fransokyo. If it was the bot fights, or something else.
Sending him to the botfights could help gain contacts that could be useful once the BO team is formed and we're potentially focusing on doing stuff against the Yokai/Zaibatsu, or him competing by using a bit of magic to punch above his weight class intellectually speaking might be interesting. Or could get some Divino practice outside of Doofania. (So if it goes wrong, it's not our city that gets damaged).

And San Fran is probably the place where Divinos would be least out of place, with the weird cape scene and such.
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I looked over all of our action results and rival actions for some intel. Found some potentially useful stuff.

-Glomgold has operations in Japan and China. Possible synergy between Doofrassic Park and expanding into those markets
-Fox Xanatos is dead. Not sure about the significance of this. Maybe she died protecting their son, maybe she went with Oberon to raise him.
-In July/August 2016, Candela robbed an InventCo lab. She might have useful intel.
-Research GalFed translator suites yielded "Future international quests may have reduced Diplomacy DCs!" I wonder if reminding the QMs about this would reduce 'enter foreign market' DCs
-It seems like Bill either started, or continued making major moved in Jan/Feb 2017 but we weren't canny enough to catch on. This is probably our probabili-nator's fault
-Our probabili-nator is responsible for letting Goob loose in Jan/Feb
-Has Alan ever succeeded at anything? Holy shit this guy. I don't know if he should get a loyalty buff out of gratitude for not being fired or a loyalty malus because he thinks we've been pranking him this whole time.
-Lobby to legalize bot fights DC 120 was an available action in March/April 2017. This could be extremely lucrative considering our AI. Think Pokemon Cards or Bakugan except they're waaaay cooler. Yama has also critically succeeded on increasing the popularity of bot fights. If we were to do this, we'd probably be targeting the amateurs and/or kids with cheaper, less effective bots that are just used for recreation rather than gambling. This would have synergy with diecast robotics
-Someone helped LOVEMUFFIN leak DEI specs. I wonder who it was.
-Square Enix has a big VR critical success in May/June 2017. Once we expand into Japan, we could buy them and incorporate our AI tech
-Kermit is hopper's current spokesperson, or at least someone masquerading as him.

Edit: Nystical has brought it to my attention that bot fights are already legal, but some still compete illegally because they're not narcs:cool2:
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Sending him to the botfights could help gain contacts that could be useful once the BO team is formed and we're potentially focusing on doing stuff against the Yokai/Zaibatsu, or him competing by using a bit of magic to punch above his weight class intellectually speaking might be interesting. Or could get some Divino practice outside of Doofania. (So if it goes wrong, it's not our city that gets damaged).

And San Fran is probably the place where Divinos would be least out of place, with the weird cape scene and such.
This idea has my support. Let's have Gomez summon a Divino in San Fransokyo next turn.
I don't know what a divino is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
A Divino is this:

A giant beak lurched out of the portal, followed by a pillar of pink feathers and scores upon scores of legs. All of the scientists in attendance expected the mural on the creature's mirror prison to be an exaggerated depiction of the beast within, but Flamenco Gigante looked uncomfortably identical to what L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. had assumed was a caricature.

"I AM FLAMENCO GIGANTE!" the unseemly creature roared as he stretched out to his full length across the room. "FOR FREEING ME FROM MY ANCIENT PRISON, I SHALL GRANT EVERYONE IN ATTENDANCE OF THIS GLORIOUS OCCASION ONE FREE WISH."

Gomez got to his feet. "R-Really?" he asked with trepidation and cautious optimism.


Not all Divinos look the same, of course. But they're all Kaiju-sized monstrous creatures with magic powers and human intelligence, who have been imprisoned for their love of chaos and destruction.
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I'm coming around on the "don't put Gomez in black ops" idea because not having enough available occult units is a very valid point I'm forced to agree with even though I think he would do very well on a team with Technor and Juniper.

But I am 100% committed to not putting Lizzy on the heroball. She is way too useful as a flex and quest unit. And more importantly is part of a different group I don't want her removed from.

We're probably going to have to hire someone for black ops. I'd suggest red feather if we can still get her.

The real question is if we can find a way to direct Wasabi's specialty, optics, in the direction of the two markets we have the potential for highest growth in.
He also specializes in energy fields so that gives him a bit more flexibility.

He'd be perfect on zero point energy.
Could be a decent way to bolster Gomez's martial if he got more experience with them.
He has plenty of experience. Unfortunately, Gomez cannot control the Divinos he summons. In fact, to quote Weredrago, who wrote the canonized omake on them:

Divinos are both too individualistic to have a group that look remotely similar and, by nature, cannot be controlled. You're welcome to try it, but that sounds like it'd backfire. At least I get to design more dumb abominations with silly names.

They are equally likely to attempt to eat him as they are anyone else, including random civilians. Of course, not all Divinos want to eat people, some of them just revel in the chaos. One of the canonical divinos wanted to turn an entire city into monkeys.
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We have action to recruit more occult units.
We also have actions to recruit more capes.

I never said control, but he could learn how to point them towards his enemies.
He can't, that's the whole point. Every episode, him and his boss would try to point the divinos at an enemy or another. And every episode, the divinos would betray them, because they are intelligent beings with their own goals.