But I am 100% committed to not putting Lizzy on the heroball. She is way too useful as a flex and quest unit. And more importantly is part of a different group I don't want her removed from.
I'm alright with not putting Lizzy on the Heroball. She's a good possible recruit, but then, so's Motor Ed. So is Sirque. So is Naughty Kitty (possibly, I don't know her).

I just want to keep the 50-year researcher old with no means of self-defence out of the SWAT squad.
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Vote closed!

Adhoc vote count started by Shade31415 on Jun 8, 2022 at 10:03 PM, finished with 263 posts and 52 votes.
We have action to recruit more occult units.

And we should absolutely do them.

But until we do Gomez is our main occult guy that doesn't have a wander mechanic and heavy quest investment.

If we get enough good occult people so that we can have kitsune and Janna on quests and don't need Gomez on our two occult actions then I would be all for having him on Technors comic supervillainy team. I think he would be great there.
We're not forming the Black Ops squad next turn. I think currently, our best 'arrangement' for the heroball includes Gomez, but if we can recruit a better mage before then (and I think we should try), then we swap him out.
If we get enough good occult people so that we can have kitsune and Janna on quests and don't need Gomez on our two occult actions then I would be all for having him on Technors comic supervillainy team. I think he would be great there.
I mean, we could just make the black ops team now and assign the team to occult actions until we have recruited enough mages to make up for losing Gomez and Juniper? The difference between making the team and doing occult only versus waiting to make the team is probably similar, except we unlock the mechanic earlier and get more information on what the team is like earlier.

And the team overall should have more occult than Gomez alone if the trait carries forward, plus Juniper has occult too, so better CoS to recruit new mages.
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I mean, we could just make the black ops team now and assign the team to occult actions until we have recruited enough mages to make up for losing Gomez and Juniper?
Or, instead of having our only black ops team do occult nationals, you could have the black ops team do the Martial actions it was created to do, and make an occult team with the purpose of doing occult nationals.

And that is, of course, not even touching on what happens if the trait doesn't carry forwards and apply to Technor.
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Or, instead of having our only black ops team do occult nationals, you could have the black ops team do the Martial actions it was created to do, and make an occult team with the purpose of doing occult nationals.
If we are already delaying the creation of the black ops team, then we cant do the martial options anyway. Forming it now and having them recruit a mage (if Kitsune fails to) would be a decent way to allay the fears of losing Gomez.
Maybe we could solve that issue by heroballing him with Mezmerella.
I did say before that I wanted to run a trial on that. I don't expect it to succeed, because human hypnosis might not hold out against eldritch beings from another dimension, but if it does succeed, I'd be perfectly in favor of heroballing those two.
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Maybe we could solve that issue by heroballing him with Mezmerella.
Could be a great idea. And that would mean that we wouldn't have to delay the Black Ops team another 3 turns waiting for the mech, and build it over time.

@Arathnorn if we build the black ops team during the retreat turn, will all the team members get an extra personal from the retreat?
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If we are already delaying the creation of the black ops team, then we cant do the martial options anyway. Forming it now and having them recruit a mage (if Kitsune fails to) would be a decent way to allay the fears of losing Gomez.
It does not. It means that we first we lose our Occult specialist, and then we might get a substitute who could be better or worse. In fact, we could end up recruiting an actual Combat Mage who would fit in a Black Ops Heroball.

By your logic, the black ops heroball would not be doing anything next turn that Gomez cannot already do alone anyways. Therefore, delaying its creation a turn will cause no harm, and will give us an extra turn with the other two hero units.
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I feel that this is potentially a very large flaw in this plan.
I hate to say it, because I break out in hives every time someone says "on the discord", but Argi has heavily implied on the Discord that, yes, if we had Gomez in Black Ops, his trait would carry forward. Given the presence of Technor would probably be a substantial Learning buff for him, I don't think we'd be "losing" an Occult unit at all.

It does not. It means that we first we lose our Occult specialist, and then we might get a substitute who could be better or worse. In fact, we could end up recruiting an actual Combat Mage who would fit in a Black Ops Heroball.
We could just use the new black ops unit for Occult stuff as well.Gomez's trait, assuming they inherit Technor's higher base Learning at least, would give them a +15. Add in Doof's +19 and Malf's also-+19, you get +53, which…Hoochie mama.
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Ludivine Wander check: 1d6=6
Absent-Minded activates!
Roll 1d5 to select the lowest Learning action: Flubber Antigravity

[ ] Flubber Antigravity
DC 90 [crit threshold 96+/4-]
5+40+10 (XP)=55
Unimaginably Close Miserable Failure!

Ludivine, in a fit of whimsy, decided it would be a perfect idea to hold an impromptu press conference and demonstrate how absolutely safe Flubber was. Fortunately, she was quite literally pulled off stage before she could actually demonstrate anything, but... you're still looking at a PR debacle on your hands
Heh. Very close.

Is Sink or Sink going to Sidestory / Apocrypha?
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I hate to say it, because I break out in hives every time someone says "on the discord", but Argi has heavily implied on the Discord that, yes, if we had Gomez in Black Ops, his trait would carry forward. Given the presence of Technor would probably be a substantial Learning buff for him, I don't think we'd be "losing" an Occult unit at all.
No. But we would have a martial heroball with special black ops actions that only it can take, that is not that good at martial but is good at occult nationals.

Meanwhile, the second Martial action remains locked.
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No. But we would have a heroball with special martial actions that only it can take, that is not that good at martial but is very good at occult nationals.

Meanwhile, the second Martial action remains locked.
Technor is already decently great at Martial on his own, add in Juniper (who isn't a slouch herself) and I think they'd be decent. Maybe not on par with Khan or Norm, but probably without their troublesome traits.
Technor is already decently great at Martial on his own, add in Juniper (who isn't a slouch herself) and I think they'd be decent. Maybe not on par with Khan or Norm, but probably without their troublesome traits.
We haven't done the action to unlock the second martial action yet because Khan's CoS on it is not good. In fact, the DC on martial actions keep climbing.

I know that having your martial specialists do martial actions and your occult specialists do occult actions, and not vice-versa, is not a very innovative concept, but it works. And we do need the help in both our martial and occult departments.
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Maybe next turn we could have Mez do a personal to practice mind controlling a Divino that Gomez summons?

Lets do it in San Fran though so if it goes wrong they can just bail and come back to Doofania.
Doing this when we're already dealing with PR issues is…Not great.
It's not. But given the previous idea was just having Gomez summon one without a plan, or heroball Gomez into an elite combat squad with no idea if he even had any means to defend himself, I'm all for it.

It's just one tiny Kaiju. Who says we have to take credit for it?
I feel like I cannot emphasize this enough, but they talk. And tend to be fairly boastful. If it goes wrong, the Divino might very well point to our involvement.
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