[ ] Search for Magical Individuals
DC 90
The magical community is, from what we can tell, somewhat insular, and while not everyone online claiming to be a wizard actually is one, we have enough knowledge to know that the concept isn't fundamentally incorrect. With some careful screening and interviews we may be able to find someone who is skilled in the occult and interested in working for us.
Council Outlook: 4/5 (Pass)
Coyote: We could certainly use some more help. (Pass)
Goofy: I'm tryin' ta' remember if I ever met a wizard before. (Pass)
Janus Lee: If they're like the 'experts' we already have, I'll pass. (Abstain)
Mirage: We need a stronger knowledge base if we're to move forward. (Pass)
Ludivine: Only if I'm konductin' de intaviews. (Pass)
Malifishmirtz: What, am I not good enough? You gonna replace me?!?! I bet you already have a cooler ghost lined up, don't you? With plot relevance and everything! (Veto)
Outcome: Occult hero units available for hire