Do you think devoting a ton of time and energy into a research path someone else already has developed will lead to profit? Or will people prefer to stick with Shere Khan rather than risky Doof?

We're better off focusing on our specialties, which as of right now is AI and Genetics.
The real question is if we can find a way to direct Wasabi's specialty, optics, in the direction of the two markets we have the potential for highest growth in. (As you say, robotics and genetics)
The real question is if we can find a way to direct Wasabi's specialty, optics, in the direction of the two markets we have the potential for highest growth in. (As you say, robotics and genetics)
Even if we cant, Wasabi is now our second Highest Stewardship unit (With P&F having an effective bonus of 18 and 8 on most actual actions do to their traits).
We had Von Drake tutor him before. It buffed his score by two, and, thus, his Occult by one, but I feel like it's probably gonna have diminishing returns if we try again.
While Von Drake's tutoring does have diminishing returns tutoring units with already high Learning (hence why we can't have her tutor Doof), the difference in scores between the two of them is still big enough that it shouldn't be an issue yet.

The other problem was that the portals she made were unstable and were going to blow up and take the city with them (apparently SanFransokyo nearly being reduce to a pile of ashes is a common thing)
She did claim she will stabilize the tech by the end of the episode, and since she's alive by season 3, presumably succeeded. She is an accredited physicist, after all

Even if she hasn't succeeded in making it fully reliable yet, we're already looking into our own portaltech, so we could improve her tech.

Hm...Have we considered Mez, Juniper, Gomez? More Intrigue then Martial focused seems like it fits Gomez.
Gomez is also not a good spy. Really, he does one thing (arguably two, since it's Learning/Occult), and he does it decently. Trying to slot him into any area outside of his specialty is a waste of his actual skills and a hindrance to the real specialists in that field.
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While Von Drake's tutoring does have diminishing returns tutoring units with already high Learning (hence why we can't have her tutor Doof), the difference in scores between the two of them is still big enough that it shouldn't be an issue yet.
It also has diminishing returns if done more then once. We will, at best, get 1 learning out of this, which isnt a point of occult.

We'd need to Heroball him, or find other ways to increase his intelligence.
Honestly, Gomez might be our only option to get this done without hiring another unit.
If that's the case, either hire another hero unit or use Lizzy until we hire enough heroes to reassemble it. Gomez' opportunity cost for us is gigantic, while Lizzy simply isn't as essential for our turn planning.

As you've said, Lizzy's main use is her Learning/ Stewardship and her Marcnificent trait for the Feldrake questline. If we Heroball Lizzy, we can still send the Heroball, Lizzy, and Kitsune on the quests, thus providing her full bonuses and an excellent Quest Leader, and still have an actually effective Martial Heroball on the turns Janna's not questing.

I know people are attached to Lizzy being Janna's friend first and foremost, but putting Gomez on Black Ops does not make sense on any level. Every way you look at it, Lizzy's a better fit.

If we do Split/Second then Motor Ed might show up demanding to work for us.
I was hoping he and/or the Duke might show up to compete, yes.

It also has diminishing returns if done more then once.
I do not recall this. Where was this said?
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It also has diminishing returns if done more then once. We will, at best, get 1 learning out of this, which isnt a point of occult.

We'd need to Heroball him, or find other ways to increase his intelligence.
I think you're making an assumption here. The roll was rather meh IIRC anyway. And they only said it *may* have diminishing returns. Not that it *will* which is what you are saying for some reason.
I do not recall this. Where was this said?
Last line of the personal
[ ] Instruct your Coworkers.
Being ze smartest person in the room is exhausting. Zankfully, you haf years of experience in pedagogy to fall back on, and plenty of udda people to teach ze joy of knowledge.

-[ ] Choose a hero unit
The benefits of this roll will change depending on the aptitude and temperament of the hero unit, as well as how much of a difference there is between Ludivine's stats and theirs. This will have diminishing returns if done more than once.
All the debate about write in quests for the coming turn seems a little silly. Let's just do Rocket's Red Glare.

The only point against is that an npc on the quest knows it's Fourth of July themed and will complain. A little fourth wall-leaning humour over our lack of proper etiquette. Not a good enough reason to send four units chasing... well, nothing, just for the sake of having a quest on the retreat turn when we already have one on offer.
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All the debate about write in quests for the coming turn seems a little silly. Let's just do Rocket's Red Glare.

The only point against is that an npc on the quest knows it's Fourth of July themed and will complain. A little fourth wall-leaning humour over our lack of proper etiquette. Not a good enough reason to send four units chasing... well, nothing, just for the sake of having a quest on the retreat turn when we *already have one on offer.*
I mean, considering part of the motivation to do the quest is to increase the federal opinion of us, I think caring about what the "NPC" has to think would be important, no?
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Thats fair, I still wouldnt put to much faith in it allowing Gomez to keep up over time though.
No, over time it's more beneficial if he joins a Learning Heroball, which will spike his effectiveness in the short-and-mid term. But even as he currently is, it'll be a while before Doof's Occult improves enough to make other units competitive with Gomez.
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I mean, considering part of the motivation to do the quest is to increase the federal opinion of us, I think caring about that the "NPC" has to think would be important, no?
I doubt the actual government will care we did it on the 'wrong turn' for its theme. A hyper patriot, narrative-focused hero unit on the ground like Sam the Eagle might gripe but I seriously, seriously doubt it'll impact our actual government opinion.
No, over time it's more beneficial if he joins a Learning Heroball, which will spike his effectiveness in the short-and-mid term. But even as he currently is, it'll be a long time before Doof's Occult improves enough to make other units competitive with Gomez.
I mean the big issue here is more that we only have 3 Occult Heroes Total. You generally should have a stat in or near 20 to be considered good at it, and Tom is a loser who refuses to collect his paychecks since he has a "Real Job", so we got gremlin Fox, Gremlin Child, and Balding Old Man as our magic department.
I mean the big issue here is more that we only have 3 Occult Heroes Total. You generally should have a stat in or near 20 to be considered good at it, and Tom is a loser who refuses to collect his paychecks since he has a "Real Job", so we got gremlin Fox, Gremlin Child, and Balding Old Man as our magic department.
Pretty much. And of those, the Gremlin Fox only half the time and the Gremlin Child gets distracted easily. However, good Occult units who are unattached are hard to find, as we saw in the auction.

Even then, Gomez fits in very well with the company culture of Mad Scientists mad sciencing, which is why I hope he could be Heroballed with Doof himself.
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Well, for Occult units, we did just unlock an action to look for magic users and magical creatures this turn. We could give them a try, we always seems to find at least one person we'd be happy with when we do.
Well, for Occult units, we did just unlock an action to look for magic users and magical creatures this turn. We could give them a try, we always seems to find at least one person we'd be happy with when we do.
Actually, we already had an action to recruit a new occult unit:

[ ] Search for Magical Individuals
DC 90

The magical community is, from what we can tell, somewhat insular, and while not everyone online claiming to be a wizard actually is one, we have enough knowledge to know that the concept isn't fundamentally incorrect. With some careful screening and interviews we may be able to find someone who is skilled in the occult and interested in working for us.

Council Outlook: 4/5 (Pass)
Coyote: We could certainly use some more help. (Pass)
Goofy: I'm tryin' ta' remember if I ever met a wizard before. (Pass)
Janus Lee: If they're like the 'experts' we already have, I'll pass. (Abstain)
Mirage: We need a stronger knowledge base if we're to move forward. (Pass)
Ludivine: Only if I'm konductin' de intaviews. (Pass)
Malifishmirtz: What, am I not good enough? You gonna replace me?!?! I bet you already have a cooler ghost lined up, don't you? With plot relevance and everything! (Veto)

Outcome: Occult hero units available for hire
If we did manage to get Flubber approved, that'd be a huge win for us at a small cost. I mean, three DC 90 actions that we could do in our sleep that would revolutionize every industry? Amazing!

But after this meltdown, not sure the questers at large will be willing to touch it.
Honestly, Flubber has so much potential and so many possible applications.

But people in this quest treat it like a pariah.

I'm gonna be voting damage control, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up on it winning.
I doubt the actual government will care we did it on the 'wrong turn' for its theme. A hyper patriot, narrative-focused hero unit on the ground like Sam the Eagle might gripe but I seriously, seriously doubt it'll impact our actual government opinion.

I don't know, I think Agent [404], from The Actual Government, having increased loyalty over the fact we America'd would by extension improve The Actual Government's opinion of us as he puts in one-or-morw good words.
Honestly, Flubber has so much potential and so many possible applications.

But people in this quest treat it like a pariah.

I'm gonna be voting damage control, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up on it winning.
To me, Flubber seems like something that would have been much more useful if the quest took a different path. If we didn't Appease the Feds early on and instead actually seceded, the opinion-related negatives of Flubber wouldn't have been nearly as much of a concern. As it stands, though, making use of Flubber closes as many doors as it opens.