Granted, that's harder to figure out ahead of time, but we have enough metaknowledge of many of our candidates to guess whether they're going to insist on being in charge of any team they're on.
Yeah. To be fair, Mez is pretty obscure, it's hard to know much about her personality ahead of time.The other options we currently have are: Momakase, Naughty Kitty, Motor Ed, Sirque, Baron Von Steamer, and Splatter Phoenix.
Of those: lots of people don't like Momakase for being too mercenary; Phoenix is a huge NO, Steamer is a "no" for different reasons. That leaves Ed, Kitty, and Sirque.
I know exactly
nothing about Kitty, but I do know Motor Ed is okay working with others and does not demand to be in charge (he was okay working with Drakken, even though Drakken specifically demands to be in charge), but Ed does not appreciate being told
not to do supervillainy unless he gets to work on cars (probably a trait like Humba's or Kitsune's). He's also Drakken's cousin and has a crush on Shego, and a delicious Vehicles specialty that would pair well with Janus.
Sirque is actually the one I wanted the most for a Black Ops Heroball, because she has Portaltech, which would be
invaluable for infiltration and theft, but I know very little about her temperament. Her card says she does solo heists, and her hire description rates her tolerance for nonsense as "very low", so I'm hesitant.
Edit: Sirque
is an acrobat and the BH6 wiki lists her likes as "performing" and her dislikea as "tough crowds", so I feel she could get on well with Juniper, at least.
If Professor Dementor is available for hire next turn, he could be a good pick, his card looks good.
Edit: Apparently Dementor is essentially a better Drakken, so he would probably demand to be on charge.