Janna sadly has a 1/6 chance of not performing a National and cannot actually cast spells, on top of not really liking "organizational" tasks. Even then, Gomez' Occult is exactly two points lower than hers.
Wait, you're saying Gomez is our resident occult expert? :lol2: We're doomed. Hoping that trait gets abated eventually. In the meantime, quests aren't subject to that and we have a means of getting rid of "Non-practicing practitioner:
Wait, you're saying Gomez is our resident occult expert? :lol2: We're doomed.
*Shrugs* Check for yourself. He has the second biggest bonus on Nationals, bigger than Kitsune's and Malf's, and none of the various problematic traits of Janna, Kitsune, and Malf.

In the meantime, quests aren't subject to that and we have a means of getting rid of "Non-practicing practitioner:
Yes, quests aren't subject to that. Which is why we send Janna on quests as often as possible. And why we need Occult experts who are actually available to do our two Nationals per turn.

The line for nationals goes Janna, Gomez, Kitsune. And even then, Kitsune is only available half the time. Get rid of Gomez, and our next Occult expert is Tobe.

Gomez gaining Occult does nothing, though?
Since his whole thing is doing Occult with Learning, he'd likely just gain equivalent points in Learning.
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Well, the solution that immediately jumps out at me for that issue is... Just send Gomez instead? His Stewardship is 1 point lower and his Learning is something like 8 points lower, but he can also use his Learning for magic tasks and the Feldrake questline is magic-heavy.

In general, a magical archeological expedition is a much more suitable place for a researcher than a team meant for cape shenanigans. Even his Divinos-summoning skills may see more use in already-magical places that are purposefully hidden from muggles than it would in crowded urban centers.
I don't think there's much narrative synergy there. The Marcnificent Few are a bunch of late-teenagers and 20-somethings who tend to be rebellious sorts, Gomez is a 50-something scientist who is instinctively deferential to authority, I don't think there's much common ground there. At least with Technor and the rest, he has a similar level of evil eccentricity and pairing someone who wants to be ordered around by a domineering supervillain with a team led by Technor fits pretty well. Plus, being on the Black Ops team would, itself, probably give Gomez a fair buff. Technor's Learning is way more than his, so, if the Ball retains Gomez's trait, we'd be getting half of 30 or so instead of half of 24. I don't like Gomez on Black Ops either, but I think it works better then our other options in all likelihood.
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Part of the reason I want to go do the search for magical individuals action next turn is these actions seem to have a better pay off then just going for rolodex recruits, and as we build up Doofs occult, Gomez becomes less valuable over time. He is effectively only a +26, 11+19-4. Which puts him just behind Janna as our best occult unit, but also actually decreases as Doof gets more Occult via actions like Learn Magic.

The other solution is increase Gomez's learning over time, either through stuff like quest or by putting him in a heroball with other high learning units. I think until we actually heroball him, it's best to get what actions we can out of him and allow Janna or Kitsune to quest or do their Personals.
The Marcnificent Few are a bunch of late-teenagers and 20-somethings who tend to be rebellious sorts,
A large part of the Marcnificent aren't doing the Feldrake World Tour either, because Marco costs money and Tom just isn't interested. It's not a "Marcnificent few" questline, it's a Janna-and-Dennis questline.

Technor's Learning is way more than his, so, if the Ball retains Gomez's trait, we'd be getting half of 30 or so instead of half of 24. I don't like Gomez on Black Ops either, but I think it works better then our other options in all likelihood.
And if we were talking about pairing Technor and Gomez in any other context than a Black Ops assault squad meant for super-combat, I'd be all for it.

I genuinely get why people don't want Lizzy to be in the Black Ops heroball. But pretending that Gomez is a good fit for it is, at best, kidding ourselves. Whatever lack of synergy there is in sending Gomez on quests, there's even less synergy in a "50-something scientist who is instinctively deferential to authority" being in a villainous cape team-up. It's a genuinely terrible idea on both mechanical and narrative levels.

The other solution is increase Gomez's learning over time, either through stuff like quest or by putting him in a heroball with other high learning units.
Or have Von Drake tutor him next turn, or pair him up with any Learning expert other than the one who's going to be the head of a specialized Martial taskforce. In fact, how about just letting him do his Personal and seeing what happens? If he naturally gravitates towards Technor, case closed.
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I genuinely get why people don't want Lizzy to be in the Black Ops heroball. But pretending that Gomez is a good fit for it is, at best, kidding ourselves. Whatever lack of synergy there is in sending Gomez on quests, there's even less synergy in a "50-something scientist who is instinctively deferential to authority" being in a villainous cape team-up. It's a genuinely terrible idea on both mechanical and narrative levels.
Gomez is a very solid candidate for heroballing with a villain who wants minions to boss around. It's just that Black Ops specifically isn't a good fit for him.
Or have Von Drake tutor him next turn, or pair him up with any Learning expert other than active combatants.
I mean yeah, I just said High Learning Units not just Black Ops. I figured it was better to just describe Gomez's long term then to give a definitive solution to it, even if i would like him on Black Ops, since we've done this song and dance a lot already.

I'd rather try to get Ludivine to either finish the robot or reflect on what almost happened for her personal next turn then buffing up Gomez tbh, but I can see the appeal. I just don't think it will increase his learning by enough to be a meaningful difference in Occult since it would be halved, and Doof likely will be gaining Occult faster then Gomez gaining learning do to his better personal economy.

As for heroballs, if we don't stick him with Technor on Black Ops, if we ever make a Think Tank Gomez should definitely go on that. It doesn't change the fact we should get another occult hero next turn anyway, if only to "Clog the Leak" of having every other turn have Janna and Gomez incapable of doing their peronal actions.
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Gomez is a very solid candidate for heroballing with a villain who wants minions to boss around. It's just that Black Ops specifically isn't a good fit for him.
I absolutely agree and would be delighted to pair him up with any of our villains (or egotistical geniuses in general) who aren't going to be in Black Ops. In fact, it's why I'm campaigning for letting him take his Toady Up personal next turn with the Retreat bonus and having him choose who to suck up to.

for heroballs, if we don't stick him with Technor on Black Ops, if we ever make a Think Tank Gomez should definitely go on that. It doesn't change the fact we should get another occult hero next turn anyway, if only to "Clog the Leak" of having every other turn have Janna and Gomez incapable of doing their actions.
Absolutely. I keep thinking of trying to directly attach him to Doof, because they have good synergy, but I'm not sure if our King is even allowed to be in a Heroball.
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The problem is we can't form Heroballs until after the Black Ops are done, and we have very few candidates for Black Ops.
Yup, that is pretry tricky. But if the problem is that we can't put Gomez in a Learning Heroball until a Martial Heroball is formed, putting him on the Martial Heroball so we can gain access to a Learning ball but lose access to Gomez, is not a real solution.
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Part of the issue is that we've tended to hire people in the past based on how good they are individually and what skills they bring to the table, without really thinking about their personalities as part of a team.

Granted, that's harder to figure out ahead of time, but we have enough metaknowledge of many of our candidates to guess whether they're going to insist on being in charge of any team they're on.

We might want in the future to prioritize hires that are likely to be content with being henchmen. Unfortunately, we can usually only pick two from competence, evilness, and loyalty.
Honestly, I'd rather deal with the power struggle we'd get from doubling up on TECHNOR and Mezmerella than deal with the narrative loss that losing Lizzie to the hero ball would inflict.
[jk] Rose Clanks. It's something you've been wondering for a while; whether decorative plants could be repurposed to add additional security to your dungeon. While not the most intuitive subject on the surface, looking deeper there have been a surprising number of avenues that you could end up... wait, what's that? This is about the duck exploding, not...? Oh. Oh, must've misfiled the, uh... I'll just get going. Thank you for your time, councilmembers.
Or have Von Drake tutor him next turn, or pair him up with any Learning expert other than the one who's going to be the head of a specialized Martial taskforce. In fact, how about just letting him do his Personal and seeing what happens? If he naturally gravitates towards Technor, case closed.
We had Von Drake tutor him before. It buffed his score by two, and, thus, his Occult by one, but I feel like it's probably gonna have diminishing returns if we try again.

Just make Technor the leader on martial actions and Mezmerella the leader on intrigue actions.
I don't think that's how this works. The whole problem is that both Technor and Mez are total control freaks, so putting them on the same team is a recipe for disaster. This is exactly what fucked over LOVEMUFFIN: 17 leaders and no one who wants to follow orders results in them constantly getting each other's way and reducing an individual Learning score on par with Doof's own to a collective less-then-15.
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I mean, would it be possible to form and then immediately disband the black ops team? Because it seems to me like we don't really need it for anything besides the new mechanics that it offers and we don't have a roster that could that could really take advantage of it.
Granted, that's harder to figure out ahead of time, but we have enough metaknowledge of many of our candidates to guess whether they're going to insist on being in charge of any team they're on.
Yeah. To be fair, Mez is pretty obscure, it's hard to know much about her personality ahead of time.The other options we currently have are: Momakase, Naughty Kitty, Motor Ed, Sirque, Baron Von Steamer, and Splatter Phoenix.

Of those: lots of people don't like Momakase for being too mercenary; Phoenix is a huge NO, Steamer is a "no" for different reasons. That leaves Ed, Kitty, and Sirque.

I know exactly nothing about Kitty, but I do know Motor Ed is okay working with others and does not demand to be in charge (he was okay working with Drakken, even though Drakken specifically demands to be in charge), but Ed does not appreciate being told not to do supervillainy unless he gets to work on cars (probably a trait like Humba's or Kitsune's). He's also Drakken's cousin and has a crush on Shego, and a delicious Vehicles specialty that would pair well with Janus.

Sirque is actually the one I wanted the most for a Black Ops Heroball, because she has Portaltech, which would be invaluable for infiltration and theft, but I know very little about her temperament. Her card says she does solo heists, and her hire description rates her tolerance for nonsense as "very low", so I'm hesitant.

Edit: Sirque is an acrobat and the BH6 wiki lists her likes as "performing" and her dislikea as "tough crowds", so I feel she could get on well with Juniper, at least.

If Professor Dementor is available for hire next turn, he could be a good pick, his card looks good.

Edit: Apparently Dementor is essentially a better Drakken, so he would probably demand to be on charge.
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Sirque is actually the one I wanted the most for a Black Ops Heroball, because she has Portaltech
Honestly that is a weird case since the portal tech she had in her episode was the one from Project Silent Sparrow that she was able to get because Krei was incompetent and she was able to download the files of Krei personal computer while he was in the room without him noticing (speaks well in favor of her but mostly speaks badly of Krei).

With here the Yokai being in charge and I think Krei is probably dead I wouldn't be sure how she would have gotten her hands on that tech but its also a case that its basically the main attraction of her character so if she didn't have it it would be weird.

The other problem was that the portals she made were unstable and were going to blow up and take the city with them (apparently SanFransokyo nearly being reduce to a pile of ashes is a common thing) and she was too hard headed to listen to Hiro's warnings even as the portals were clearly failing (to be fair to her the BH6 had already tried to capture her so probably that didn't help the Diplo attempt)

Kind of hard to know how good or bad of a team player she would be with only 1 episode appearance were she was alone
Hm...Have we considered Mez, Juniper, Gomez? More Intrigue then Martial focused seems like it fits Gomez.
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I just thought of something, and I had a question. Is there any reason we aren't having Wasabi do fusion research? Since he helped with Shere Khan's research, he might be able to helpus, possibly even lending us a greater bonus since he'd be trying to recreate his success. Or would intellectual property or copyright laws make doing this unreasonable?
I just thought of something, and I had a question. Is there any reason we aren't having Wasabi do fusion research? Since he helped with Shere Khan's research, he might be able to helpus, possibly even lending us a greater bonus since he'd be trying to recreate his success. Or would intellectual property or copyright laws make doing this unreasonable?
Do you think devoting a ton of time and energy into a research path someone else already has developed will lead to profit? Or will people prefer to stick with Shere Khan rather than risky Doof?

We're better off focusing on our specialties, which as of right now is AI and Genetics.
Or would intellectual property or copyright laws make doing this unreasonable?
I've only done a year of law school, and business law was not part of that, but I imagine it was part of his contract that he can't share company secrets with future employers, kind of like how a lawyer can't be involved with a case if they switch to the law firm representing the opposite side.