How I see things, many people are already avoiding me and the majority of therest is pushing back against me already
No what I mean is, if you're going to emote about how much you hate it that... no one's actually done anything, but you
imagine them
maybe doing something...
yes, most humans are going to respond to that behavior by either ignoring it and avoiding you, yes... OR by pushing back against
the behavior, which is not the same as pushing back against
It's going to be one or the other.
Which would you prefer, shouting endlessly into a void about how unfair everything is? Or having people who care enough about what you think to notice and say something when you're being unreasonable?
And whichever of those you prefer, I don't recommend complaining when you get it. The price of being noticed and listened to is being disagreed with and told when one is making mistakes.
The bonus to LM learning action was 38 + 14 - 2 (20% of 14 rounded down) = 50.
They also crit failed at 2/3 DC rounded down instead of 1/2 DC rounded down.
DC 80 -> 97% chance of not crit failing, 99% with XP (rolling a nat 1)
DC 100 -> 84% chance of not crit failing, 94% with XP
DC 120 -> 70% chance of not crit failing, 80% with XP
So even at a DC as high as 120, we wouldn't have been risking that much in the long run. We should have shifted perspective long ago on the extra action and considered anything that wasn't a crit fail as a success and anything bare failure or better as a crit success, that way they would have been doing stuff that wouldn't have caused the massive permanent loyalty penalties that led to us being tricked into mad science. (We also had some good alternative options at around 110 DC and such for actions instead of the 150 DC mad science)
At a DC of 120, their +50 bonus gives them a 30% chance of success. We'd be crit-failing as often or almost as often as we'd be succeeding, and the immediate consequences of a critical failure tend to be
worse than the immediate rewards of a success.
Furthermore, we DID use LOVEMUFFIN on exactly the kind of low-DC and mid-DC Learning project you're talking about, repeatedly. They got bored and demanded something sexier. We told them to build us a literal rocketship, which
you'd think a bunch of mad scientists would love all to pieces, and they fucked around and gave us minimal progress.
I'm not saying we had
no alternatives, but we were rapidly running out of
good alternatives, and LOVEMUFFIN kept shrugging off our attempts to make them useful in any role other than the one they refused to accept.