OK, but you need to be very very clear in your mind and words about the difference between:

1) You being mad at someone for something they actually did, and
2) You fuming with annoyance at the very idea that purely hypothetically someone might dare to do something they... haven't actually done.

Losing track of the difference sounds like a great way to pick unnecessary fights while being in the wrong.
OK, but you need to be very very clear in your mind and words about the difference between:

1) You being mad at someone for something they actually did, and
2) You fuming with annoyance at the very idea that purely hypothetically someone might dare to do something they... haven't actually done.

Losing track of the difference sounds like a great way to pick unnecessary fights while being in the wrong.

Pretty sure we all already know that I got big problems with getting my pont across and getting pissed in the process, guys...
Well... damn that was rough but entirely truthful
I can't help but imagining us taking down a rival and then using evil Roddy to deliver spirit-crushing speech that just breaks them...too bad it'll never be

edit: do you think Roddy plans to keep his evil lair?
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Well ... Hego got metaphorically dunked into the planets core by Roddy, harsh but he really needed something like that.
We will see if he tries to intervene with this crises and how will that turn out for him, I still say we should wait until the dust has settle to decide what to do with him

Maybe a bonus to one of the stats she actually uses? Or putting that same amazing roll to work on one of her tech personals to give us crit success-level excavation tech?

I disagree with the idea that we are making Lizzie a satellite character to Janna: we had her for 7 turn had her do 3 Nationals, 2 Quests and 2 Personals and of those 3 were Janna related.
The first socialize (even if it was outside of our control), Twelfth night (in my opinion a good thing we put her there) and hang out with Janna the turn before this one (and I say her having magic insects will be great in the future).

That being said I think the turns she is free we shouldn't take the hang out personal anymore, they can hang out during quests no need to do it also on others turn the same for Kitsune.
I think we got about as much as we could from the training personal specially now that we now that we actually need Kitsune to do some actual chaos for her to be available for normal actions and also she no longers has the option to train Janna on her personals.

My idea was to put them together in the quest next turn and then wait 1~2 turns in between each steep of the Feldrake quest to prevent burnout with those and give them time to do their own things, like Lizzie personals or having her do insect control/animal link suits or Kitsune in a national (her personals are not as attractive).
The only time the dices don't screw him over and let him have a decent row is when it's not enough to pass the DC.
To be fair, in this crisis I don't think he's had a roll where it was possible for him to succeed bar nat100 odds except for the Roddy combat roll and even then he needed a +50 differential on the roll to do that.
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Could we roll Hego into an already established Hero Ball?
Eh, no. Hego is an idiot, and I do not really see the value of that. The "heroballs" we have are quite valuable and do not need Hego dragging them down. Be it through his attitude, alignment, or atrocious rolls. We need Jumba for his Science!, NOWCA for Intrigue, and so on.

The current black ops team I have seen the thread propose, Technor, Juniper, Mezmerella, and some yet undecided fourth member, really do not need Hego. Hego's a bad fit for a black ops team in the first place, let alone for those other three.

Also, does anyone have ideas regarding who the fourth member should be? I don't really think the rolodex has good options right now, but that could just be a factor of my memory.
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Also, does anyone have idea for the fourth member? I don't really think the rolodex as good options, but that could just be a factor of my memory.
I think the discussion was that Gomez would fit personality wise but we weren't sure if he counts as a cape and if not Mesmerella from the rolodex (another mostly campy villain that would probably fit in that group)
I think the discussion was that Gomez would fit personality wise but we weren't sure if he counts as a cape and if not Mesmerella from the rolodex (another mostly campy villain that would probably fit in that group)
Yes, but I'll be fighting against sticking Gomez in the black ops group rather than have him around for Occult actions. I was asking for other other options. :V
As always I must make a pitch for Dingo who I think is perfect.

Yeah, seconding.

Along with the late Fox Xanatos, Dingo was the lone sane member of the Pack (so he has put up with nastier forms of evil) and was a career mercenary. He might be trying to become a white hat as he did in canon, but we have plenty of acceptable targets.

Also, the potential Matrix mystery box is potentially useful in terms of future interactions with the Tempest Domain.
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I'm honestly getting kind of frustrated about that, because I don't think we've been really skipping his character development or anything. It's just that we don't have a lot of buttons to push here, and the ones we have pushed, have just got us back to square one because of bad rolls.

The writers have total control over what options we even have to do anything with Hego, and almost total control over our incentive structure. They can, and do, make certain option choices very punishing, to the point where they sure as hell don't seem like something the writers are encouraging us to do.

To then be told that we're "poorly managing Hego" feels a bit too much like having someone grab your wrist, slap you with your own hand, and jeer "quit hitting yourself, quit hitting yourself."
The problem is that players in this quest are ridiculously risk-averse. It's an old song and dance: new quest, players are free to take risks because they have little investment and so crazy awesome inevitably happens; as the quest gets older players take fewer risks because they have more to lose. It's just this quest this has been taken to some pretty big extremes. I mean, just, every vote people map out the % chance of success of every action for their plans because everyone wants to know just how much risk there is of failure.

Hell, we just lost Lovemuffin because as I see it the unit is pretty much designed to be thrown at stupid high risk stuff that you don't care about failing and we just couldn't do it. Because we as players hate losing more than we like winning.
Dingo's certainly a strong option.

Gomez is maybe a better option than he's being credit for here, but it relies on a lot of hypotheticals. There was talk in the discord that with Technor's and especially Mezmerella's help he might be able to make Divino-controlling devices that actually work, and do his Pokemon Trainer thing with ancient Mayan chaos demons (like he continually tried and failed to do in the show).

But we still know very little about Gomez or how valuable he'll be outside the heroball, or whether Divino-summoning is a potential option or even if it would make him count as a cape... Dingo is definitely good as a strong option right out of the box.

EDIT: I do also think Lizzy makes a strong fourth and would be completely in favour of heroballing her - she has a good working relationship with Technor and brings a lot of strong, relevant stats to the black ops ball.
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Hell, we just lost Lovemuffin because as I see it the unit is pretty much designed to be thrown at stupid high risk stuff that you don't care about failing and we just couldn't do it. Because we as players hate losing more than we like winning.
How is the unit designed that way? How would they make spending actions on things likely to crit-fail not a waste of an action?
How is the unit designed that way? How would they make spending actions on things likely to crit-fail not a waste of an action?

It's a loyalty thing. LOVEMUFFIN has (had) a lot of ego they wanted to try to throw around, and wanted to do things they felt were important, not things that Doofenshmirtz thought they were capable of. Obviously NOWCA is going to be better about this, given that it doesn't consist exclusively of people whose massive egos are inversely proportional to their critical thinking skills and Gomez.
It's a loyalty thing. LOVEMUFFIN has (had) a lot of ego they wanted to try to throw around, and wanted to do things they felt were important, not things that Doofenshmirtz thought they were capable of. Obviously NOWCA is going to be better about this, given that it doesn't consist exclusively of people whose massive egos are inversely proportional to their critical thinking skills and Gomez.
Wait is Gomez joining NOWCA?
No no, just referencing Gomez was technically a part of LOVEMUFFIN.
Hmm now I kind of want Gomez to join NOWCA.

Or instead of fully joining himself, maybe if the divino-dogs could be controlled and trained, he could summon them for NOWCA.

Plus Monogram being in control of an army of demons sounds hilarious.

"You have become the very thing you swore to destroy!"
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It's a loyalty thing. LOVEMUFFIN has (had) a lot of ego they wanted to try to throw around, and wanted to do things they felt were important, not things that Doofenshmirtz thought they were capable of. Obviously NOWCA is going to be better about this, given that it doesn't consist exclusively of people whose massive egos are inversely proportional to their critical thinking skills and Gomez.
LOVE MUFFIN wanting to do crazy risky villainous schemes didn't mean those schemes would be a good idea or that LoveMuffin could actually live up to their ambitions. That is why we got rid of them instead of taking crit fails on big operations in order to keep them happy
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