Nah. Our ceiling right now is a 90, and there's a risk of a -1 or even a -9 if we roll really poorly. Yes, any roll that would get us to negative would be bad anyway, but I don't want to make things worse. We should do it, but not right now: Doof is not in the right headspace to make a good descion, and whatever descion he might make would, objectively, be better if he did it next turn. Which he should.
A mediocre decision now is better than a good decision later.
Exactly. Now that Norm is growing more independent, this has become a time sensitive issue. Norm is at a very important stage of his development and Doof's treatment of him during this period could have serious consequences.
Norm provides +11 (Diplo + Loyalty)
Max provides +14 (Diplo + Loyalty)
Technor provides +37 (Diplo + Loyalty)

DC for a research agreement with Zaibatsu in general was 100, might decrease considering
  • Sycorax is interested in a collaboration on military matters!
  • General mechanics rework
  • Whatever results we get from "Right Hands for the Job" interlude and other upcoming interludes

CoS with XP with old DC
  • Norm 53%
  • Max 56%
  • Technor 79%

So is the extra ~23-26 extra CoS worth delaying Technor's body part another turn? Maybe, maybe not.
We really are hurting for Diplomacy heroes this turn, aren't we? Aside from TECHNOR, and even if we don't let him get to his robot body, we still have another Diplomacy slot to fill.

Still, I'm a bit curious as to why Max is the baseline here. He's not our best option after TECHNOR, so I think I'll just go down the list of other people we theoretically could send.

Diplo 29: Kitsune. - Pretty sure Goblin Fox is going to be active next turn, so probably not an option.
Diplo 23: Moseby. - No, we have better things for Moseby to do.
Diplo 20: Mezmerella - I think we want her dissecting Helping Hats next turn.
Diplo 17 (+1 from loyalty): Juniper - The criminal history could be awkward, but I don't think it's a dealbreaker.
Diplo 16: Marco - we'd have to pay him, we probably have better things for him to do, and we should really be considering getting back to looking for Star anyway
...and, yeah, that's actually it.

So, tl;dr, shouldn't we be considering Juniper as a Diplomacy hero next turn?

Nah. Our ceiling right now is a 90, and there's a risk of a -1 or even a -9 if we roll really poorly. Yes, any roll that would get us to negative would be bad anyway, but I don't want to make things worse. We should do it, but not right now: Doof is not in the right headspace to make a good descion, and whatever descion he might make would, objectively, be better if he did it next turn. Which he should.
While that is a risk, with Norm actually capable of introspection now, I think it's a bigger risk not too. Do we really want him developing tragic backstories that we're to blame for?

Besides, from the Deep into Your Mind interludes, I really got the impression that Doof doesn't need much of a push to recognize Norm as his son at this point. So we can probably succeed even with a meh roll, and even if we do make negative progress, I think it still won't be much worse than just not doing anything.
Still, I'm a bit curious as to why Max is the baseline here. He's not our best option after TECHNOR, so I think I'll just go down the list of other people we theoretically could send.

Diplo 29: Kitsune. - Pretty sure Goblin Fox is going to be active next turn, so probably not an option.
Diplo 23: Moseby. - No, we have better things for Moseby to do.
Diplo 20: Mezmerella - I think we want her dissecting Helping Hats next turn.
Diplo 17 (+1 from loyalty): Juniper - The criminal history could be awkward, but I don't think it's a dealbreaker.
Diplo 16: Marco - we'd have to pay him, we probably have better things for him to do, and we should really be considering getting back to looking for Star anyway
...and, yeah, that's actually it.

So, tl;dr, shouldn't we be considering Juniper as a Diplomacy hero next turn?
I believe some npeople are concerned that Black Ops might use all 4 heroes actions. I don't think it will myself, but it is a possibility. I also think the Plan is get Mez on one of the Inqtrigue actions, Either Moles/Criminal Underworld/Society of the Blind Eye/Goob. Learning I think is locked into Transmission with Alan and a Jumba Action (Either Meat Eaters or Fairy Book).

Scratch that, it's been confirmed all 4 have to use their actions to Heroball. Moseby, is in use, so Max is our best choice.
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Just to clarify, the heroball action does require the personals of whoever youre putting on it. Sorry if that wasnt clear.

Here is an update to my preliminary thoughts plan with this information in mind, now with a name: "Black Ops Now."

[] Plan: Black Ops Now

-[] National Actions:
--[] [Martial] Black Ops (Khan, Technor, Juniper, Mez)
--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit Cruella De Vil (Max)
--[] [Diplomacy] Research Agreement with Zaibatsu (Wasabi)
--[] [Stewardship] Buy out a rival corporation: Hopper Food Group (Moseby)
--[] [Stewardship] Olympia? (Roddy/Monogram)
--[] [Stewardship] Bakaemono supply chain / Dinosaurs (Monogram/Roddy)

I think something really potentially beneficial is the Bakaemono supply chain option, not only prepping us for our Robots/AI specialty by reducing DCs and such, but also brings us closer to bakaemono which could be really useful synergy for taking the collab and everything going down in San Fran at this time. I'm thinking depending on Olympia DC we either have Roddy do Olympia and Monogram on the supply chain, or Monogram do Olympia and Roddy on dinosaurs or the supply chain.

--[] [Intrigue] Moles (Alan)
--[] [Intrigue] Investigate Blind Eye / Doofanian Underworld (Tobe)
--[] [Learning] Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
--[] [Learning] ODI (Nobody)
--[] [Occult] Golumetric Theory (Gomez)
--[] [Occult] Find Agent Unknown / Russ (Janna)

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Dinner with Bellwether
---[] Personal Attention (Cruella, Russ, etc.)
--[] Norm (End your obsession with platypodes / Write In)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Kitsune (Spread Chaos: Target InventCo products in the Rockies)
--[] Marco (Look for Star with Lizzy and Tom)
--[] Lizzy (Look for Star with Marco and Tom)
--[] Tom (Look for Star with Marco and Lizzy)
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For Jumba I guess it depends on what where doing total.
If Roddy is on Dinosaurs, doing Meat Eaters lets us fill Glomgolds request in 2 turns, if not maybe do Fairy book, transmissions, or sublight drives with him so next turn we can get the Meat Eaters and satisfy his need to create, so in 3 turns we can make him do another High DC non-genetics thing.
Also, we still have to clear Bonker Bobcat's name. Since the DC keeps increasing each turn we put it off? We need to get that done ASAP.
At the very least the interview should be conducted stateside. Max's opinion on Foreign cape happenings is 'no thanks'.
[ ] Go on a vacation
Max took a wonderfully relaxing vacation over to Europe to see the sights. He got to take a solo trip through France, England, and Scotland, taking lots of pictures and sampling lots of the local cuisine. All in all it was extraordinarily relaxing; he only encountered supervillain attacks a total of three times! Duff Killigan went on a rampage up in Scotland after being denied entry to a new golf course in his ancestral county, Papillon made six of his capes raid the former location of Gusteau's restaurant once he found out that it had been replaced by 'kitschy tourist fare', and Professor Nefarious completely failed to rob the Crown Jewels of England but the wolf's goons did leave chaos in his wake. Max chose to ignore all three.
Cruella was recommended by a supervillain who has informed us that he'll watch all DEI activity in France with extreme scrutiny.
You know I realized that most of the problems Edna brought up with capes would be easily fixed by simply making them detachable.

Why has she never considered that?
You know I realized that most of the problems Edna brought up with capes would be easily fixed by simply making them detachable.

Why has she never considered that?
If they are detachable / Velcro then they'd break off all the time in flight or super battles, get attached crooked, get stolen, etc.

If you normally wear a cape then losing the cape makes you look undignified or unprepared which isn't fashionable. A tearaway cape is worse than no cape at all for a super.
In an effort to get a better view of the stats of our rivals, I have created a google doc with all the rolls in it: Doofquest Rival Stats - Math sheet

If you want to edit it feel free. Anything highlighted in Yellow is not in final form.
For those adding rolls in, the sign up sheet is at the very end of the doc. if you take a turn do the WHOLE turn, including all non-DEI affiliated rolls in the quests and interludes. The formatting for how rolls are input is at the very top of the sheet.
For those doing calculations, please join the discord Join the Villains Victorious Chat Discord Server! and Share your work.
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Cruella was recommended by a supervillain who has informed us that he'll watch all DEI activity in France with extreme scrutiny.
We were also informed that us doing business in France is fine as long as we don't go after him or Kat, and sending the most non-threatening employee we have to recruit somebody on his suggestion is like the farthest thing possible from starting a gang war.
We were also informed that us doing business in France is fine as long as we don't go after him or Kat, and sending the most non-threatening employee we have to recruit somebody on his suggestion is like the farthest thing possible from starting a gang war.
Max is a Toon with incredibly bad luck to counteract his father's extremally good luck who still can't control his own abilities.
So, I had a thought. Maybe we should consider having everyone who'd be interested in doing so take the Search for Star personal simultaneously. Not just Marco and Tom, but also as a write-in for Janna, and have Lizzie take the "Hang out with Janna" personal.

The potential synergy seems promising.