So! Read through the interlude. And I'm gonna quote a wise man on the Discord server to sum up my feelings about it.

"It's impressive that Norm's first action as a real boy is to kill himself."
Yeah, what is up with that? Why did Norm fill his battery/ferret-wheel with molasses?

I'm proud of him for the self-actualization even if it means he becomes our nemesis (particularly if it means he becomes our nemesis), but I didn't get the molasses thing.
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Okay, I'm going to be completely honest about what happened to Norm; I have no f*cking clue what just happened.
Ok quick rundown on sentience in thus verse.
A "spark" is what makes a robot truly aware, what drice heinz and what meke toons be. In broad terms a the spark is whimsy.
Norm by being precived as a person enought develop a spark and therefore free will, he is still a loyal and concerned son to heinz trough.
Could you link the video for those of us not on the discord?
I'm not on the discord either, but I'm nearly certain that the video in question is actually this one given how closely it matches Norm's thought process:

Okay, I'm going to be completely honest about what happened to Norm; I have no f*cking clue what just happened.

Can someone please explain? Because I feel like a Dalek.
My read is that Fred accidentally gave Norm a nudge he needed with his view on how a Nemesis cares for their opponent; prompting him to realize that since his recent memories could lead to His Father doing something dangerous and Perry's not around to reliably stop him from hurting himself any longer, Norm himself would have to step up this time. He needed to give his report, there's no way around that, but by quarantining off his recent memories and doing something with the molasses gun, he was able to truthfully tell Doof his report without bringing up that dangerous information at all.
There IS existing all-purpose animal-translation tech in DVV, from the movie G-Force. I've long wanted to acquire that tech for NOWCA.

Technically, P&F already solved that problem in one episode, but since their Big Ideas work on Inator-ish rules, they probably lost the Blueprints for it or something like that.

Well, Norm has become a real boy.


Tbh, I am kind of at a loss as to what exactly happened - but that might be because it´s still rather "early" for me.

Anyone willing to give me a quick rundown what exactly happened this interlude?

Tbh, I am kind of at a loss as to what exactly happened - but that might be because it´s still rather "early" for me.

Anyone willing to give me a quick rundown what exactly happened this interlude?
With that video for context, it seems Norm did something to damage his own record-keeping subroutines so he wouldn't have to report a dangerous situation to Doofenshmirtz, thus bypassing his programming.
Norm had the good sense to realize that if he reported certain facts about Wower and Trengrove and the fact that they're antagonizing Yokai, Doofenshmirtz would become involved and this would likely be dangerous for Doofenshmirtz.

Norm appears to have strategically applied molasses to whatever part of his systems was storing the report, rendering it impossible for him to report. However, he does not seem to be harmed and has apparently flown back from California to Doofania under his own power.

The 'spark' indicates that he is, ah, well, the lights are coming on inside. Metaphorically speaking. The literal lights are probably still kind of molasses'd.
Honestly, it's a good thing we were just about to assemble the Martial Heroball, because it seems San Fransokyo is in a 3-turn timer to go hot. And by "hot", I mean "Yokai will get personally involved" levels of hot.
I think Norm is going to try and become our Nemesis.

Going by his logic train in the interlude, Perry was caring for and protecting Doof from himself by thwarting his crazy plans on a regular basis - and now that he's gone, there is no one left who can be trusted to do that except Norm.
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1. I still want to do bakaemono collab, now even more so perhaps. Not sure if we should assign Wasabi to that action or not, he might refuse after all.

2. Wendy not being available means Max needs to do diplo, Or we delay Technor body part. Depends on the DC

3. For Norm, maybe we have him try the platypus removal. If none of our must do actions have poor odds maybe we bite the bullet and do the Norm personal instead of PA.

4. Idea: Send Norm to collab with Zaibatsu instead of Max.

Norm only has 3 less diplo than Max, and could narratively benefit from the opportunity to spend more time in San Fran cape scene. (I wonder if more cape time would make him black ops eligible?)
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"Trevor, I-" Wendy bent down, trying to comfort the man at the same time as understand what was going on. "What are you talking about."

Trevor took a moment to stop heaving. But then, he turned his head up to Wendy with a wild look in his eye.

"The Yokai."

"W-what?!?" Wendy exclaimed. "The boogeyman?"
Well, Yokai wasn't exactly the boogeyman. He's who you sent to kill the fucking boogeyman.

Okay, joke is out of my system.
1. I still want to do bakaemono collab, now even more so perhaps. Not sure if we should assign Wasabi to that action or not, he might refuse after all.

2. Wendy not being available means Max needs to do diplo, Or we delay Technor body part. Depends on the DC

3. For Norm, maybe we have him try the platypus removal. If none of our must do actions have poor odds maybe we bite the bullet and do the Norm personal instead of PA.

4. Idea: Send Norm to collab with Zaibatsu instead of Max.

Norm only has 3 less diplo than Max, and could narratively benefit from the opportunity to spend more time in San Fran cape scene. (I wonder if more cape time would make him black ops eligible?)

Norm provides +11 (Diplo + Loyalty)
Max provides +14 (Diplo + Loyalty)
Technor provides +37 (Diplo + Loyalty)

DC for a research agreement with Zaibatsu in general was 100, might decrease considering
  • Sycorax is interested in a collaboration on military matters!
  • General mechanics rework
  • Whatever results we get from "Right Hands for the Job" interlude and other upcoming interludes

CoS with XP with old DC
  • Norm 53%
  • Max 56%
  • Technor 79%

So is the extra ~23-26 extra CoS worth delaying Technor's body part another turn? Maybe, maybe not.

Alternatively, if we want to explore the Norm nemesis thing more, maybe a personal where he talks to Monogram for training in dealing with Doof, "putting a stop to it" and all. Could be useful for norm to gain a bonus towards dealing with villains/criminals so Khan/Monogram don't need to deal with crime. Seems like a small bonus with a potentially big impact on our action economy.

Norm's existence might be kind of a potential saving grace for Wendy

Yokai knows that Wendy knows, but he doesn't know that Norm didn't tell Doof! Yokai doesn't think Wendy is a loose end that can be easily cut, but instead thinks there will be complications if he just outright disappears her.
Well, while I am glad nothing terrible happened yet, I am kind of concerned for missing Wendy for 3 turns, especially since Yokai is now interested in her (At least its not a permenant loss like some people feared, but it likely will Spiral). Norm Developing Sapience is pretty great though, not sure if its finished or if its just the beginning..

I'd honestly say let's have our Diplo actions be Technor, he has a very good base stat total already, and if were gonna be putting him in Black Ops for the time being (Even if just temporarily) he wont be able to work on his mech anyway.

Trevor though, poor guy. No one deserves to be living in constant paranoia.
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I'm not on the discord either, but I'm nearly certain that the video in question is actually this one given how closely it matches Norm's thought process:


My read is that Fred accidentally gave Norm a nudge he needed with his view on how a Nemesis cares for their opponent; prompting him to realize that since his recent memories could lead to His Father doing something dangerous and Perry's not around to reliably stop him from hurting himself any longer, Norm himself would have to step up this time. He needed to give his report, there's no way around that, but by quarantining off his recent memories and doing something with the molasses gun, he was able to truthfully tell Doof his report without bringing up that dangerous information at all.

Perhaps he can join OWCA as agent Zero and start a naming conventiom now if father has no caring nemesis, then he has too fill that empty void and become it by jaming into that milky sweaty eggy mammal small sized hole father is dependant on.
Also classic norm issue is that doof likely never actually reads those reports so no need for this series of events.
FRED NAME for norm could be the NORMalizer, Personoid, Stepford (Husband)/man?, Normality, suburber?
Sod the -10 on Personal actions. We must do the Norm action.
Rolled 1 turns into rolled -9.

Rolled 10 turns into rolled 0.

Rolled 20 turns into rolled 10. Rolled 30 turns into rolled 20. Rolled 40 turns into rolled 30. Rolled 50 turns into rolled 40. Rolled 60 turns into rolled 50.

Do you think the risk of rolling negative 9 is worth the chance of rolling a 90 on this action immediately?
Rolled 1 turns into rolled -9.

Rolled 10 turns into rolled 0.

Rolled 20 turns into rolled 10. Rolled 30 turns into rolled 20. Rolled 40 turns into rolled 30. Rolled 50 turns into rolled 40. Rolled 60 turns into rolled 50.

Do you think the risk of rolling negative 9 is worth the chance of rolling a 90 on this action immediately?
I think each turn is multiple RL months and that the risk of the action being forgotten or sidelined and never done is greater than the risk of a negative result.
Wendy has cashed in her vacation days! And her flex days. And her holidays. And taken a sabbatical. She will be absent for the next three turns.

Trevor is having a bad time.

Someone knows.

Norm…had nothing to report.


That's a nat one situation right there.

Trevor confesses everything and lays everything he has at Wendy's feet.


Wendy is a incredible person and takes the high road and wants to help.


Norm takes some steps to becoming his own person.


Wendy is dropping off the grid and trying to deal with it with Trevor in secret.


Norms way of self actualization is to destroy the record of this event so doof has no clue about any of this.

Really bad.

Yokai knows everything that Wendy and Trevor are doing and we have no idea anything is going on.

It's been almost fifteen years now, and I've never once had the guts to say that out loud.
I've been a conman for twenty years, I can tell when you're lying.
What did you do at SFIT Trevor?

The webcam of Trevor's computer did not turn on.

That would imply it was ever off.
Here's an idea for lobbying, require the camera light and camera to be in series. Can't have one on without the other.l
I can just see how this might go.

4 turns from now we get a notice that Wendy hasn't come back. We get some actions to investigate.

We get a quest to rescue Wendy and Trevor from "someone"

Wendy and Trevor were turned into mutants.

We get some research to cure the mutations.

Upon getting cured Wendy and Trevor now have powers and explain everything they know about Yokai.

We get a bright red quest to go after Yokai.


We end up allies with a few of the companies involved.
... Oh, wait. Did I stumble across something relevant, or did we already know that Goofy's secret is probably that he's holding onto a Super-Goober that lets him turn into Super Goof, and all his gardening-related are likely associated with farming his super-peanuts?