[ ] Explode Doomtown Cog Factories
DC 110

[ ] Halt Seth Supplies Co Shipments
DC 140

[ ] Capture a few Sky High Graduates
DC 125

[ ] Deface Waddle Inc corporate headquarters
DC 80

Also relevant:

Laser Pirate
[ ] Rob ENCOM HQ
DC 90 (Reduced by ???)

[ ] Attack Sycorax
DC 100
Decent Success
SFPD reports an attack was made at Sycorax headquarters last night, while onlookers have been quick to blame 'the Yokai', police are pinning the attack on the Banzai Brothers, ...a group of criminal jetpack pilots with an artistic flair to their explosive firework smash-and-grab thefts. Sycorax has admitted a few gestation pods were stolen and is offering a reward for their location or return.
Y'know, a lot of this stuff is probably bad for any hope we have of ever conquering the United States or whatever implausible stretch goals we may have... But it's definitely a period of "things are looking up" for people in the DoofQuest United States.
One thing that is probably going to happen is that Doom will try having Smart Houses in the future.
With all the AI research and all.
And they might go crazy like in the tv movie with outside influences.
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Well even if we can't get much in US, lets go to other dimensions with Military AI. Lets get into the world fight, or looting
Well even if we can't get much in US, lets go to other dimensions with Military AI. Lets get into the world fight, or looting
That front's being fought by Phobos and Toffee, with a side of Belos and Nix... And honestly, I'm all for it. Let's go to the place where the Kings are openly Kings and try to plant a stake.

Also relevant:

Laser Pirate
[ ] Rob ENCOM HQ
DC 90 (Reduced by ???)

[ ] Attack Sycorax
DC 100
Decent Success
SFPD reports an attack was made at Sycorax headquarters last night, while onlookers have been quick to blame 'the Yokai', police are pinning the attack on the Banzai Brothers, ...a group of criminal jetpack pilots with an artistic flair to their explosive firework smash-and-grab thefts. Sycorax has admitted a few gestation pods were stolen and is offering a reward for their location or return.
Kinda sad how we stack up even to Prince-tier powers and a reduced ENCOM, even with all the extra security work we did. Particularly since it was supposed to be Doof's secure vault. Oh well.
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That front's being fought by Phobos and Toffee, with a side of Belos and Nix... And honestly, I'm all for it. Let's go to the place where the Kings are openly Kings and try to plant a stake.
We could probably take Monstropolis, assuming we detect the kidnappings, make contact with the Toys or Intrigue Gantu/GalFed. Refine scream generators into laughter generators and we'll have both an extra dimensional beachhead and potentially a foothold in the energy market.
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We could probably take Monstropolis, assuming we detect the kidnappings, make contact with the Toys or Intrigue Gantu/GalFed. Refine scream generators into laughter generators and we'll have both an extra dimensional beachhead and potentially a foothold in the energy market.
Let's just not let anyone know we would also get a free backdoor into almost child's bedroom in the world though those doors...
Can we not create people designed solely for war? Completely aside from the moral perspective, there's just so many other bad things that seem like potential hazards of self-aware killer robots.
Can we not create people designed solely for war? Completely aside from the moral perspective, there's just so many other bad things that seem like potential hazards of self-aware killer robots.
Counterpoint, we make self-aware killer robots banking on it being a massive problem and then just make sure they're a massive problem for somebody else's dimension and not ours.
Wouldn't they only become self-aware if people treat them as people? If you just treat them as a thing they don't gain self-awareness. If I am understanding how it works right.
Hello everyone. I've been following this quest for a month or so, and I have a question.

Have you ever felt that DEI does not have anything resembling a strategy?

It might have been brought up in the past, but a consistent pattern I'm seeing in the updates is how reactive the plans are. Most of the actions are either responding to the current fire to be put out or responding to someone messing with DEI heroes - both Toffee and Judge Doom ended up on the thread's shitlist because they are a menace to Jaina and Toons in DEI employ, which is perfectly reasonable and based, except... When that menace subsides even a bit, thread switches to other things instead of immediately following up, like with Bonkers, and does not consistently take action against them or prepare for hostile actions from them - even though everyone understands that throwing down with Toffee and Doom is inevitable and will happen at some point. And even disregarding the rivals, there are major holes in DEI intrugue and security, as evidenced by the events of Kataklysm or the Hats muscling in on Tri-State Area - the initiative is consistently not on Doof's side.

It's the same with technology advancement. Other Kings are making major, focused investments and carving out entire sectors where they're the leading player that rakes in power and cash, and DEI is just joshing around with tech based on whether or not it feels cool/is instantly useful. Zero-point energy was available for years at this point, but because it wasn't shiny enough, it was never researched until it was brought to the thread's attention by having someone steal it, and even then it's 50/50 on whether it will get picked in the next plan. DEI has a shitton of potentially revolutionary tech that's just gathering dust on a shelf because it is not immediately relevant, and other Kings are beating them to the punch on multiple fronts because other Kings are consistent and committed.

I've seen the metaphor commonly used to describe Doof playing the game - but while DEI plays Tropico, everyone else is playing Shadowrun, and one can't always play the games they want. If Doof and DEI are to keep up with other Kings, there must be a change in strategy - there has to be a strategy beyond responding to rumor mill and min-maxing Social Links. There have to be clear targets and goals Doof wants achieved, there has to be a synergy between actions during a turn and actions taken over the course of multiple turns, there has to be an understanding that other Kings and heroes aren't static NPCs and do take actions of their own, ones aimed at DEI included, and there has to be an understanding that if you are to stay on top of the game, you gotta strive to act and not react - that instead of watching events happen to you, you must strive to create events on your own terms.

With Doof addressing his issues and a revamp of the mechanics incoming, there has never been a better time for a change like this. This will not make the quest any less entertaining, anymore than Doof getting character development would make him less fun of a protag - in fact, it will make quest a lot more enjoyable in the long run, because it will prevent DEI getting blindsided and suckerpunched like it got with Kat, except with significantly higher stakes.

And at the end of day, besides all that, Doofenshmirtz can be either a supervillain equal of Shego or a supervillain equal of Drakken. Wouldn't you say one of these sounds a lot more appealing than the other?
We could probably take Monstropolis, assuming we detect the kidnappings, make contact with the Toys or Intrigue Gantu/GalFed. Refine scream generators into laughter generators and we'll have both an extra dimensional beachhead and potentially a foothold in the energy market.

...Just saying that at least I had that idea a long time ago, but we weren´t really able to follow up on it.

Hello everyone. I've been following this quest for a month or so, and I have a question.

Have you ever felt that DEI does not have anything resembling a strategy?

It might have been brought up in the past, but a consistent pattern I'm seeing in the updates is how reactive the plans are. Most of the actions are either responding to the current fire to be put out or responding to someone messing with DEI heroes - both Toffee and Judge Doom ended up on the thread's shitlist because they are a menace to Jaina and Toons in DEI employ, which is perfectly reasonable and based, except... When that menace subsides even a bit, thread switches to other things instead of immediately following up, like with Bonkers, and does not consistently take action against them or prepare for hostile actions from them - even though everyone understands that throwing down with Toffee and Doom is inevitable and will happen at some point. And even disregarding the rivals, there are major holes in DEI intrugue and security, as evidenced by the events of Kataklysm or the Hats muscling in on Tri-State Area - the initiative is consistently not on Doof's side.

It's the same with technology advancement. Other Kings are making major, focused investments and carving out entire sectors where they're the leading player that rakes in power and cash, and DEI is just joshing around with tech based on whether or not it feels cool/is instantly useful. Zero-point energy was available for years at this point, but because it wasn't shiny enough, it was never researched until it was brought to the thread's attention by having someone steal it, and even then it's 50/50 on whether it will get picked in the next plan. DEI has a shitton of potentially revolutionary tech that's just gathering dust on a shelf because it is not immediately relevant, and other Kings are beating them to the punch on multiple fronts because other Kings are consistent and committed.

I've seen the metaphor commonly used to describe Doof playing the game - but while DEI plays Tropico, everyone else is playing Shadowrun, and one can't always play the games they want. If Doof and DEI are to keep up with other Kings, there must be a change in strategy - there has to be a strategy beyond responding to rumor mill and min-maxing Social Links. There have to be clear targets and goals Doof wants achieved, there has to be a synergy between actions during a turn and actions taken over the course of multiple turns, there has to be an understanding that other Kings and heroes aren't static NPCs and do take actions of their own, ones aimed at DEI included, and there has to be an understanding that if you are to stay on top of the game, you gotta strive to act and not react - that instead of watching events happen to you, you must strive to create events on your own terms.

With Doof addressing his issues and a revamp of the mechanics incoming, there has never been a better time for a change like this. This will not make the quest any less entertaining, anymore than Doof getting character development would make him less fun of a protag - in fact, it will make quest a lot more enjoyable in the long run, because it will prevent DEI getting blindsided and suckerpunched like it got with Kat, except with significantly higher stakes.

And at the end of day, besides all that, Doofenshmirtz can be either a supervillain equal of Shego or a supervillain equal of Drakken. Wouldn't you say one of these sounds a lot more appealing than the other?

I´d say that we do have a basic plan, but we keep getting sidelined by other, more immediate threats - that and a fundamental rift between voters about *What kind of King we want to be* does tend to throw us for a loop most of the time.
Hello everyone. I've been following this quest for a month or so, and I have a question.

Have you ever felt that DEI does not have anything resembling a strategy?

It might have been brought up in the past, but a consistent pattern I'm seeing in the updates is how reactive the plans are. Most of the actions are either responding to the current fire to be put out or responding to someone messing with DEI heroes - both Toffee and Judge Doom ended up on the thread's shitlist because they are a menace to Jaina and Toons in DEI employ, which is perfectly reasonable and based, except... When that menace subsides even a bit, thread switches to other things instead of immediately following up, like with Bonkers, and does not consistently take action against them or prepare for hostile actions from them - even though everyone understands that throwing down with Toffee and Doom is inevitable and will happen at some point. And even disregarding the rivals, there are major holes in DEI intrugue and security, as evidenced by the events of Kataklysm or the Hats muscling in on Tri-State Area - the initiative is consistently not on Doof's side.

It's the same with technology advancement. Other Kings are making major, focused investments and carving out entire sectors where they're the leading player that rakes in power and cash, and DEI is just joshing around with tech based on whether or not it feels cool/is instantly useful. Zero-point energy was available for years at this point, but because it wasn't shiny enough, it was never researched until it was brought to the thread's attention by having someone steal it, and even then it's 50/50 on whether it will get picked in the next plan. DEI has a shitton of potentially revolutionary tech that's just gathering dust on a shelf because it is not immediately relevant, and other Kings are beating them to the punch on multiple fronts because other Kings are consistent and committed.

I've seen the metaphor commonly used to describe Doof playing the game - but while DEI plays Tropico, everyone else is playing Shadowrun, and one can't always play the games they want. If Doof and DEI are to keep up with other Kings, there must be a change in strategy - there has to be a strategy beyond responding to rumor mill and min-maxing Social Links. There have to be clear targets and goals Doof wants achieved, there has to be a synergy between actions during a turn and actions taken over the course of multiple turns, there has to be an understanding that other Kings and heroes aren't static NPCs and do take actions of their own, ones aimed at DEI included, and there has to be an understanding that if you are to stay on top of the game, you gotta strive to act and not react - that instead of watching events happen to you, you must strive to create events on your own terms.

With Doof addressing his issues and a revamp of the mechanics incoming, there has never been a better time for a change like this. This will not make the quest any less entertaining, anymore than Doof getting character development would make him less fun of a protag - in fact, it will make quest a lot more enjoyable in the long run, because it will prevent DEI getting blindsided and suckerpunched like it got with Kat, except with significantly higher stakes.

And at the end of day, besides all that, Doofenshmirtz can be either a supervillain equal of Shego or a supervillain equal of Drakken. Wouldn't you say one of these sounds a lot more appealing than the other?
We have a strategy. In fact we have many strategies and strategic considerations to take into account.

Judge Doom is a higher priority target for multiple reasons. One reason is that he staged an assassination of Doof near the start of the quest in order to protest our pro-toon employment and accessibility policies. One reason is that it helps save toons. Another reason is that it is important for someone. Another reason is that messing with is a relatively safe use of an intrigue action (or at least it was untill someone got twilight zoned).

Judge Doom is a lower priority target because if we take him out without a way to take over his operations ourselves then they will likely be taken by the Zaibatsu (or some other King) instead which would be bad for us.

Toffee and the MCP are both prep priority targets. We want to avoid directly antagonizing them too much (because they'd squash us if they publicly took off the gloves) while we subtly (or not so subtly) make preparations to counteract their advantages while they are distracted by their own peer level opponents. OOC Janna was recruited when we went looking for ways to prep against Toffee.

We are a minor niche player in many areas instead of a mega player in one because we don't like to be dependant on our enemies for our operating essentials. We also have eclectic staff with a variety of specialties.

If Doof is going to start being rational about foreign relations then that changes the strategic considerations significantly because we can start using and prepping tech for big government contracts.
Hello everyone. I've been following this quest for a month or so, and I have a question.

Have you ever felt that DEI does not have anything resembling a strategy?

It might have been brought up in the past, but a consistent pattern I'm seeing in the updates is how reactive the plans are. Most of the actions are either responding to the current fire to be put out or responding to someone messing with DEI heroes - both Toffee and Judge Doom ended up on the thread's shitlist because they are a menace to Jaina and Toons in DEI employ, which is perfectly reasonable and based, except... When that menace subsides even a bit, thread switches to other things instead of immediately following up, like with Bonkers, and does not consistently take action against them or prepare for hostile actions from them - even though everyone understands that throwing down with Toffee and Doom is inevitable and will happen at some point. And even disregarding the rivals, there are major holes in DEI intrugue and security, as evidenced by the events of Kataklysm or the Hats muscling in on Tri-State Area - the initiative is consistently not on Doof's side.

It's the same with technology advancement. Other Kings are making major, focused investments and carving out entire sectors where they're the leading player that rakes in power and cash, and DEI is just joshing around with tech based on whether or not it feels cool/is instantly useful. Zero-point energy was available for years at this point, but because it wasn't shiny enough, it was never researched until it was brought to the thread's attention by having someone steal it, and even then it's 50/50 on whether it will get picked in the next plan. DEI has a shitton of potentially revolutionary tech that's just gathering dust on a shelf because it is not immediately relevant, and other Kings are beating them to the punch on multiple fronts because other Kings are consistent and committed.

I've seen the metaphor commonly used to describe Doof playing the game - but while DEI plays Tropico, everyone else is playing Shadowrun, and one can't always play the games they want. If Doof and DEI are to keep up with other Kings, there must be a change in strategy - there has to be a strategy beyond responding to rumor mill and min-maxing Social Links. There have to be clear targets and goals Doof wants achieved, there has to be a synergy between actions during a turn and actions taken over the course of multiple turns, there has to be an understanding that other Kings and heroes aren't static NPCs and do take actions of their own, ones aimed at DEI included, and there has to be an understanding that if you are to stay on top of the game, you gotta strive to act and not react - that instead of watching events happen to you, you must strive to create events on your own terms.

With Doof addressing his issues and a revamp of the mechanics incoming, there has never been a better time for a change like this. This will not make the quest any less entertaining, anymore than Doof getting character development would make him less fun of a protag - in fact, it will make quest a lot more enjoyable in the long run, because it will prevent DEI getting blindsided and suckerpunched like it got with Kat, except with significantly higher stakes.

And at the end of day, besides all that, Doofenshmirtz can be either a supervillain equal of Shego or a supervillain equal of Drakken. Wouldn't you say one of these sounds a lot more appealing than the other?
I think you're 2 turns late with this take. The past few turns we've made great strides towards developing or pre-comitting to two DEI specialties: Genetics (Dinos included) by getting a Glomgold collab set-up that we just need to work towards finishing, and by putting Janus on the counil, and Robotics/AI from the multiple turns in a row of AI research (collab with Funtelligence and then finishing the research on our own in Spark). At least, this is what I would say our specialties should be.

The actions in my current proposed plan for next turn move forward the dinosaur specialty. I would probably do something AI related too but we have high priority narrative learning options (ODI, Transmissions, etc.) and Wendy's status next turn is unknown, so probably better to wait. In addition, we weren't given the full description of what Consumer/Civilian/Military AI options are yet which will change things.

The plan I posted was something I've had sitting on a google doc for weeks now, with the main change being that I swapped the martial action from "TBD" to "Form Black ops group" and that change wasn't even inspired because of the rival reports but the prior interlude. In other words, my plan isn't being overly reactive to the rival reports and is staying focused on the core objectives.

As for Bonkers, DC for Bonkers was simply too high to attempt before council, especially with Mirage as King adding to the DC, and we haven't had the action available for that long. We unlocked the action in March/April turn, meaning our first attempt at it could have been the May/June turn. On the May/June turn, we made our OS and we did the Greevil campaign, which were both two key actions. July/August we had to repair after Kat, and September/October was the MirageQuest turn (which had the DC go up by 20 and a -20 stewardship malus). The good thing about my plan is if we delay Dinos and form the "ASAP black ops ball", we free enough hero slots that we don't need to restructure immediately, and can attempt Bonkers or shore up Olympia this turn in addition to buying Hoppers. (Can do both if Monogram is available).

DEI has a shitton of potentially revolutionary tech that's just gathering dust on a shelf because it is not immediately relevant
We can't focus on both of our core specialties and also go for all the shiny options at the same time something has got to give. I think the most important shinies (imo) are the Fairy Book, Sublight/Exotic Vehicles combo, and Zero Point. I thought this before the rival reports and still think them now. However, doing something with one of our new specialties and ODI/Transmissions should most likely be done before those 4 shiny options. We just need to be a little patient.

Anyway, referring back to the "you're about 2 turns late to this take" bit, I noticed a similar problem so I made a planning document a few months ago that the discord members have been using as a shared resource for all of us to construct foundations for planning multiple turns in a row to give us goals to shoot for while also being realistic regarding action economy and less likely to deviate without good reason and understanding the consequences. You can find it here.
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Subject to change. Perhaps sending Kitsune out to do a martial action that would count as causing harm for Goblin Fox, like sabotaging Doris's recent expansion.

Or maybe we just bite the bullet put Khan in the black ops and form it ASAP. We can always reshuffle later with just a martial action as per QM, so forming it now just to get it done and learn more about it.

We already don't know much about black ops so trying to wait to make a perfect team seems foolish. Make the team first, figure out how it works, then use that knowledge to optimize.

If we put Khan and Technor on BO we might get a unit with high enough martial and no tech malus to unlock the 2nd martial action, which means the qualms of "it taking actions to reshuffle/optimize the black ops ball" become much less relevant

So, Khan, Technor, Juniper Mez, have them do PMC upgrades and taking down gangs and such while Monogram does stewardship & DOI quest?
I like this plan, Khan is currently locked into martial anyway, it makes it so we are less reliant of doing 3 Stewardship actions this turn, allowing Monogram to have a lot more options open, and best of all, It is decent to excellent in every stat (Khan, Technor, and Juniper all have pretty high Martial while Mez's isn't to bad (15 is what i feel the benchmark of decent for a stat is), Everyone has over 15 Diplomacy with Technor a Whopping 33, Stewardship has 2 Highs with Technor and Khan to counter the low values of Mez and Juniper, and outside of Juniper who is 14, everyone has Intrigue in the 20s, and their Learning Scores will be able to hopefully get past Khan's tech Malus, plus it will have a low Occult Score to start out with, but Low Occult is still Occult)
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Funnily enough, that's exactly when I came up with this criticism - couldn't post it at the time, unfortunately, but glad to hear this was addressed anyway.

...Yeah, since then we had to deal with an invasion of our turf by an army of super-powered cats with the added possibility of GalFed deciding to glass the shit outta us to contain the cats, got tangled up in a giant plot by Evelyn Deavor to discredit Supers forever that also threatened Mirage - one of our main Operatives - with her sordid past as Syndromes floozie getting aired which we still haven´t properly addressed and were forced to redo a whole load of our NAs because Jumba fucked up his assignment spectacularly...and those are only the *Big and immediate* problems we had to deal with over the last half year in-game, which means that LMs major fuckup, the fallout of our Probability-Inator and our *Two* dealings with Xanatos that almost ended in major Masquerade breaches through almost no fault of our and his own aren´t even included.

So yeah, sry to say it but the reason why we seem to be acting so reactive was that there was *a lot* that needed immediate reactive behaviour in the first place.
If Doof is going to start being rational about foreign relations then that changes the strategic considerations significantly because we can start using and prepping tech for big government contracts.
This. Notice how DrakkTech (that is, Shego) and Xanatos Enterprises are both doing kick-ass stuff like building a freaking space elevator. This is because they aren't running under the bizarre delusion of being a totally independent and autarkic country that does everything for itself, and are willing to work in/with/for a larger overarching plan.