[ ] Release superpower drugs
DC 120
74+36(King)+34(Hero)+20(King/Hero trait)-6(Loyalty)=158
Great Success
These numbers are extremely interesting. I've edited in what each number is.

Liv has a hero with a Loyalty penalty of 6. To get a loyalty penalty of 6 with a hero with a stat of 34, the hero needs to have a loyalty modifier of 20%, meaning the hero has -50 to -74 Loyalty.

Who ever this is, loathes Di. I really have no idea how this has happened, but it is mollifying to see other Kings can mismanage their employees like this. :V

This is probably a Learning action (indicating that Di has increased her Learning by 2 over the course of the quest), anyone have an idea of a Disney scientist who has experience with drugs?

There's an advantage to keeping your heroes as loyal to you as possible. When making a roll, their loyalty will be reflected in a bonus modifier. A rating of -25 to 0 or 0 to 25 gives you an additional 10% of their relevant stat for that roll either subtracted or added, respectively. 25-49 will give you 15% added, 50-74 20%, and 75-100 25%. Numbers will be rounded down to the nearest whole.
Some eagle eyed viewers have noticed Xanatos making some interesting rolls this turn. Well spotted.

What? You didnt think you were the only ones capable of unlocking special mechanics, did you?

I've been considering the possibility of actually writing out the various bonuses given in rival reports in future. How would people feel about getting that extra bit of clarification, at the likely cost of more delayed posts due to the extra time? Not promising anything, just trying to gauge.
Vlad! Vladimir Keitawa no!

Sky High has poached my favourite choice of hire and crushed my dreams! Arm the anti-air lasers, they must be punished in turn!
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Some eagle eyed viewers have noticed Xanatos making some interesting rolls this turn. Well spotted.

What? You didnt think you were the only ones capable of unlocking special mechanics, did you?

I've been considering the possibility of actually writing out the various bonuses given in rival reports in future. How would people feel about getting that extra bit of clarification, at the likely cost of more delayed posts due to the extra time? Not promising anything, just trying to gauge.
I would find it immensely helpful, really. Every bit of reduction to the fog of war helps.
Some eagle eyed viewers have noticed Xanatos making some interesting rolls this turn. Well spotted.

What? You didnt think you were the only ones capable of unlocking special mechanics, did you?

I've been considering the possibility of actually writing out the various bonuses given in rival reports in future. How would people feel about getting that extra bit of clarification, at the likely cost of more delayed posts due to the extra time? Not promising anything, just trying to gauge.
I would also agree with having that extra bit of information even if it makes the RR take slightly longer
So... Our zero-point energy tech was stolen on the same turn that Doom rolled out stolen AI, when we happen to be in the business of researching AI.

Now, it's possible that this is a coincidence. However, I think I'd prefer to use this as a pretext to go on the warpath.
[ ] Wendy Wower
Fun Mom of AI
Wendy singlehandedly created modern AI. Twice. She is likely to pour all possible resources towards their development, protect them zealously, and work towards broader dissemination of knowledge in general. Can you say 'Funtertainment', Woweroos?
Wendy was an option for the Council way back when. I doubt the QMs would have given her as an option if she had quit or whatever. So she probably is... fine.
So... Our zero-point energy tech was stolen on the same turn that Doom rolled out stolen AI, when we happen to be in the business of researching AI.

Now, it's possible that this is a coincidence. However, I think I'd prefer to use this as a pretext to go on the warpath.
Don't forget that Wendy got kidnapped.... It might have been someone from the Yokai with Wendy's entry cards.
Xanatos Enterprises
[ ] Collaborate on FTL research
DC 175
27+28+28+28+27+7+20 (Government Funding)=167
Bare Failure

Xanatos Enterprises and Drakktech Industries have together filed several patents in an attempt to produce genuine faster than light travel, a task considered hefty to say the least. In their attempt to make a working FTL drive, they appear to have run up against several technical and logistical difficulties that stymied their attempts to produce a working prototype. The work of the stars is not going to be done in a day! Several promising designs have nonetheless emerged from their studies, and the companies are expected to redouble the efforts to make the leap from theoretical to practical in the near future.
I kinda want to tell them that we have sublight drives and will gladly offer them the designs so long as we can get in on this action.

As for the rest, Xanatos and Shego aren't doing all that hot while our enemies are making plays and less-than-friednly forces are manuevering into advantageous positions (D0R1S in the Rockies, Riddle with what happened in Vegas, etc.). Also, Olympia has fallen and is now being fed upon by vultures. We should shore that up ASAP.

Also, we can't really afford the PR hit that snubbing Bellewether will do to us if we ever want to get her out of power. We just need to keep what she wants just out of reach but close enough that she keeps reaching for it.

The thief can wait. While I also want vengeance, we have way too many fires to worry about it now.

Also, let's hope Norm and Wendy just drag us into Yokai's business and not anything else (because the former seems inevitable at this point)
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I think that the thing that this rival report further emphasises is the benefit of having a long-term plan of action and building towards it.

Definitely a lot going on here but it's already been discussed fairly clearly

It's also kind of hard to plan out our next turn beyond the general shape since some of these interludes seems like they have important info and the effects of Doof's introspection and the council being active might have on options.

Don´t really care about that Report aside from the indication that Hoppers is still up for grabs atm, which would benefit our food sector something fierce since you have to remember that a while back, Hoppers in turn gobbled up friggin McDonalds - which means that we would get some insane reach outta that buyout.

I personally do consider that an issue; after a success like that, it seems pretty likely that the cost and/or difficulty of making the purchase might have gone up.
This is a reference to breaking bad right?
I think Neisenberg is the only anme we know connected to High Command.

I kinda want to tell them that we have sublight drives and will gladly offer them the designs so long as we can get in on this action.
Don't think they'll bite, they've mostly figured it out themselves. As in, they got a bare failure on a roll of 27, with the DC reduction it's virtually impossible they won't succeed on the next try.

As to the harm? For one thing we have a fanatical racist calling Doof an 'honorary predator'. She is absolutely planning to screw him over.
If you want to take down Bellweather, you probably should vote for fixing Zootopia's climate zones. Then we have an excuse to go skulking about the place and unraveling her plots.
If you want to take down Bellweather, you probably should vote for fixing Zootopia's climate zones. Then we have an excuse to go skulking about the place and unraveling her plots.
I don't give a damn about Bellweather.
Bill, Toffee and the Hat are all vastly more important enemies to deal with. Actions spent screwing with merely unpleasant rivals are actions not spent on potentially stopping an apocalypse.
Notably, ninja instructor Vladimir Keitawa and retired Mexican billionaire and recreational supervillain Señor Senior, Senior have been hired, giving rise to rumor that Sky High may be accepting enrollment of non-powered 'Cape' heroes, or at least reducing the curriculum's near-monomaniacal focus on training powers to the exclusion of all else.
[ ] Seed corporate sleeper agents

DC varies depending on the corporation. Olympia Corp DC 95, DrakkTech DC 105, Xanatos Enterprises DC 100 (?), Khan Industries DC 95, Glomgold Enterprises 135, Sycorax DC 95, Funtelligence DC 75, Gen-U-Tech DC 95, Bakaemono Corporation DC 80, Nightstone DC 90, ENCOM DC 140, Cloverleaf Industries DC 115, NMEIZ 95.
Rather than attempt an immediate infiltration, we can insert a sleeper unit into a target company, ordering them to remain a loyal servant and work their way into the corporation- feeding information back to us, and preparing to strike.

Choose one: Assign your hero unit to cover operations (Hero unit will either infiltrate themselves or, if too conspicuous, directly support the operation. Assigning the hero unit will greatly increase the chance of positive events and potentially provide input on their choice, but will lose access to that unit until you extract them, likely ruining the network in the process)


Do not assign the hero unit to active infiltration (hero unit still adds bonus but does not join long-term infiltration team, lower chance of positive events)

(Reward: Gradual drip feed of information over time, chance of reduced assault or espionage DCs, low chance of infiltrating the enemy's hero roster(!))
Could seed Tobe and his ninjas as Sky High students.
  • Receive top of the line ninja training
  • Romantic hijinks with Jing Jing for more personal growth?
  • Get info on new capes for potential recruitment, we do need a 4th black ops member
  • Info on what Sky High is doing in general
I don't give a damn about Bellweather.
Bill, Toffee and the Hat are all vastly more important enemies to deal with. Actions spent screwing with merely unpleasant rivals are actions not spent on potentially stopping an apocalypse.
Then you are thinking too much into long-term and not enough for the short-term. Bill is a NON-ENTITY right now, with no in-character reason to be concerned about him. Toffee hasn't made a peep at us in the last year. Only Doris has started making moves into our territory personally.

The PR hit we get from snubbing Bellweather is unnecessary. General consensus so far is that we spare the personal action to attend the dinner.
We should try and get close to Bellweather just so we can fuck her over by exposing her with the help of Mr. Big anyone who are suspicious of her motives it would be so funny to backstab her just like how she did to Judy and Nick
Honestly, if we want a short term business Partner, Bellwether is safe and we can mostly stick to projects that won't fuck over predators.

Down the line we can expose her, but until Sugar Daddy Glomgold's Dinosaurs are ready, a business partner would just be nice.