Head's up, true believers! I have over 40 cards in the bank to use as random drops, and I celebrated by giving you two bonus cards in addition to the RIP Syndrome card!

Head's up, true believers! I have over 40 cards in the bank to use as random drops, and I celebrated by giving you two bonus cards in addition to the RIP Syndrome card!

...Is Splatter less murderous then most of Darkwing's rogues? Because she looks REALLY useful. Also, god, look at those stats on Buddy: Really puts into perspective just how lucky we got in taking him down.
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Head's up, true believers! I have over 40 cards in the bank to use as random drops, and I celebrated by giving you two bonus cards in addition to the RIP Syndrome card!
Who exactly is Sirque? Is she from the third season, because I don't remember her in the first or second.

Edit: She appears to be from the 2nd season. I guess I forgot I didn't finish it? :???:
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Here are my current black ops ball ideas:

A) Technor, Juniper, Mezmerella, Splatter Phoenix - pretty loud and eclectic party but made up of some really powerful individuals with a strong overall tech focus.

B) Technor, Juniper, Khan, Dingo - giving up Khan would obviously be a hard sell but I think Dingo and Khan's pragmatism and groundedness would work well together and give us one of the most scarily powerful Martial heroballs around.

C) Hego, Go Go Tamago, Chief Bogo, Anton Ego - new Team Go let's go
Head's up, true believers! I have over 40 cards in the bank to use as random drops, and I celebrated by giving you two bonus cards in addition to the RIP Syndrome card!

Technically, we already have seen Syndromes card (also, nice touch with the B/W, although Sepia might work even better), but it´s still nice to see that stat-wise, he could have *definitely* stayed a major player even after the Sands debacle if not for his shit meta-luck.

Both Splatter Phoenix (if she hasn´t become part of the Sadistic Six lineup under ND like I gathered from some hints during our brief stint as ND) and to a lesser extent Sirque could be good Operatives - once we dealt with our cap, that is.

...Is Splatter less murderous then most of Darkwing's rogues? Because she looks REALLY useful. Also, god, look at those stats on Buddy: Really puts into perspective just how lucky we got in taking him down.

Irrc she was primarly focused on thievery with an "artistic" bend and not really obsessing about killing,,,so she might be a good hire after we took some precautions.

Say, since she was shown to be vulnerable to paint thinner/turpentine, does that means that she leans closer to the Toon side of the Duck spectrum?

All fun and games until Anton Ego pulls out a gun.

...Wonder what happened to him after Skinner "won"...I´d say that without Remy there to open his eyes with supreme cuisine, he remained a bitter, disillusioned critic and continues tearing restaurants apart because they just don´t meet his insanely high standards