No! Not Marco's beautiful face! And the end of the world too, I guess.
Magic. Superscience. Makeup.

Anyways... time for an underdog fight. It'd be a bit annoying if we just auto-lost when we did a fair bit better than Demona did when fighting her in terms of rolls, and it has been said that it'd take something on the level of what happened to Syndrome to topple a king, but hey, cool fight scenes.
Okay, so we have Kitsune, Tom, the Manhattan clan, Leopald and Felldrake himself vs the pack, the huntsclan, Xathanos, Mabeth and Demona. But she loses if we get either one out of her claws. And we have a lot of people with high enough occult scores to figure that out.

Even better, Demona doesn't know that Kitsune is here. Time to trick the mad gargoyle.
I am mildly miffed that Xanatos is punching in the same Marial weight class as Marco and Janna.
Control over all humans within range, hmmm. Kitsune can still function, and so can the Gargoyles and Tom. I'll say, for the people saying our arrival wasn't useful, I'll point to the fact that we brought 2 fighters who are still capable.
How does the controlling work, should we brought the goat amulet for resistance how barely it might be?
Thank you. I thought it was funny to give the answer and see if it got overlooked. Won't lie it made me laugh.

Also, just want to say I thought it was very fitting to use the radio play for DVV:gridlocked. Good work @Made in Heaven @Arathnorn @weredrago2

This adventure has been a mix of Religious Studies and Hunter's Moon (which never happened in this timeline.)

Since the original source we adapted was a crossover with Spectacular Spider-Man, another show Greg Weisman worked on, we knew we had to bring everyone in. The huntsmen, the pack, Demona, Marco, the Dracon mob, Macbeth, we even brought in Spydah.

Because after all, we needed a Spider.
Xanatos clocks in at 21+20+38 = 79
Janna with all her sundry bonuses is 13+12+7+44+5+7 = 88
Marco is 29+44+5 = 78

By the powers of their combined bonuses Janna is less then 10 away from Xanatos, Marco is one off.
Xanatos does not normally have the Manhattan Clan as his hero unit. Janna likewise is using Tom, as you can tell from the interactions. Janna definitely has a far stronger personal combat than xanatos, at least without his power armor.
this is how Demona screws everything up.

breaking the Veil by subverting holy relics that every brand of Christianity and Islam hold as holy, is the way that Demona makes everything terrible for all magic-kind.

It's inquisition time. This is an extremely powerful political event for the religiously conservative, and a massive mobilization call to start getting even more actively zealous than before. Like. Holy shit. So. Many. Holy warriors.

The Huntsclan aren't holy. I think the specifics of how Demona is going about her plan might undercut Huntsclan recruiting because there are grounds for there to be a new inquisition and that would be much more popular. Because it turns out that the fanatical elements of the church were right all along with their child burnings and inquisitions. There are actually satanic witches and anathema among humanity working to exterminate all of us and bring about the reign of incomprehensible evil.

Gargoyles might have to lean really hard into their "Holy protectors" identity and how "Demona is/was Fallen" to dodge the purge. That's doable tbh.

the witches? the monstrous? the anathema?
there's a whole lotta humans about to get training in the Occult in order to track burn kill purge.

Doof was right all along. Should have had faith in humanity reacting okay to the collapse of the veil. Nobody responsible took it down on their terms. Now it's being torn down on Demona's terms, which is to say the worst possible terms for the magical community. Not to mention Xanny is going to get bit on both ends here. If he tries to lean into Huntsclan he burns all the magical contacts and he is still full of magic (his son is half fae) so he's boned. If he leans into pro-magic he has been part of the conspiracy of silence around it. If he claims ignorance the zealous will still put two and two together while the magical contacts shrivel or are bludgeoned/hunted.

I'll be honest. I still think The Huntsclan is largest in NY. Disney cartoons are amerocentrist and that usually means "new york new york is the cultural and economic capital of the world, LA close second". I think Danville might make a good refugee center for the magically persecuted, given that there shouldn't be a large Huntsclan presence there.

Might be good to work with Xanny on a magic railroad for his favored contacts (and those contacts' allies), taking them to Danville for safety. Depending on Kitsune/Puck relations though . . . .
I'm actually rooting for Demona right now. She gonna bring destruction later, and I can't wait to see the results.

I know that I'm somewhat crazy for being supportive of such a shit character, but the potential drama and chaos from this is too delicious. After all, who doesn't want to see the world burn?

Also, thanks for the update and keep up the good work! I can't wait for the next one!
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Staff Notice: Rule 2: This sort of ITG rhetoric is frowned upon on this forum.
I'm actually rooting for Demona right now. She gonna bring destruction later, and I can't wait to see the results.

Also, thanks for the update and keep up the good work! I can't wait for the next one!
You and the swarm are insane, Demona must die for this, I want her guts for garland to decorate my Christmas tree.
I'm actually rooting for Demona right now. She gonna bring destruction later, and I can't wait to see the results.

I know that I'm somewhat crazy for being supportive of such a shit character, but the potential drama and chaos from this is too delicious. After all, who doesn't want to see the world burn?

Also, thanks for the update and keep up the good work! I can't wait for the next one!
Root for Demona heel style: In the form of jeers and boos. She's a terrible person with a low chance of redemption but she can cause a lot of trouble when the event calls for it.

You and the swarm are insane, Demona must die for this, I want her guts for garland to decorate my Christmas tree.
Hey, dial it back a notch? Obviously Demona is evil and there's gonna be a cool battle. No need to get aggressive about it.
So just a reminder, Hego took a crit fail, got back up, and won the fight against the guy who got the crit success.

Marco took one and was knocked out of the fight.
I'm pretty sure Marco had been knocked around by some previous enemy successes or own-side failures; any given character can only take so much battering and our team's been in combat for multiple entire updates.

Also, Hego is a goddamn brick, so he may very well be able to tank more failures.

Seems like Kahn was definitely not the best choice all things considered, good thing we didn't send him.
Temujin's stronger Martial score might have passed us some checks we'd have otherwise failed, I think; things might not have gotten this far.

I am mildly miffed that Xanatos is punching in the same Marial weight class as Marco and Janna.
Doesn't he have a suit of power armor designed to let him throw hands with Goliath?

Or isn't he wearing it?
I feel like after my little outburst I owe some people an apology for being overly aggressive.

Everyone has characters they identify with for a variety of reasons, I identify with Demona in a very bad way. She's a whiny, petulant little pissant who blames everyone around her for her own fuckups and never considers that maybe, just maybe, SHE is the problem. That is who she is as a character, and a well written one at that, but it's also why she touches a nerve for me.

She is very much written like how I used to be in some of the darkest parts of my life, parts of myself I truly despise and do everything I can to get rid of. Now she's messing with things from my religion and it's all just spilling out.

I want to see her defeated and broken before we kill her because to me she represents the worst vestiges of the person I used to be.

And I want it BURNED.
"Demona!" Wolf bellowed. "We want overtime!"

"I promise, you will get what's coming to you." Demona replied in between parries. "Just fight!"

...A very foreboding choice of words from Demona for sure.

That's at least five kinds of sacrilege. Impressive.

- being "demonic" and arguably a "witch"
- wearing SEVERAL items associated with the suffering/DEATH of God´s son
- striking on the day associated with the BIRTH of God´s Son
- perverting scripture to declare herself (a) God.

...I only count four, but that still is a lot on her Sinstone just now (yeah, have been binging WoW: Shadowlands and more specifically, the Revendreth portion)

Word of God is that God's existence will remain ambiguous.

Just have a dramatically-appropriate thunderstorm start and get her hit by *all of it*...ambigous enough in my mind

Also, Satan already exists, so avoiding to use YWHW (while understandable bc of conservatives getting peeved) feels a bit like a cop-out to me.

Say where is Kitsune? Didn't she noticed something before going in the room? Hope she is planning something.

Yep...stand around doing barely FUCK ALL.

Sry, but I am thoroughly dissatisfied with her showing (or rather, almost complete LACK of showing) in this Crisis.

It hasn't collapsed yet. So far this can rewritten as the work of a megalomaniac super and hallucinogenics in the air / water supply.

Dunno...a *demonic-looking* being wearing *the Lance of Longinus and the friggin Crown of Thorns* (hopefully Helenas Nail is FAR AWAY atm - I´d rather not have Demona go "Alexander *Monster of God* Anderson" on our asses as well) on *Christmas Eve* is bound to generate a lot of mystical significance either way...wouldn´t be surprised if whatever happens that finally does her in (like a whole thunderstorm striking her down at the height of her megalomania *Bolt of Divine Retribution*-style maybe?) is the last nail in the Magical Masquerade´s coffin.
I think the best way, if we want to remain ambiguous about God here, is instead of using a Bolt of Divine Retribution that she instead be made to experience every ounce of pain and suffering she has caused in her long life and be forced to acknowledge that it was her fault, that she was the problem. It fits the MO of the Prince Of Pease and still remain ambiguous enough in the end
And/Or you could make her while using the Relics see the world as God those with her seeing how infinitely small she is in the grand scheme of things while also feeling every iota of Love he has for His creation
Just an idea which i have to admit borrowed from the Pennant stare of ghost rider and Douglas Adams
Soooo... God. Big G. YHWH. Jehovah. Mind stepping in here and putting a stop to this? Can we have little a divine intervention as a treat?

Also, assuming Indiana Jones is in this setting, at least we can be secure in the knowledge that at least she doesn't have the Ark of the Covenant since that is just sitting in a government warehouse. Full of other magical and alien artifacts. In a country that is divided between various villains. ...Yup.