It should be noted that in Jewish texts, other gods do exist, it is just that the Big G himself is considered more powerful/only one worth worshiping. The plagues of Egypt, for example, were suppose to be representative of God kicking the shit out of the Egyptian pantheon.
So, can that just be the last post about real life religion or not? The QMs don't really want us to debate about it, which this will surely turn into. Not to mention it will clog up the thread, blocking actual relevant content.
To them and usually people in the west are more likely to believe in Christianity and the majority of people on this site are westerners.

it's like invoking Buddha and using his relics and profaning him. He's even less vengeful then New Testament god but it's still a terrible idea.

generaly waving around holy relics and taunting the god whose holy relic is being waved around is a quick way to get smote in a religion appropriate way.

in fictional stories I default to Dnd logic with gods and try not to bring real life stuff into this. This a fictional universe useing fictional representation of real religions.The Catholic Church typically isn't nearly like how it is described in Helsing or DxD and Buddhism isn't how it's depicted by the monksin DB and other media. It's a fictional system that resembles a real world belief.

All religions are important and I personally don't care what or who people worship so long as said religion doesn't harm others.
Right, but you're privileging the Christian God over other gods that are still believed in, like the Hindu pantheon. You called YHWH 'the most sacred of beings', and all I was asking was that you not place them above the gods of other religions.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see your post MrHobbit. I won't respond on this topic any more.
Right, but you're privileging the Christian God over other gods that are still believed in, like the Hindu pantheon. You called YHWH 'the most sacred of beings', and all I was asking was that you not place them above the gods of other religions.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see your post MrHobbit. I won't respond on this topic any more.

... on what point? I'm not I'd besaying similar things if she were using the scriptures of Buddha the "most sacred" refers to big names such as God, JC, Buddha,Brahma etc as opposed to things like saints or lesser things in those religions.

I never put one religion higher then others merely pointing out the hierarchy in those religions. Thedifference between a priest and Jesus and a monk from Buddha.

she's waving around an important relic of the most sacred person in that religion and going smite me oh mighty smiter.

I would say the same things if she hadsomehow got ahold of a sword of Shiva and saying things to taunt them.
DMs: Hey guys I know the current topic makes it a tad difficult, but please stop talking about IRL religion, okay? We don't want arguments in the thread, or for people to feel like their belief systems are being attacked.

Readers: Oh, yeah, sounds good, makes perfect sense. We can definitely do that.

Readers: Anyway, so back to what I was saying about how Vishnu relates to the Holy Trinity -
So, quick topic change:

Given that we all might be completely fucked By Demona's ploy... what are our New plans for next round and using our "Fuck you probability!" inator to unfuck ourselves?
Funny stuff I've noticed.

-Demona's Martial has gone up by 2. She started the interlude at 33 (all the Pack and Horde rolls in the external combat), but after disabling the turrets and attacking the Manhattan Clan with the Longinus she has been rolling 35 Martial both in her personal combat rolls and those of her underlings (Coldstone and the Pack).

-All the New Yorkers (Manhattan Clan, Xanatos, MacBeth) are rolling the same set of modifiers, suggesting that they are part of the same hero team. Those would be +21+20+38. MacBeth and Demona get a +30 to attacking each other and when MacBeth rolled, the +38 score climbed to +39 for a couple of rolls. Not sure who is what there.
That said, the Dracon Mob was also rolling +21+20. Hazarding a guess, the +38 may belong to the whole Manhattan Clan as a heroball of their own, but that doesn't seem to perfectly follow the standard party mechanics for quests.
So, quick topic change:

Given that we all might be completely fucked By Demona's ploy... what are our New plans for next round and using our "Fuck you probability!" inator to unfuck ourselves?
If I remember right, martial was undecided, dip was either khan and/or recruitment, stewardship had retreat+cyber sec with PA, and intrigue had dickens on employees
Why don't we research that miracle medical plant we got from back home? We've kinda just ignored it this entire time.
If I remember right, martial was undecided, dip was either khan and/or recruitment, stewardship had retreat+cyber sec with PA, and intrigue had dickens on employees
I was deeply confused what our Genghis Khan diplomacy action was before realizing it was Shere Khan. DoofOS Security seems... risky, to be honest, since it's a 125 DC (115 when reduced by XP, and Alan Bradley can only get somewhere between a 72 and 77 bonus, it appears?) What exactly does personal attention do? If it's only a reroll, we still have a decent chance of failure, which becomes a crit fail, right?
Not sure what you mean by retreat, exactly, tbh. And the crystal key seems good. What about Learning? Any plans for that?

Why don't we research that miracle medical plant we got from back home? We've kinda just ignored it this entire time.

To my understanding, Silphium isn't exactly a medical miracle. It's just very effective natural birth control, as well as an aphrodisiac and perfume. But yeah, that sounds pretty useful.
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Why don't we research that miracle medical plant we got from back home? We've kinda just ignored it this entire time.
Who do you want to put on it? Ludivine's trait could kick in with us getting Flubber instead. Putting L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. on it is a no for multiple reasons, especially this turn.

We still need Grunkle Mal on the Crystal Key, right?
I think that's the plan.

I was deeply confused what our Genghis Khan diplomacy action was before realizing it was Shere Khan. DoofOS Security seems... risky, to be honest, since it's a 125 DC (115 when reduced by XP, and Alan Bradley can only get somewhere between a 72 and 77 bonus, it appears?) What exactly does personal attention do? If it's only a reroll, we still have a decent chance of failure, which becomes a crit fail, right?
If we don't do security next turn, then anyone attacking us has serious chances of critically succeeding. I estimated an 85% CoS with the personal attention reroll and XP.
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Who do you want to put on it? Ludivine's trait could kick in with us getting Flubber instead. Putting L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. on it is a no for multiple reasons, especially this turn.
Maybe Queen Lizzy? She has pretty high learning, and Ludivine only has a 1 in 6 chance to get distracted, so that's not awful.

If we don't do security next turn, then anyone attacking us has serious chances of critically succeeding. I estimated an 85% CoS with the personal attention reroll and XP.
Got it. That makes a lot of sense.
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There are ways to beat that anyone know someone with conceptual free will or a being that can stop Big G from instant killing them?
Goofy? like he is a toon, with free will kinda ingrained into his very being, and pretty much embodies all seven virtues as well at the same time. Plus Goofy is a OLD toon with lots of experience etc and frankly it would be funny if Goofy of all people won so you could say he has the power of GOD and ANIMATION on his side.
Why don't we research that miracle medical plant we got from back home? We've kinda just ignored it this entire time.
Because we get two Learning actions a turn, and it was one Learning action a turn for much of the game, and the only way around that is to use a LOVEMUFFIN action.

Silphium, at DC 90, is too hard for LOVEMUFFIN to do safely; it requires the attention of one of our handful of high-voltage Learning heroes on a normal national Learning action. We've had a lot else to do with those actions.
DoofOS Security seems... risky, to be honest, since it's a 125 DC (115 when reduced by XP, and Alan Bradley can only get somewhere between a 72 and 77 bonus, it appears?)
It's not risk-free, but the alternative is giving the people trying to break into our network an unopposed Critical Success, and we can't afford much more beating on that front. Sometimes you do things because you have to.

Not sure what you mean by retreat, exactly, tbh.
Look it up in the turn post.