I would like to reiterate my planned priorities:

Space? We should collaborate with Gov on this one and gain bucks and rep with them. I have no interest in personally controlling space-based-diplomacy-fiascos. Kick that to the gov. We get some interesting tech out of it, and assist in the stabilization of the US. Assuming that MiB3 is the one that failed because it's first chronologically, then MiB as an organization may have gotten hard defunded or placed beneath the FBI umbrella. Help the US kickstart their space stuff, and maybe between Russ and some friendly collaboration we can have an in at MiB or Spaceforce or GalFed-Earth-Division or whatever the government does with that mess.
Earth is the Doofania of Galfed space, as far as I'm concerned. Eccentric, a bit backwards, eclectic, and certainly the least threatening pile in the vicious universe right now.

DoofOS is something we want to invest in. We want to create a region that is the "Doofania" of cyperspace. To this end, I believe that creating doppelganger bodies for both Norm and Princess CJ will be incredibly helpful for their AI's complexity and blurring the line between Cyber-Doofania and Physical Doofania. We won't make up a large footprint of cyberspace, but having a secure footprint at all allows us to get some very interesting and helpful things done.

In addition, Queen Lizzie is very knowledgeable of eusocial ant colonies which means she is familiar with their "Swarm Intelligence" which is something that should be of extreme utility in designing that style of AI unit. I believe the fact that she is a Queen, and thus able to have a set of predetermined social behaviors to study, should assist in her socialization/interactions with Princess CJ (assuming Princess CJ increases in complexity) and may also be of utility to Alan. Alan is a code junkie, and likely to be strangely socialized as a result. So long as Lizzie can stay on Swarm Intelligence studies and away from the venom of various ant species, I think she could be an interesting conversational partner for Alan or Wendy or both in terms of AI development. She likely has some level of coding, given the interfaces she made between biological machines and the power suits. This could be useful for the creation of doppelgangers for Norm and Princess CJ as well, since it'd be a similar process.

OOC the swarm intelligence of the Big Bad !notTyranids in cyberspace should also interest her, and she will bring an interesting body of knowledge to their study when we learn of them.

About Dimensional Breaches:
If there was a scientific way to contain and stabilize Dimensional Breaches made by Magic/TheDimensionalKey/ParticleAccelerators then I believe Wasabi is probably well suited to such.

Roddey should make a particle accelerator in anticipation for both uburnium manufacture and dimensional-breaching.

Between the two of them, I think we can get the energy to fuel Technor as well as a repeatable dimensional-breaching facility in a relatively short time frame.

As extra projects: Wasabi's Shielding and Blades are very high utility (so long as power is not really an objection) which should be a wonderful defensive and offensive upgrade.
Roddey should be able to utilize the shielding for static fortifications across Doofania
Roddey can also probably make a modular SPLIT/SECOND Arena for a reboot of that series, which would be great for our media project and vehicle-testing
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A large industrial conveyor belt that creates a large bread bowl, fills it with lackluster cheese, and spreads uncooked marinara sauce from a can on top of it, creating one 'Pizza' (according to Chicago residents anyway) every minute.

Can't wait for John Stewart as a hero unit.
Von Drake on any action that is DC 90 risks Flubber power.

Two things to consider:

1) This is a stupidly fucking low chance, as she not only has to randomly have the ability to change go off, but also has to pick that specific thing instead of literally any other thing. Pretty sure that it's actively statistically unlikely (as in, under a 1/20 chance) even.

2) If there was ever a time to take the Flubber action, it would absolutely be the time we can guarantee a crit success.

I don't think we need Flubber and have actually brought up Von Drake's ability to do this in this thread before, but honestly? Now is absolutely the last time we should need to worry about this.

There has been a conversation in the Discord I would like to make the rest of the thread aware of.

There is a very reasonable chance for the Drug Cartel to be taking action against Shego, or at least major action comparable to the Sands Gala had that Nat1 vs Nat100 not happened. I'll share the main points of my argument:

Give her enough information to know they're coming and let them beat each other to death. If they come after us, our heightened defenses against them will bash them off our walls.

Seems we would be searching for our robot protagonist soon. So what exactly could we possibly find in Wall-E's truck beside his cockroach friend?

Finding Wall-E's intelligent cockroach friend is itself enough of a benefit, as it is unlikely to die accidentally to us (Hego wouldn't kill a cockroach - have you seen his kitchen? - Wile as a Toon with decades of failure at killing things behind him would have issues, and TECHNOR THE MECHANICAL MAN is unlikely to even notice it initially as he floats) and Lizzie is good with bugs - you know, the literal fucking reason we brought her along.

If it knows of something interesting, we'll find out if we find it.

Ironically, Hello Dolly is best remembered as an unequalled bomb that killed the movie musical for decades.

It was one of the most successful movies of its year and won multiple Academy Awards for what little that's worth.

Still a bomb though, yes, the budget was too high. But best to keep that in mind.
Two things to consider:

Give her enough information to know they're coming and let them beat each other to death. If they come after us, our heightened defenses against them will bash them off our walls.
Still, the fact that the chance exists is enough for me to simply say fuck no. A critical success in flubber would mean that we would be creating a very high-power flubber power plant. It would probably be easier for Doom to ruin our public image. Especially thanks to the recent donation made by him.

The thing is, we could trade things out of Shego for this and it would boost relations with a neighbor of ours that has 72 Martial. This Drug Cartel has been extremely abnormal and quite frankly, it should be stopped before its plans can come to fruition, even if only to prevent the precedent it could set.
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Space? We should collaborate with Gov on this one and gain bucks and rep with them. I have no interest in personally controlling space-based-diplomacy-fiascos. Kick that to the gov. We get some interesting tech out of it, and assist in the stabilization of the US. Assuming that MiB3 is the one that failed because it's first chronologically, then MiB as an organization may have gotten hard defunded or placed beneath the FBI umbrella. Help the US kickstart their space stuff, and maybe between Russ and some friendly collaboration we can have an in at MiB or Spaceforce or GalFed-Earth-Division or whatever the government does with that mess.

I like this. Let's just deal with the US with space diplo and actions related to space, we already have enough in our plate between Toffee and The Grid. I'm perfectly fine helping them kickstart it, as long as we get something worth it out of it (personally I'd like already developed military tech).

Still, the fact that the chance exists is enough for me to simply say fuck no. A critical success in flubber would mean that we would be creating a very high-power flubber power plant. It would probably be easier for Doom to ruin our public image. Especially thanks to the recent donation made by him.

I'm not too sure about this. If we crit succeeded we might end up creating something so good out of flubber that people would have a harder time disagreeing with it.

By the way people, what do you think we'd get if we crit succeded here?

[ ] Research Zero Point Energy Technology

DC 130

One of Syndrome's most closely guarded secrets was his so-called 'zero point energy' technology, which are basically fancy gauntlets that allow him to immobilize anyone who looks at him funny. Now, you're not sure if this is true zero point energy tech- you know, the stuff that could potentially lead to free unlimited energy- or if he just chose that name to sound cool, but either way, it's full of potential!

(Reward: Research unlocked, stasis field technology unlocked, ???)

We've had this since forever so I'm quite curious about what we'd get (to be clear I'm not advocating for doing this, I'm just curious).
I was looking over our list of heroes, and I realized something: I think we have enough capes to create a black ops team!
More specifically, from the following lineup (choose 4):
Queen Lizzie
Marco (assuming we get him this turn).
Maybe Khan

It's also our lowest-DC Martial action, and I suspect creating it will suddenly make some of the higher-DC actions far more manageable. Thoughts?

By the way people, what do you think we'd get if we crit succeded here?
The ability to give Doof the same gauntlets as Syndrome had?
We can create a team, but we have no guarantee of the individual members synergizing with each other the way proven heroballs have.
We've had this since forever so I'm quite curious about what we'd get (to be clear I'm not advocating for doing this, I'm just curious).
Depending on Wasabi's energy trait and how it applies? A lot of the energy stuff's opened up for us.

I was looking over our list of heroes, and I realized something: I think we have enough capes to create a black ops team!
More specifically, from the following lineup (choose 4):
Queen Lizzie
Marco (assuming we get him this turn).
Maybe Khan

It's also our lowest-DC Martial action, and I suspect creating it will suddenly make some of the higher-DC actions far more manageable. Thoughts?
We're basically test driving the Hego, Lizzie, & TECHNOR heroball on the quest. We need a 4th cape, but I want to keep Wasabi free for BH6 (if he even counts as a cape right now), Marco Free for the Star Hunters + Star, and Khan Free to be literally our best solo unit. We need another cape, and one with good synergy with our quest units (assuming they work well with each other on this quest).
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It's also our lowest-DC Martial action, and I suspect creating it will suddenly make some of the higher-DC actions far more manageable. Thoughts?

Marco might have a similar Star-focused trait to Tom and Technor is pretty useful for a lot of things other than martial

If we really wanted to avoid a crit-fail then we could just try custom-making an incredibly petty/easy assault on a rival that basically amounts o being a small prank... I'm not really rallying for it but the result of a crit-success prank could be interesting
Plan Rough Draft
Plan: Low Roll, High Reward
-[ ] Form a black ops group
-[ ] Recruit rogues and villainous capes (Kitsune)
-[ ] Recruit heroic capes (Goofy)
-[ ] Dinosaur Entertainment (Roddy Blair)
-[ ] Improve DoofOS security (Alan Bradley)
-[ ] Investigate Supervillain attacks (Mirage)
-[ ] Infiltrate a Hot Spot (Tobe)
--[ ] Cape Suzette
-[ ] Research Silphium (Wasabi)
-[ ] Large Herbivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Study the Crystal Key (Janna)
-[ ] Study the SHV 20905 Plans (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)
-[ ] Tinker with your Inators
-[ ] Write a musical
-[ ] Talk with the Bossman
--[ ] Hego
-[ ] Brew a potion
Wile E. Coyote:
-[ ] Look through ACME's records
Major Monogram:
-[ ] Reorganize OWCA
-[ ] Nemesis action
-[ ] Try to become a real boy
Dennis the Duck:
-[ ] Train with your instructor
-[ ] Manage Bueno Nacho
-[ ] Psychoanalyze
--[ ] Wasabi
-[ ] Play some video games
-[ ] Take the SAT
Ludivine Von Drake:
-[ ] Instruct your Coworkers
--[ ] Vanessa
-[ ] Build backup tunnels
Janus Lee:
-[ ] Spend time with coworkers
-[ ] Study Kronos AI
-[ ] Search for Star
-[ ] Don't overclock Technor
-[ ] Activate an inator
Also, Hego on a black ops team means Shego knows everything he does in it.
Shego can't even be bothered to manage her own territory, and if she were to grow enough motivation to use that knowledge against us she'd have to weigh that against how that would discourage us from giving Hego jobs that Hego wants to do.
Interlude: One Man's Trash- Just Take Everything
[X] The center of the scrap mountains

The trash piles are the most puzzling part of this whole sordid affair; where the rest of the Waste shows signs of continual, unguided decay, the towers of compacted garbage are blocky, regular, signs of… something. You decide to press towards their center. The towers are spaced throughout the city, not evenly, but with something that approaches a pattern…

Stewardship Check: Identify the pattern
DC 100 needed: 86+22+18=126

"Very efficient, aren't they?" Hego notes, and suddenly it all clicks. These towers are placed as efficiently as possible to serve in the collection of trash and garbage! The areas around these towers have much less concentration of junk, as if they had been slowly cleaned, and each tower seems spaced based on just how much trash was in the area. "These towers must have been a concerted effort by someone to clean this place!" you realize.

"Well it didn't work." Lizzy notes.

"Nonetheless! It is a sign that value lies ahead. Onward, everyone!"

"Onward!" Technor and Hego cry.

"Onward." Lizzy says.


The towering trash converges around a central location which proves to be a sort of bay or depo for the strange, rectangular robots you had seen earlier. Their purpose is revealed; several seem to have broken down in the midst of transporting compacted trash up one of the partially-constructed towers. The depot itself looks significantly better preserved than many of the other buildings in the city- perhaps it was shielded from the burnt of the storms by all the surrounding towers? It is surrounded by a series of small yellow trailers, each of which served at one point to house the small robotic units. While marred by rust and coated in sand, these units seem less desolated than the buildings around them. Perhaps this attempt to repair whatever happened here came later… but how much later could it have come? It has only been a few years since evacuation orders came down, after all.

Stewardship Check: Can you salvage anything from the units?
DC 110 needed: 71+22+18=111
Bare Success

Unfortunately, it looks as if these units were completely wrecked too. It doesn't seem as if the things were built for durability- why bother with designing them to last when you can replace every one that failed with thirty more brand new? The robots themselves are unrecoverable, one and all… but you did manage to come across something interesting. These robots were mass produced, extremely cheaply by the looks of things, but despite the inherent flaws in their design they were still able to construct all of these trash monoliths. While the actual circuitry inside them is irrecoverable, there might be something to be gained from studying their physical makeup and the way that so very many of these things were constructed cheaply. You pick out a couple of the less decayed ones to take back with you.

While sorting through the depot however, you come across something exciting. There are signs of recent habitation! Some of the trailers designed to hold the trash robots seem to have been cleaned out and… repurposed? One seems full of bed rolls, another a supply room, a third is full of… laboratory equipment. That's a little odd.

As are the footsteps coming up behind you.

Intrigue check: Hide!
DC 80 needed: 21+16+17=54

Hego's eyes flash across the equipment for a split second. Then, he whirls around.

You gesture frantically for him to hide.

"Stop right there, villain!" Hego declares.

You slap your forehead. You're pretty sure that Lizzy and Technor mirror your gesture at the exact same time.

"I would recognize these materials anywhere!" Hego continues. "Have you no shame? Have after-school specials taught you nothing?!?"

Figuring the damage is done, you peek your head out. Staring at Hego is a man in a thick leather coat and mask, obviously designed for travel in this inhospitable place.

"Come along quietly, and I'll put in a good word for you at the DA."

"Oh is that so?" The man begins removing his gloves. "Well that's very kind of ya."

"Good behavior should be rewarded." Hego responds.

The man jabs some sort of needle into his wrist. "Ahhhh, that's the stuff."

"Sir, you are literally- that's the exact thing you're not supposed to be- for goodness sake, Just Say No!"

A terrible suspicion starts to build within you.

"Alright then." The man replies. "No."

A bolt of lightning rockets out towards the super!

Drug Dealer Martial Check: Blast the chatterbox 100+51+26+10(unlimited power)+10(Surprise)=197
Hego Contest: 68+28-15(glory daze)+25+5=111
Drug Dealer Huge Success!

The lightning hits Hego dead on, sending him rocketing across the room into a table of beakers and vials! The entire shelf comes crashing down, splattering their contents across him.

Well then. You're not a creature of violence by habit, but needs must you sup…

Wait a moment. You are a creature of violence by habit.

Martial Check: Counterattack!
Martial Check: 40+25+26+5=96
Drug Dealer Contest: 89+26+15 (Upper)=130
Drug Dealer Success!

The drug dealer rockets out of the way of your assault as he takes to the air. Your suspicions are confirmed- this is a member of the cabal that had disappeared from Drakktech territory!

"Hahahehe. I feel lighter than air. An' good enough to take you bozos down toot suite. Try a little more lightning on fer size!"

Drug Dealer Martial Check: 51+26+10(unlimited power)=87
Lizzy Martial Contest: 72+26+25+5=128

Lizzy dodges easily out of range of the blast, and it instead arcs off the surrounding metal. The chain lightning gives you a bit of a shock, but compared to your usual antics this is nothing.

"Fine, so you're light on your feet. Doesn't change that I'm up here and you're down there! It's just a matter a time."

"Not so slow, doerevil!"

Oh no.

Hego bursts upwards from the pile of broken glass and shattered wood, staggering around as if drunk. His pupils are dilated and unfocused, his legs are wobbly, but that somehow does not stop him from activating his Ruby Wings. They spring outwards, a pair of scintillating arcs bearing him aloft and towards the dealer.

Hego has gained the temporary trait Highroics! On any given martial roll, flip a coin! Hego gains either +20 or -20 to his roll!

Hego Martial Check: Start Right There, Cinnamon Scum!
58+25+28-10(glory daze)-20=81
Drug Dealer Contest 35+26+15(Upper)=76
Hego Success!

Hego starts to fly forward but loses his balance-despite being midair! He tumbles in the drug dealer's direction far too quickly for the man to dodge, smacking into him and sending him flying into the metal wall! The man lands facedown in a pile of debris, groaning in pain.

"Did I won?" Hego asks dazedly.

"You sure did." Lizzy replies in her usual monotone, patting him gingerly on the shoulder.

"Ah, Technor?" you ask quietly. "What was that one thing Doofenshmirtz said we should never, ever do with Hego?"


"And ahm, what did we just do?"


"Ah, yes, that's what I thought. Doofenshmirtz is going to kill us when he finds out."

"If he finds out." Lizzy notes.

"If. If is good."

You grin.

"Ah cannnnnt WAIT ta tell everybody about thisss!" Hego slurs.

You frown.


A few detox pills and an unpleasant interval with a rusty bucket, and Hego is back to, if not peak performance, at least sensibility. You take the liberty of tying your assailant up and stowing him in the car before he can come to. It unfortunately seems that Hego's landing has ruined the supply of drugs beyond repair, not that you personally would want to try any after seeing how it affected the poor super.

With that dealt with you start to pack up. You've already been out here nearly forty hours, and you're only a hundred miles or so across the border to what's supposed to be Missouri. Based on what you've seen from the air this wasteland is almost incomprehensibly vast, stretching out over several states, and you've only just scratched the surface. You haven't even seen what a major city would look like- What happened to places like St. Louis, Chicago, or Indianapolis?

Questions for later, perhaps. Now, you're mostly concerned with getting out of here in one piece and slipping past the government cordon before they could catch you. After everyone piles into the car, you turn the key, drive past the skyscraper with the twisted-looking vines, and-

Wait a second.

The ground around you explodes as a mass of wicked-looking briar stretches from below the earth and wraps around your car! Before you can make a move, dozens of people swing down from the surrounding skyscrapers!

While the vines themselves have a rough, almost glossy surface that borders between green and white, the assailants themselves are what's interesting. They all seem to have green hair and a similar dress code- some sort of tribal-looking outfit consisting of leather and fur, with the bottom half of their faces covered by gas masks. There is no announcement of their arrival, no grand declaration of their intent save for the vines holding your car in place and the individuals bearing down on you with murder in their eyes.
I think everyone should take a moment and think about what they really want to focus on, so many people are talking about Space, using Wasabi for plasma, AI, Cyberspace and also Genetics.
Well, let's reward Hego with a car and a lair!

...No, I haven't let this go, shut up. (Though we might have to wait a turn or two depending on who does what.)
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Very glad we brought a martial heavy team to the wasteland.

Also, huh, that occult check seems to have stripped our quest of it's PMC bonus. That is... worrying, for any future expeditions.
-[ ] Form a black ops group

I really don't think we should do this that turn, especially since we're adding 4 more Hero Units that turn.

-[ ] Improve DoofOS security (Alan Bradley)

This is basically a flip coin...

-[ ] Research Silphium (Wasabi)

Janus Lee researching exotic Vehicles is better.

-[ ] Study the Crystal Key (Janna)

I think Kitsune should go here since her chances of failure are 4 (Doof's Occult) + 20 (Kitsune's Occult) + 2 (Loyalty) + 10 (XP) = 36 => 14% which is pretty acceptable.

-[ ] Tinker with your Inators
-[ ] Write a musical
-[ ] Talk with the Bossman
--[ ] Hego
-[ ] Brew a potion

No Contracting the Dickens and no usen Personal Attention this turn is a big no in my opinion. With those 2 for example we could add Spy our Employees with only a 5% chance of failure pretty easily.

-[ ] Study Kronos AI

This is just a nitpick but I think she should study our Normbots/Norm Prime so she has a better chance at improving them.