- Location
- The Space Between
I would like to reiterate my planned priorities:
Space? We should collaborate with Gov on this one and gain bucks and rep with them. I have no interest in personally controlling space-based-diplomacy-fiascos. Kick that to the gov. We get some interesting tech out of it, and assist in the stabilization of the US. Assuming that MiB3 is the one that failed because it's first chronologically, then MiB as an organization may have gotten hard defunded or placed beneath the FBI umbrella. Help the US kickstart their space stuff, and maybe between Russ and some friendly collaboration we can have an in at MiB or Spaceforce or GalFed-Earth-Division or whatever the government does with that mess.
Earth is the Doofania of Galfed space, as far as I'm concerned. Eccentric, a bit backwards, eclectic, and certainly the least threatening pile in the vicious universe right now.
DoofOS is something we want to invest in. We want to create a region that is the "Doofania" of cyperspace. To this end, I believe that creating doppelganger bodies for both Norm and Princess CJ will be incredibly helpful for their AI's complexity and blurring the line between Cyber-Doofania and Physical Doofania. We won't make up a large footprint of cyberspace, but having a secure footprint at all allows us to get some very interesting and helpful things done.
In addition, Queen Lizzie is very knowledgeable of eusocial ant colonies which means she is familiar with their "Swarm Intelligence" which is something that should be of extreme utility in designing that style of AI unit. I believe the fact that she is a Queen, and thus able to have a set of predetermined social behaviors to study, should assist in her socialization/interactions with Princess CJ (assuming Princess CJ increases in complexity) and may also be of utility to Alan. Alan is a code junkie, and likely to be strangely socialized as a result. So long as Lizzie can stay on Swarm Intelligence studies and away from the venom of various ant species, I think she could be an interesting conversational partner for Alan or Wendy or both in terms of AI development. She likely has some level of coding, given the interfaces she made between biological machines and the power suits. This could be useful for the creation of doppelgangers for Norm and Princess CJ as well, since it'd be a similar process.
OOC the swarm intelligence of the Big Bad !notTyranids in cyberspace should also interest her, and she will bring an interesting body of knowledge to their study when we learn of them.
About Dimensional Breaches:
If there was a scientific way to contain and stabilize Dimensional Breaches made by Magic/TheDimensionalKey/ParticleAccelerators then I believe Wasabi is probably well suited to such.
Roddey should make a particle accelerator in anticipation for both uburnium manufacture and dimensional-breaching.
Between the two of them, I think we can get the energy to fuel Technor as well as a repeatable dimensional-breaching facility in a relatively short time frame.
As extra projects: Wasabi's Shielding and Blades are very high utility (so long as power is not really an objection) which should be a wonderful defensive and offensive upgrade.
Roddey should be able to utilize the shielding for static fortifications across Doofania
Roddey can also probably make a modular SPLIT/SECOND Arena for a reboot of that series, which would be great for our media project and vehicle-testing
Space? We should collaborate with Gov on this one and gain bucks and rep with them. I have no interest in personally controlling space-based-diplomacy-fiascos. Kick that to the gov. We get some interesting tech out of it, and assist in the stabilization of the US. Assuming that MiB3 is the one that failed because it's first chronologically, then MiB as an organization may have gotten hard defunded or placed beneath the FBI umbrella. Help the US kickstart their space stuff, and maybe between Russ and some friendly collaboration we can have an in at MiB or Spaceforce or GalFed-Earth-Division or whatever the government does with that mess.
Earth is the Doofania of Galfed space, as far as I'm concerned. Eccentric, a bit backwards, eclectic, and certainly the least threatening pile in the vicious universe right now.
DoofOS is something we want to invest in. We want to create a region that is the "Doofania" of cyperspace. To this end, I believe that creating doppelganger bodies for both Norm and Princess CJ will be incredibly helpful for their AI's complexity and blurring the line between Cyber-Doofania and Physical Doofania. We won't make up a large footprint of cyberspace, but having a secure footprint at all allows us to get some very interesting and helpful things done.
In addition, Queen Lizzie is very knowledgeable of eusocial ant colonies which means she is familiar with their "Swarm Intelligence" which is something that should be of extreme utility in designing that style of AI unit. I believe the fact that she is a Queen, and thus able to have a set of predetermined social behaviors to study, should assist in her socialization/interactions with Princess CJ (assuming Princess CJ increases in complexity) and may also be of utility to Alan. Alan is a code junkie, and likely to be strangely socialized as a result. So long as Lizzie can stay on Swarm Intelligence studies and away from the venom of various ant species, I think she could be an interesting conversational partner for Alan or Wendy or both in terms of AI development. She likely has some level of coding, given the interfaces she made between biological machines and the power suits. This could be useful for the creation of doppelgangers for Norm and Princess CJ as well, since it'd be a similar process.
OOC the swarm intelligence of the Big Bad !notTyranids in cyberspace should also interest her, and she will bring an interesting body of knowledge to their study when we learn of them.
About Dimensional Breaches:
If there was a scientific way to contain and stabilize Dimensional Breaches made by Magic/TheDimensionalKey/ParticleAccelerators then I believe Wasabi is probably well suited to such.
Roddey should make a particle accelerator in anticipation for both uburnium manufacture and dimensional-breaching.
Between the two of them, I think we can get the energy to fuel Technor as well as a repeatable dimensional-breaching facility in a relatively short time frame.
As extra projects: Wasabi's Shielding and Blades are very high utility (so long as power is not really an objection) which should be a wonderful defensive and offensive upgrade.
Roddey should be able to utilize the shielding for static fortifications across Doofania
Roddey can also probably make a modular SPLIT/SECOND Arena for a reboot of that series, which would be great for our media project and vehicle-testing
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