Shego's Monthly Update
As you slide into the booth at Bueno Nacho, you realize that your greatest Rival is already there. It's unusually prompt of her, and as she opens her mouth to ask you a question, you realize she already knows. She knows your dark secret. How could she have found out!?
Hego. Hego must have told her!
Well, you can't really fault him for trying to keep a good relationship with his family and get his sister involved in his life. That's why you have your little Visigoth helping out around the corporation. If she wants, she'll be able to take it over one day and rule the Tri-State Area in your place. And if she wants to do something else? that's fine too. You'll just have to find a worthy successor to your evil, or maybe become immortal? Honestly Immortality seems like a pain, but who will rule the tri-state area if you're not there to rule it? Roger? Hah! He couldn't even prevent you from taking over the first time! How would he fend against Doom? Or Toffee?
Actually, does Roger even know about Magic? Vanessa does, and you assume your daughter told Charlene... Though it is odd that you haven't heard from your ex wife about the trip to New York. Charlene gives you a lot of trust in raising Vanessa with her, but she usually talks to you about major decisions, like taking your daughter on a flubber-powered flying car to a magical masquerade and then being attacked by dancing zombies...
Well, if Charlene doesn't think it's important to talk about, it probably isn't. She has a very different set of priorities and viewpoint than you do with regards to child-rearing, but given how well-adjusted and happy Vanessa is, she's usually right. Especially in contrast to how Norm turned out. Not that Norm is your son! But, you know... He's at least something you created and programmed by yourself, and he seems sentient? So he's probably at least somewhat comparable?
Shego is looking at you! You must have spaced out while she was laying down her accusations. Quick! It was time to lay out your carefully considered defense!
"I don't know what Hego Told you, but all I did was send him to explore the mid-western wasteland. And I made sure he had a flying car, and adequate support, and all the protective gear possible! Any tales you heard about Hego about fighting the drug cartel and getting super high on experimental power drugs are vile calumnies!"
Shego's eyes widened, she must be preparing to go onto the attack! You have to cut her off!
"I mean, there's no way that Hego could have fought the drug cartel, right? Because you obviously blew them out of the sky and thoroughly destroyed every one of them! So thoroughly that there weren't even any bodies left behind! So there was no way that Hego could have fought a super-powered drug dealer and then gotten punched into a pile full of Experimental power granting drugs! That couldn't have possibly happened because the drug trade can't be behind this! Because you destroyed them!"
Shego is staring at you now, but she's not contradicting your story. So she must have bought it hook, line, and sinker! Truly Janna's coaching on how to lie more effectively has paid off!
That just leaves Item two on your list to talk to Shego about. You pull out a small spiral bound note pad and consult it. Item two on the list is... the Dickens Detective Agency report? That's easy enough to summarize.
"Oh, on a totally unrelated side note, I got a report from the detective agency I hired to look into that floating drug-fueled fortress you blasted out of the sky. It was a decoy, and you didn't destroy the drug cartel after all. They're still active, and I have reason to believe that they're operating out of the mid-western wasteland. That's all on my end, How are you doing?"
Shego was staring down at the table holding her forehead in her hands. Clearly she was trying to piece through the intricate and unpierceable web of lies you wove with the help of your sneakiest Employee, Janna, The Teenage Girl.
It took a minute, but finally Shego lifted her head to look at you with a broad and frankly sort of terrifying smile on her face. "I'm doing just fine Doofinshmirtz. Now... What's this about my brother getting punched into a pile of dangerous illegal super-power granting drugs?" She asks with a dangerous lilt. With a start, you notice that her eyes are quite literally alight with green fire.
She saw through your lies! Incredible! The carefully crafted lies that Janna coached you so extensively on! You thought that they were completely un-see-through-able! But she saw through them! Truly, Shego is your greatest Rival after all!
You need a distraction, fast!
"What? Drug trade? I've never heard of any drug trade. Hego? Who's Hego? By The way, you should know that one of my employees accidentally fired up an Inator that will effect the probabilities of everything in the entire world for the next two months. Things that are likely to happen will be more likely to happen, and things that aren't likely to happen will be less likely to happen. So uh... Don't try any long-shot plans?"
You quickly babble out, sliding out of the booth.
"Oh! look at my wrist!" you mutter as an excuse. "I'm late for a very important excuse that I have to make up right now! I'll see you when you forget all about Hego fighting the drug trade! Which he definitely couldn't have done because you wiped them all out! This was a great chat! see you in two months! Bye!"
And with that, you valiantly flee to your flying car and fly off into the sunset, taking care to try and forget what happened to the last flying vehicle that Shego was upset with.