Minor update to the Plan-Inator - heroes that we don't have concrete stats for (like the heroes we've just unlocked and don't have character sheets for yet) are now marked with an asterisk in the Plan-Inator. The CoS will not be displayed for these specific heroes in the plan output, as it may be misleading, though the asterisk itself will be cleansed from the plan output for aesthetic reasons.

(When I update the sheet with the updated character sheets and what have you, I'll go through and strip out the asterisks in the sheet myself.)
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Then we should probably hold off on sending Kitsune to fuck with Doom this turn so that he has multiple fires to deal with instead of consecutively. More likely to do damage that way.

Not really, doing it right now when he's no spymaster is more important. Also I'd like to put Kitsune next turn to study the Mongolian texts since she's a +41 (4 (Doof's Occult) + 20 (Kitsune's Occult) + 15 (Kitsune's Trait) + 2 (Loyalty)) bonus to it.

Personally I think that a better way to do it would be to send Russ next turn to fuck with Doom. That way the PB and him could double team on Doom before becoming Nemesis which would be pretty nice narratively imo.
Kitsune cannot study Mongolian artifacts. She has to harm someone this turn, or take a personal.

Given that our Intrigue actions aren't really high priority (and that I want Tobe learning Ninja Magic), I'd say let ruin Doom's day.
Oh, yeah, given that someone might be attacking us NEXT TURN, have we considered reorganizing our PMC, finally getting us that second Martial action?
Oh, yeah, given that someone might be attacking us NEXT TURN, have we considered reorganizing our PMC, finally getting us that second Martial action?
Too high DC. Plus I think what we face is more electronic attack, than conventional military, so computer action should have priority.

All else equal I think I would prefer plan with LOVEMUFFIN doing Study the SHV 20905 Plans over the one with Normbot decentralization and Normbot decentralization over one where LOVEMUFFIN doing Research Human Genetics. While Normbot decentralization satisfies computer criteria it covers only part of our digital assets. We still have CJ and DoofOs to consider.

In Alan interlude we were told that ENCOM was severely set back by the viral surge and their efforts to slow them down, but Master Control has already moved on to his next major operation. My take on it that at the start of the game Encom had serious problems with cy-bugs, but as of now MCP has upper hand, or at least he build sufficient defense to start consider furthering his actual agenda. Cy-bugs meanwhile would not care what to eat, if they can't pass Encom defense they will find easer target, which probably means DoofOs.

On stewardship Alan doing social media perhaps the best option, unless he have cybersecurity personal. I which case we can put him on it and do Dinosaur Park with other hero.

On Diplo I would prefer reaching to magical New York since it's probably the most time sensitive issue, and we already sending Janna there, so she, at least, will not travel alone.

On second diplo action after week long debate I came to conclusion that we have four equally strong contenders.

Juniper - I think that learn Dance Magic action will give her small occult score and if she really have trait that let her work with other hero she can be like second, less picky Felldrake. Even if not, she can be used to build Black Ops team, with Lizzie and possibly Kitsune we will need only one more member.

Glooms – bring with them auction artifacts, possibly have +10 occult trait and interdimensional knowledge.

Wasabi – if he has trait that give bonus to laser related actions he will be able to replace Ludivine on martial, which will free her to do her teaching personals. Also he is part of Hero 6 heroball which I actually not very interested in gathering, since with themselves they will also bring their enemies to deal with.

Gomez – possible route to acquiring techomagic tech tree. It's not guaranteed but since we currently struggle with balancing genetic/AI/occult actions any possibility of merging two of them should not be discounted.

In the end there is only one clear solution:
[]Write in: Doof rolls 1d4 to choose among Juniper/ Glooms/ Wasabi/ Gomez on recruit from rolodex option.
The Phantom Blot, more likely than not, is going to be a game of Intrigue, not Martial. Whereas there were just three separate assassination attempts on our fellow Kings, which means that power armor is looking pretty nice right now.
Wha? It's not GREAT odds, but, especially with XP, it's nowhere near impossible. Thanks, Khan.

DC 170, with XP, becomes 160.
Dr. D Martial=20, Khan 55, loyalty +11, for 86.

That does put us out of the non-nat-1 crit-fail range, but it still requires a 74 to pass, or a 64 to bare fail. Personal attention can probably bring the passing odds to a more viable 52%, but spending a personal attention and still only having a 50% chance of success seems not worth it yet to me.
How many martial heroes do we have? Is forming a Heroball to boost our chances at the reformed PMC viable?

I feel we're gonna have to bite the bullet and accept a less-than 50% chance of success there at some point.

Also I haven't been keeping up with discussion, is consensus still in favor of doing the One Man's Trash quest?
How many martial heroes do we have? Is forming a Heroball to boost our chances at the reformed PMC viable?

I feel we're gonna have to bite the bullet and accept a less-than 50% chance of success there at some point.

Also I haven't been keeping up with discussion, is consensus still in favor of doing the One Man's Trash quest?
No, we don't have a heroball yet. We're slowly working towards a potential SvtFoE heroball and have some plans for a BH6 Heroball but neither looks to be happening in the immediate future.
No, we don't have a heroball yet. We're slowly working towards a potential SvtFoE heroball and have some plans for a BH6 Heroball but neither looks to be happening in the immediate future.
I kinda think we should brainstorm other, more diverse heroballs rather than relying on ones that have already worked together. Like the TechNorMegavolt one. We could work on setting up a team of Tinkers, or a team of pyromaniacs, or some other type of 'set'. So, if we're interested in setting up heroballs, maybe we should focus on Recruit Heroes or Recruit Rogues & Villains, get a starter pack that we can fill in gaps for with the Rolodex.
How many martial heroes do we have? Is forming a Heroball to boost our chances at the reformed PMC viable?
I don't think, at least not for martial focused heroball. With what we have now, to gain more martial than Khan we need to put Khan in it, which is not perfect solution.

I feel we're gonna have to bite the bullet and accept a less-than 50% chance of success there at some point.
We are currently concentrating on forming magical coven (moving castle and all that).It will help with creating council, which possibly will enhance all rolls.

Also I haven't been keeping up with discussion, is consensus still in favor of doing the One Man's Trash quest?
I think so? With Janna on Marco personal there is no much choice.
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As long as we get the glooms first I'm fine with making a heroball.

If I may ask, why do you want the Glooms so much now? iirc, your reasoning for getting the Glooms basically was "put them in personal actions and, if at some point in the future all of our other Occult Heroes are unavailable or we form the Coven (without recruiting better Occult Heroes than the Glooms in before that) then we can put them in National Actions since they don't have any negative trait*" so it'd make a lot more of sense to recruit them when we're actually going to use them instead of now.

*: Personally I find this very doubtful just looking at how our idea to recruit Kitsune so she could always be in Occult/Diplomacy turned out.
In the end there is only one clear solution:
[]Write in: Doof rolls 1d4 to choose among Juniper/ Glooms/ Wasabi/ Gomez on recruit from rolodex option.
I respectively disagree, something like that is only going to anger anyone who doesn't get the Hero they want, simply based on a dice roll. Voting is the better option.
I respectively disagree, something like that is only going to anger anyone who doesn't get the Hero they want, simply based on a dice roll. Voting is the better option.
As if losing the vote won't anger the side that lost. If one hero has more supporters than others, plan with him will clearly win. It's not like this option will take over all plans. The thing is, I think, that time sensitive issue here is pure speculation. Maybe we will lose Wasabi next turn, or maybe we will lose Juniper – she waited for us forever, she is viable to move on. And unlike with Roddy those heroes are not necessary for our next turn actions. If so it seems reasonable to decide their order of recruitment simply by luck.