I am against Wasabi. I just don't see any synergies coming from him. Alan could catapult DOOFOS into the stratospher, and Roddy would be the perfect guy to assign to some Greevil infrastructure projects.
Can we get blimp wind turbines like SanFransokyo except with Evil propaganda on the sides.
[ ] Alan Bradley
[ ] Roddy Blair, King of Lairs

Right Alan is needed to get our cyberspace package online so don't mind if I do.

Roddy sounds absolutely perfect for to a frankly ludicrous degree. I mean he Builds Lairs for a living! Wecan certainly find work for him in super construction!
In regards to Wasabi, if we don't pick him up now he's going to get snatched out from under our noses. I'd be willing to hold off on Alan and get Roddy first instead as a compromise.
Oooooh, look at all these goodies we get to pick from! Nice going Wile E!

Choose Two:
[ ] Wasabi - Learning/Stewardship, and most likely martial. Big Hero 6 brownie points that could help us nab Gogo, potentially Honey Lemon, and we do need more 'Hero' heroes in my opinion. Seems a bit time-sensitive due to seeking out other job options.
[ ] Hans Rotwood- Boring, boring, threat to the Masquerade. Pass!
[ ] Alan Bradley - Learning with specialty in AI and Computers, something we like to dabble in a lot. Additionally, potentially unlocks the full Tron questline. I'm in. Time-sensitive in how long it takes for MCP to find him.
[ ] Roddy Blair, King of Lairs - Don't know much, but Stewardship-Learning with focus on construction. Can easily help with moving the castle. Connection to various super-powered people. Useful.

I lean towards Alan and Wasabi personally, but I can be persuaded to take Roddy.
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In regards to Wasabi, if we don't pick him up now he's going to get snatched out from under our noses. I'd be willing to hold off on Alan and get Roddy first instead as a compromise.
Not sure he will, and not sure I'd care if he does. What does he bring to the table, beyond introducing the San Fransokyo plotline (which we already have an in on with Wendy, Juniper, and reaching out to Liv (Di) Amara) ?
Just throwing this out there, Roddy would build WONDERS if we paired him with Phineas and Ferb, and we are planning some major construction projects in the future
I'm leaning towards Wasabi because of Big Hero 6. Also, he is (was) a hero so we could include him in our black ops team if we needed it. Not really sure about the other one yet.
Wasabi's explicitly Stewardship. If you want Roddy for Stewardship Wasabi can work just as well. he'll also be super useful for any Tech stuff we do. And in addition to that? He's combat capable. And gives us a link to the Combat hero Gogo, and the combat Hero Fred, and through Fred, the (probably stewardship) hero Hiro (who is working with fred).
The Encom shadow war is a big lever. Whoever wins that has a nasty backdoor into a lot of the other Kings' infrastructure.
I feel very conflicted. Wasabi and Alan Bradley seem like the overall smarter choice to me. However, Roddy Blair calls to my soul. I just think Wasabi's specialty will come up more often than Roddy's. But I like Roddy so much more! Have to think over it a bit more, but I suspect practicality will win out in me over my love of a character. Unless I see some ideas for how Roddy's specialty could come up.
Honestly, just going to say it now.

I'm going to vote for Wasabi and Alan because I think that they are the most "limited time" heroes.

Unless Xanatos snatches the "Occult" one out from under us, which I doubt, I'm somewhat confident we'll be able to get him later.

The lair hero hasn't really been hired on on a permanent basis, so I think he'll still be open for a few turns.

Besides that, does moving the Castle count as a super construction project for him?
I would like to point out that I am fairly certain Rotwood would be content with merely being allowed to study magic and having actual credibility. Multiple times in the show he showed he was reasonable enough to recognize that blowing the cover of the magical world was dangerous and was willing to keep his mouth shut.

That said, he also probably is likely not to be a time-sensitive unit, so he would still be lower priority. Just don't think the "he wants us to blow the Masquerade!" is an entirely fair characterization.