To comfort anyone worrying about Plan Acquire Knowledge getting all the items... you shouldn't, as there are too many points of failure for that.
The first point of failure is that we actually might not get the Key, as someone else wants it.
The second point of failure is Xanatos. Presumably, his intrigue is high enough to tell that we are interested in both the Cookbook and the Scroll, and thus, have presumably made decent bids for both. He will likely choose to guarantee getting one, specifically, to my displeasure, he is most likely to prioritize getting the Scroll to my understanding.
The third point of failure is that there are numerous people vaguely interested in the Cookbook, thus, they might match or surpass our bid for it.
I would estimate that the probability of not losing a single item to another bid in this round to be about the same as the probability of losing every single item to other bids in this round, and neither of those possibilities should be considered failure conditions, in my opinion.