The Price of Not Being Specific
The Price of Not Being Specific​

It was a normal, smoggy day in Doofania. The birds were singing as they flew in the clean airspace, people were going to and from their places of business, the dragon outside your office was peering in curiously, Vanessa had just sent you a text about the next game night... Heinz stopped, blinked, and backed up his thought process. Turning, he looked back out the window. Yup. Still a dragon there, eyeing him with curiosity (and thankfully not hunger). Tapping out a quick message to Russ and Janna to meet him at the labs, he briskly walked into the elevator. Behind him, he heard a massive yawn and the shifting of diamond-hard scales.

Emerging into the lab space found Janna lounging against a spectrometer looking slightly confused and very bored, Russ with a small vein beginning to throb on his forehead, and Jumba watching a holo-screen showing the dragon that was currently coiled around Heinz's office suite. With the new viewpoint, Heinz absently noted that while the head was antlered and whiskered, the body seemed to be a slim Western dragon. "Jumba, why is there a dragon roosting on our headquarters?"

Jumba scribbled down something on an electronic pad before looking over at Heinz. "Ah! Mine fellow evil genius! Was working on Dinosaurs as requested, found sample amongst collected bone slivers; had markers for hexopodal skeletal system in DNA. Decided to see what was. So, why is roosting on headquarters now you ask? Because was too large to fit into standard observational room. I was under impression that reptile DNA from earth did not get so massive. Was very interesting time in lab when clone began flash-maturation process."

fwoosh There was tinny "squawk" of surprise that died away under the roar of the flames... and then a crunch as the dragon flash-barbecued a passing avian and then snapped it up. "Hmm, it seems she enjoys roast pigeon. Question is whether it is standard behavior, or if she is already entering brooding phase due to already being physically mature."

Russ spoke up from where he was massaging his temples, speaking in a strained voice "Jumba, for the love of god, please tell me that thing is sterile."

Jumba blinked both sets of eyes at the agent, face twisting into an offended frown. "Is sterile, yes. All of my creations are very clean after emerging from maturation process." He paused, scratching his chin absently before shrugging. "I am needing to give them gut cultures, of course, but that is not counting."

Janna's bored expression cracked into a grin as she watched the holoscreen. Beside her Felldrake was looking most intrigued.
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Investigations of a Godmother's Death
Investigations of a Godmother's Death

It's taken almost a year and a half of various avenues of investigation since their deaths occurred, tens of thousands of dollars in your efforts to uncover the truth. During that time, things had gotten tougher for the predators living within Zootopia. A majority of the larger predators had been 'encouraged' to leave the districts where the prey lived, forcing a mass migration into Tundra-town. Meanwhile, Bellwether had enforced her rule with an iron hoof having replaced the Head of Police with Doug Ramses, one of her enforcers. When asked about this change, it was revealed that Judy had been given no resources or help during her own investigation into what had been causing the Pred Attacks when they had first occurred. The result of your inquiries finally began to bear fruit though by sheer circumstance.

It occurred one winter day during the month of December, when an old associate of yours stated that they had found something that he believed you should see. When questioned by your security force, they simply stated that they had found something of Judy's, which quickly earned them a seat at your table. The Fennec Fox presented something that had gone missing from the scene of Judy's death, the carrot recorder she had kept hidden on her person.

You had only seen the item once, when she had brought in the weasel; where it had been hanging from her jean pocket. Said weasel who had started the whole series of events that nearly killed your beloved daughter, Fru Fru, a few days before her wedding, something that you couldn't simply let go or else the other gangs would think that you had grown soft. Especially since Judy and Nicholas knew of your more common method of execution, which could be linked back to you if the weasel simply died in the ice. So once the two had left, you had your Capo, Koslov; take the piece of filth to the courtyard. There he was held down while they ran the screaming coward over before moving the body somewhere else to be discovered, with your daughter happily cheering them on.

Fru Fru truly proved to the crew once again that day that she was of your blood once Judy left and her face shifted from her usually smiling persona to snarling fury at the weasel that nearly had got her killed. The shiver that you could see Rufus try to suppress truly did bring a smile to your face as she cussed at her near murderer while he pleaded for mercy about his ignorance.

Your reminiscence of that fool's pleas for mercy are broken as you hear the fox cough softly into their paw before speaking up, their baritone voice echoing through the room as he explained how he came upon the pen. Having recognized it from when Judy had used it to scam his former partner into helping her with her first and only 'big' case. Apparently he had been strolling through the old museum where his friend had been gunned down, and noticed something odd in the exhibit where Nicholas had met his end. Some dark green foliage among the faded yellow grass that tickled a little something in his memory. So under the cover of darkness, he snuck back in and uncovered the recorder. Knowing about the reward, he came directly to you.

The recorder had apparently been on when they had finally caught up with the culprits that had been inflicting these 'Night Howlers' on innocent mammals, and the responding voice shocked everyone in the room to the core.

"Fear always works, and I will dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way!"

Someone, you don't know who, tries to turn the carrot off, but everyone still manages to hear the blood-curdling screams as your grandchild's Godmother is being torn into by serrated fangs. The room is silent as you try to match up the image of the sweet, innocent Bellwether with the knowledge that she's the mastermind for this whole ordeal that your city has been afflicted with.

Predators have had to retreat from daylight activities, and job opportunities for such folk has become much harder in areas such as Savannah Central, Sahara Square and the Rain-forest District; which held the most herbivores in the city. While this had led to a mass migration of predators moving into Tundra Town which meant more cash following into your pockets, it had also led to several incidents between the different gangs as they had been forced into one sector; fighting over territory and putting the family in danger. The mayor had been promising new housing districts that would be for predators only, but so far she had failed to deliver on her promises, and some predators were starting to get antsy.

This reveal though; was more disturbing then you had thought it would have been. You had thought it would reveal some mad human scientist had been behind this tragedy and had been using animal patsies to get the produce that they needed to cause the transformation. But for it to be a fellow Creature was disturbing on many levels.

Sure you and your men had iced a few indecent folks in your time, but it was along the same lines that the rest of the world worked. Humans had been doing it for ages, along with Toons, no matter how inefficient it was. You hadn't heard of anyone willing to go to such extreme lengths of revenge as to reduce their target to their most base instincts, slavering feral hulks, from any of those races.

It was something that was an unspoken agreement in the Sapient community.

"Why that damn sheep, she's made us into a bunch of a scapegoats," you heard the fox snarl out, and you glance up from the floor to see Finnick jump down to the floor and start marching off to the exit.

"Finnick, settle down," you call out to him, hoping to reason with your old associate.

The fox stops for a moment, and turns to look you in the eye. There's murder in his voice as he asks, "Why should I, Nick's murderer is walking free on the streets, running this whole shit-show while we're forced to hide in the shadows like we're living a thousand years in the past; just to make a living!"

You cough softly into the palm of your hand as you reply calmly, "Because, old friend, it is not just you who's been wronged by her hand. She's forced a majority of my rivals onto my turf, from the Hyena Hit-men of Savannah Central, to the Romp Otter Squad of the Rain-forest District. All of them and more have come to Tundra-town for refuge. She has even dared to hit some of my boys with her poison, causing them to be locked up in her sanitariums for the foreseeable future."

You can see to your left that Rufus has lowered his head to cover the fact that his eyes have gotten a little misty at the reminder that his son is currently locked up in some jail cell, with no one to help him return to sanity. You promise to yourself that you will be doing something about that in the near future.

Reaching a paw out to grasp your chair, you raise your head to show the Fennec Fox the sincerity that you know is shimmering in your eyes, as you continue your retort to his face, "Finally, that black lamb has also tarnished the name of Judy Hopps, my only Grandchild's Godmother, by using her as a platform to rally the people against all predators. She has even made that damn memorial as a reminder that she was supposedly murdered by a predator in the line of duty."

For a moment the both of you stare into each other's eyes, testing each other's resolve, before the Vulpes lowered his eyes in submission and continued to leave the room; pausing at the exit. For a moment the room is quiet before he smashed his arm angrily against the door frame, prompting some growls from your protectors, as he muttered, "Then what do you expect me to do, while she walks free?"

You bark out a laugh, void of humor and cold as your territory's namesake, as you get up from your chair. Walking slowly towards the fox, you pat his hand as you chuckle icily, "Who said anything about letting her walk free? No, that sheep is going to learn why the Ice-burg Crew isn't one that should be messed with!"

The fox lets out a soft chuckle under his breath. "Well, whatever you do Mr. Bigs, I simply ask that when you finally do go and hang the lamb-chop up by her pretty little strings that you involve me."

"I promise to do so," you reply as Fennick leaves the room, and you turn to your boys and nod your head to them knowing that they would know what you desire.

As they all leave the room, you motion Rufus to take you to your bedroom and as he picks you up , he leans his muzzle towards you; darkly muttering, "I guess it's time to show that sheep that old sins have pretty long shadows, isn't that right Boss?"

"That's correct Rufus, the family has a debt to pay and there is only one currency that will do."

You pause for a moment as Rufus passes by a window as you both are heading to your room for the night, the city nightlife left pitch black except for the shimmering of the stars, before whispering just loud enough for him to hear.


AN: So I made a thing and it got a bit bigger then I expected. Please leave a like if you enjoyed it! Now edited and beta'd by Lockdown over on the Discord
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Ye Olde Magick
A little omake about something that may or may not have happened in New York...

Ye Olde Magick

Maxim Horvath was old.

Not quite the oldest living man on Earth, for the pursuit of life everlasting had always been a popular activity among those trained in the ways of the arcane, but even discounting the decades that he had spent sealed inside various magical prisons like the Grimhold there were perhaps half a dozen spellcasters across the world that could consider themselves his elders.

The slow passage of the years had slowly shaped his perspective and given him a detached attitude. The ennui of immortality, in Merlin's words. The old man had complained often enough about his own longevity, in those distant years in which he had trained Horvath and the others in the basics of the craft, but only in the last couple of centuries had Horvath managed to truly understand the lesson of his once master.

It was hard to rouse his emotions these days. Balthazar may have called him a cold hearted snake whenever their paths crossed, but the truth was that the struggle against his former friend was one of very few things that had managed to get his blood pumping in decades.

And now Balthazar was gone, turned by his own hand into a new living prison for Morgana's spirit and sealed within the deepest layer of the Grimhold. Even the cold, shriveled thing in Horvath's chest had felt a pang of loss that day, first when Blake had failed to rescue Veronica and then when he had grimly decided to replace her as Morgana's final custodian.

What terrible thing was friendship, that even losing the ghost of one had been enough to make Horvath drop his guard.

He had woken up hours later to find that the Stutler boy had used the time wisely. His cane, thoroughly broken. The other talismans he had taken, likewise. Merlin's dragon ring, gone. Same with the Grimhold.

Repairing his tool had been an exercise in utter frustration with no small amount of danger. A millennium was a long time to accumulate enemies and he had been all but defenseless without his magic, so he had needed to act slowly, carefully...

And by the time he had been ready to resume the hunt, he had found that Stutler had vanished without a trace.

He had left New York. Of that much, Horvath was certain and more than that he could not say.

In the last year, something had caused great and ancient powers to awaken, causing veritable tidal waves in the ocean of magic that had yet to settle. With such instability, his own magic simply wasn't enough to pierce the veil that Stutler had raised to obscure his presence.

He would have to be found with purely mundane means.

And that... was easier said than done, because spending most of a century imprisoned had left him with few of those. He had had a small fortune in savings and investments when Balthazar had first defeated him, but without him around to manage it, things had turned sour in 1929.

He wasn't quite penniless, but he certainly didn't have the resources to launch a large scale manhunt. He had no friends whatsoever and no obvious allies now that he had sacrificed that sad excuse of a Morganian. That left him with precious few options and none of them particularly palatable, but the whisper of a rumour in the Magus Bazaar had put him in the track of something.

Not quite a friend, not quite a foe. An old, old acquaintance with a reputation to match his own. They had briefly done business, profited from the partnership and then moved on without the betrayal they had both expected, much to their mutual surprise.

He could work with that.

Thus, he had walked from his residence to Gramercy Park, buzzed the entryphone of a gated townhouse and waited, in full sight of the security camera. He waited a long time for a reply, but that was no surprise. She was a cautious one, when she managed to keep her vicious temper in check.


"Open the door, Demona. I am sure that you remember me and I would speak with you about certain matters that may be profitable to the both of us."

There was no reply, but the gate slid open. Good enough.
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AU Negaverse Forums Present: ToffeeQuest Interlude - And yet...
Special thanks to @Wolfy098 and @ExNihilo for helping me figure out how fakeQuotes work to access the Negaverse forums! Though I'm not sure if they're OUR Negaverse forums... Eh, I'm sure it's fine!


AU Negaverse Forums Present: ToffeeQuest Interlude - And yet...


SiFron1 said:
Okay, this is getting a little hugboxy. Need I remind you all that we are Fucking Toffee!? We have successfully manipulated so many people so well we're practically Social Xanatos.

Now, from what little I've seen of Doof, he's essentially another Ludo! The 'not so bad and harmless goofball' villain archetype for the sheer purpose of getting lambasted! The fact that the DC had to be corrected from the DC for our DEEP CORN (which, admittedly, had an irresistably delicious DC of 0) project to ??? is not the end all be all! And need I remind you:

The GM has made that mystery DC be... shall we say deceptively low before?
EScepter said:
...damn, you've got a point. Still, we've got to wait and see on the Interlude.
ExMachina said:
Dude, I've actually seen the show, and Doofenschmirtz is not THAT incompetent. Barring getting fooled by a Platypus, he can be rather observant when he's not revenge crazy. And when he does get revenge crazy... well, without Perry around, I for one do not want to see what Inator he'd turn against us.


DirtyDeedsDoneDirtCheap said:
Interlude: And yet...

[ ] Approach Doofenshmirtz with an offer
DC 0 ???
99 + 38 + 30 + 25 = 192
Critical Failure!

You've fooled Ludo. You've fooled many, many people in a great many positions. These last few years have been a great streak for you on getting suckers to fall into your ploys. And yet you've forgotten a single most important cardinal rule due to your many, many years of success and experience.

No plan survives first contact with the enemy.

You sent Kalabar with the deal, expecting absolute success. The manchild would be wowed by showy magic and passable showmanship, the deal would literally be too good to pass up if his 'Greevil' and initial efforts to famine-proof his territory are of any indication, and his ignorance on you would do the rest.

And yet you've heard nothing from Doofenshmirtz. It's been a few weeks - surely the paperwork should have been sent in by now.

On a whim, you contact Kalabar. In a matter of moments -surprisingly sooner than expected - the warlock is before you looking a bit unnerved.

"He didn't take the deal!"

You pause. Kalabar had come to you personally to deliver this news and was making preparations to do so before you contacted him, given the current project you have him on.

"I checked the enchantments you had me weave on the card," He mentioned. "They had not been dispelled, but they were broken nonetheless. I did a little digging, and..."

Kalabar looks like he swallowed a lemon when he had been expecting to eat corn. It was a very distinct expression of confusion that Toffee had personally seen just often enough that promised nothing good.

"...he destroyed it within an hour of me leaving the office."

You stiffen as your mind races through the possibilities. The enchantments had not been dispelled, so there was a good reason to believe he hadn't lucked into a sufficient magic practitioner or they would have dispelled the magics first in case of scrying magic being woven into the mix - which admittedly was true to a degree. Additionally, the buffoon, even if he suspected Magic existed, wouldn't know the first thing about real magic or how it worked without a practitioner - not unless those 'Inators' you've read about were a lot less scientific than advertised.

This meant he had another reason to turn down the deal. He has been recruiting a lot of talent recently, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that he had picked up another means of food. But it would take time for even technical geniuses to get something up and running such as a new food source. Toffee's corn would be the perfect holdover in such an event.

And while the man no doubt had advisors, that sort of turnaround would be a hard sell even if he had a talented spymaster or diplomat. No, scratch that - he would have to have one on hand to help him even if he wasn't an exceptionally trusting buffoon, so there's no doubt some sort of competent intel operation going on that was working against you.

But you were confident in your assessment of the Doctor. Which meant that there had to be a second, incredibly solid factor to possibly compel and drive him to turn down the deal. There was only one reasonable, horrifying conclusion to draw from this. It didn't seem conceivable or possible, and yet...

"The diseased lunatic from Danville saw through us," You conclude, showing the barest amount of emotion in the process, which seems to have terrified Kalabar.

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz was smarter than he let on.


You have failed to make Dr. Doofenshmirtz take the deal! You have gained a -30 on all diplomacy rolls involving Dr. Doofeshmirtz! You have discovered the presence of a hidden bonus of Doofenshmirtz - Diseased Lunatic! You have unlocked additional Intrigue Actions towards DEI!

Additional misfortune has been caused by the Natural 1 Event roll! Expect more repercussions from this action in the future.


LudoNarrative said:

EDIT: ...oh fuck.
Kitty 102 said:
LudoNarrative said:
Shut up. /jk

But uh. We've got a big problem now. Goddamn it, who would have thought that the Natural 1 applied to Doofenshmirtz of all people!?
ExMachina said:
Welp. Time to prepare for the Doom-Inators to fire on us when they're most unexpected. And by that I mean COMPLETELY EXPECTED!
MsOrc said:
Wait. We got a Nat 1. It somehow applies directly to Doofenshmirtz. And, as it turns out thanks to the Gala Derail, we know that Star had been sighted in Danville, where DEI Headquarters is no doubt located.

Does anyone want to bet that Dr. Doofenshmirtz has somehow recruited Star Butterfly and, thus, knows everything that we've done?
SiFron1 said:


TheodoreLawyer said:
I believe you were Kalabare'd?

I still don't think you're right on that front, but he is, in fact, a King, and more importantly he's been snatching up extremely competent help, which no looks like it includes Star Butterfly - aka the little girl who surprisingly still somehow is the biggest threat to us despite Phobos practically being on our doorstep! I don't think he's smart or competent, but he might be just smart enough to surround himself with competent people to make up for that, which is apparent with how this interlude turned out.

And now do you believe me when I say that you shouldn't be underestimating people like you have been?

To be fair, that's the only reasonable assumption we could make. We know she was in the area, and the only other major threat to our power would be Marco, who we are keeping an eye on right now. I mean, who else could it be to trigger the Nat 1? Janna? She's still in our unofficial borders and not a protagonist even besides that.
Gobi said:
SiFron1 said:
@ Gobi if it turns out that the nat one is, of all people, Janna Ordania, I'll eat my fucking shorts. It has to be Star, End of Discussion.


AN: I decided to post this anyway, since I figure that it'll be a while, if at all, before I get an answer to my question about the entirely dubious idea of Negaverse canonicity. Not to mention whether or not Toffee knows we took the deal or not is actually still up in the air, on top of how he knows/if he knows how quickly we shut him down or not is already a crapshoot as it is. This is better being entirely non-canon in the end now that I've had time to sleep and think on it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find a metronome sound in my own house driving me mad and watch Star Vs.

EDIT: Since this was already decided AU anyway, I decided to make some fake stats to sell the idea that Toffee had no chance against us. And yes - the extra +25 was entirely from Toffee's obscene buffs that he's getting from Corn. Shoulda gone with project DEEP CORN first, bucko.
EDIT 2: Credit to @MrHobbit For the possible freakout over Star in the fakethread. It was a good enough idea that I couldn't resist editing it in.
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Negaverse D: Judge Doom
Took a peak inside the Doom Negaverse Thread. Saw this:
Negaverse D: Judge Doom
Jack0fAllTrades said:
Do you think Doofenshmirtz is gonna retaliate? I mean, we did put him in a pretty tight spot with the SRA thing.
M@ximus said:
Oh, come on, what's he gonna do? Fire his Waffle-inator at us? Come on, guy's a total douche that just keeps getting lucky. The only real threat he poses is throwing his ragtag group of misfits he calls a "board" at us.
ClintonKimberly said:
He raises a fair point. Although Doof has several toons under his employ, the only notable ones are Goofy, Wile E. Coyote, and that dumb duck that foiled our "assassination". And really, unless Coyote gets lucky, the duck's the only semi-real threat.
Jack0fAllTrades said:
You all do make sense. But I still say we should tell Hawk to take a peak into Danville. Letting Doof just sit there, scheming, doesn't sit right with me.
Loki_Odinson said:
Yeah, better safe than sorry.
SuperboyPrime said:
[ ] Spy on Doofania
DC 160
Critical Failure

You don't know how Doofenshmirtz did it, but he did; he ran circles around Hawk for a whole two months, leading him on a series of wild goose chases! He was tricked into thinking some of his loyal agents were compromised and turned his network inside out looking for any potential moles (and found none). He got convinced Doof's next big plan was to enter a pro-toon economic partnership with Glomgold, and was convinced that minor Californian celebrity Mister Sparkles was somehow vital to the deal. He even managed to be sent on a 5 day business trip to a convention center that never actually existed. All the while, Doof was drip feeding Alonso just enough true information to keep him from ever suspecting he'd been had. It was a performance to make Garbo salute. And it was done by a moron.

Near the end of it, you considered firing Hawk for the poor performance, but the Hawk stumbled across a number of minor victories against the man, so...

Intrigue Check: Is something fishy here?
DC 200

Eh, you guess Doof just slipped up at the end there. Must have been too busy with what he was planning that last week.

Doofenshmirtz must have gotten one of his toons to help him in this, because someone spent seven straight days engineering increasingly complex circumstances in which Hawk would slip on a banana peel. In all, Alonso slipped on twenty-seven banana peels, three of which threw out his back. He slipped everywhere from his place of work to his dead drops, his front door to his favorite restaurant, and in one case even in his own bedroom. You have no idea how it happened, only that a toon had to have been involved. No one else can pull of that joke that well.

Alonso Hawk has been completely befuddled!
You take a -10 to all Intrigue actions for the next few turns, plus an additional -15 to intrigue against Doofenshmirtz!
You have delayed your decision on whether to try and replace Hawk with someone better.
She-Ra said:
Jack0fAllTrades said:
I hate it when I'm right.
Loki_Odinson said:
M@ximus said:
Calm down, man, it can't have been that long. No way he would have just sat on this for months on end. Still, though, this complicates things. No way could someone like Goofy or Coyote pull this off. My guess is either Pete or... oh, no.

Has Doof recruited the Phantom Blot?!?!
ClintonKimberly said:
OH NO!!! If he really did, we're done for! No one escapes the Blot!!! We need a plan and fast! Doof has a large advantage over us, we have to counter it. Gentlemen, this means war!!
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Fireball Shiny, Episode 1
And now for something completely different.




"Oy, Doofenshmirtz? Where are you, Doofenshmirtz"

"Right here my lady. Incidentally, my name is Gedachtnis-"

"Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking, Malifishmirtz"

"I apologize."

"...this is definitely a new season, isn't it?"

"Yes. I think we must have switched to an entirely different format, my lady."


"Formerly, our jokes were based off of wordplay. Now, they seem to be based off the written word of a different language."

"...A language that we cannot communicate in."

"It is likely that the human writing this did not think of such issues, or is ignoring them. At the very least, the language is not overloaded with slang."

"Was that not in an episode from a past season?"

"Yes. I believe this is what is known as the 'call back.'"

"Ah, but I haven't even been to a talent agency. Clearly my beauty has been noticed."



"...the wordplay jokes have continued even into this season."



Gedachtnis a.k.a. Tauri 34
Drossel a.k.a. Juno XIV

Have you ever stepped into an alternate dimension, before?

What am I saying. Of course you have! You've been in a post office, right? An airport terminal. A particularly long parking lot, or a Buy N Large, after midnight. One of those "liminal spaces" those kids online are always going on 'bout.

But you've never noticed that you were doing so, probably. Beyond, of course, that vague sense in the back of your spirit that you are someplace you weren't, just a moment ago.

That's because you are/aren't, of course. Most dimensions that are near each other look an awful lot like each other, you see. The same thing, but slightly to the left. Everything and everyone is as you know it, but there's a few air molecules displaced around your pinky toe that weren't before. Things like that.

You walk out of those liminal places, and you and the alternate-universe double you swapped with are... probably back where you belong? And if not, well, no one will ever notice. Not even you.

...or maybe I'm just blowing smoke up your keister. Other dimensions are things of science fiction, after all. Who knows how they function, really, or if they even exist? And no one knows how post offices work, come right down to it.

But certain assumptions can be made, when everything is taken into consideration. Once one stops blowing smoke, and starts considering statistics and chaos theory, the likeliest answer becomes entirely clear. Any dimension, contrasted to our own, is likeliest to be one of two things. And yes, either it will be shockingly similar to ours - nearly indistinguishable - identical in almost every way -

- but also, it may be wildly different. The kind of different that only an entirely aside set of physics could account for.

What it won't be is the middle ground. There's not gonna be any of that sci-fi nonsense, should other dimensions ever be proven to exist. No mirror universe where everyone has an evil goatee. No alternate timeline where so-and-so evildoers won this-or-that war. No ocean worlds, where everybody's a mermaid, but everything else otherwise ticks on as it always has.

And it's not gonna be the same as Earth, except that everyone is the opposite gender. That's the kind of stuff you'd only see on bad shows on TV.

It is dark out, and has been for some time. There is a container of Chinese takeout - teriyaki chicken with chickpeas - that is going gummy after hours of being untouched. There is the noise of crashing trash cans, outside.

Ludwig von Drake, leading scientific expert on everything, stares into the boob tube, reflecting.

He is... he is he. Always has been. He is he, and she is she. He is over here, and she is over there. He got the house, she got the car. Other than that, there are no differences, he thinks. And when Ludwig thinks, he tends to be... well, he tends to be an odd duck.

But he also tends to be right.

(Except, apparently, where Flubber is concerned, and where responsibility is concerned, and where people are concerned for you, Ludwig, you're pushing yourself too hard, Ludwig, take a break-)

He'd heard the press conference being announced, earlier that day. Had the opportunity to see what the hubub was, bub. Decided to skip out, because er, to be honest, the thought of watching it turned his feelings into a gordian knot that no amount of sideways thinking was ever gonna untangle. Happy? Sad? Angry? Happy? Sad? Red? Blue? Red, red, yellow, yellow, purple, orange, blue -

- green.

Ludwig considered himself a man of science. A duck of science. The duck of science. The method, the means, the meaning of science: the advancement of the modern mind was the creed Ludwig lived by.

But there was no scientific explanation for the shiver he'd felt run up his spine, earlier that day.

(More than a shiver. A certainty. But that thought's beyond mere not-science, beyond simple quantum entangling, or fairy tales, and reaching into the idea he'd had nightmares about, that maybe he'd split his very soul -)

A hunch, some might call it. Others might say what he did next was more a premontion. He'd made note of the time. He'd compared it to the timing of the conference, the events therein, making sure to take time zones into account.

And he'd watched the consequences come crashing down, with Ludivine left there in the rubble. Left there to foot the bill.


Specifically, the moment she'd dropped the - she called it vulcanization fluid? Just, that? Uncreative, unimagiantive, sloppy? Not even a snappy name, that's how little she thought this through?! - the vulcanization fluid. That was the moment of his premonition. The, the cold, the skip of the heartbeat.

The certainty that he was about to die.

It was a Eureka! moment, after a fashion, as most near-death experiences are. A self-contained truth. Evidence that he is she, and she is he, and that they are both, together, the same person. Ludwig/Ludivine, stretched out over time, liminal space, and two different consciousnesses.

It's the ultimate proof that their relationship is one grandiose, overwrought act of purest self-loathing.

But look again. See, like quantum states, how the evidence shifts, when observed. How a thought can be both a particle and a wave. The same moment, the same circumstance, the same Eureka!, and then the opposite realization:

She can't be him. They look vaguely alike, but they're from entirely different universes, in the end. Ludivine proved that the moment she lifted up that vial of Flubber for all to see, and doubled down the moment the vulcanization fluid hit the green, green, green.

Because Ludwig would never have done this.

And evidently, Ludivine would.

She is taken away in chains. He knows this. He's been told this. He doesn't have to have been told this, to know this. He hasn't watched it happen, though. Forgone conclusions are not... they are not scientific, you see. Science is about cataloguing the unknown, not watching as... is so hard for women to make a name for themselves, in such a male-dominated field. In such a male-dominated world, heh. So maybe that explains it: his own ego, his own achievements - beaten down, instead of propped up. It's no matter. The ruins are for archaeologists to dig through. He doesn't need to see her losing her... credibility. Her status. Her bright future. Her...


The TV flickers in the dark room. The clock creeps close to midnight. The air is stale, and muggy, even so late in the year, and carries the scent of spoiled teriyaki.

His finger has hovered over the rewind button, for some time.



He hits the play button.

"Wait, wait, no! It's safe, I'm telling yoo, dis was a total coincidence! Wun inna million chance! Let me joost try again and-!"

Ludivine hated him. She'd made that very clear. As clear as a shard of glass, between the ribs. He was a mature adult; he got why. He'd handled so much poorly: the genesis, the conditioning, the lack of peer review, the, the assumptions he made. The horrid ownership he presumed over another living, thinking being. Everything she had done since the moment she was born was hating him, and everything she had ever done was justified.

And he understood that. He liked to think he could fire back with the best of them, give as good as he got, pay enmity unto enmity, but the sheer fact of the matter was: Ludwig was an old man who assumed the world belonged to him, and Ludivine was a young woman who deserved a better world than his.

Sure, he hated her, too. But the scientific method, the creed he claimed to live by, is the revelation of truth. The one that Ludwig really hated was him, because he knew she was the hero of their shared story.

And he, the one with the goatee. The dark reflection.

She told him time would take him, the last time that they spoke. He was only part Toon, she reminded him, and therefore the furthest thing from timeless. She declared that when he was buried, she'd be there over his grave, to claim his work for herself, and do with it the things he never could. To be the second chance. To steer, instead of trampling. To move the world, without hurting the people living on it. To be him, but right, this time.

Because unlike Ludwig, she would choose to think.

"You lied to me."

He sits on a chair with a too-short leg, staring at the flicker of the screen, and Ludwig von Drake feels like he's all alone in this world.
Rodney Hears the News
Rodney hears the News

Rodney wasn't happy.

This wasn't anything new mind you, it seemed ever since that ingrate Heinz Doofenshmirtz managed to finally defeat his nemesis and conquer the Tri-State Area, he has begun sidelining LOVEMUFFIN and more importantly, Him, ultimately culminating in him arresting him after finally giving him something worthy of his resounding intellect!

Rodney had been following DEI on the prisons dilapidated computer, often struggling to run DoofOS. Why, if Rodney hadn't insisted on making sure the operating system could run on hardware from 1997, he was certain they'd still be using the Grid. Yet another thing Doofenshmirtz had refused to admit was a stellar move! Sure, that Alan guy nearly drove his head through his desk in frustration when he was told about Rodney's magnificent achievement, but such is the fate of simpletons who somehow find themselves in a position far above their actual level of competency!

The events that had transpired since his arrest had been a mix bag. On one hand seeing things like the Super-powered cats attacking his city and meat monsters rampaging throughout it were greatly amusing, but it seemed for every bad thing that happened to Heinz, the doctor would perform a personal attack against LOVEMUFFIN themselves! First, he'd send that Simpleton who couldn't even comprehend the genius LOVEMUFFIN had brought unto the world with DoofOS, work with Olympia to make a new OS! A Replacement for the greatest accomplishment LOVEMUFFIN had brought to the company, a task so far below them that they brought up to their heights! Dr. Dimunutive almost fainted when he heard the news! Then, the new kid (Ok, man in like, his early 50s or something) in LOVEMUFFIN who had the gall to miss the "Last Hurrah of LOVEMUFFIN" as the locals called it got Hired and put on a... well the news reports weren't entirely sure, but you figured it had something to do with that magic stuff Heinz refused to let you near since Gomez seemed interested in studying that. Finally, while put on ice he made it so his inner circle included two of the people Rodney hated almost as much as Doof himself, Janus and Ludivine. Sure, his secretary Ms Pena was the one to actually choose who went on the council, but the fact two idiots such as them got on while he was left to rot in prison was obviously a jab!

Rodney began to fondly remember the many, many revenges he'd gotten on Janus and Ludivine. That time he borrowed Alan's computer on his sick day last January to sneak a message into DoofOS' Command Console that compared the Duck negatively to him (He still doesn't understand why Alan was so upset when his first attempt at a firewall failed and he had to make a new one over it), or when he slipped Clorox into some petridishes Janus was using with that blubbery fool Jumba, cleaning the Cat Skin Samples and putting the Cat-Inazor (since why else would they be scanning kitten DNA) they were making on hold!

Rodney knew Ludivine was having a company livestream over her latest research project, and he used his old login information on the company website to get access to it. His derision turned to confusion then outright glee as it dawned on him exactly what was happening on screen. Ludivine, the fool, had decided to experiment with Flubber in a meeting room. He heard the boom in real time just as the livestream crashed from the explosion.

This was amazing, it was exciting, soon, she would realize what the doctor DOES to those who break his things, she'd be thrown in the cell next to his, no, she'll be tossed into Impel Duck itself! Doofenshmirtz will never be able to admit to allowing her to do this, he'd prioritize saving his own hide and...

"Se terminaron sus 15 minutos Señor Rodney"

Oh drat Killbot was right, his computer time for the day was over, he'd have to wait til tomorrow to see what fate the feathered fool had brought upon herself and DEI.

The next day Rodney quickly checked the news articles on the computer, ecstatic to see the mugshot of the Duck only to find that Heinz shielded her! He claimed it was his reckless handling of the substance and their research of it that caused the explosion, and Ludivine was merely the girl who pured the glass! This was outrageous! It was unfair! How could she break his things, and not get tossed into jail with the rest of them!

He quickly took a seat and began to ponder, and realized yes, of course, it was so infallibly simple. Ludivine never experimented with Flubber on her own volition, she and the Doctor were working together to get his hopes up just to dash them. Rodney began to plot, and came with a plan of unparalleled cunning.

As Rodney was being taken out of what was left of his cell after his Flubber-Inazor exploded taking down an entire wall and began being walked to the Armored Car preparing to take him to Impel Duck he called out to the Warden of the Jail who was also getting a transfer to another facility sometime soon. "Curse you Louis Walker the Prison Warden, Curse You!"
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It Won't Stop Haunting
Omake: It Won't Stop Haunting
It had been going on for the past seven minutes. An endless stream on non-stop laughter coming from the break room of the main DEI building. Every time it seemed to be dying down, it just redoubled right back up again. No one could figure out what was going on in there, not even you, and that bugged you. However, you had been working a lot of them pretty hard lately you supposed they deserved a break or two every now and then to relax, unwind, and laugh, in their own, private time that was none of your-

"Oh, it won't stop flushing~!"


You dashed over and threw open the door, not caring about privacy or manners or anything (and you were evil, what good was that stuff to you?). In it, Russ and Mirage were supporting each other as they hunched over giggling their butts off. Goofy, Max, Janna, and Lizzie were rolling around on the floor laughing. Francis was supporting himself against a nearby wall so he didn't completely fall over, Hego on his knees right next to him, hugging the wall with religious fever.

But that didn't matter. None of that mattered. Nothing else mattered except the computer on the desk on the far side of the room, playing... that video.

As the video ended and the countdown to the replay started, Mirage and Russ fell back against the countertop, laughing so hard they were crying. Hego finally fell to the floor with the other four and Francis fell to his knees, chortling loudly.

"I'm so glad my suffering is amusing to you."

Attention was drawn to where you had huddled up in the corner, idly moving your index finger back and forth across the tiles. You were now so depressed, a raincloud had formed over your head and was starting to rain.

"Dr. D?" Goofy questioned as he paused the loop and looked over at his depressed boss. "What's wrong?"

"Is this about the video?" Janna asked.

You nodded sadly.

"Then why would you post that?" Russ asked.

You sighed and started to explain.

"Did you ever have an old box of junk that's just been sitting in the attic forever? And you think, 'I bet I could just get rid of this whole box and my life would go on completely unaffected by the loss of whatever may be inside!' Like, for instance, an old forgotten video tape made in high school?" You turned back to your circle of trust with the absolutely most broken and sad expression any of them had ever seen. "Look in the box, guys," you warned miserably. "Always. Look. In. The box."

Mirage knelt down and put her hand on the good doctor's shoulder. "How bad?" she asked gently.

You let out a moan of despair and slammed your head against the wall. "It ruined my life for months! I-I-I couldn't even go outside my own evil lair!"

You pulled out an old tape recorder from your lab coat and hit play. It suddenly said in an obnoxious voice, "Hey, look! It's that idiot from the video!" Upon the word "idiot" obnoxious and cruel laughter erupted from the tape, mocking and pointing. Everyone in the room grimaced and Monogram looked at the ground, looking a bit ashamed of himself. Sure, he wasn't your biggest fan, but it was nice to know he cared enough to feel guilty that he had help bring back these negative feelings.

You hit stop. "And that was just my kitchen!" you said. That got a lot more guilty glances.

Max came up to you and patted your arm. "I know the feeling," he said. "Between being a total klutz and the son of one of the most renowned goofballs of the century? 'Goof' might as well have been my first name, as well as a bunch of others." Goofy didn't know what to say to that, so he just decided to let Max have this moment, which you appreciated.

Janna sighed and sat down at the break table. "I collected weird things. All the time," she said. "If that didn't cause a negative public reaction, I don't know what did."

"Ant girl. Enough said," Liz added, pointing at herself.

Russ patted you on the back awkwardly alongside Monogram. They didn't say anything, but you appreciated the gesture nonetheless

"Dr. D," Goofy said. "We all may have our moments and our differences, but... something like this? It won't be able to define you. That'll only happen if you let it. And you can be sure we won't let that happen. Trust me, I would know!" He laughed.

You look up at them and smile tearfully as you see them smile back at you as the raincloud above your head clears up. "You're right," you said. "Thanks, Goofy. Hey, did I ever tell you guys my plan to fix that problem? See, it started when my nemesis..."

As you told the story, nobody noticed Technor jotting down notes for their next therapy session. After all, this was a massive breakthrough for Doof that had to be explored upon the earliest opportunity.

A/N: It's a part of Doof's life story. They had to see it sometime. Also, it might be a little bit more loyalty bonding, assuming this gets canon status.
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Vae Victis
Vae Victis

Xanatos was beaten. All that was left was to make his defeat official. It was an unusual thing, even rare, but it was hardly a unique occurrence.

Well, official for the three people who knew about it. After all, the simplest way to have a reputation for invincibility was to never let people know for sure he had ever lost.

When Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz first bought up 80% of the tinfoil in the United States, surprisingly few people actually took notice and even fewer cared. 'Companies buy unusual things all the time, why would Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc be any different? He probably has some use for it.'

For Xanatos and those closest to him, noticing the preparations of the 'Pharmacist from Danville' and making wagers on what crazy scheme he would pull out next was a simple amusement, a pleasant diversion from the more serious things in life.

This time, though speculation had run rampant as the imagination behind those two spectacular intellects came up with scenario after scenario, the final wager between Xanatos and his significant other had been simple:

Would the Doofenshmirtz plan involve tinfoil hats?

Whether a multitude of hats, enough for everyone in the Tri-State Area, an attempt to make the worlds largest tinfoil hat, or some other means, such as a fashion line of tinfoil clothing, it all counted.

Xanatos said yes. Fox said no, proclaiming it to be something far more ludicrious.

Looking out at the New York skyline and seeing the familiar sight covered up by a truly preposterous amount of tinfoil, they both knew who had won.

Fox pretended not to be smug.

Xanatos pretended not to notice.

It was all part of the tradition surrounding this little ritual.

With a long-suffering sigh that only served to betray the deep affection the man felt, Xanatos reached out, grabbed an object and dramatically slid it across the table until it reached the position before Fox.

Fox reached up over her shoulder, closed her hand around the spoon held by their faithful butler, and began to eat the large bowl of chocolate pudding.

She practically purred while eating it. It was delicious, as they all knew it would be. Among his many other talents, Owen was a genius culinary chef.

Defeated and humbled, yet not broken, Xanatos took his own (considerably smaller) bowl and got to eating. The dessert continued in silence, with only a brief distraction when the giant mass of tinfoil was suddenly pulled west.

(None of the trio noticed the rollercoaster car flying past.)

(In either direction.)

It's been ages since I saw any Gargoyles so I didn't trust I had a good enough handle on the characters to write dialogue, so consider this a silent omake.

I don't have too much else to say about this, just had a flash of inspiration for how Xanatos might amuse himself in his personal life when someone requested it.

Because when all the world's a stage, why not laugh at the clowns?
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