Fireball Shiny, Episode 1
And now for something completely different.




"Oy, Doofenshmirtz? Where are you, Doofenshmirtz"

"Right here my lady. Incidentally, my name is Gedachtnis-"

"Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking, Malifishmirtz"

"I apologize."

"...this is definitely a new season, isn't it?"

"Yes. I think we must have switched to an entirely different format, my lady."


"Formerly, our jokes were based off of wordplay. Now, they seem to be based off the written word of a different language."

"...A language that we cannot communicate in."

"It is likely that the human writing this did not think of such issues, or is ignoring them. At the very least, the language is not overloaded with slang."

"Was that not in an episode from a past season?"

"Yes. I believe this is what is known as the 'call back.'"

"Ah, but I haven't even been to a talent agency. Clearly my beauty has been noticed."



"...the wordplay jokes have continued even into this season."



Gedachtnis a.k.a. Tauri 34
Drossel a.k.a. Juno XIV
The showrunners treated it as a dream he can sometimes pull experiences rather than saying he's an adult in a child's body. Later he would return to the dimensions where he was an adult again for another episode that revisits one of the million adventures he had off screen.
That's rather strange but it would get around the strangeness of a 30-year-old going to school with kids half his age.

Hmm, the show happened when Janna was 15. Presumably, anyways, Marco was apparently fifteen during the show. That means that Toffee has been in power for around three years. And it would mean that we could hire the two without any qualms about child labor! :V
I been working on a fireball Omake but it hard show to put into a written format,
also in a different language then the one I speak.
If we want to get really crazy about how to unseat Doom:

Replicate the Sinatron tech to make replicas of people.
Make one of Doom.
Stage an incident where our replica, impersonating Doom, is revealed as a toon.
Doom, naturally, goes "oh hey that's not me", but when he says as much:
We plant someone in the crowd who demands Doom dip himself as proof that he's not a toon.

1) A Sinatron-like robot couldn't do the things that only a toon could do, such as walk off having an anvil dropped on them without noticeable ill effect. Well OK, we probably COULD design a Doomatron that could survive having an anvil dropped on him, but he wouldn't survive it the way a toon would, which would still defeat the purpose.

2) Dip is actually carcinogenic and toxic to humans, just to nowhere near the degree that it's harmful to toons. Doom has a pretty good excuse to refuse.

Ehhhh, there's an argument to be made that she knew they wouldn't go along with her suggestion/she wasn't serious about it and just likes being seen as the practical one.

After all, I'd argue that "kill the literal child" and "do not steal a wheelchair you sicko" aren't arguments that a single person would be able to make with both arguments being sincere (without some really major character development at least).

Shego likes making fun of her boss, pointing out how dumb this stuff can get sometimes, being snarky, and being seen as practical and ruthless. That doesn't mean that she always means what she says.
Then again, presumably by the point where Drakken and Shego are seriously discussing doing something as ridiculous as going back in time to harass a single four year old child, it's because she has already foiled them several times. In which case by that point Shego and Kim have probably gotten into multiple confrontations. Confrontations in which, Shego being Shego, she has probably willingly attacked Kim with lethal force, and been put in some pretty damn dangerous and unpleasant situations at Kim's hands, yes?

Being willing to snark about killing your nemesis, whom you have shot at with plasma bolts before and who has put you in serious danger if not outright tried to kill you with attacks that could have done the job if they hit you squarely or whatever...

Might feel a bit different from being willing to go along with stealing a random kid's wheelchair.

Whut, how does that not make Marco's and Star's relationship weird?

Oh how I loath time distortion.
In fairness, it sounds like Marco spent that entire time just fighting and tracking in the wilderness and shit like that, with very little human interaction except with this Hekapoo character, and that only to catch her and extinguish those stupid flames.

He may have experienced thirty years of subjective time, but he still has no more social or relationship experience than the average teenage boy. So since the biological ages match, and the maturity levels still match apparently, and Marco hasn't actually turned into the kind of person who's capable of taking advantage of Star through being older and more experienced... I'll give this one a pass... maybe...

The showrunners treated it as a dream he can sometimes pull experiences rather than saying he's an adult in a child's body. Later he would return to the dimensions where he was an adult again for another episode that revisits one of the million adventures he had off screen.
OK, that's better.

If, psychologically, Marco is essentially a 14-year-old boy who can access a bunch of memories and skill sets he "remembers" from a parallel life (in which he spent very little time interacting with women and basically was just a wandering warrior the whole time), then that's better.
In order to acquire a pair of dimensional scissors from Hekapoo, Marco had to perform a challenge that would take him years to accomplish. Since he refused to give up, he actually went and did it. When Star returned to Hekapoo's dimension to pick him up, Marco was a manly adventuring hero in his 30s or so with years of experience and a living dragon motorcycle. He went back to his normal age when they got home because time works differently in Hekapoo's dimension or some other reason, and the show would dance around/ignore the subject of whether or not Marco was mentally an adult now.

The showrunners treated it as a dream he can sometimes pull experiences rather than saying he's an adult in a child's body. Later he would return to the dimensions where he was an adult again for another episode that revisits one of the million adventures he had off screen.

Narnia rules, essentially. Well, actually I don't think they instantly matured as much when they went back in Narnia, but basically Narnia rules.
In fairness, it sounds like Marco spent that entire time just fighting and tracking in the wilderness and shit like that, with very little human interaction except with this Hekapoo character, and that only to catch her and extinguish those stupid flames.

He may have experienced thirty years of subjective time, but he still has no more social or relationship experience than the average teenage boy. So since the biological ages match, and the maturity levels still match apparently, and Marco hasn't actually turned into the kind of person who's capable of taking advantage of Star through being older and more experienced... I'll give this one a pass... maybe...
No, he made many long term friends and enemies on his quest in that dimension. He comes back at a later time and reunites with an old ally to save Nachos.
No, he made many long term friends and enemies on his quest in that dimension. He comes back at a later time and reunites with an old ally to save Nachos.
OK, that would make it distinctly more fucky... if not for the whole "it's like a bunch of dreams to me, stuff I remember happening that didn't really alter my personality because I don't carry it with me in the way you'd logically expect if I'd experienced it personally."

Sort of like Marco has a huge pile of tape recordings archived in his brain of "Stuff My Alternate Self Did For Sixteen Years," and he can access the tapes and subjectively be aware of what's in them, but he isn't shaped by them somehow. Or like how some SF settings have bullshit-tier abilities to literally upload skills and knowledge into a person's brain.
...dang it, I was already suspecting it was the Enigma machine this entire time!

And I got caught up in trying to Vigenere it with the rest of you lot!

Ah well.
I'm going to offer one last miniature hint for tonight. To successfully decipher the cipher, you need three things.

0. Cryptography geekery
1. Thread analysis
2. Show knowledge
3. Skill in making the answer the most annoying thing imaginable
Oh yeah I suggestion I wanted to throw out, since Toffy is obviously keeping atleast some tabs on us going by this deal and our refusal, how about we hire the Detective Agency to look for Star and Marco? Its an unambiguously good mission, which is a great introduction for working with us, it only takes a Personal Action instead of a Intrigue Action, and Toffee isn't actively on the look out for the Agency Hero's compared to how he would be our people.
Oh yeah I suggestion I wanted to throw out, since Toffy is obviously keeping atleast some tabs on us going by this deal and our refusal, how about we hire the Detective Agency to look for Star and Marco? Its an unambiguously good mission, which is a great introduction for working with us, it only takes a Personal Action instead of a Intrigue Action, and Toffee isn't actively on the look out for the Agency Hero's compared to how he would be our people.
We've been through that, we're thinking yes, I think?

*sigh* I hope you know what you're doing...

You rang?
What would you do to make the Most Annoying Possible solution to a cipher, if you were MiH?
Would we still have to roll for the used personal action?
Like if they failed it but we rolled an 80, would that be construed as "they failed, but feel guilty about it"?
What would you do to make the Most Annoying Possible solution to a cipher, if you were MiH?
Hmmmm... well, if I wanted to be particularly cruel, I would do either one of two things. One, I could take the "You cheating dick!" route, and make an answer that I knew only I would be able to answer. But you optimistic whiney-pants don't wanna hear that, do ya? Life ain't fair to anyone, losers! Just sayin'!

But anyway, the other route I would go is the "You devious, conniving, little troll!" and make the answer very hard to find, but still possible. But only if you went over every little detail and paid very close attention. And I mean every detail and very close attention. Ha ha ha, oh the looks on their faces when I show them how stupid they are compared to me. I mean, it's not like they stood a chance or anything, like you guys stand no chance of cracking this thing, it's just the principle of the- you little shit.

Nope, that's you. And, you're done.
What would you do to make the Most Annoying Possible solution to a cipher, if you were MiH?
I don't know that much about cyphers but if it was to be annoying and not about ease. I would take 3 different cypher styles, and divide the message into three parts, I would then take each part run them through one of the three cyphers above, making sure each part uses a different cypher. Then I would recombine the message I would then cypher that with a completely different cypher. Then finally I would once again spilt it up into three parts throw them into the first cypher again then recombine the message. I would then have a indicator at were you would split up the messages so you would need to remove those to actually have a chance at getting the right message, but there usuful if you know what your looking for.

That's the quickest most assholest thing I can think of.

x-cypher 1 (Ceasar cipher)
y-cypher 2 (Affine cipher)
z-cypher 3 (Enigma machine)
I'm using the default settings on Cryptii for there ciphers.

Hello this is a message my friendos
Remove spaces
9 from the front and 9 from the back is how im separating it.
hellothis isamessagemy friendos


olssvaopz wuiqcuuimcqy iqedd yzr

Remove the spaces

Throw it into a new cypher (Vigenere cipher)


Divide it once more

qcqhoiwr qujbykwlgbvy gkhcswght


xjxovpdy kebnygolmnjy hjlri ipuq

Combine it


Add the markers to hint were to divide


Cap X and Y signal the divide as the only capital letters, and It hints at how many cyphers were used. When you divide it into three parts the only hint you would have would be the letters you removed which would signal to use three different cyphers for this part (xyz) once you do that then you combine it and run it through a differnent cypher not hinted in the cypher itself. Then after you decode that you use the first three ciphers again to finally get the msg.

I hope this was annoying enough
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