As per the request on Discord pinging @Paperclipped and @VelorienThe plan called to have Canvass sniff you over as you left the city, to make sure no trackers were on you. She smelled something weird on you that freaked her out, but it was faint. Probably a secondary contact, she thought. (i.e. it got on someone else, you interacted with that person enough to get some of it on you.)
Was the bad smell on just Hazou? Or was it on all three of Kei/Kagome/Hazou
I'd expect the first case if the source was Orochimaru or maybe Ino? And the second case if someone on the Goketsu estate was the source of the smell.
Also did Canvass have any details on how it smelled? Objects of comparison etc.
Also please tell me we scrubbed like crazy to get it off.