well that was nice and all, but we still need to meddle with Noburi's love life.

somebody ping me when there are votes doing that since I wasn't paying attention and missed the last vote
Anyone who keeps up with the thread better than me want to weigh in on whether this is more likely to be Hazo-pilot suggestion, or summary of thread thoughts? Probably something to keep in mind either way.
The Akane situation is basically like the kei mari situation, is more a conclusion that the best we can do is do nothing. Akane problema is not just death of infancy is that she realise that she have no fixed set of prínciples she needs space to find herself a bit but not too much space.
@Velorien, Drove a lot today, immediate relatives are being immediate relatives, and a general status of low spoons. I apologize if my wording or phrasing misses its intended mark.


This was a good-quality and wholesome update. I like it. Your portrayal of Kagome was a good one. You showed his conflicting insightfulness and social blindness ("no point if I don't solve it myself" versus "asking was wrong for some reason").

You also showed how Kagome retreats, somewhat, into Sealing and crypto (his fields of expertise) when he's embarrassed at a social failure. Further, you also managed to convey Kagome's frustration/acceptance/resignation at being a social invalid while also being aware of that that occasionally costs his loved ones (which is something that I can empathize with, personally).

You also continue to write the romantic subtext between Kei and Hazou with a masterful expertise (yes, I said it and I meant it, accept it as truth within your heart of hearts, or I will be forced to write a five paragraph essay expanding on this topic --with citations).

The fourth wall wink of Hazou asking if he should "join the winning side" was frustrating, but in a good way. It exhibits Hazou's evolving perspective about Snowflake (and maybe also Kei), framed as a joke for plausible deniability. We also got the lore-drop that Kei has never asked anyone out on her own initiative, which may also explain Snowflake's hesitance.

This is also indicative of Snowflake's continued digression from Kei (Snowflake asked Akane out on a date, rather directly).

I continue to anticipate Hazou's joining of the Snowglobe/Kittensphere, but I also recognize that such a thing (if it ever occurs) cannot be rushed and that you are writing it with an elegance I find myself envying.


I also think you managed to portray Mari quite well. She's resigned herself to her skill-set, and she's made a tentative peace with using it. But Mari still isn't wholly comfortable with her I&S specialization and feels morally lesser for it. So she uses it to heal and protect her family (helping them to grow as people and giving them the safety that is necessary for such growth).

I wonder if the Orochimaru Fiasco helped to reaffirm Mari's will? Momma Bear Mari for the win.

Anywho, Mari's better than where she was, but she's not quite there yet. And you portrayed that rather well.

@Velorien, your character writing continues to be a thing of beauty that leaves me pondering/analyzing the implications for literal weeks after the initial update. Overall, your writing abilities continue to be something I am repeatedly impressed by.

You are a good writer. Accept it, or I will compliment you again.

[Waves rolled up newspaper compliments like a threat]
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Kei and Hazou with a masterful expertise (yes, I said it and I meant it, accept it as truth within your heart of hearts, or I will be forced to write a five paragraph essay expanding on this topic --with citations).
Inmidiate relatives: "randomOTP this is an intervention, we believe your interest in the romance of two characters who clearly just love each other platonical/filially has caused...."
The Akane situation is basically like the kei mari situation, is more a conclusion that the best we can do is do nothing. Akane problema is not just death of infancy is that she realise that she have no fixed set of prínciples she needs space to find herself a bit but not too much space.
I disagree with this. With Kei/Mari, our actions towards Kei are unwelcome (nor do I think we are that well equipped to help), and the 'help' Mari needs with this is mostly at this point figuring out herself, which we are doing what we can there. Broadly I agree theres not much we can do there.

Akane's issue is a bit different. IIRC, we tried to directly confront the issue pretty bluntly, as if it were something to be fixed, and to be fixed quickly. She didn't take to this well, which honestly is fair. She has a lot of doubt going on. Taking active steps towards resolving her problems is something where the best we can do is nothing, at least for now. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything for her. Hazo points out what we can do in this update, which is take extra time to be there for her. Honestly, its likely not anything that needs to be particularly interesting, which is why I mentioned maybe it can just be background stuff, especially if neither QM has spoons for a fluffy date thing, but I think it is somewhat important if we want to move towards helping Akane to take the time to do it.

That said, I feel like Im talking in circles a bit here, or at least saying similar things, so Ill prolly leave it at that.
@Velorien, Drove a lot today, immediate relatives are being immediate relatives, and a general status of low spoons. I apologize if my wording or phrasing misses its intended mark.
Your post was moving and maybe something I needed to hear (though believing it is a work in progress). Ironically, this opening is the only thing that missed its intended mark, since it made me think "RandomOTP has criticism for me and is worried about it coming across as too harsh", so I was waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time I was reading the compliments. You really worry too much about your online self-expression.

Also, commiserations on your trying day. I hope you feel better by the time you read this.
You also continue to write the romantic subtext between Kei and Hazou with a masterful expertise (yes, I said it and I meant it, accept it as truth within your heart of hearts, or I will be forced to write a five paragraph essay expanding on this topic --with citations).
You say that like I wouldn't enjoy reading such an essay.

Honestly, its likely not anything that needs to be particularly interesting, which is why I mentioned maybe it can just be background stuff, especially if neither QM has spoons for a fluffy date thing, but I think it is somewhat important if we want to move towards helping Akane to take the time to do it.
To me, fluffy date things are one of the least spoon-expensive things one can write in MfD, and I would be surprised if @eaglejarl's experience was substantially different.
She sent him a complex puzzle," Keiko explained as if it should have been obvious, "on the understanding that his successful solving of same would serve as the foundation of a relationship between them. It is an act of flirtation at the very least, and the way in which it is tailored ideally to his interests speaks well of her romantic acumen."

"Hazō, seeing how long it took you to solve them was a test. Well, a bunch of tests, 'cause that's how I roll. You've already failed most of those, including the one that determines if you get the reward. That's expired now."

Hazō nodded. He wished he had a worthy rival of his own over whose impending defeats he could get so excited.

The answer is clearly to send Ami a puzzle.

I'm favoring literal nonsense coded to look like a puzzle, leaving Ami to either (A) think she has overlooked something, (B) think Hazou made an error with the coding and will try to work even harder to find it and point it out to Hazou, or (C) recognize it as nonsense.

Either way, Hazou gets his rival/love interest.

To avoid complete embarrassment from (C), I propose a very very simple and short code hidden in the middle of the nonsense.
The answer is clearly to send Ami a puzzle.

I'm favoring literal nonsense coded to look like a puzzle, leaving Ami to either (A) think she has overlooked something, (B) think Hazou made an error with the coding and will try to work even harder to find it and point it out to Hazou, or (C) recognize it as nonsense.

Either way, Hazou gets his rival/love interest.

To avoid complete embarrassment from (C), I propose a very very simple and short code hidden in the middle of the nonsense.
Plot twist: Make the code nonsense that hints at being not nonsense in a way that drives Ami sane with the possibility that Hazou is a creative mastermind or just fucking with her.
The answer is clearly to send Ami a puzzle.

I'm favoring literal nonsense coded to look like a puzzle, leaving Ami to either (A) think she has overlooked something, (B) think Hazou made an error with the coding and will try to work even harder to find it and point it out to Hazou, or (C) recognize it as nonsense.

Either way, Hazou gets his rival/love interest.

To avoid complete embarrassment from (C), I propose a very very simple and short code hidden in the middle of the nonsense.
Step 1) Have Hazou-the-character realize Ami is a plurality

Step 2) write a meaningful letter about how we accept her as she is, and that we look forward to learning more about her as time goes on. Maybe even reference the hair braiding moment for additional wholesomeness. Have the letter be stupidly earnest in the way that only Hazou can be.

Step 3) use a coded cypher, wherein each character/word (whatever the MfD native language uses) is replaced by a code number that directs the codebreaker to a book (maybe a published anthology of Minato's poetry). So the word "Hello" would look something like (4.38.8 as in "poem 4. Line 38. Word 8"). Without knowing what book Hazou is using (and we wouldn't be telling her), Ami would have to be accurately model Hazou's nature well enough to find out what book(s) he's using as a "base."


We could be cheeky and use that one Analysis of Yagura's My Vision (the one that interprets sexual congress to occur during the fifth date rather than the third, compounding the fact that Hazou-pilot wants to take things slowly --something Ami has teased us about before).

We could use the bog-standard WoF as a way to celebrate Ami's renationalization.

We could use Minato's poetry to express the empathy Hazou-pilot feels for Minato's character, and a self-aware nod to the fact that (much how Minato is bad at poetry...) Hazou is bad at cyphers, but is trying anyway in an attempt to connect with Ami on a greater level.

Random thought: we could do all 3 as a way of communicating all of that at once. It would appeal to Ami's mentality of "every singular action has more than one reason/goal/end."

We could make the cypher something like "" so it would be "Minato's Anthology. Fourth Poem. Line 38. Word 8." And then when we switch to the next book as a cypher, it would be "Next Book/WoF Doctrine. Chapter number. Line number. Word number."

If we really want to be subtle (which I say we should be, for maximum trolling), we could have Hazou play around with which parts of the letter are cyphered by which book. Because that would add a layer of nuance that would tie Ami's brain into knots.

"Hazou cyphered the sentence 'I look forward to knowing you all better, if you are all comfortable with such a thing' using [That One Interpretation of Yagura's My Vision]. Is he compounding that conditional 'if we're okay with that' by cyphering it in that material, or is he opening the door to an officially romantic relationship, but is also re-emphasizing his already-known desire to take romance slowly?"

If Hazou cyphers that same sentence with Minato's Anthology, is Hazou doubling down on the earnestness and self-aware amusement (Minato wasn't very good at poetry, Hazou isn't very good at cyphers) as a sort of in-joke, or is Hazou trying to borrow the connotative feeling that that specific Minato Poem has to emphasize his acceptance of the Ami System?

[Edit: We can have so much fun with this and turn the game on Ami for once! ^.^]

@Velorien, does this idea interest you [as in, would you be interested in writing such a thing]? Is there any way I could bribe you into hinting what Ami's reaction may be to such a gesture from Hazou?

Edit: use Earthshaping to encode the puzzle into a quartz tablet? Earthshaping is a noncombat jutsu (symbolism of olive branch/desire for a peaceful or cooperative relationship, but the puzzle itself maintains their mutual game of tag/one-upsmanship?) and the quartz created/shaped by a noncombat jutsu shows the value in cooperative/peaceful dynamics? Adds an additional layer for Ami to poke for.
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It occurs to me that some of my problems with this thread might be sidestepped by posting comments without looking at what others have posted. As such, I shall be giving that a try here. I have no desire to read or be involved in discussion at this time. Please do not ping me or reply to this post. I shall not be doing edits, and if you want any then please make a fork of the plan.

And @eaglejarl? If this passes? You're welcome.

[x] Action Plan: Giant Leaps in the Right Direction

  1. If Asuma has greenlit the KEI adoption system, and provided it isn't too damaging to our finances, go to the KEI leadership and negotiate to adopt the disabled/genin ninja who live on our property en-masse. Give them a triumphant welcoming speech if everything proceeds as planned.
    1. And Honoka, too (take Kagome when inviting her and her family).
  2. Work with Kagome to develop whatever tools he deems helpful in studying the rift.
  3. Go study the rift. Bring Sasuke and Hyuuga Motokazu again, if willing.
Step 3) use a coded cypher, wherein each character/word (whatever the MfD native language uses) is replaced by a code number that directs the codebreaker to a book (maybe a published anthology of Minato's poetry). So the word "Hello" would look something like (4.38.8 as in "poem 4. Line 38. Word 8"). Without knowing what book Hazou is using (and we wouldn't be telling her), Ami would have to be accurately model Hazou's nature well enough to find out what book(s) he's using as a "base."
We should number the books in order of Hazō's most to least favorite, rather than some already established numbering system, like volume number. That way Ami might not immediately solve it in the first 10 minutes, and she'll have to learn more about Hazō in order to solve it.

She's a social spec, so she'll probably solve that part easily enough anyway, but if she doesn't already know Hazō's favorites, in order, it should take her a decent amount of getting to know him if she wants to figure it out without tipping him off.

I am again reminded that sarcasm is an endemic cognitohazard, and I hate it.
Sorry if I'm misinterpreting your message, but while I'm not coldcutconvict I'm pretty sure their message wasn't sarcasm. RandomOTP is legitimately very good at compliments and being incredibly sincere.

To the point where I'm afraid he'll accidentally melt our evil QM's cold, frozen heart, and we'll end up getting updates of a happy Kei, frolicking with her happy and mentally stable polycule among a field of nonvenomous wildflowers. *shudders*

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Sorry if I'm misinterpreting your message, but while I'm not coldcutconvict I'm pretty sure their message wasn't sarcasm. RandomOTP is legitimately very good at compliments and being incredibly sincere.
I think that they were saying that my "abilities," such as they are, shouldn't be of note. That such skills should be common place, and that the widespread "endemic cognitohazard" of sarcasm and cynicism undermine that ideal.
I think that they were saying that my "abilities," such as they are, shouldn't be of note. That such skills should be common place, and that the widespread "endemic cognitohazard" of sarcasm and cynicism undermine that ideal.
Ahhhh. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense than my interpretation.

Now that I think about it, it would be pretty nice if schools taught empathy and social skills. I guess the assumption is that people will pick them up naturally from being around so many peers, but I (and I expect others like me) would have greatly benefited from learning them in a classroom context. Something where you know what it is you're supposed to be learning, for one thing. Unfortunately I feel like my country at least would have massive trouble implementing that, since education funding has been being cut to the point where 'extra' classes like music and art are being cut.

Now I'm imagining how helpful it would be, just to have a class that teaches about empathy, to give kids something to think about and apply when interacting with each other. I would think that would reduce bullying to some extent, and make kids more well adjusted growing up.
[X] Action Plan: Queen and ACE
Length: 10(?) Days
Word Count: 121
  • Help Mari and Kagome in whichever way Mari instructs.
    • Reassure Kagome that we believe in him.
    • Talk to Kumokugo about Kagome's social issues, request leniency.
  • Meet with Noburi to see the results of his ACE training.
    • If Noburi is unable to safely determine the effects, request that Kabuto examines Noburi again to see if he can safely cast Shadow Clone.
    • If so, request permission for Noburi to learn SC from Asuma.
    • Congratulate Noburi on being the first Goketsu to finish ACE training. Ask all Goketsu to begin ACE training.
  • Kagome's meeting with Kumokugo.
    • Kagome's POV.
  • Offscreen
    • Spend time with Akane as reasonable.
  • Sealing: The easier of chakra adhesion activated ARS and two output ARS.
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[] Action Plan: Being There for Her
Words: tbd
  • Sanity check with Mari.
  • Take a day, no Shadow Clone Training. Use Shadow Clones to do Clan Head paperwork and daily stuff. We can take a day.
  • Spend the day with Akane. Be there for her. She's not ready to talk about it yet, but we can be there for her, until she is.
  • Do what she wants. Eat her favorite meals with her.
  • If Akane doesn't want to make decisions, then spend a day together walking around Leaf, eat at the Jaybird, maybe meet up with Noburi for a mid-afternoon tea (with Akane), and then watch sunset/night sky atop a skytower.
  • Don't pressure, don't push. Spend time with her. Show Akane that we love her unconditionally. That we're here for her, in whatever capacity she needs.
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Sounds good to me. I keep missing vote deadlines, so even if its still a bit WIP...

[ ] Action Plan: Being There for Her
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